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ironhydroxide , in Is it okay to be cautious about CCTV cameras?

Is it ok to be cautious? Yes!
But mostly when you want to setup your own system and record or monitor your own premises. In which case you can select systems or cameras that have features and functionality, as well as connectivity, in ways you decide.

You want to use the ring app to be notified someone is at your door? You're gonna have to give their system access to the video.
But, you can also setup your own system without ring, and use self hosted tools to do essentially the same thing.

As for being cautious that cameras on the street are tracking you? Hard to really do anything about that (even though the effort required would be prohibitively immense to track an individual through all the various systems).

cheddar , in PSA: always update your smartphone | Ratel RAT targets outdated Android phones in ransomware attacks avatar

If only there was what to install. It's crazy that I have to essentially throw away a perfectly capable device because the manufacturer doesn't provide updates anymore. That if I want security updates.

aa1 OP ,

Yeah, it's a shame. Only Google seems to take updates seriously.

Andromxda , avatar

Not sure why this is getting downvoted, because it's actually true. Google is the only Android phone manufacturer at the moment, that delivers 7 years of OS security updates + firmware updates, allows the user to unlock the bootloader and re-lock it with custom signing keys to retain full Android Verified Boot. And the ARMv9 MTE is the cherry on top.

A modern Pixel with GrapheneOS is the best thing you can get right now for privacy, security and longevity.

aa1 OP ,

I completely agree with you. I think people downvoting me because "fuck Google" when in fact, hardware wise, is the best available to achieve privacy and security.

jadedwench ,

My guess? Probably a mix of Google Evil (true), and not understanding you are talking about Pixels.

I switched to Pixels after the whole Note 7 debacle. I even have the Note 7 t-shirt Best Buy gave out for those of us with pre-orders. It was really really shitty timing as I was traveling a lot for work and I am trying to remember if I even had a backup phone to use. I may have already traded my old phone in at the time, but had something in a drawer I could use.

Evil Corp be damned, my phone just works. It doesn't lag. The pictures are awesome. Screen is nice. I just need all of this AI assistant shit to go away. I got it to STFU about it at least and my phone can go back to being a phone. Gemini can rot.

Andromxda , avatar

I just need all of this AI assistant shit to go away.

GrapheneOS doesn't have any of this BS.
Despite what some people (who never used GOS and have idea how it works) say, everything except for Google Pay and a small portion of banking apps works just fine on it. You can check if your bank's app is supported:
If you need Google Play services, you can easily install them, and it will still be more private than on a standard Android device, thanks to a custom sandboxing mechanism.
Security is just phenomenal, and I think it's fair to call GrapheneOS the most secure mobile operating system out there.
It also enhances the longevity of your phone, because GrapheneOS provides feature updates as long as Google provides security updates. Some devices with the Stock OS (like e.g. the Pixel 6a) receive security updates for 5 years, but Google only provides feature updates for 3 years. GrapheneOS extends that period to 5 years as well.
It's also super easy to install, and it's fully free & open source. It is truly amazing. I recommend watching this video to learn more about it:

jadedwench ,

That's the thing. I use Google Pay for 90% of the places I go and that isn't something I am willing to give up. Also, it looks like Amex isn't supported either. Google does 7 years of updates now.

Andromxda , avatar
fmstrat ,

This is why I only buy unlockable devices that have open boot loaders. Making that decision up front means ROM support for a much longer time frame.

cheddar , avatar

From my understanding my phone should be unlockable, but I have no expertise when it comes to custom Android builds. Like, how do I know they are safe and don't come with some malware?

lightnsfw ,

It's so stupid. All the phones newer than mine have less hardware features so if I replace it I'll have to find new ways of doing a bunch of things. I'm just accepting the risk at this point until manufacturers get their heads out of their asses and make something decent or my carrier stops supporting my phone. I'd have probably bought two more phones since I got this one if everything wasn't a downgrade from what I have currently.

EddoWagt ,

Yeah that's why I caved and bought a Sony Xperia 1 VI, yes it was very expensive, but at least it still does everything I want

lightnsfw ,

What about that one made you select it?

tired_n_bored ,

I wish security patches would be separated from "look at this new animation while closing the app1!1!1!" update honestly. Why is it so hard to do that?

alvvayson , in To those of you with nothing to hide: One day you might have. Because you don’t make the rules.

Religion, sexual orientation, union membership and political beliefs have all been used in the past to persecute people.

To think that it's not possible again is naive.

Privacy is the most fundamental right to be free.

Without privacy, the Chinese CCP model will be the model we all will eventually live under.

Deceptichum , avatar

Yes commissar this post right here.

Stupidmanager ,

You have been deducted two social credits and this post saved to your file for additional examination. Please do better comrade, or find yourself in reeducation camp.

teft , avatar

There are no re-education camps in Bao Sing Se.

aa1 , in Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission

Why ? Just why ?

laughterlaughter ,

Because AI!!!

indomara , in Microsoft removes Copilot app ‘incorrectly’ added on Windows PCs

People have commented that it's crazy that I have completely disabled all updates on my win10 machine. This sort of thing is why.

Edit: I haven't had a virus or malware since... I was a teenager. It seems like if you use an adblocker, don't click links from unknown sources, and are aware of your network activity, you are pretty safe. The writing is on the wall, I am aware that I will need to switch to Linux soon, but I am also aware that Linux has compatibility issues with my particular machine and doesn't work with certain activities I like to do. I am hoping these issues will be mostly sorted by the time I make the leap.

Telodzrum ,

It’s crazy because it’s a huge security risk. If your that committed to not updating Windows, move to an alternative OS.

DarkThoughts ,

All the hassle I had to go through to tweak, fix and constantly maintain Windows was one of the major reasons why I ultimately switched to Linux on my desktop. At some point it all just becomes way too much of a hassle, much more than the tinkering I might have to do on Linux every now and then.

People constantly shit on Linux for not being as user friendly, but are completely blind to all the garbage they have to do to keep their Windows system running.

Telodzrum ,


I was almost convinced when I set up my kid’s new gaming pc and had to spend an hour updating and then debloating the installation and turning off all the advertising and telemetry. Then, a week later I saw an ad for Tik Tok in my own Start Menu. That was what made me finally move over to Linux completely.

That said, I cannot imagine being on Windows by choice at this point. In 2024 Id rather be on macOS than Windows if forced to choose between the two.

Confused_Emus ,

Yeah… that’s not the genius solution you seem to think it is.

aa1 OP ,

Disabling updates is not a good choice. If you use Windows, update Windows. Having an insecure and not up to date version of windows makes you more vulnerable

oce , in To those of you with nothing to hide: One day you might have. Because you don’t make the rules. avatar

Mullvad has been working great for me on Arch Linux and Android.

cheese_greater , in The major June update and a follow-up OSM data-only update (with a hotfix for the iOS app hanging) were successfully published and are available in all app stores and on our GitHub.

Its bewteefull

DarkThoughts , in To those of you with nothing to hide: One day you might have. Because you don’t make the rules.

504s ... :(

AncientFutureNow , in Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission

not if you break updates!

Llamajockey , in Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission

Wouldn't be so bad if onedrive backup didn't completely restructure your folders so it can back shit up. I hate that it moves your main folders to the OneDrive folder.
It creates so many issues.

Oisteink ,

You should try moving the OneDrive folder after setup for a complete shitshow. Even Microsoft products fail to read and write to the right places. If I save from word to my documents folder it never appears in OneDrive but in a separate documents folder under my user profile.
Luckily OneDrive hides this from normal explorer so you can’t find that file using that

Solumbran , in Privacy Focused DNA test

Isn't the whole point of those to take private information, cross-reference it with other stolen private data and give you results based on that? Doesn't seem so compatible with privacy.

BearOfaTime ,

Yea, I don't really see a way to do this with any privacy

bolexforsoup , (edited ) in [USA] Appeals court rules that cops can physically make you unlock your phone

iPhone users:

  • DO NOT USE FINGERPRINT unless you absolutely have to for, say, disability reasons.

  • if you use facial recognition, don’t. Same as above.

  • If you find yourselves in a situation with the police, tap the lock button 5 times. This forces a passcode to open the phone and they cannot (yet) force you to enter a passcode.

Anytime I am filming a protest or anywhere near police, I just tap the lock button a bunch of times in my pocket and I can rest easy.

odium ,

Samsung users (not sure if it also applies to other android flavors):

Go to settings>lock screen>secure lock>show lockdown option and turn it on.

Now if you hold the power button for over a second, a menu pops up withban option to turn on lockdown mode. This disables all biometric unlock methods until the next time you unlock it.

partial_accumen ,

Anytime I am filming a protest or anywhere near police, I just tap the lock button a bunch of times in my pocket and I can rest easy.

How does that help if the police are the ones that alert you to their presence? I highly recommend against quickly shoving your hand in your pocket to tap a button 5 times.

bolexforsoup , (edited )

I do it in anticipation. It’s not like they sneak up on you like a ninja. They are very clearly around.

Plus it takes like 2 seconds. Unless they got you at gunpoint you’re probably going to have an opportunity to accomplish this. Most people interact with police in the US being pulled over - you’re telling me you can’t lock your phone before they come to your window?

felsiq ,

You can also just hold power + volume up while it’s locked, once you feel the buzz it won’t accept biometrics until you put in the password.

JackGreenEarth , avatar

On Motorola it's press power + volume up button and then the lockdown button.

Swedneck , avatar

on android you can get Private Lock which locks your phone and disables biometric unlock, when the phone is shaken hard enough

reallyzen , avatar

I learned something from my (quite activists) daughters recently: they delete the Signal app each time they cross a border.

It's the main coordination and information tool in their circles, and the recommended behavior is just to not have the app when at risk.

Good luck finding incriminating evidence stifling through zillions of Pouting Selfies and Gossip-Sharing Screenshots of Idiot Boyfriend' text messages.

Scotty_Trees , avatar

Holy crap this is a great tip I did not know! I haven't had a run in with the police in like a decade, but better safe than sorry. Hopefully I never need to use it, but I just tried it on my iphone and works like a charm, so thanks mate!

bolexforsoup ,

Another dude pointed out you can hold lock + volume up as well

aa1 , (edited ) in [USA] Appeals court rules that cops can physically make you unlock your phone

Luckily GrapheneOS has a duress passowrd feature. Very useful for these situatuons!

pineapplelover , (edited )

I didn't know that. Is that in settings somewhere?

Edit: yep, see it now. Damn this must be new or I never looked into it.

Syn_Attck ,

It's new as of about 1-2 months ago.

Andromxda , avatar

It was released with the 2024053100 build, so not even a month ago.

Duke_Nukem_1990 ,

How does it work? Can someone use a specified finger to trigger the password requirement?

Syn_Attck ,

Passcode. Not fingerprint.

Duke_Nukem_1990 ,

Ah. Then I guess I don't see how this is related to the post.

Syn_Attck , (edited )

It's not, technically, but if I have sensitive documents on my phone and a law officer is trying to get me to unlock my phone, I will be entering and/or putting the duress code into my phone. GrapheneOS has 'lockdown' button by 'restart' and 'shutdown' all of which will require a passphrase to unlock, even if you normally have fingerprint enabled for X hours each time of use.

So it's semi-related in that GrapheneOS protects against this type of attack.

aa1 ,
Tempo , in PSA: always update your smartphone | Ratel RAT targets outdated Android phones in ransomware attacks avatar

I think the moral of the story here is more along the lines of "don't install weird off-brand versions of apps from dodgy places" (F-Droid excepted, obviously)

Like what the fuck is a "Black WhatsApp"?

noodlejetski ,

Like what the fuck is a "Black WhatsApp"?

there are some modded Whatsapp versions that add features that don't exist in the official version, like hiding typing indicator for you while still being able to see the other person's, same with read markers, and so on. while I've never tried any myself, some of them seem to be legitimate.

urheber ,

they are, but they probably also install a bunch of other stuff, I've had one once. had to reset my phone.

EddoWagt ,

I ran yowhatsapp for like 5 years, was great until whatsapp forced me to use the official app

Psychodelic ,

Ratel RAT is spread via various means, but threat actors are typically seen abusing known brands like Instagram, WhatsApp, e-commerce platforms, or antivirus apps to trick people into downloading malicious APKs.

During installation, it requests access to risky permissions, including exemption from battery optimization, to be allowed to run in the background.

Yeah, that's a weird thing to do and then blame on a lack of updates.

"Make sure to extend your car's warranty! I mean, just look at what happened to this drunk driver's car."

I personally really dislike forced updates and how some people try and justify them with examples of people doing dumb shit like this where they literally side load a sketchy APK and grant it all permissions. Why not promote tech literacy instead of blind confidence into updates that are almost never explained in any significant detail? It's honestly just so weird how superstitious it all seems

Dendr0 , in Warning: New Adware Campaign Targets Meta Quest App Seekers

So you mean to say the device made by the company known for harvesting userdata for advertising purposes... puts you at risk of being served more ads? Gee... who'd have seen that coming. Malicious or not, it's not really all that surprising.

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