problematicPanther , avatar

so apparently google search is just shitty now, that's the takeaway here.

fmstrat ,

Postgres is a weird one. The first link probably answers the query, just click the latest version (or your version) once you are there.

The problem is probably so many systems run old versions, so the results skew.

laughterlaughter ,

It doesn't matter. List all the crap you want, but show me the most up to date official documentation for the postgres "IN" operator in the very first result! It can't be that hard.

fmstrat ,

But the 9.6 version, or 11 version, could be the most popular.

laughterlaughter ,

Well, in that case it's a shitty search engine if it doesn't offer accurate results.

And, well, that's what we have with Google.

un_blob , avatar

Well internet enshitification is real...

snaggen , avatar

You are confusing Google and Internet.... they are very different things.

Sonotsugipaa , avatar

Judging by Google's chokehold over web browsers and websites in general, they're not that different...

laughterlaughter ,

You're confusing the web with the internet. But I don't blame you because OP did that too.

jnk ,

Doesn't mean the statement is less true, the enshitification of google is a symptom, the disease is the internet as a whole. Google and LLMs screwing the web, M$ screwing windows, Apple's existence by itself, Meta monopolizing and screwing social media, and don't get me started with streaming platforms and other media industries are all symtoms.

Considering all of that, yes, the internet enshitification is very real.

laughterlaughter ,

Symptoms of what?

But anyway, the cool thing about the internet is that you can find your nice cozy niche and stay there.

That's how the 90s internet was. If the megacorps want to be in here, fine. I'll just stay in Lemmy. And when Lemmy starts sucking, I'll move to somewhere else.

MHanak ,

It's not just google, google is just the most popular, so a lot of the seo is targeted for it

belated_frog_pants ,

I mean its both but....

jezza ,

This is why I've really grown attached to Kagi (paid search engine).

It's made the internet usable again.
I'm honestly surprised how much of difference there is.
I'd really recommend people give it a shot. (there's a free trial for it)

meliaesc ,

A paid search engine... 🤔

filcuk ,

We've been conditioned. Everything has a cost.

jezza ,

People expect a free thing to always have your best interests at heart.

Kagi makes sense to me.
I pay for a product.

(just as a random side note, lenses alone would make it worth it)

dan , avatar

Many people would prefer a paid service over an ad supported one.

meliaesc ,

I generally agree with that, but as an aggregation service it would need to justify not providing any actual content/information with its price structure. The same argument against AI models trained with user data.

monobot ,

It still costs money for hardware and hosting. Scraping web and training AI ain't cheap.

ikidd , avatar

Many people would prefer that their search history isn't associated to personal and payment information.

Corigan ,

I'd be curious to sign up if the paid version wasn't search capped.

I search a lot of random stuff or typo etc I feel like I'd burn through the allowance in 2 weeks

verdigris ,

Isn't Kagi an AI company with a bunch of shady shit going on? I'm always extremely skeptical of these posts.

jezza ,

I never heard anything before this, so I looked around, and there's definitely some posts about it.

I'll have to give them a read.

For now, ignore my recommendation, as I don't yet fully know my stance on this, with the information provided.

However, I can say that I've been super happy with the search results.
I don't use their email service.
Just the search and the access to all of the LLMs that are out there.

cschreib ,

I don't know what shady shit you're referring to. They do AI, but I don't use any of that. IMO their core strength is the search engine and how it works for you rather than against.

SecretPancake ,

Third result in DDG.

samara ,

"The Man Who Killed Google Search"

Vilian , here's a hackernews discussion about that article

andxz ,

That was an interesting read, thank you.

jonasw ,


First result is the official documentation with the page that contains information about the in operator

This was the result:

BUT it is the documentation for 9.0

Though if I would use postgresql documentation very often I could just use the Kagi feature that rewrites URLs with a regex, so I can replace it always with the latest version.

Kagi Documentation for that feature:

Some use cases of redirects include:

  • Change domains to a preferred domain ( to
  • Fixing links to outdated documentation with bad SEO
  • Rewriting proxied pages (like Google AMP) to their source URL
  • Changing any http link to https
Woovie ,

Interesting, my Kagi results gave W3Schools, geeks for geeks, and before the official docs, but hey still way better than OP's results!

jonasw ,

Kagi has search personalization where you can lower/raise/pin specific domains (one of kagis main selling points) and I blocked geeks for geeks and w3schools, as these are irrelevant for me and I don't want them in my results

pkill ,

can't you do that on a self-hosted searxng? I know you can do that with YaCY, but YaCY search results kinda suck

jonasw , (edited )

I don't think that's possible with searxng (but I'm not 100% sure, but I can't seem to find that feature)

I know there are browser extensions which can filter out domains in search results for different search engines like google and duckduckgo.

But the pinning/lowering/raising is a bit trickier to implement as an extension, because what kagi does is basically:

  1. Load 3 pages of search results in the backend
  2. Show a result as the first entry if it matches a rule for pinning
  3. Influence the search ranking algorithm with the lower/raise rules of the user
  4. Filter out blocked domains

It would be possible but not as "streamlined" as Kagi does.

Don't get me wrong, Kagi definitely has its rough edges and the search ranking algorithm is sometimes very unpredictable, but it provides good enough results for me to be worth the 10$ per month for unlimited searches.

pkill ,

don't use Google, problem solved

Emmie ,

Maybe don’t use google. Kagi, ddg handle it fine

hightrix ,

This is the real answer. Stop using Google search.

force ,

if Kagi were open source sure, but it's $10 a month and the CEO is kind of an asshole. And a generative-AI-bro (please don't make me call them GAI-bros)

I'd rather stick to FOSS solutions

uis , avatar

How did google manage to be worse than yandex?

nucleative ,

By rewarding mysterious "quality content" indicators that SEOs know how to game with shit people absolutely do not perceive as quality.

drathvedro ,

That's the closest one so far, actually.

RandysGut , avatar

I searched for Magic The Gathering cards earlier on my phone (FireFox mobile), and got YouTube shorts in the results. This was in addition to a large amount of useless info panels and junk in the search results. I just wanted the official links or even an Amazon URL to the upcoming precons, not slowly regurgitated info!

JSens1998 ,

Damn, y'all still using Google. Rip

el_abuelo ,

What are you using?

JSens1998 ,

Brave is my go to for everything except image searching, for that I use DuckDuckGo.

Rexios , avatar

Kagi. I haven’t felt the need to use anything else since I started using it.

jonasw ,

Same, except searches for local stuff in my area, as Kagi is a bit US centric

theneverfox , avatar

I feel like I've been going crazy, web searching as a developer has become a daily nightmare and all the devs I ask are like "yeah, maybe it's gotten a bit worse? Haven't really noticed"

bitchkat ,

I just go the official docs even if their old and then switch to the latest version once I'm on the website. Most of the software I use has easy index to switch between versions.

tiredofsametab ,

You didn't include a version in your query. You also could try using quotes, though this specific entry may not be helped by it (e.g. "in operator"). For most things, you can click a link with the older version and somewhere there is typically a dropdown or something to change the version and, if not, you'll at least know which section/etc. it is in in the new documentation.

If you don't include a version, it's probably going to pull up questions/answers that it finds most match in general and maybe people just aren't asking that question for your version.

I think there's a lot to hate about modern search results, but I also think there's some opportunity to search better. I do miss the days when AND, OR, and NOT operators actually worked all the time and as expected.

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