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b59r , avatar


Am 'Tag des Meeres'
darf ein häufig anzutreffender Küstenbewohner nicht fehlen!

Der Kormoran
K. sind knapp gänsegroß, sie haben eine Körperlänge von 77 bis 94 cm und eine Flügelspannweite von 121 bis 149 cm. Männchen sind etwas größer und schwerer als Weibchen. Das Verbreitungsgebiet umfasst große Teile von Europa, Mittel- und Südasien, Ostafrika, Australien, Neuseeland sowie die Ostküste Nordamerikas und die Westküsten Nordafrikas und Grönlands. Kormorane sind an Wasser gebunden, die Brutkolonien liegen sowohl an Meeresküsten als auch an den Ufern größerer Flüsse und Seen. Textauszug: Wikipedia

b59r OP , avatar

@frauchen @photography @FotoVorschlag Danke für deinen Zuspruch! 💚

AgatheBleibtDaheim , avatar

@b59r @photography @FotoVorschlag

Toll, so habe ich die diesem Vogel noch nie ins Auge geblickt!

IchWeissEsDochAuchNicht , German avatar

Mal in eigener Sache,
ich fotografiere ja "nur" mit dem Handy und würde das ganz gerne auch mit einer richtigen Kamera machen. Allerdings mag ich als unwissender erstmal auch nicht so viel Geld ausgeben...und auf VHS habe ich keine Lust.
Hätte den Jemensch in Lust mich an die Hand zu nehmen um mir ein paar Tricks und allgemeines Wissen zu vermitteln? Gerne od.
@photography @fedihelp

Und Danke schonmal im voraus 👍🏼😃

photogramm , avatar

@IchWeissEsDochAuchNicht @photography @fedihelp
Ja auf jeden Fall viel mit Festbrennweite den Blick trainieren.
Praktica LTL war meine erste Kamera.

Franky_Tegeler , avatar

Eine Gebrauchte DSLR reicht als Einstieg. Dazu eine Festbrennweite 40mm oder 50mm. Gründe hierfür wurden bereits genannt. Dazu ein gutes Bildbearbeitungsprogramm zur Nachbearbeitung. Auch hier muss es nicht gleich Adobe oder Darktable sein, Gimp reicht aus.

Angefangen mit Canon 100D, Pentax K100D. Jetzt Canon Mark 5D II. Lange Zeit mit den Einsteigerkameras fotografiert. Gerne DM.

@photography @fedihelp

SilverRainbow , avatar

Autumn Afternoon

Heading for Álftafjörður on a bright but chilly September day, the mountains of eastern are beautifully lit.

The tallest peaks are Mýrarfell (1108m) and Einidalsfjall (1029m)

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Princejvstin , avatar
Antigrav , avatar

@SilverRainbow @photography , love it, a lot.

SilverRainbow , avatar

Above The Fog

Jökulsárlón on a murky summer day. A blanket of mist was hanging above the waters of the glacial lagoon, but shafts of sunlight struck the higher peaks.

Hnappar, part of Öræfajökull volcano, Hornafjörður in south-eastern .

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  • MAJ1 , avatar

    @SilverRainbow @photography Morning Mo 🤗🥰

    Princejvstin , avatar

    @SilverRainbow @photography moody and scenic!

    SilverRainbow , avatar

    Touch The Rainbow

    Landmannalaugar camp site on a showery summer day. As we were walking back to the car, the high sun at our backs created a low rainbow, seemingly very close to us.

    3pm, August, Fjallabak Nature Reserve in the southern Highlands of .

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    desparoz , avatar

    @SilverRainbow @photography Landmannalaugar is one of the most amazing places that I have had the pleasure of visiting. You’ve created an incredible image of this incredible place.

    SurrealSeal , avatar
    SilverRainbow , avatar

    Black Diamonds

    At Fellsfjara, the black sand beach between Jökulsárlón and the sea, icebergs that have been swept out from the glacial lagoon by the tide are thrown back onto the beach by the wave action.

    The contrast between the volcanic sand and the chunks of glacial ice is striking, and it deserves its name of "Diamond beach."

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    Tattooed_Mummy , avatar

    @SilverRainbow @photography biggest regret of my life. I didn't lick the ice. I'm going to visit again just for a lick

    TeflonTrout , avatar

    @SilverRainbow @photography That is one of the most starkly beautiful photos I've ever seen.

    SilverRainbow , avatar


    This is lovely Lómagnúpur, one of the most recognizable mountains in , with drapes of mist hanging around it.
    These cloud formations are know as stacked lenticular and are created by strong winds.

    In the Icelandic Coat of Arms there are 4 protectors, and one of them is the giant who lives in Lómagnúpur, protecting the coast from all evil.

    New hashtag: 😊

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  • chiasm , avatar

    @SilverRainbow @photography oh wow that is tremendous. Thanks for sharing that!!

    PhilNeal , avatar

    @SilverRainbow @photography Shame they can't protect earth's largest mammals ....😓

    SilverRainbow , avatar

    Little Orange Lighthouse

    Built in 1920 and rebuilt in 1930, this is the wonderfully tongue-twisting *Svalbarðseyrarviti. There are many such lighthouses around , and most of them are automatic and unmanned.

    This one is on the eastern shore of Eyjafjörður in north-eastern Iceland, just to the north of Akureyri.

    • 𝙎𝙛𝙖𝙡-𝘣𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘵𝘩-𝘴𝘢𝘺-𝘳𝘳𝘢𝘳𝘳-𝘷𝘦𝘦-𝘵𝘦𝘦

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  • CompletelyRatchet , avatar

    @SilverRainbow @photography great alt text. Reminds me to be better about mine. Gorgeous shot, gets more than a two second look.

    riversidebryan , avatar

    @SilverRainbow @photography

    Beautiful 😍

    SilverRainbow , avatar

    Plunge Pool

    This was one of the first times we'd visited gorgeous Seljalandsfoss, and we discovered when we arrived that we were almost the only visitors at that time. Imagine that - the whole place to ourselves.

    The little figure in a black coat on the path to the 61m/200ft falls is me!

    September, Rangárþing eystra in southern .

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  • MaJ1 , avatar

    @SilverRainbow @photography Afternoon Mo 🤗🥰

    Love photos of waterfalls !

    Callalily , avatar

    @SilverRainbow @photography
    It's beautiful. Nice that you didn't have crowds of people.

    SilverRainbow , avatar

    Black Beauty

    The volcanic sands of Reynisfjara, near Vík í Mýrdal in southern .

    This strand regularly features in lists of "World's Top Beaches" due to its cleanliness, water quality and sheer loveliness.
    If it was rated for swimming and sunbathing, it would get 0/10 every time!

    The basalt stump in the centre is Arnardrangur (Eagle Rock) and in the distance are the famous Reynisdrangar.

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  • MaJ1 , avatar

    @SilverRainbow @photography Morning Mo 🤗🥰

    That is awesome , thank you 🙏 😊

    Have an excellent day sweetie 😊🫶🐿️🖖

    theappletree , avatar
    SilverRainbow , avatar

    Daybreak Glacier

    Having seen (and danced beneath) the aurora for the very first time the previous night, I awoke very early with great excitement and realised that the day was dawning colourfully.
    Dressed warmly and with camera in hand, I was outside at 6am, and so glad that I was.

    This is Fláajökull, the "Sloping glacier," at 7am on a September morning. Hornafjörður in south-eastern .

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  • MAJ1 , avatar

    @SilverRainbow @photography Morning Mo 🤗🥰

    mina , avatar
    appassionato , avatar

    Security forces spray people as Ultra-Orthodox Jewish men protest an Israeli Supreme Court ruling that requires the state to begin drafting ultra-Orthodox Jewish seminary students to the military, in the Mea Shearim neighborhood of Jerusalem. REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun

    PFAS foam?


    heretical_i , avatar

    @appassionato Looks like firefighting foam. It's perhaps toxic with long term or continuous exposure... I mean they aren't gonna use CS Tear Gas on these people. It's poisonous to the nervous system... or pepper spray. It hurts. FireHosing, a la the southern US during the civil rights movement, can cause physical damage. They're saving all that for . @photography @palestine

    LetsRoc , avatar

    @appassionato @photography @palestine
    Nutanyahu wants another war the people don't. The court sides with Nutanyahu. Guess how his criminal trial will go?

    SilverRainbow , avatar

    Rainbow Canyon

    On a drizzly day, we drove through the eastern Highlands of towards a controversial dam. Just as we reached the walkway across it, the sun came out behind us and this gorgeous rainbow appeared.

    Hafrahvammagljúfur is a majestic canyon, roughly 8 km in length. With a width of about 100 to 150m it's not the country’s widest, but its depth reaches a staggering 200m.

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  • craiggrannell , avatar

    @SilverRainbow @photography if I didn’t know otherwise, I would never have pegged that for Iceland

    MAJ1 , avatar

    @SilverRainbow @photography Afternoon Mo 🤗🥰

    Wow !

    haikushack , avatar
    SwimBikeRun_RMc , avatar

    @haikushack @photography Also love this newer one outside the Army, Navy, Air Force Veterans Unit 283.

    haikushack OP , avatar

    @SwimBikeRun_RMc @photography thank you for sharing! It looks great!There are dozens of new murals popping up every year in the city. I had to stop after 200 murals. I couldn’t keep up! Lol

    IchWeissEsDochAuchNicht , German avatar

    Mit der 11 Heimwärts...
    im -Nahverkehr-

    @FotoVorschlag @photography

    Sven_Holger_Wolf , avatar

    @IchWeissEsDochAuchNicht @FotoVorschlag @photography
    Und wie ist das so, auf Särgen zu sitzen? 😅

    IchWeissEsDochAuchNicht OP , avatar

    @Sven_Holger_Wolf @FotoVorschlag @photography

    Kann ich nicht sagen, saß noch nie auf einem 🤷🏼

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