Programmer Humor

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Ephera , in I still don't get buffers

Nevermind simply having an OS-level clipboard manager...

mp3 , avatar

Win+V works decently enough for me.

jnk ,

Same for plasma, global clipboard is just more convenient

whats_all_this_then OP ,

Global clipboard is chef's kiss. Back when I was on Ubuntu/Gnome, I had to install CopyQ but having one come with the OS is great

BastingChemina ,

Global clipboard synced with the smartphone thanks to KDE connect !

pineapplelover ,

I think windows+v syncs to microsoft servers or something. I remember when I was running chris titus tech's debloat script it removed that functionality.

whats_all_this_then OP ,

Holy crap I think that may be why I never used it. Fuck how much Windows likes to calls home

Sotuanduso , avatar

I googled it, there is an option to sync it to your Microsoft account, but I can't say whether that's on by default when you turn on clipboard history because I skipped adding a Microsoft account. But if it is, you can turn it off in Settings -> System -> Clipboard.

xmunk ,

An excellent option to have when one of the major use cases for clipboards is as an intermediary for password managers.

I hope they eventually get sued into the fucking ground.

Aux ,

Password managers should mark their clipboard data as sensitive and clean it up. Use a proper password manager and there won't be issues.

whats_all_this_then OP ,

I'm don't know why but I've never used windows clipboard manager, which is weird because I go out of my way to make sure I have one when I'm on linux

MrScottyTay ,

There is for windows, and it's further improved if you get power toys too

riot , avatar

I took a look through my power toys settings, but couldn't find anything there that had to do with the win+v clipboard history. Google hasn't been any help either. What is it that I'm overlooking? How does powertoys improve the clipboard history feature?

MrScottyTay ,

I'm currently not on my windows pc at the moment but it could be that it's functionality might actually be native to win 11? I don't realise use it myself I just remember seeing it when originally getting powertoys and thinking that was cool

riot , avatar

The Clipboard History is indeed a part of Windows 10. But I was wondering how PowerToys enhanced the functionality of it.

MrScottyTay ,

I've probably completely misremembered it and maybe learned of it the same time i learned about and installed powertoys. My bad.

whats_all_this_then OP ,

Nah that'd be too intuitive

In all seriousness though, I kinda appreciate moving things around in my editor without losing that one snipet I copied for later

marcos ,

Application specific buffers are the first thing I disable on emacs. The OS one isn't just integrated with every other normal piece of software, it's also more powerful and easier to use.

... at least on my Linux, YMMV.

PlexSheep ,

The os buffer is just another buffer that I can yank into.

Cwilliams ,

Or the KDE System tray...

Ephera ,

Ah, that is what I meant with OS-level clipboard manager (in fact, that is precisely what I thought of).

Cwilliams ,

Oh, I gotcha now

pewpew , avatar

Windows also has it, but it's disabled by default for some reason

Aux ,

It's not disabled.

damium , in Who lives in a Pineapple in the Algorithms Library for C? SpongeBob BinaryTreePants!

Right image, but under those each one below would also be wearing large pants covering each side of the subtree.

marcos ,

What is the objectively correct answer. I have no idea why people keep asking that question.

pcouy , in Bug fixing ways

Downvoted for cropping out the reference to the original...

doriancodes OP , avatar

Didn't realize it was cropped 🤷‍♂️

xmunk ,

You said that two hours before my comment - why haven't you taken down the post?

doriancodes OP , avatar

what? Which comment? Also there are some other comments below with the original picture and link, I don't think I need to take down this. Maybe take a chill pill 😄 If the moderators want to delete this it's their choice. I don't think I'll ever post another thing in here again to be honest 😅 bye

AnUnusualRelic , avatar

What, 9gag?

MajorHavoc , in Any of you folks around before epoch need a new job?

"Pay attention to details..."

Artyom ,

"Our code is a buggy mess and no one so far has been able to fix it"

mosiacmango ,

"Please god come throw your body in the pile we use to fill up the holes. We are very nearly out of unwitting flesh here."

Tattorack , in Play stupid games, win stupid prize avatar

"Because" is spelled wrong.

Zachariah , avatar

but “bacause” is spelled correctly

variants ,

The ultimate bacon reason

pro3757 , in COMEFROM

It's in Intercal, a joke language from '70s. Mark Rendle describes it here in his talk at NDC. This whole talk is ridiculous btw.

frezik ,

This is the same language where you have to say PLEASE sometimes or it won't compile. But if you say PLEASE too much, the compiler will think you're pandering and also refuse to compile. The range between too polite and not polite enough is not specified and varies by implementation.

cjk , in Corpos being corpos

Apple deployed a library I wrote to every mac on the world, and additionally bundles it with Xcode.

Apple users reported some bugs, that‘s how I found out.

I never heard a word from them. No patches, no bug reports, nothing, they didn’t even bother to refresh the bundled version.

I think in the meantime they removed it from macOS but still bundle it with Xcode.

I mean, I didn’t any money, but some appreciation would’ve been nice, and a version refresh…

If you are curious: it is this library:

Edit: appreciation as in: a mail with a notice that they did so.

mattd ,

Really funny/interesting that they use an external library to handle a format that they created!

SomethingBurger , avatar

MIT License

Hopefully, you learned your lesson.

cjk ,

Yeah, well. What should I say. I wanted to use it in a commercial project, too :)

JPAKx4 ,

I mean isn't it your library? You can make any exceptions you want lol

GreyEyedGhost ,

Here's the core issue. The developer didn't know his rights, and made a mistake. I'm not criticizing, people make a career dealing with crap like this. But if you want to make a business out of something, it's worth it to do some research or talk to a lawyer. I believe the MIT license has its place but, from what the OP said, this isn't it.

cjk ,

I did not want to make a business out of this library. I don’t want money for it.

All I would’ve wanted is that the people at Apple would’ve given me a heads up beforehand, so I would’ve been prepared for it and not caught on surprise. And a that they do a version upgrade when I release a new bugfix release.

This is not a license issue. I was well aware of the consequences when I chose the MIT license. This is not about money.

GreyEyedGhost ,

You specifically said you chose the MIT license because you wanted to use it in commercial projects. That's business, no matter how small. As the owner of the property, you could have used any and all licenses available to you. Also, if you wanted to require users of your code to attribute or notify you, you could have. If you want to be disappointed in their behavior that's perfectly fine, too. Corporations usually disappoint if you have any altruistic expectations of them.

cjk ,

Ah, that‘s the angle you’re coming from.

In this regard you are right. I could’ve chosen AGPL and use it in my commercial project nonetheless. I wasn’t aware of that at the time, and that was a mistake.

That said, I don’t expect all users to notify me. But if a company like Apple, with millions of users, exposes me to even a fraction of its users - then yes. I expect a mail beforehand. I did not sign up for this.

But I agree with your last part again ;)

Tikiporch ,

You're a good person.

Wilzax ,

Agreed. Free licenses should NEVER be applied to Apple-specific tools. They don't want to help the FOSS community, so we shouldn't help them back. Make them pay for it, or make them make their own version.

acockworkorange ,

the MIT license has its place

Garbage, that’s its pace.

GreyEyedGhost ,

A cogent argument. I'm convinced!

acockworkorange ,

Praised be the copyleft!

thevoidzero ,

You can use your library for commercial projects that you have. Just have dual license that requires payment for commercial use or something similar. You don't have to pay yourself

cjk ,

To be honest, I wasn’t aware of this option when I wrote this library. Nowadays I would chose this path.

thevoidzero ,

I think that's why Github suggests MIT as default. Unaware people will just put that. Most open source people just code things they want without thinking much on other aspects. We really need some sort of enforcement to stop companies banking on voluntary work done for the community.

Nighed , avatar

It's probably a single dev that made the decision, then moves onto something else. They (probably?) don't have the ability to just raise a recurring PO etc to easily pay you and don't care enough to worth through the paperwork.

If you had a paid licencing model they may have done it, or just found another lib/ wrote their own.

weker01 , in Explaining software development methods by flying to Mars

This is waterfall method propaganda! It never works out this smoothly. They probably forgot important requirements like: the astronauts need to be alive on Mars.

CanadaPlus ,

This is what I came to the comment section for.

If like me you're not a pro, it seems to [literally just mean phases][(, so yeah, any nonlinearity would cause problems.

criss_cross ,

Waterfall is missing the part where the customer realizes they didn't actually want to go to Mars they just wanted to view it out of a telescope.

But now they can only travel to Mars and the telescope is out of the budget because you spent so much money on the rocket

Bezier , (edited ) avatar

2 years later: It's now up to the lawyers to figure out if it's the rocket that doesn't meet agreed requirements or if it's on the customer for not giving proper requirements.

sheogorath ,

I hate how true this is. Not even 2 years later for my case.

psud ,

Actual real world right now giant rockets include

  • One that is being built under waterfall methodology. It has been being built for several years. That's the Blue Origin New Glen heavy lift reusable rocket

  • One that is being developed under an agile methodology, it flew as a subscale lander to test their engine and flight control, it has flown four full test flights, improving on each. That's SpaceX's Starship

We are yet to see either launch a payload to orbit

oo1 ,

How was appollo programme planned?

maynarkh ,

It was outsourced to the guy who ran Nazi concentration camps to build ballistic missiles to bomb London with.

sheogorath ,

All the projects that have shittier outcomes in my experience is always waterfall. This is mainly because the stakeholders usually have this bright idea to be added in the middle of development that's really need to be added at all costs and then got angry when the timeline got pushed because of their fucking request breaking a lot of shit.

At least scrum has a lead time of around 2 weeks so that when someone has a idea we can tell them we'll add it to the backlog and hope they forgot about it during the next sprint planning.

balp ,

I'm sure, doth the Astrumants should survive the landing, there should be a way to return, and they need a shitter as part of the missed requirements. As it's a waterfall, that will come in the second, third, and fourth trips.

Blackmist ,

Or the funders get bored of waiting after ten years of "no Mars yet" and cancel the project, leaving you with a half finished rocket.

pseudo , in Absolute legend avatar

That screams: Open you source code and accepted correction !

floofloof ,

It screams made-up internet story.

pseudo , avatar

It screams both!

Transporter_Room_3 , avatar

It's an old joke.

Zagorath , in How big is your desk? avatar

Actually long desks are no longer considered best practice. At my work, some devs have a lazy suzan, while others prefer a circle that they can pivot around to face the right computer.

key ,

I got one of those desks with a vertical pneumatic lift so I can stack the computers vertically in a rack and just raise/lower it so the right one is at eye height

AmidFuror ,

Waste of money. Build the chair to go up and down instead.

variants ,

The trick is you hire a runner who comes over when you ring a bell and he unplugs your computer and plugs in the one you need and then takes the other computer to someone else that needs it, I think they call him a vm short for vamoose machine

And009 ,

I don't like my feet hanging when using the top monitor.
My floor splits in half and goes up instead

vk6flab , avatar

At one point, before we virtualised everything, I had a custom desk built in an L-shape. Instead of a desk and a return, I had the refurbishment team put together a desk with two desks instead. It gave me two sets of drawers, two computer cubby holes and the gap was too small for the horrible keyboard adjustable shelf that kept hitting your knees, so they replaced it with a fixed surface instead.

People laughed.

Colleagues sniggered.

Then they wanted one too.

Now I have a mobile lectern with an iMac clamped to it. Height adjustable, wheels, enough space for keyboard, trackpad and USB hub. I move around my office as the mood or light takes me.

dejected_warp_core ,

I swear, overcoming fixed functional-ness is like a superpower when you can apply it.

I once shared a small office with a co-worker. I had the idea to move the desks away from the walls and place them back-to-back, diagonally, in the middle of the room. Other co-workers scoffed and remarked at how dumb and unconventional this looked. Then I explained that we each now had nearly full privacy from each other, much more personal space in our respective corners, no more glare from the window, and nobody could sneak up on us from the door anymore. Things got pretty quiet after that.

flerp ,

Ah, the Neil Peart drum kit solution

WhiskyTangoFoxtrot ,

A TARDIS console.

dejected_warp_core ,

Useful? Not exactly. But you'd never look lazy or idle, that's for sure.

Semi_Hemi_Demigod , avatar
xlash123 , in Happens all the time avatar

Lol, it took me a while to realize it's the compiler essentially saying "how high".

boatswain , in I Will Fucking Piledrive You if You mention AI Again


if you continue to try { thisBullshit(); } you are going to catch (theseHands)

SatouKazuma ,

But doesn't this imply only one of those can be executed?

Sonotsugipaa , avatar

III. We've Already Seen Extensive Gains From-

When I was younger, I read R.A Salvatore's classic fantasy novel, The Crystal Shard. There is a scene in it where the young protagonist, Wulfgar, challenges a barbarian chieftain to a duel for control of the clan so that he can lead his people into a war that will save the world. The fight culminates with Wulfgar throwing away his weapon, grabbing the chief's head with bare hands, and begging the chief to surrender so that he does not need to crush a skull like an egg and become a murderer.

Well this is me. Begging you. To stop lying. I don't want to crush your skull, I really don't.

qprimed , (edited ) in Happy 30th birthday to RFC 1631 ("NAT"), the "short term solution" we all rely on

there is no fix more permanent than a temporary one.

edit: as I literally sit here inspecting the nat tables on a couple of edge routers.

cmnybo ,

That temporary fix will eventually become unnecessary. IPv6 has slowly getting more and more use.

state_electrician ,

Very, very slowly.

AtariDump ,

So has Linux on the “desktop” buts it’s never been the year of the Linux desktop.

FiskFisk33 ,

This thread starts with a document literally proving people have been saying that exact thing for 30 years now.

neidu2 , (edited )

Last week I was peer pressured into trying out Helldivers 2 (yes, this is relevant, trust me), so I downloaded it, installed it, and fired it up with no issues. Set up my preferred control schema with no issues. Played the torturial with no issues.

Then came time for joining my friends in multiplayer. Issues! No matter what I did, I couldn't seem to join them. Nor could they join me.

I verified the installed files, I tried to connect via my phone to rule out ISP issues, and I tried all of the different versions of proton, but the result remained the same. I simply couldn't join my friends.

I don't remember what caused me to go down the right path of troubleshooting, but I've always dosabled IPv6 on my linux installs. So I re-enabled it. The problem remained. Then I realized that I had it disabled in the kernel via grub command line flags, so I cuanged that and gave my PC a reboot. Success!

So, despite networking being a large (maybe even the largest) part of my vocation for the past two decades, last week was the first time ever I actually NEEDED IPv6.

hessenjunge ,

torturial - I like that. Sometimes a tutorial is indeed a torturial. 😊

stoly ,

My previous office was in a set of partitions put up in a library 20 years ago as a temporary measure.

AWittyUsername , in What it's like to be a developer in 2024

What it's like to use Google in 2024

xmunk ,

But they're so innovative! They absolutely aren't deserving of a massive antitrust lawsuit... /s

ThrowawayPermanente ,

Something is not perfect in the world. Gosh, I sure hope the American government comes along soon and corrects this by force.

Liz ,

Eh I mean alphabet and Google do have legitimate reasons for antitrust lawsuits, but that's independent of how shit Google search has become.

Anyway, for those who are fed up with the terrible results, use Ecosia. I've basically never needed to use anything else and the advertising money goes towards planting trees responsibly to rebuild ecosystems.

small_crow , avatar

Anti-trust is not about seeking perfection, it's a defense against abuses of power. That's a good thing unless you like to be abused by the powerful, in which case lick some more boots.

triplenadir , avatar

you're right to be sarcastic, better sit back and shut up and wait for the free market to fix it /s

CompostMaterial , in AI Suggestions

You got it admit, it is a good suggestion. It just wasn't the right one. But it is trained well enough to correlate left and right together. Since those are very commonly associated together it is certainly a logical choice.

bort ,

. But it is trained well enough to correlate left and right together

eliza could do that 60 years ago

marcos ,

Ah, come-on, why do you think Eliza could do that 60 years ago?

(It couldn't. It's at most 40 years old technology, and way more likely just 30. Even though you could program Eliza to do something like this, it would be way too specific for any use.)

bort ,

It’s at most 40 years old technolog

the 60s were 60 years ago

marcos ,

It's the kind of thing you would see at the 90s.

The 60s had room-sized computers that were busy calculating payroll.

Matriks404 ,


Morphit , avatar

Ah, come-on, why do you think Eliza could do that 60 years ago?

Does that question interest you?

FaceDeer , avatar

Why hasn't it been incorporated into IDEs until now?

nxdefiant ,

Up until now most people hated when shit randomly popped up while they were typing.

The Apple went and made the iPhone and now we have a whole generation that expects it.

FaceDeer , avatar

Within IDEs people go out of their way to install Intellisense so that "shit randomly pops up while they're typing." There are companies whose whole existence depends on people wanting that to happen.

best_username_ever ,

it’s good but it’s wrong

That’s impossible.

FaceDeer , avatar

To the contrary, I see code like that all the time in my career. I've written some.

Tamkish ,

wdym it isn't the right one? It clearly says time RIGHT

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