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shortwavesurfer , (edited ) in alternative for the UK & EU region

Monero and shopinbit

umami_wasbi OP ,

Come back when it is accepted everywhere like cards today

shortwavesurfer ,

You can buy visa or mastercard cards with it if needed. So its accepted everywhere those are

far_university1990 ,

Where buy? Never found that.

shortwavesurfer ,,, and cake pay

LoveSausage , (edited )

None worked in my EU country, edit cake pay does seem to work

LemmyHead , also a good source, and

delirious_owl , avatar

In general, use monerica to find vendors who accept xmr

umami_wasbi OP ,

Not too knowledge in crypto. Learn something new today.

shortwavesurfer ,

Glad I could help.

delirious_owl , avatar

It is...?

LemmyKnowsBest , in What VPN are you using?

um I don't use a vpn. Please tell me why I should use a VPN. It's just something that costs money that seems unnecessary. I have nothing to hide. Why are you all hiding behind VPNs? What am I missing?

pipariturbiini , avatar

It protects your data from snooping or man-in-the-middle attacks on untrusted networks. Or your internet service provider.

hperrin ,

Not really. Unless you’re visiting unencrypted websites. If you’re using HTTPS and DNS over HTTPS, your ISP can only see what IP address you’re connecting to, not the traffic.

duckythescientist ,

Because mainstream porn sites are blocked or require age verification in my state. Other good reasons are to avoid some issues when torrenting things or to "be" in another country to get around Netflix and other streaming service region blocks.

Privacy and avoiding man in the middle is kinda bullshit. Nearly all websites use TLS, so mitm isn't possible. And it's only privacy from your ISP.

helenslunch OP , avatar

To prevent your activity being tracked across the web.

If "you have nothing to hide" then you're in the wrong place.

LemmyKnowsBest ,

I'm in the wrong place? You mean this place [email protected] ? Now I'm curious what y'all here are hiding.

helenslunch OP , avatar

Now I'm curious what y'all here are hiding.

Everything we possibly can, because it's nobody's God damn business.

hperrin ,

A VPN doesn’t protect you the way OP thinks it does. It just hides your IP address from the websites you visit. Of course, now instead of one website seeing that you visited it, one organization can see everything you visit.

Basically it just moves your trust from your ISP to your VPN provider. So yeah, if you don’t need that, and you don’t need to get around geo blocks, you don’t need a VPN.

NotSpez ,

I believe there is clear evidence/jurisprudence showing that (at least some of the trustworthy) VPN providers donnot keep ANY data.

firefly , avatar


"I have nothing to hide ..."

Nice story, bro.

When you post a real photograph of yourself, wife, kids, and all your social security numbers and bank account numbers, along with a complete history of all video rentals and library books, and your private confessions of folly, vice, and sin-- post all that on your Lemmy profile, then I'll believe you have nothing to hide.

LemmyKnowsBest ,

My wife? Gross! I'm heterosexual woman. and everything else you described, except for social security numbers, sounds a lot like Facebook. Which I don't use.

BackOnMyBS , avatar
  1. It obscures your IP so that sites don't know who you are by that, but really, they can just fingerprint your browser if you're not addressing that too.

  2. You can present your location to a site as being from any where the VPN has a server. Say you want to watch something that is only available to users in Canada, but you live in Mexico. You can use the VPN to present yourself to the site as being in Canada and watch it. Unfortunately, some sites are blocking content from being accessed by known VPN IP addresses. I think Netflix is one. Frustrating to me, doesn't let anyone post or comment while using a VPN, though I understand that it's for valid security and admin purposes, such as to reduce CASM material.

  3. More importantly, it encrypts your data between you and the VPN. That means that no one between you two knows what the info you're transmitting means. This includes your ISP that likely collects/sells your data or could report it to authorities. Additionally, it protects you from people that can join your wifi and steal your data that way, say at a public wifi like a coffee shop.

Personally, I use a VPN as much as possible, especially when I'm connected to any wifi outside of my home. In fact, I will absolutely not access security-sensitive sites (e.g. bank accounts, credit cards, etc.) on public wifi without using my VPN.

lemmyreader ,

um I don’t use a vpn. Please tell me why I should use a VPN.

It is up to you to use a VPN or not. Some people use a VPN to watch regular TV series which are blocked in their own country. Some people, like myself, despise the ad- and tracking- exploitation industry, other people may want to download e-books from anna's archive or simply do not trust their ISP. Other people live in countries where their government is very oppressive and intends to arrest and torture any critical voices.

I have nothing to hide.

Reminds me of : "Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say."

Recommended viewing :

TheOSINTguy ,

You have nothing to hide huh... So you take a shit with the stall door open?

possiblylinux127 , (edited ) in It's a long road back to privacy avatar


'Cause does not make sense. Other than that your English is fine

Edit: This might be a regional thing

ResidentCoffeeCat ,

I don't know the term for it (I'm sure someone who does will chime in later), but that still makes sense. It's a way of typing things out how they're pronounced. Some other examples includes: 'at'll (as a shortening of "that'll"), ol' (as a shortening of "old", as in "good ol' boy"), or the most common y'all being a popular southern way of shortening and contracting 'you' and 'all'.

Note that I'm not claiming this is perfect proper English, but just saying that from the perspective of myself being a native speaker, it makes perfect sense to me, and just adds some character to how my mental voice reads their text.

possiblylinux127 , avatar

That's not proper and can cause confusion. You frankly should not write like that. It is bad practice and doesn't even make a lot of sense to do.

bloodfart ,

Imma star writin out mu accent jus ta piss u off.

possiblylinux127 , avatar

That is bad grammar

bloodfart ,

Who care?

refalo ,

why say many word when few word do trick

possiblylinux127 , avatar

I am going to need you to use some more words in order for me to truly grasp what you are trying to say.

ResidentCoffeeCat ,

While I agree that I think that in most formal situations you should not write that way, I personally see no problem with a more casual writing style like that in a post like this. Seeing as it's written as the writer's personal account of their journey to regain privacy, a slightly more casual writing style is fitting. The benefit of a more expressive writing style, in this context, outweighs the potential reduction in clarity, given that most readers will be able to use context clues just fine.

As a side note, y'all shouldn't be so quick to downvote this guy. While I don't agree with his perspective myself, it's still a fair point of view to have, and it ain't like it's being written in bad faith or such. But that's just my two cents, I s'pose.

toastal ,

The fact that you mark your omission with an apostrophe correctly does wonders for ESL learners so the can see both what is being chopped off while also getting insight into how some native speakers’ accents might produce the sounds. Native speakers should use ’em more of’en.

refalo ,

does not make sense

Define sense... are we talking linguist nerd sense or common casual conversation sense? Because one holds true and the other does not.

possiblylinux127 , avatar

I've never heard anyone say cause instead of because. Maybe it is a regional thing as it seems like there are a decent amount of people who see this as normal.

just_another_person , in Randomly getting Notion email, after having deleted my account years ago...

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • brbposting ,

    I’d even recommend going one step further and deleting their account, but I didn’t read the post

    :p i keed

    Sims , in Telegram founder and CEO alledges signal has backdoors, they don't provide reproduceible builds, etc.

    I feel hustled, bc I recommended Signal to others :-( However, ANY contact with the US elite is a clear sign of the NSA/CIA/NED propaganda/spying network. I think It is safest for everyone, to voluntarily adopt the Russian, Chinese, Iranian, etc blocklist/firewall of western big-tech propaganda and spy methods, and seek out trustworthy open source. Oc Lemmy/federation as well as any other point of contact with the commoners are valid targets for these guy's, but a minimum of defense like that seems to be the only way to keep the US Capitalist elite out of our lives.

    Anyway, bye bye Signal. Gnu? Alternative ?

    rivvvver , avatar

    please get some more opinions on this, try to understand the arguments here better, before making up ur mind and believing the founder and CEO of a competing platform that u should switch away from their competitors

    Yesbutnotreally ,

    This guy gets downvoted, but it’s clearly just sarcasm right?


    kixik ,

    Jami is the GNU alternative, if you're wondering

    dukethorion , avatar

    I read something on the internet, so it must be true!

    GolfNovemberUniform , (edited ) in DNS traffic can leak outside the VPN tunnel on Android avatar

    Imagine using Android at this point

    eleitl ,

    LineageOS with Jerboa over Mullvad VPN here. Not many options on mobile devices.

    BearOfaTime ,

    And Android runs a shit load of portable devices beyond phones.

    Most handheld store scanners are Android based today. Inventory management devices (like warehouses have used since the nineties) used to be Palm-based, are largely Android now, because it's core is Linux. They don't have to run the standard Android shell, they can run their own.

    I've used medical monitors that are Android based.

    GolfNovemberUniform , (edited ) avatar

    Yea unfortunately. Hopefully the enshittification of new versions will speed up the development of alternatives

    EDIT: imagine raiding (now seriously)

    possiblylinux127 , avatar

    Lineage OS is so much better than stock Android

    lemmyreader OP ,

    Well, yes, I prefer desktop. But you know, in some countries some people have nothing else than phones. I am glad that Mullvad has posted this and hopefully Google can fix the bugs soon.

    GolfNovemberUniform , avatar

    Are they interested in fixing it though?

    lemmyreader OP ,


    GolfNovemberUniform , avatar

    Huh why don't you just downvote everything I say like everyone else does?

    lemmyreader OP ,

    Well, I didn't see the other comments till now, and wrote Upvoted as an alternative to Insightful which I was intending it to sound. I appreciated your comment because I think Google likely have their own priorities.

    GolfNovemberUniform , avatar

    Well yea I understand. I just didn't know what else to say. I didn't want to just upvote and not reply because I don't want to ignore nice (no I'm not saying that upvoting me makes you nice) people in this toxic and hopeless world. In the contrary I want to promote them. Though nobody (probably even myself) will believe in it after everything I've done and said here for various reasons. I guess it's an imagine being sus moment

    lemmyreader OP ,

    All fine. Your comment where you mentioned autistic suddenly made me "understand" the let-s-call-them misunderstandings in this thread. And I agree about the toxic world, but we're all in the same boat, so I'd say we may as well be nice to each other at least a few seconds per day. Sometimes small things can make a big difference.

    BearOfaTime ,

    Imagine making idiotic statements at this point.

    GolfNovemberUniform , avatar

    Imagine being rude for no reason

    MotoAsh , (edited )

    You and I don't have to imagine that, dummy. We've already done it.

    GolfNovemberUniform , avatar

    Well idk about you but I did it many times unfortunately. Imagine accusing people in what you've done yourself I guess. Very pathetic indeed

    MotoAsh ,

    I'm not accusing you. I'm stating a fact that I included myself in... You are indeed a dim bulb in the pack.

    GolfNovemberUniform , avatar

    Bruh I meant myself. I accused others in what I do myself. I didn't accuse you

    TheAnonymouseJoker Mod ,

    You're the rude ignoramus here. Do you use iPhone by any chance as your daily phone? Or an impractical Linux phone?

    GolfNovemberUniform , avatar

    I honesty don't understand the rudeness. What I said is unpopular as 8K monitors and I do think it can be downvoted but why being rude? I just don't want to participate in toxicity because then I become toxic too. Ignorance is the best in this case. And I use LineageOS that's based on Android btw

    TheAnonymouseJoker Mod ,

    Then why did you exactly say "imagine using android"? Makes no sense even if you were trying to make a joke hidden beneath many layers of logic.

    GolfNovemberUniform , avatar

    Well yea that didn't really make sense. I guess that's what being autistic is. Anyways upvoted and thank you for not being toxic

    CrescentMadeJr ,

    You’re not very self aware, are you?

    GolfNovemberUniform , avatar

    Realistically speaking, I'm not. Technically speaking, accusing people in what I do too may not be considered bad but that depends on the culture. Anyways I didn't mean to be rude when I made that original comment. I still don't understand how was it rude. I guess it's my English knowledge that sucks again

    HEXN3T , avatar

    And use what? iOS?

    GolfNovemberUniform , avatar

    Well iOS does have its advantages but tbh there are no fully usable alternatives for Android now. Hopefully Linux will get better on phones because I feel like we do need an alternative at this point

    HEXN3T , avatar

    Well, we live in right now, and right now, mobile Linux just isn't suitable for many people, and the hardware that actually supports mobile Linux is a whole other story. It's certainly not possible to just not have a phone at all anymore, either. Calyx, Graphene and Lineage are the current best options. To say someone is stupid for using these is, well, stupid.

    GolfNovemberUniform , avatar

    I didn't say that people who use Android are stupid and neither I intended to. What I meant is that Android is really enshittificated now. "It's certainly not possible to just not have a phone" is another story. I think relying on phones too much hurts people and the world a lot but again that's a whole new story

    HEXN3T , avatar

    Okay, but saying "Imagine using Android" paints a certain picture. And, yes, relying on phones is dangerous. It's not that it's impossible to live without a smartphone, it's that arbitrary systems have been put up in society that have created a large dependence on them.

    GolfNovemberUniform , avatar

    Agreed in everything. Will try to be more careful about what I say next time

    Tundra ,

    Stock android is definitely enshitified - but there is still hope with custom os's

    smileyhead ,

    They can change small thing or two, but nothing at the core. Look: when Samsung add something to Android vs when Google.

    TheAnonymouseJoker Mod ,

    That's nonsense. You can pretty much deal with any unrooted Android phone with Android 9 and above with this smartphone guide.

    Tundra ,

    Then its no longer stock?

    TheAnonymouseJoker Mod ,

    What does stock even mean? No "factory" shipped phone is going to be ideal for privacy and security. Stock to me means the custom Android build firmware that company shipped on the phone. As long as I am merely uninstalling programs, modifying permissions and firewalling the system, without rooting or unlocking it, it still is a stock factory phone. Within minutes I can return it to its "factory" status.

    jjlinux ,

    That is the definition "stock" for me as well. What @Tundra mentions is the definition of "default". Big difference.

    Tundra ,

    Fair enough - we are agreed at least then that the default android os is awful for privacy.

    jjlinux ,

    We all agree on that, I'm sure. Have a great Sunday, guys.

    Tundra ,

    You too!

    smileyhead ,

    All things I use, besides JavaScript on websites and firmware, is basically open source.
    I am lucky to use open protocols for communication only, as when deleting Facebook my friends were willing to use Matrix with me.
    I can do many many compromises.

    But still, I have OnePlus 6T with mobile Linux and absolutely cannot switch now. I would love to, but working camera and some alternative to Organic Maps is a must I cannot jump around when Android is "just" fine now.

    Sunny , avatar

    As opposed to iOS, the beautiful walled of garden of Eden?

    possiblylinux127 , avatar

    What other alternative is there?

    GolfNovemberUniform , avatar

    No real alternatives yet unfortunately. Though if you only use a browser, Linux may work

    Linkerbaan , avatar

    Privacy is when you fully isolate yourself from the world.

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