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Agent641 , in Police allege ‘evil twin’ in-flight Wi-Fi used to steal info

WiFi, but with a thin moustache and pointy goatee

powermaker450 , in [email protected]: An open source two factor auth app that syncs keys between devices? avatar

I use 2FAuth. it's web based but that has the plus of working anywhere, even on desktop

RandomLegend , (edited ) in [email protected]: An open source two factor auth app that syncs keys between devices?

I usw Aegis on my phone and sync them to the PC via Nextcloud, on the PC i use OTPClient

Illecors , in [email protected]: An open source two factor auth app that syncs keys between devices? avatar

I'm, using Nextcloud + KeePassXC (DX on android). Nextcloud part can, obviously, be replaced by another mechanism.

theorangeninja , in [email protected]: An open source two factor auth app that syncs keys between devices?
WeLoveCastingSpellz , in As mind-reading technology improves, Colorado passes first-in-nation law to protect privacy of our thoughts

They don't even need this to actually read your mind. You giving thrm your thoughts for free over ypur engagement with social media is enough for them to get into your head

Successful_Try543 , in [email protected]: An open source two factor auth app that syncs keys between devices?

Nextcloud + Passman would do so.

One could argue that this is against the idea of 2FA. In case you lose your device, you should simply use another with different token and delete the validity of the lost one.

Additionally, as 2FA is supposed to add an extra layer of security, having 2FA token and passwords stored in the same db is also not the best idea in that regard.

muntedcrocodile , in Police allege ‘evil twin’ in-flight Wi-Fi used to steal info

More likely used to gain free internet via Mac spoofing.

Pacmanlives , in As mind-reading technology improves, Colorado passes first-in-nation law to protect privacy of our thoughts

I am assume this went though Polis’s desk. He is a very sharp dude and worked in tech. I hope he makes a presidental run

Anticorp , in As mind-reading technology improves, Colorado passes first-in-nation law to protect privacy of our thoughts

How long until Facebook and Google figure out a system that accomplishes the same thing, but doesn't technically break the law?

TechNerdWizard42 , in [email protected]: What are your thoughts on this old r/Privacy post? 1.6K upvotes "Apple tracks you, even if you don't have Apple devices"

It's for location services based off of WiFi and such. Pretty much nothing you can do. You can opt out on your devices on a certain network, but even then if your network broadcasts a signal, it's being scanned and uploaded.

The only thing you can do is prevent your device from connecting to (or even just scanning for) these networks and signals so that it cannot triangulate. My phones battery saver mode and ultra battery modes do this. Otherwise I have to turn off location services, WiFi, Bluetooth, etc. And then why is my phone even on?

Treat your phone like your little spy that you take everywhere with you. Assume it's always listening and always ratting you out. Operate accordingly.

FlashMobOfOne , in As mind-reading technology improves, Colorado passes first-in-nation law to protect privacy of our thoughts avatar

Very, very glad to see this starting to become addressed in law.

Also a little surprised Europe didn't do it first. We're usually way behind on these things in the US.

SnokenKeekaGuard , in Microsoft CEO of AI: Online content is 'freeware' for models avatar

But piracy is illegal

rovingnothing29 , avatar

It's different when they do it.

Dkarma ,

It's not copying so it's not piracy.

You don't get to put things on the Internet where anything can view them and then claim copyright keeps them from viewing

umbrella , avatar

i'm just gonna go view some pirated movie without making a copy then!

FrenziedFelidFanatic ,

It is (edit: arguably) legal to stream pirated video. It’s just not legal to host it


RecluseRamble ,

A trained Gen. AI model does not just view it though. It generates content out of it which is copying and prohibited by plenty of licenses (GPL-licensed open source projects for example).

Drewelite ,

I think the copy they're referring to is the initial one that puts it on the Internet without a paywall. Not those that come along after and take a copy.

bazingabot , in Meta Pauses AI Training on EU User Data Amid Privacy Concerns

Meta tells that it pauses it...but do you know for sure? Basically, you can't trust anything they state.

unrushed233 , in [email protected]: Do browsers block websites from uploading data that could be used for fingerprinting like resolution, installed fonts, etc.?

I recommend LibreWolf (!librewolf), a hardened fork of Firefox, which includes protections against most of these things. You can check out a comparison of browsers on (Mastodon: @privacytests)

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