figstick , avatar
GM7077 , avatar

@figstick @israel @palestine I love that they're literally abandoning biden

immibis ,

@GM7077 @figstick @israel @palestine Yes. Obviously, a Trump victory will be much better for the Palestinians, because unlike Biden, he will have the courage to admit he's holocausting them.

GM7077 , avatar

@immibis @israel @palestine @figstick

immibis ,

@GM7077 @israel @palestine @figstick Right. That's why I'm going to stand back and let Trump win. At least he'll be better for he Palestinians by publicly announcing at he's holocausting them instead of hiding it. A shame for the American black people, American women and American LGBT people, but who cares about a few million deaths in exchange for moral superiority?

pinkdrunkenelephants , avatar

@GM7077 @immibis @israel @palestine @figstick The American people don't have a choice this election because there is no meaningful third party for whom to vote for.

Your camp certainly hasn't done any groundwork offering an alternative. Who would you have them vote for in this election? Did you pick a representative among you to run? Did you even think to consider it or were you just too hopped up on your own anger over something that really isn't the U.S.'s business to put any rational thought into what it is you are asking for?

figstick OP , avatar

@pinkdrunkenelephants @GM7077 @immibis @israel @palestine
Yeah sorry but a Democrat completely discarding all international norms and waging a genocide in full view of the entire world for a year straight was not something we third parties were anticipating for 2024.

figstick OP , avatar

@pinkdrunkenelephants @GM7077 @israel @palestine
And at least made a campaign website, which is a lot more than has done to win over voters. You should check it out:

clawfulneutral ,
nabz123 , avatar

@pinkdrunkenelephants @GM7077 @immibis @israel @palestine @figstick How is it not Americas business they are funding the genocide going on don't be so naive and Dr Stein and others are the alternative

pinkdrunkenelephants , avatar

@nabz123 @GM7077 @israel @palestine @figstick How did I know that's what you were going to respond to. 🤦

Because involving ourselves in that conflict is only about oil (I agree with the pro-Palestinians btw), because preventing genocide here at home is more important, and because you are enabling the very genocide you seek to oppose.

figstick OP , avatar

@pinkdrunkenelephants @nabz123 @GM7077 @israel @palestine
Nope. Preventing a purely hypothetical genocide of our own making against ourselves is not more important than stopping a genocide we are currently committing against completely innocent people. Not even close.

pinkdrunkenelephants , avatar

@figstick @nabz123 @GM7077 @israel @palestine Tell that to all of the Palestinians you'll condemn to death under Trump, both in Gaza and here

But you don't actually care about that or Palestinians. You only care about virtue signaling.

figstick OP , avatar
nicholas_saunders ,

@pinkdrunkenelephants @figstick @nabz123 @GM7077 @israel @palestine I'll agree that there's no meaningful third party.

figstick OP , avatar
pinkdrunkenelephants , avatar

@figstick @nabz123 @GM7077 @israel @palestine

So your best answer is some douche no one has even heard of, who you quickly Googled without putting any meaningful thought in because all you care about is winning an argument?

What's your plan for marketing this candidate? They've not shown or spoken in any major campus protest that was broadcasted on the news; if they had, we would have seen them already. Why did not you not plaster this candidate all over the front page of The Guardian? Why didn't you put them front and center at your protest marches, show their arrest video, anything?

Do that, and then we can talk.

nabz123 , avatar

@pinkdrunkenelephants @figstick @GM7077 @israel @palestine She has spoken in main events and spoke on this topic if u are uneducated on her just say

nabz123 , avatar

@pinkdrunkenelephants @figstick @GM7077 @israel @palestine They also have been promoting her but your media over there will obviously only promote Biden and Trump use your head idiot

GM7077 , avatar

@pinkdrunkenelephants @nabz123 @israel @palestine @figstick GeNoCiDe HeRe At HoMe, you filthy fucking clown

immibis ,

@pinkdrunkenelephants @GM7077 @israel @palestine @figstick I think he'd rather that everyone who would vote for Biden didn't vote at all. This is a way to be MAGA without overtly being MAGA.

immibis ,

@pinkdrunkenelephants @GM7077 @israel @palestine @figstick The American people so have a choice btw: 2 genocides or 4. It would be silly to blame them for the 2 they have no choice not to vote for. It would be completely alright to blame them for the other 2, if the election decides they should occur. And it would be downright evil to suggest that voting for 4 by default is better than voting for 2 by active action.

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