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3aqn5k6ryk , in Instagram locked my account and forced me to appeal and send a picture of my face, so I sent a picture of Shrek. They deleted my account

Yeah. I used to have fake facebook account because i got hooked on one of those mmorpg games. IDK what happened but something did and my account got suspended and FB requested me to upload my face and government ID. Yeah fuck that, uploaded some NSFW images and my account got deleted. Worth it.

tristan ,

Many years ago I had a Facebook account under my real name, and they blocked it and told me to verify ... I did everything they asked and they wouldn't accept it... I recreated it under a fake name (very obvious it's fake since it uses a celeb name) and have been using it for messaging a couple of friends for like a decade now with no issue

TheButtonJustSpins ,

Note that the people verifying that picture are not the people who set the policies or systems in place. You abused an innocent who's just trying to earn some bread, you didn't send NSFW materials to Zuck.

3aqn5k6ryk ,

I mean its not like i send some gore pictures or anything. The person on the end probably got some good chuckles about it. Eh, its harmless joke. You dont have to think about it too much.

frauddogg , avatar

Not any of our problems; if you willfully work for Meta after everything that has come out about them, you're a scab against the people and shouldn't be regarded past that point. Fuck should I care about techbros who wouldn't know solidarity if it popped out of a manhole and blew a new hole in their ass for?

unwarlikeExtortion ,

I doubt those people even know they work for Meta. They probably work at an agency which does this for multiple services, not only Facebook and they probably have that job because they can't get a better one. It isn't even unheard of for this to be done by kidnapped people in captivity. Sending provoking material doesn't do anything meaningful other than make those peoples' day worse, and chances are it's already pretty close to hell on earth.

bloodfart ,

No one verifying images for meta is a techbro. That’s indonesian work.

lud ,

you're a scab against the people and shouldn't be regarded past that point.

WTF‽ They are trying to stay alive, not murder your parents!

Do you think they are well paid or something? If you have an income, they likely earn 100 times less or something.

Seriously what the fuck is wrong with users on some instances?

frauddogg , avatar

Still not my problem; my man you should not be talking about jobs and who holds 'em when Amerika is looking at a job shortage because of all the offshoring. I said what I said with my whole chest; if you work for them in any form, facility, or function, or uplift those who do, I consider you an opp

chicken ,

Are there actually people in the loop? Are you sure it's not all bots? It's not like they will communicate with you at all about your ban aside from template emails.

dev_null ,

I used a fake name on Facebook and one day I similarly got suspended asking for government ID. So I photoshopped some fake ID with the fake name, printed it, put it in a plastic sleeve and took a photo of that, and they accepted it.

davel , in Instagram locked my account and forced me to appeal and send a picture of my face, so I sent a picture of Shrek. They deleted my account avatar

no thanks xi

It’s coming from inside the Instagram! specter

How much US military-industrial Kool-Aid have you drunk?

lud ,

It was a joke. Calm down .ml

davel , avatar
frauddogg , avatar
reverendsteveii ,
Tiltinyall ,

A wild tankie appears and minimizes China's surveillance state. Hey there you, have any Chinese immigrant friends? Did you know they are survielled and harassed around the world by the Chinese govenment? Your leaders will always fail you, mine too. I'm not gonna sit here in denial about it.

gramie , in Any good FOSS alternatives to DuoLingo?

Language Transfer is much, much better than Duolingo for learning a language.

I am learning Spanish using language transfer after having learned four other languages in more traditional ways. Obviously, immersion is the best way to learn. But if you have to learn any other way, this is the one. Far, far better than Duolingo.

It's made up of MP3s, usually about 10 minutes each. You just listen to them and respond to the instructor.

You can use SoundCloud, or YouTube, or the simple but practical smartphone app. The whole thing is run by one guy, and there is no charge but he asks for donations. I have been paying $10 per month on Patreon for several years now, and consider it well worth it.

You can learn French, Spanish, Italian, German, Greek, Turkish, and Swahili.

madis ,

The problem with Language Transfer is its very limited language selection and its format.

Duolingo allows reading, writing, listening and speech (last two can be disabled if unsuitable in your context), and it does not impose daily limits. I've yet to find an alternative app that does all 5 of those things.

gramie ,

Yes, Language Transfer doesn't have as many languages as Duolingo. Hardly surprising, since the entire system and all the language lessons were created by one man!

For me, the most important thing is to learn to think in the other language. Everything else follows from that.

Language Transfer makes a conscious effort not to get you to memorize things, but to internalize them and understand the system. That works perfectly with my own way of learning.

delirious_owl , avatar

Is it on f-droid?

gramie ,

It doesn't look like it. It might be worth suggesting it to the man behind Language Transfer, he probably just doesn't know about f-droid.

Legend ,

Can someone do that who isn't me ?

NotMyOldRedditName , in Telegram founder and CEO alledges signal has backdoors, they don't provide reproduceible builds, etc.

You don't need a backdoor in signal to bypass its encryption.

All you need is to exploit the phone and wait for them to open or use signal.

If you think your phone is safe from the NSA or similar services, I got some bad news for you.

Greg , avatar

I'm 100% secure, I have Nord VPN

RGB3x3 ,

This comment sponsored by NordVPN

Greg , avatar

I forgot to post an affiliate link and explain how routing all your internet traffic though one company equals security

rottingleaf ,

That works for every IM.

NotMyOldRedditName ,

It'd almost like... phones aren't secure.

rottingleaf ,

Nothing is against the attack described TBF.

Say, if I run only OpenBSD, carefully selecting non-base applications, with tightened setup and so on, the baddies may just come when I'm not at home and flash a trojan into my laptop's UEFI.

Well, it's easier with phones because these likely already have plenty of backdoors to do this remotely, available only for nation-states.

I'm starting to like the taste of this "conspiracy theorist" thing.

emergencyfood ,

All you need is to exploit the phone and wait for them to open or use signal.

Physical access is root access. But just because you can't make something NSA-proof dosen't mean you can't make it bloody difficult to break into.

NotMyOldRedditName , (edited )

There's been enough zero day remote exploits that there's bound to be more.

Pretty sure there's more than 1 about receiving an SMS and the payload rooting the phone and you not even knowing it happened. At least 1 but I think 2 or more.

Something about a malicious image also rooting a phone.

It goes on and on and phones don't always get security updates.

You can do your best, but then longer you use a given phone the higher the risk. That's why people switch out phones frequently when doing shady or important shit

j4k3 , in sim card from Ebay , bad idea? avatar

(Assuming Android)
IIRC a sim is a full microcontroller. I'm not sure about the protocols and actual vulnerabilities, but I can say no phone has a trusted or completely documented kernel space or modem. The entire operating system the user sees is like an application that runs in a somewhat separate space. The kernels are all orphans with the manufacturer's proprietary binary modules added as binaries to the kernel at the last possible minute. This is the depreciation mechanism that forces you to buy new devices despite most of the software being open source. No one can update the kernel dependencies unless they have the source code to rebuild the kernel modules needed for the hardware.

In your instance this information is relevant because the sim card is present in the hardware space outside of your user space. I'm not sure what the SELinux security context is, which is very important in Android. I imagine there are many hacks advanced hackers could do in theory, and Israel is on the bleeding edge of such capabilities. I don't think it is likely such a thing would be targeting the individual though. As far as I am aware there is no real way to know what connections a cellular modem is making in an absolute sense because the hardware is undocumented, the same is true of the processor. I'm probably not much help, but that is just what I know about the hardware environment in the periphery.

LoveSausage OP , (edited )

Yea I'm looking in do network monitoring when first connecting the phone. Will need root it seems. But since I will install GOS and reset it afterwards it would probably be my best bet for verifying no bad connections . Long time since I used wireshark but should be possible.

j4k3 , avatar

You would need a well designed Faraday box and a lot more of a test setup to verify that all possible communications are indeed reported by the device. No interface on the device itself can be trusted.

turkalino , in Any good FOSS alternatives to DuoLingo? avatar

Audiobooks from your local library 🤓

Darkassassin07 , in sim card from Ebay , bad idea? avatar

Why would you ever be buying a sim card seprate from the carrier servicing it...?

Honestly asking, that's incredibly unusual to me. Where I live, the mobile carrier always provides the sim card. Usually free with a monthly phone plan, or as a part of a pre-paid plan. (pre-paid you can usually buy from a corner store like seven eleven. monthly you'll actually have to visit their store/mall booth)

LoveSausage OP ,

Here I have to go to an office show passport , green card and sign paperwork . To get any simcard.

delirious_owl , avatar

Green card? Which country?

Don't you mean blue card?

Hildegarde ,

In the US the permanent resident card is green, and its often called the green card. Sometimes americans use the term for equivalent documents in other countries.

delirious_owl , avatar

OP said they were in the EU. My EU residency card is called a blue card. I thought that was the name across the EU

LoveSausage OP ,

Nope Spain has a green one

mortrek , in What's up with added EXIF data by gThumb ?

My favorite general image viewer is nomacs.

toastal , in Instagram locked my account and forced me to appeal and send a picture of my face, so I sent a picture of Shrek. They deleted my account

This is how I ended up getting my account deleted as well. 3D scan of my head was a immediate nope.

Bookmeat , in Does self-hosted VPN make sense?

Your traffic will be analyzed even when encrypted because information leaks in your traffic patterns and ML can suss out what you're browsing or talking to. If you want to avoid this you need to pad your packets and stuff random data into your packet stream to throw off the analysis.

pound_heap OP ,

Mullvad has a feature to add random noise into traffic patterns, actually

Scolding0513 , in What's up with added EXIF data by gThumb ?

Go to Preferences>Extensions. there is an extension for EXIF support. turn it off and then try again and see if the same thing happens

lemmyvore ,

There's also a plugin that scrubs metadata. But you have to use it manually from the tool menu.

Scolding0513 ,

didnt know, thanks

lemmyreader OP ,

Cool, that works. Thank you.

pineapplelover , in Instagram locked my account and forced me to appeal and send a picture of my face, so I sent a picture of Shrek. They deleted my account

Yet all those Instagram bots still exist. Weird

electro1 , in How Do I Prepare My Phone for a Protest? avatar

Just leave your phone at home, and bring a Digital camera, and few SD Cards ... Oh, wait.. < insert company name here > makes Cameras that spy on you... nevermind...

maybe we should hire a fast sketching artist to draw police brutality ... What.!... your pencil can track you now... come...ooooonnn

rar ,

Burner phone to anything that requires communication. Erase metadata of anything that will be shared and uploaded online.

Pantherina ,

Burner phones are a strange concept. If you want to store sensitive data on it, you shouldnt use some cheap android phone or even a dumbphone without encryption support.

SnotFlickerman , avatar

All Androids since 9 at least have been encrypted by default as long as you have a lock screen enabled. Doesn't matter if its cheap, it is there.

Pantherina ,

All Android phones have Google malware installed by default, as system apps, which means those apps can do whatever they want.

So every piece of data you put on there is possibly tracked and collected.

Then there are 2 more problems

  • the software is proprietary and cannot be externally wiped clean
  • the software is outdated

This makes it vulnerable to Pegasus attacks and others. There are tons of secure practices to avoid getting it, like LTE-only, HTTPS only, encrypted and trustworthy DNS, sandboxed processes, blocked javascript execution from unknown websites...

But still if the phone is outdated there are unpatched and publicly known security issues. Just spamming them at all phones is likely to succeed as so many people run vulnerable versions, as vendors suck.

Then if you have pegasus, the only way for security is to reflash the A/B partitions, both. Factory reset is not secure as it will keep what is already in the system partitions.

The firmware is protected and signed by the vendors, so it is likely clean.

But Pegasus installs itself to the phone storage.

If you A cant obtain factory images or B cant flash the phone at all, you cannot wipe it clean.

So a good activism phone needs

  • trustworthy and minimal system apps / stock software
  • modern software updates
  • possible to reflash whole device externally
  • nice to have: ability to verify checksum of system partition, like GrapheneOS Attestation

This makes them poorly pretty expensive. I think a slightly outdated GrapheneOS phone is okay though.

Lemongrab ,

Then get a burner pixel 3a and install grapheneOS or DivestOS

Pantherina ,

I think 3a is already too old. I think 4a is a better minimum, but this is still insecure of course.

Lemongrab ,
Pantherina ,

Yes I know, and I want to try DivestOS one time. But they do incomplete patches.

They cannot update the kernel themselves or even worse the firmware. The kernel needs to be built and patched for the specific hardware, GrapheneOS relies completely on Google here. And the firmware needs to be signed by the vendors, so no chance either.

And especially baseband, cellular stuff has extremely many vulnerabilities in the code.

ReversalHatchery ,

Most of that is solved by installing a ROM that's not user hostile, keeping it updated of course, and using the phone strictly as a purpose specific device.

That means you run a trusted VPN on it so HTTP/S and DNS concerns go out the window.
Sandboxed processes, blocked JS? Fine if you only install what's necessary and don't use the web browser. JS blocking is not a huge hurdle though, ublock does it with just 2 clicks.

Then if you have pegasus, the only way for security is to reflash the A/B partitions, both. Factory reset is not secure as it will keep what is already in the system partitions.

That's right but I don't think that this is enough. If the Pegasus malware (package) really is able to do that many things, it's a walk in the park for it to modify any of the partitions, including that which contains the modem, or just data like the modem's IMEI and MAC addresses.
In the cause I would either restore a backup of all partitions, or throw the phone away (not literally).

The firmware is protected and signed by the vendors, so it is likely clean.

Except if they patched the verification mechanisms of the OS.
Also, the firmware may be protected, but what about data partitions which are read by vulnerable software.

This makes them poorly pretty expensive. I think a slightly outdated GrapheneOS phone is okay though.

Are you sure? My 6 years old phone still receives LOS updates

Pantherina ,

Not sure if VPN eliminates all risks with 2G and 3G, maybe it does.

Sandboxing, javascript

Vanadium has sandboxing but its javascript blocking is useless (no granular control)

Mull has no process isolation at all, but support for UBO and Noscript. Bad situation

it's a walk in the park for it to modify any of the partitions

These cannot be written without TPM verification or stuff, ask GrapheneOS devs about that, I dont know. The firmware signing is required, the verification will not be done inside the OS, that would be totally flawed.

If they have the firmware signing keys, they can fuck you. If they dont, they can only write to the system partition, and Attestation can see that.

Reading data has nothing to do with that. They likely can, but that doesnt matter.

My 6 years old phone still receives LOS updates

This will not include firmware and likely even the kernel.

ReversalHatchery ,

Not sure if VPN eliminates all risks with 2G and 3G, maybe it does.

It doesn't, but probably even on modern phones it only does if you explicitly set it to only use 4G but nothing below that.

Mull has no process isolation at all, but support for UBO and Noscript. Bad situation

If you only visit known reputable websites it's probably not really a problem, but also, I think there are chromium browsers that have addons. Not sure though if there's one that besides that also has the security patches.

These cannot be written without TPM verification or stuff

I doubt that it couldn't be written, I believe TPM can only verify its contents and make the phone refuse to boot if it doesn't agree on the authenticity of the partition contents.
However it's also a question which partitions are checked that way: only the system partition? Or more? Probably not all, because they can't verify e.g. the main user data partition, because it's ever changing contents were never signed by the manufacturer. There's a few dozens of partitions usually so this is not trivial to answer.

the verification will not be done inside the OS, that would be totally flawed.

Yes, verification is done by one of the bootloaders. At least partly, the OS and maybe other layers must be doing it too, just remember why Magisk had a feature to hide it's processes and the controlling app itself from select system services and other apps.

Reading data has nothing to do with that. They likely can, but that doesnt matter.

Didn't mean that. I meant writing data that is later being read by other important system software that is vulnerable to specially crafted quirks in that data.

Pantherina ,

Not sure but GrapheneOS has an "LTE only" mode, stock Android only has preferred Network afaik.

visiting only known websites is not a scaleable option, a browser needs to be secure. Kiwix is the browser that basically runs desktop Chromium on Android, so it has Addon support. But that is also soon manifest v3 restricted, and likely pretty insecure.

of course the user data partition is not checked, but every other important one. I have not tested what would happen when it is modified though.

I dont know what magisk did, but I think that is only about Google Play adding their "safety" scanning to the OS. Nothing regarding boot. But yes, likely there could, can or should be OS components scanning things too.

Googles stuff is pretty insecure, for example the latest SafetyNetFix simply disabled hardware cryptography, as they still support insecure phones.

For sure this is very complex and there are always vulnerabilities found in Android and GrapheneOS.

ReversalHatchery ,

visiting only known websites is not a scaleable option

On the regular day to day use, that's right. But on a protest you really should be careful, more than usual.

but every other important one

Is that universally true for all phones?

Pantherina ,
ReversalHatchery ,

The point is not cheapness but that you don't care about the future of that phone. It's only a tool for the protest, if it lasts longer that's good but you expect it to get confiscated and never given back, you don't care what cops did with it if you get it back, it does not have data you need in your daily life or anything irreplaceable, and you're not really afraid that it gets destroyed by accident or maliciously.

Pantherina ,

Yes that is one definition.

But what if you get it back? Or if you just keep it?

There is a chance that you have Pegasus on there, and I wouldnt want a phone without the detection of this.

GrapheneOS can likely detect pegasus with their Attestation and if you have it, use an external device to reflash it.

ReversalHatchery ,

But what if you get it back? Or if you just keep it?

There is a chance that you have Pegasus on there, and I wouldnt want a phone without the detection of this.

You attempt to flash your full backup to it. And maybe then read it back if you can for verification that it was actually written to memory, but that probably won't be possible when using fastboot. That's all you can do that's reliable, to some extent.

delirious_owl , avatar

No, its better to have a smart device that syncs photos to your encrypted cloud in case you're attacked and your attacker breaks your SD card to destroy the evidence

delirious_owl , in sim card from Ebay , bad idea? avatar

I like security meetups where everyone brings a SIM card and you put it in a hat, shake it up, and pass them back out again at random.

narc0tic_bird , in Google engineers want to introduce DRMs for web pages, making ad-blocking near-impossible in the browser avatar

What the fuck is happening to the internet recently?

Twitter and Reddit CEOs completely losing their minds, and now Google of all companies wants to lock down the whole internet?

This isn't even close to being okay. It's 100% bullshit.

fearout , avatar

I know, right? It’s so weird. In every single instance of some bullshit happening it’s easy to brush it off as incompetence or an attempt at profit maximization, but overall it feels a lot like some kind of targeted disassembly of whatever made the internet great and facilitated open discussions.

Cube6392 , avatar

I don't think it's coordinated, I think it all starts from the same root cause: Silicon Valley Bank failed. These companies all need to do something they've really not done much of in the past: turn a profit. But these companies are not run by the business geniuses we were once convinced were running the show. Most of them live so far removed from a normal persons life that they don't understand what motivates us, what we want in a platform, and as soon as we provide feedback after they've already made a decision, they decide it's because we don't understand the squeeze they're under to make money.

  • Twitter: Elon Musk thinks he could make more money from subscriptions than advertisements. The whole thing's a disaster because that's really dumb. This case may be a little different though because there's some evidence Musk just wanted more people to see his tweets and to pay people to be his friend
  • Reddit: Spez fails to see that he has multiple revenue sources available to him so long as he keeps his users around. Somewhere, there was the right balance of charging for the API at a reasonable price, performing better market research on his user base to provide a better ad platform, and keeping the Reddit coin system in place as the base liked it because the user base paid more for that than most similar online payment schemes.
  • Google: this is the scary one. This is the one that seems like they know exactly what they're doing. They're ramping up their enshittification following the fall of SVB, but the way they're doing it is both malicious and a minor enough inconvenience that the majority of their users will stay. And they're doing it in small quiet ways. A little bit of tweaking how YouTube bans users here. A little bit of RFCs about DRM on the web there. Some PRs to chromium and android no one will notice. All to squeeze more ads into peoples online experiences. Their search product has been utter shit for about 6 years now, but people still prefer it over Bing or DuckDuckGo (which is a wrapper for Bing). They've learned the following lesson: if you're big enough, the citizens of the web will let you do it
Asafum ,

Duckduckgo is a wrapper for bing? No wonder it sucks... I want to like it, but the results are usually pretty bad in comparison to Google. Takes me much longer to find what I'm looking for with DDG. :/

westyvw ,

I have exactly the opposite experience. Google has gone to shit, and duckduckgo gets me there faster 90% of the time. Plus the results are short and concise, or immediately helpful.

The SEO of the internet has really fucked googles algorithm. At least with duckduckgo I can end the search with !g to switch to google if I need a second go, but you cannot !d in google.

4am , avatar

Elon Musk wanted to drive Twitter into the dirt once he was forced to buy it. Criticism, jet tracking, rejection of fascist-adjacent opinions that are “logical” but only if you’re a heartless engineering robot.

His hubris forced him into buying it, but once he had to, he might as well destroy it. How else do you think he got the Saudis in on it for another billion?

I laughed about this theory at first, just memeing it like “ha could you even imagine?” But every single day it seems more and more like he does the worst thing possible to “monetize” and then gripes about it like the only reason his brilliance isn’t working is because big mean liberal woke mind virus society is trying to do cancel culture because they’re just jealous he’s rich.

InverseParallax ,

Interest rates going up means investors are demanding more profit so all the tricks web companies have held off on till now are coming out.

givesomefucks ,

A lot of them never had to make a profit before.

Rich idiots threw money at anything because while a million dollars is more than the vast amount of us will ever have, to them it's like buying a lotto scratcher.

The underlying issue is wealth imbalance.

PoliticalAgitator ,

That wealth imbalance also pushes companies to force dumb shit like this on thier customers.

If Google were to just come out with a $10 a month plan that removed all the sleazy ways they try and profit from you, the overwhemling response would be "Oh great yet another subscription", because these subscriptions have become a significant chunk of people's income each month.

But what if greedy neoliberals hadn't been pocketing our pay rises for $20 years and that subscription was functionally $1? Most people would be happy to blow $20 supporting 20 different content providers.

Unfortunately, their greed is insatiable. There's always a room of executives doing their grubby little sums. "If people have $1, they probably have $2. We could double our profits! Then double our salaries!".

Inflation just means "If rich people find out you've got more money, they'll fuck you out of that too".

The $1 will never be enough. They'll keep charging more and more until people have nothing left to hand over. Then they'll figure out more ways to squeeze a profit out of you. Manipulating you with ads, selling your private data, turning your body into expensive dogfood -- whatever makes them a few more cents.

ddnomad , avatar

The enshittification of the internet shall continue.

We will fight and we will lose, as depressing as it sounds. The vast majority of people just don’t and won’t care.

dontblink , avatar

But a small minority of really determined people is enough to change the world 🙌

I love to see how people nowadays find easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism.. That's how they've been brainwashing us till now.

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