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GolfNovemberUniform , in Thoughts on Nothing Phone 2 running with e/os? avatar

Afaik /e/OS isn't completely Google-free. It just uses some anonymization stuff to make Google services a bit less invasive and I think it has proprietary software too. For a complete Google-free experience you probably want something like LineageOS or GrapheneOS

cyrus , avatar

It isn't google-free in the sense that it ships

Unless you enable SafetyNet, none of Google's code runs.

lemmyreader ,

/e/OS is based on LineageOS with microG. They did make a choice for Magic Earth as maps app which is not open source. For "normies" /e/OS seems a fine choice to me to De-Google.

jinwk00 OP ,

At least Magic Earth has good policy though, no?

jinwk00 OP ,

Aw shucks, the porter moved on from Lineage to develop more on e/os

Any alternative custom ROMs that are generally considered complete Google-free other than those 2?

GolfNovemberUniform , (edited ) avatar

Idk about completely Google-free ones. Most of vanilla ROMs (such as crDroid, ArrowOS, CherishOS etc) do have some pre-included fixes for Google apps because most of the users flash them and I think they use the proprietary version of Monet theming (there are 2 versions of it). Usually LineageOS is what you go for if you want a completely vanilla ROM. I heard they're considering adding some fixes for Gapps too but I don't think it's going to be anything bad or proprietary

jinwk00 OP ,

Should I be concerned if I am not going to be installing Google Apps (or gapps) or microG?

GolfNovemberUniform , avatar

Depends on the exact ROM (I think they're only really tested with Gapps) but usually you should be fine. It might be relatively easy to identify a user of ROMs like this because of mismatching device fingerprints (done to unlock Pixel features such as unlimited Google Photos storage and high FPS limit in games) though

lemmyreader ,

Have other comments made you dislike /e/OS ? microG, which /e/OS uses is not using Google but a replacement for the Google Play framework if you would for example need location feature for some of your apps.

jinwk00 OP ,

Not really dislike, but was wondering if there were any better choices

Tundra ,
jinwk00 OP ,

Thanks, looks promising but unfortunately unavailable

Ilandar ,

Here's a comparison of the main ones. They are all good projects in their own right so take a look at their features and which phones they support. Some are focused more on hardcore security and privacy, while others are more casual in their implementation. Some only support Google Pixels while others support a pretty wide range of new and old devices.

ArcaneSlime , in Free Software Webmail Systems (fsf recommended email providers)

I wish I could find one that is just a little less ideological. Not that I have a problem with ideologies, but I have trust issues, and I've seen some people justify some shit in the name of their ideologies, and as such I don't fully trust someone with a policy like:

To be hosted on our servers you have to share our principles of anti-fascism, anti-racism, anti-sexism, anti-homophobia, anti-transphobia, and anti-militarism. Your projects must as well be based on the same non-commercial nature which keep our project alive, and on the desire to share and experience relationships and struggles, with all the patience it requires.

for instance not to monitor my email to ensure I adhere even when they pinky swear they don't. Again, not that any of that would apply to me nor that they do spy but just the thought that they may us enough. Before someone says some smartass shit, I'd say the same for the opposite but idk many nazi mail providers.

I guess I'll have to pay, idk, maybe forward email. I'd pay proton if they'd just let me use imap/pop3 without some stupid "bridge."

possiblylinux127 OP , avatar

Totally agree, however your options are limited.

ArcaneSlime ,

Yes, "and this is one of the limitations," is what I mean. This isn't just that one with the pretentious "AI" name, it's also riseup, disroot, etc.

umbrella , in Randomly getting Notion email, after having deleted my account years ago... avatar

tell me more about how you use aliases.

you just using a new one for every service?

lazynooblet , avatar

Back when I used self hosted mail, I wrote an extension that requested a new alias based on the domain of the website.

Like [email protected]

If the site got compromised I would update the random characters.

I still have 800+ aliases left over from this. But after moving to hosted mail I never updated the extension.

9point6 , (edited )

Surprisingly little known fact, email addresses actually have the concept of aliases built in (and it's relatively well supported despite being a bit niche):

[email protected]

Will end up in the inbox of

[email protected]

But will retain the alias in the To field

The downside is that if a sender is particularly shitty it could detect this and remove the alias again.

gratux , avatar

Note: not every provider supports this.

Also, gmail addresses ignore periods. [email protected] and [email protected] will end up in the same inbox

Sunny OP , avatar

Yes indeed, password managers have the option to do this, at least Protonpass and Bitwarden. While Bitwarden you need to connect a third party email service. But it's relatively easy, especially with Protonpass as it will automatically suggest to do this when you create an account somewhere.

electro1 , in Telegram apparently censor queer groups avatar

It gets worse when you watch his interview with Tucker Carlson .. guy said if a government forces us to censor a group it'll only censored from the app you get from big tech play stores... That's horseshit... If you censor a group from your platform, it'll be removed from all people's feeds regardless of their clients or from where they got the app...

daniyeg , (edited )

telegram has different visibility based on which client you are using and your phone number's region. I've seen it firsthand how some channels are not available on telegram downloaded from app store vs direct apk download. unless if you mean in spirit they're basically the same which i agree but everyone that has used telegram at all knows that telegram values being accessible more than free speech and privacy.

electro1 , avatar

I've seen it firsthand how some channels are not available on telegram downloaded from app store vs direct apk download

the right word is "visible".. discoverability on Telegram has always being broken, as in you search for a channel, good luck finding it!.. like you said it's because of your phone number region.. Etc... that has been fixed when they introduced similar channels feature, since then I never used that broken search functionality.. But once you find and join a channel, if Telegram mods decided to censor some posts or remove the entire channel, it'll be removed from all clients... unless there is some client out there who saves snapshots of all channels or posts ( somehow )

daniyeg ,

by available i meant available. it's on a per channel/group basis and not on individual messages but essentially you can't join or view their messages even if you have their id and even if someone forwards it to you it displays a "this message is nor available on clients downloaded from google play" error message or something similar. if you joined a channel prior and it get blocked from your client you stay in but can't view its messages.

MrJameGumb , in Instagram locked my account and forced me to appeal and send a picture of my face, so I sent a picture of Shrek. They deleted my account avatar

They want to be able to make sure they're stealing data from real people and also ensure that your real life offline can be destroyed at any time lol

givesomefucks ,

I mean, they know they're stealingg it from a real person, and no matter how careful you are, they're tracking you.

Even if you don't have a profile, they have a "you shaped hole" and someone somewhere has tagged you in a picture. They still have data on you built from people in any picture you were tagged in, their data gets extrapolated to you.

The ID is so they can sell the data for a higher price because it's "verified" to be yours. Even tho without it they still 100% know it's you.

This isn't about Facebook getting your ID, it's just so the people they'll selling it to pay more.

There's a chance a human never looked at OPs Shrek picture, an AI may have just checked it against real name tagged photos and it didn't match. Even tho OP doesn't have a Facebook account under their real name.

Facebook still knows what OP looks like, and almost assuredly knew the burner account was theirs

BearOfaTime ,

Yep, Ghost Profiles.

Though I'd live to see what they think they have on me.

I'm old enough to well pre-date digital cameras, and of the photos I know I'm in, those people are unlikely to have uploaded pics (very few of those photos are with phones, and those people don't share online with others much anyway).

Genuinely very curious, since I'm such an outlier - it would be really insightful as to how effective FB is at piecing disparate and tiny elements, including the tracking pixels, etc.

I've never intentionally even been to the FB website - the first time a college kid in the family talked about it, I knew it was bad news, but couldn't convince them.

Maybe I'll spin up a Linux machine off of usb, fire up a VPN, hit FB and see what I can find. I'm kind of curious now.

scytale ,

Do you never join photos when in social gatherings and someone takes a group picture with their phone?

EngineerGaming , avatar

Unless you mean "accidentally being somewhere in the background of a stranger's photo", yes. I usually opt out of being photographed, was never forced into this.

pupbiru , avatar

remember that your searches for yourself feed them data too

TCB13 , (edited ) in Proton Mail Discloses User Data Leading to Arrest in Spain avatar

And then I am the one exaggerating... I'll say it again, Proton is just another company that managed to find clever ways to profit from a group of people who value things such as "privacy".

They're just a very large marketing effort with little to nothing to show but everyone is convinced they're actually protecting users while they keep pushing proprietary / half open and non standard stuff as solutions for problems already solved with truly open tools, standards and protocols.

tranxuanthang ,

Proton did nothing wrong here; in fact, it is working as intended.

No email content or attachment was provided in this case because they (Proton) have nothing to give. Now, imagine if this user were using Gmail instead of Proton.

The article title is clickbait and is trying to incite outrage from the crowd. Don't fall for it.

TCB13 , avatar

now, imagine if this user were using Gmail instead of Proton.

Now imagine if the user was using Gmail + PGP... same end result. Proton delivered no extra value whatsoever.

GolfNovemberUniform , in ACTUALLY! Android is more private than the iPhone! (Disclaimer: The YouTuber is anti-China, but his analysis on Apple is very good) avatar

Open-source Android ROMs are but Chinese proprietary ones aren't at all

jaxil6 ,


gary_host_laptop , avatar

Anglo proprietary ones are just the same shit, racist fuck.

foremanguy92_ , in Instagram locked my account and forced me to appeal and send a picture of my face, so I sent a picture of Shrek. They deleted my account

Maybe for app banking app (and even...), it could be understanding but for instagram, NEVER! Even for security reason... Bro they don't care about anything on their network, allow soft porn and all that kind of stuff. And after all of that they are going to come to say that it is for security reasons 😂 Stay on the "libre" web, Lemmy is a great start! 👌

acetanilide ,

Yeah I've only done it on government websites because I had to

foremanguy92_ ,

And government website already know who you are

lseif ,

i mean, unless the bank already knows what you look like or could cross reference with an existing id photo, i cant see how it would be any more secure.

amaki , in Telegram apparently censor queer groups

That sucks, i don't know if a XMPP client + Tor/Orbot would be a good alternative

DaseinPickle OP ,

I think something like Simplex Chat is easier to use.

rottingleaf ,

Telegram is used like a weird social network with channels and big groupchats and search. XMPP can't do that yet.

toastal ,

Movim is sort of like a decentralized social media space built atop XMPP

rottingleaf ,

You mean, with things similar to TG channels? Will try. Still answering specific messages with referencing them, referencing specific posts in channels and so on don't seem to be in XMPP functionality yet.

toastal ,

I have no idea what channels are… Is this threading?

rottingleaf ,

It's like a blog with comments under every post.

rivvvver , in Telegram founder and CEO alledges signal has backdoors, they don't provide reproduceible builds, etc. avatar

arent telegram chats unencrypted by default?

An alarming number of important people I’ve spoken to remarked that their “private” Signal messages had been exploited against them in US courts or media

source?? (i bet this ends up being a "they had full access to my unlocked phone" situation again)

also the whole thing abt US funded encryption is the same bullshit argument ppl use against Tor all the time.
it doesnt mean shit.

this just reads like someone desperately trying to get more market share by spreading FUD

penquin ,

"an alarming number of important people" is the source. That's more than enough, right?

rivvvver , avatar

im gonna assume ur joking.
its hard to tell sarcasm on the internet.

obviously i would like an actual source like at least one of those "important" ppl talking abt what happened to them

penquin ,

😂. Of course I'm joking. That claim is bullshit. Hey I know a guy who sold a bridge, and he's wealthy now. Source: trust me, he told me.

jabathekek , avatar

read: "all my rich white friends"

DaseinPickle ,

“One rich dude I met once at a dinner party. Totally legit. “

Ilandar ,

"Who work for Telegram"

possiblylinux127 , avatar

"Signal is insecure"

  • Putin probably
rdri ,

arent telegram chats unencrypted by default?

Encryption is always there. Problem is, some people refer to anything "not e2e encrypted" as "unencrypted" for some reason.

fushuan ,

And it infuriates me to no end. It's one thing to trust them and their servers and it's another thing altogether to send actual plaintext data around the net, that's crazy and it's what people are implying.

For the record, until WhatsApp implemented e2e their messages were indeed fucking plaintext, and it took a while before they were pressured into e2e. It helps for them that their platform is very mobile based vs telegram, where the service is more server based. Telegram did have enough time to implement a server based e2e 0 knowledge encryption protocol though, it's not really rocket science at this point.

rdri ,

Telegram did have enough time to implement a server based e2e 0 knowledge encryption protocol though, it’s not really rocket science at this point.

What do you mean by server based e2e? From what I get, most people's complain is that Telegram doesn't support e2e in group chats, and that is what seems to be close to rocket science in my opinion. Also Telegram is historically filled with ever growing group chats, which means quite serious implications for server requirements from what I understand.

fushuan ,

Tegram stores all the conversation in their servers, since you don't need to be connected in the phone or have the phone witchednon if you want to chat in the pc, or in another phone. This means that the authority is the server. WhatsApp it's not like that, if you delete a shared photo after a while it will be cached out and you will lost access to it, meaning that they don't store that stuff. The same thing happens with WhatsApp desktop or web, they stay in an infinite loading icon until you twitch on the phone or sometimes even unlock it.

This means that whatever telegram develops must not only keep the group chat encrypted in the server, but any valid client of a user must be able to decipher the content, so every client must somehow have the key to unlock the content. One way of doing it would be for every client of a single user to generate keys (which I'm sure they already do) and reform a key exchange between them, to share that way a single shared key, which is what identifies your account. Then toy could use that shared key to decipher the group chat shared key which telegram can store on their server or do whatever is done in those cases, I'm not that well versed.

The problem here lies in what happens when you delete and/or logout of all the accounts, currently you can login into the server again, because telegram has all the info required, but if they store the "shared key" then it's all moot, I guess they could store a user identifying key pair, with the private key encrypted with a password, so that it can be accessed from wherever. They should as always offer MFA and passkey alternatives to be able to identify as yourself every time you want to log into a new client, without requiring the password and so on.

This is some roughly designed idea I just had that should theoretically work, but I'm sure that there's more elegant ways to go about this.

It's work for sure to implement all of this in a secure way, provided that you have to somehow merge everything that already exists into the new encryption model, make everyone create a password and yada yada while making sure that it's as seamless as possible for users. However, I feel like it's been quite a while and that if they did not do it already, theybjist won't, we either trust them with our data or search for an alternative, and sadly there's no alternative that has all the fuzz right now.

rdri ,

Sorry I have a hard time understanding the gist of your text. I don't think it's viable to be upset about what happens with access that was already acquired previously because that very fact already poses a bigger threat (which might have more to do with the nature of conversations vs how the platform works).

fushuan ,

I wasn't talking about situations with compromised accounts, I was talking about legitimate accounts that were created in a typical way being converted to a zero knowledge encryption method, I was aknowledging that it's hard doing that conversion when a user might have several clients logged on (2 phones, 6 computers...).

My point was that if they have not put any motivation in the transition, they never will because the bigger the userbase, the harder for them to manage the transition. Also, I find that sad because they should have invested more effort in that instead of all the features we are getting, but whatever.

If you found the technical terms confusing, public/private keys are some sort of asymmetric "passwords" used in cryptography that secure messages, and shared keys would be symmetrical passwords. The theory between key exchanges and all around those protocols are taught in introductory courses to cryptography in bachelors and masters, and I'm sorry to say that I don't have the energy to explain more but feel free to read about the terms if you feel like it.

If you however found it confusing because I write like crap, I'm sorry for potentially offending you with the above paragraph and I'll blame my phone keyboard about it :)

rdri , (edited )

No that's not what I didn't understand. The problem itself as you described it seems either a non-issue or something very few people (who's already using telegram for some time) would care about. I don't understand the scenario that would pose a problem for the user. The moment some account legitimately gains access to some chat is probably what should trouble you instead.

VeganCheesecake , avatar

Well, Telegram seems to be giving user data to the German Federal Criminal Police Office, and if they're cooperating with the German authorities, I don't see why I'd presume they aren't cooperating with others as well.

All this is actually documented, compared to those nebulous "important people".

UnfortunateShort ,

Tbf, they held a user vote in Germany (supposedly, although the app did ask me to vote) whether to work with them or risk to cease services. Iirc the backgrounds were extremist (terrorist?) groups operating on the platform

taladar , in Best front and rear view dashcam without built-in WiFi?

I know this is a privacy community but you don't have to keep the details of your use case and your reasons for not wanting WiFi quite this private if you want useful responses.

lemmylem OP ,

Why do I have to explain why I don't want WiFi built-in? What difference would it make exactly?

taladar ,

Let me put it another way. You are much more likely to get responses that fit your use case if you put in more than half a sentence worth of effort into describing what you need.

lemmylem OP ,

Anything that's cheap and reliable, nothing over $200

AtariDump ,
Scolding0513 , in sim card from Ebay , bad idea?
LoveSausage OP , sounds promising for topping up the card. Just USD Any other options for EUR cards?

Blizzard , in Randomly getting Notion email, after having deleted my account years ago... avatar

Send a GDPR demand to delete your data.

TheAnonymouseJoker Mod , (edited ) in Instagram locked my account and forced me to appeal and send a picture of my face, so I sent a picture of Shrek. They deleted my account

Account suspended, please upload selfie to continue (no thanks xi).

I find it interesting how people like OP are racist pieces of shit, even though Facebook or Zuckerberg or USA has NOTHING to do with China. This is just as sensible as saying my neighbour in Florida has 3 dangerous bulldogs, and this is Xi Jinping's or Putin's fault.

I do not care about this little privacy invasion fling, because playing stupid games wins you stupid prizes, like this post. Having a personal Facebook/Instagram in 2024 is batshit insane. What is more important is the "no thanks Xi" nonsense that westerners are refusing to give up. It almost feels like xenophobia and bigotry is a part of their culture.

In case the message is still unclear... westerners need to stop blaming the "foreign enemy" (China/Russia) for all their self goals and wrongdoings. They are responsible for their own nonsense. Tide pod challenges exist in USA and not China for a reason, the population of one of those countries is dumber than a donkey.

emergencyfood ,

I think OP is confusing Instagram with Tiktok.

TheAnonymouseJoker Mod ,

No, Facebook and Instagram do this video selfie or government ID thing. Tiktok has never asked for these things to date, on top of letting you use it without account. OP is bigoted.

frauddogg , avatar

Bigoted and trying to hide it behind "buhhhh buhhh it's just a joke guise" like that tactic hasn't been cracked for like a decade

pupbiru , (edited ) avatar

and in the same way, perhaps stop saying “westerners”

many us had the same thought that it’s xenophobic bullshit… perhaps we all should stop arbitrarily grouping people into geographic groups and making sweeping generalisations

and saying that the USA is dumber than a donkey and implying that china is not is just fucking laughable… i’m aussie, so i have no horse in either race: our economy is almost entirely reliant on china and we rely on the USA for basically everything else, including protection from china… and yknow what? all cultures are fucking weird… stop being so god damn condescending. the only thing it proves is that you’ve never travelled enough, or that “different” makes you uncomfortable which makes you an incurable bigot

TheAnonymouseJoker Mod ,

The whole west is one nation in how they are ok with Palestinian genocide. These same people were the ones lying about Uyghur Muslims few years ago. It is no surprise west is bigoted as a whole, considering the colonialist history of USA and Europe that is quite exclusive to them. ASPI is from your country, right? Or Murdoch network? Guess what, Australia is part of west. Australia is not just part, but USA's Deputy Sheriff in Asia region, and even have their military bases where you people are disallowed from going. Australia also loves to harass or kill Indian immigrants, so it is part of the problem.

As for the donkey part, I know of only one country at large in the world, where people have the audacity to do moral grandstanding while supporting overseas genocide and wars silently, and not even knowing where countries are on map. You are the laughable simp for west.

It is perfectly okay to call out on and shit on this western exclusive attitude I commonly see on YouTube, Reddit, twitter, 4chan, western forums and now even fucking Lemmy. Everything is about China, Russia, DPRK, Iran and whoever else is the "enemy". There is plenty of shade throwing happening to keep the hatred alive.

Westerners are very much one group, considering what all is happening today. The "nuance" and civility is murdered by westerners, by controlling global media, spreading hatred for non Anglos, aiding or committing genocides and doing this kind of stuff like OP in daily lives. The voting pattern kind of tells the story, though, as OP gets upvoted with a complete acceptance of "no thanks xi" racism where there is no role of China. It is okay for you people, and in the future there will never be a discussion on this sort of behaviour. Go to 4chan if you want to be okay with it. They do it in every paragraph.

solrize , in Mozilla to protect Firefox users from bounce trackers - Stack Diary

How about stopping link hover from showing its own nonsense in the status line, Mozilla. The status line should always show the real link destination.

something_random_tho ,

It could only know that by navigating to the link in the background. That would have side effects, like them being able to track you even when you don't click on links.

solrize ,

If the link is to a redirector then that's what should show in the status line.

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