mondoweiss , avatar

Indiana University's "Liberation Commencement" was a celebration of the students' brave commitment to fighting powerful institutions and their involvement in challenging Zionism and the Palestinian genocide.

@palestine @israel

KathyLK , avatar

@mondoweiss @palestine

Are they saying that there should not be a Jewish state in the Middle East? Even though there are Muslim states?

nabz123 , avatar

@KathyLK @mondoweiss @palestine @israel There can be 2 states if Israel is controlled and doesn't flout international law

KathyLK , avatar

@nabz123 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

If someone is against "Zionism," then they're basically saying they're against a Jewish state in what many believe are their "ancestral" lands. Maybe people don't understand what Zionism actually refers to.

nabz123 , avatar

@KathyLK @mondoweiss @palestine @israel absolutely wrong Zionism and Judaism has nothing to do, with each other just because the West tries to portray, it that, way

LALegault , avatar

@nabz123 @KathyLK @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

Israel isn’t the west, Israel tries to portray it that way and the West reinforces it.

nabz123 , avatar

@LALegault @KathyLK @mondoweiss @palestine @israel I was on about America and UK trying to tell people what Semtism is even though they are the same forcing there, way into a country and then taking control

LALegault , avatar

@nabz123 @KathyLK @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

It’s happening in Canada too, the conflation of Zionism and Judaism. But real Jews don’t genocide.

nabz123 , avatar

@LALegault @KathyLK @mondoweiss @palestine @israel I agree like I, said Zionism is an extreme ideology and has nothing to do with religion

KathyLK , avatar

@nabz123 @LALegault @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

Did you even read the article I linked?

nabz123 , avatar

@KathyLK @mondoweiss @palestine @israel I am telling you as someone who has actually read and understand what it is, just because a person makes a article doesn't make it true Zionism was a continuation of an Ideology from long before all of us were born

tadbithuman ,

@KathyLK @nabz123 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

People of Palestine understand very well what it means to them.

Erasure, ethnic cleansing, genocide and usurping their rights to existence and identity.

FloydyStu , avatar

@KathyLK @nabz123 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel wow. That's quite the gymnastics you're performing there.

Zionism is a late 19th century construct. Its only purpose was to create a homeland for the Jews in Palestine, where there was already an indigenous population. The old 'a land without a people for a people without a land' bullshit doesn't wash with anyone who has read their history.

Israel has no right to exist in its present form. Indeed, it wouldn't have existed at all without the duplicity of the British, French and Americans.

KathyLK , avatar

@FloydyStu @nabz123 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

So, what was wrong with creating a homeland for Jews in Palestine? I agree that Israel should never have come about because of the meddling of Europeans and Americans, all of whom probably felt guilty at their failure to accept Jewish refugees from Europe. But now that there is an Israel, are you saying it should be dissolved?

FloydyStu , avatar

@KathyLK @nabz123 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel what was wrong? They stole another people's land. Is that too hard to understand?

nabz123 , avatar
KathyLK , avatar

@FloydyStu @nabz123 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

So Israel should be dissolved because you don't like the fact that the Jews have a homeland? Europeans colonized the Americas and murdered or drove out or killed by disease and subjugated millions of Native Americans. Native Americans are still on reservations. Maybe we should just give the U.S. back to the Native Americans? Actually, that would be fine with me, since they'd probably do a much better job of governing than the GOP would.

nabz123 , avatar

@KathyLK @FloydyStu @mondoweiss @palestine @israel Why was these countries even commiting genocide in those countries stop trying to make America and Uk look good in history cos that's not gonna happen and nobody said the Jews should be kicked out u keep saying that

KathyLK , avatar

@nabz123 @FloydyStu @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

I absolutely do NOT think America and Europe, Canada and Australia should "look good." Genocide has been committed by "Christian white people" for centuries.

nabz123 , avatar

@KathyLK @FloydyStu @mondoweiss @palestine @israel The post im gonna send now is only some of the atrocities Israel and US have done


KathyLK , avatar

@nabz123 @FloydyStu @mondoweiss @palestine @israel


Or would Israel still have the same borders it had right after Partition?


What on earth does Hamas gain by keeping the remaining hostages?

nabz123 , avatar

@KathyLK @FloydyStu @mondoweiss @palestine @israel What do they get returning them while getting carpet bombed and getting nothing back and also Hamas has already tired to do that

nabz123 , avatar

@KathyLK @FloydyStu @mondoweiss @palestine @israel And what terrorist attacks u realise Hamas and Palestine have a right to self defence

FloydyStu , avatar

@KathyLK @nabz123 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel you ever heard of the King David Hotel bombing? It predates your 1948 by 2 years. It was a terrorist attack by zionists. Do you know what the motive was? To destroy evidence of Zionist terrorist activity against the British in the Palestinian mandate.

The zionists have been terrorists since way before you or I were born. They won't ever change.

Getting rid of Netenyahu isn't the solution. He's only a very small part of the problem. A majority of Israeli citizens would vote for a continuation of this 'war'. Why? Because they know that the only way they can sleep at night is to destroy the people whose land they are squatting on.

Whoever follows Netenyahu will carry that same mandate from the people of Israel.
Israel has consistently thwarted any attempts at peace. They don't want a two state solution. They want it all. They want what should never have been theirs.

nabz123 , avatar

@KathyLK @FloydyStu @mondoweiss @palestine @israel And that, homeland isn't the Jews anyways it will always be the Palestinians Muslim, Christian and Jews, land not some Europeans who came over in 1948

nabz123 , avatar

@KathyLK @FloydyStu @mondoweiss @palestine @israel Are u assuming that's what i think there should be two, states how it was in 1970s with serious sanctions on Israel

somekindahate3 , avatar

@KathyLK @FloydyStu @nabz123 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel "What's wrong with me killing your family and moving into your home while you stay chained in the backyard? Now that I've killed your family, you're saying I should leave?"

~Dumbfuck white people, 2024

nabz123 , avatar

@somekindahate3 @KathyLK @FloydyStu @mondoweiss @palestine @israel Yep colonialism shouldn't be a thing in 2024

somekindahate3 , avatar

@nabz123 @KathyLK @mondoweiss @palestine @israel Which it can't, hasn't for 80+ years of genocide, and never will. That's like saying Nazis can have half of Germany.

KathyLK , avatar

@somekindahate3 @nabz123 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

Did you never hear of any terrorist attacks on Israel in the past 80 years? If you were continually attacked, would you roll over and say, "OK, we'll all leave now and you can have our land back?" If there had been no terrorist attacks on the state of Israel as it was drawn in 1948, do you think the Israelis would have been fighting in Gaza now?

nabz123 , avatar

@KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel Do you really want a history lesson on the atrocities doen by Israel it seems like you are uneducated

somekindahate3 , avatar

@KathyLK @mondoweiss @palestine @israel You must have some sort of reading disability. They're saying that the bunch of genocidal white colonialist invaders should leave. If the indigenous people of any place in the middle east want to become a Jewish state, they can do that if they want to. Invasion, colonialism, and genocide is not that, and anyone that thinks they should do that is a million times worse than Hitler.

KathyLK , avatar

@somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

If Israel had never been subject to terrorist attacks in the years since Partition, do you think they would have invaded the land beyond Israel's original borders?

I'd really like an answer to that question. I'm curious. If Israel had been left alone and never suffered ANY terrorist attacks from Hamas or Hezbollah or anyone else, would Israel have attacked, invaded, committed genocide in Gaza and elsewhere?

skippy442 , avatar
KathyLK , avatar

@skippy442 @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @actuallyautistic

Why do you think that? Do you have any reason beyond a dislike of Jews to think that?

skippy442 , avatar

@KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @actuallyautistic
Jews? I certainly didn't say word one about Jews. You make an assumption from a perspective of bias. Your initial question is speculative at best and pure conjecture on your part. my answer is still yes ... oh hell yes!

somekindahate3 , avatar

@KathyLK @skippy442 @mondoweiss @palestine @actuallyautistic dumbfuck white racists really think that defending yourself against genocidal white colonialist invaders is the real racism

ScriptFanix , avatar

Because a state that openly invites immigration at the scale Israel is inviting Jews to do is bound to need to expand. Result: conquest of neighbouring territories, by any means necessary.
@skippy442 @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @actuallyautistic

nicholas_saunders ,

@ScriptFanix @KathyLK @skippy442 @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @actuallyautistic the democratic peace theory would posit otherwise.

Provided that the other states were also democracies...

ScriptFanix , avatar

@nicholas_saunders @KathyLK @skippy442 @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @actuallyautistic Colons have been illegally settling in palestinian territories for decades, sometimes killing them.

Zumbador , avatar

@ScriptFanix @nicholas_saunders @KathyLK @skippy442 @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @actuallyautistic Hey there. Could you please remove the @ actuallyautistic tag from your responses in this conversation? Since this doesn't seem to be relevant to our group. Thanks!

ScriptFanix , avatar

@Zumbador @actuallyautistic I just blindly replied to the thread, did not notice the Autistic group had been added by someone for no apparent reason. Sorry for the trouble

FrankFrank , avatar
somekindahate3 , avatar

@KathyLK @mondoweiss @palestine @israel dumbfuck, genocide white colonialist invader supporters really start think that it's terrorism for natives to start defending themselves

nabz123 , avatar

@somekindahate3 @KathyLK @mondoweiss @palestine @israel Stop insulting people it's better to educate then insult being rude doesn't get anyone anywhere

FrankFrank , avatar

@KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

I'll interpret your question as rhetorical. You have proposed the essential question, & my answer, no, if Israel had not been consistently attacked since 1948 they would not have had to counteract against the continuous terrorism.

The attacks escalated to the 1967 war, & once again Israel won Arab states suffered a humiliating defeat.,military%20power%20in%20the%20region.


nicholas_saunders ,

@KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

I would look at, specifically: France, England, and Germany. They were at war for hundreds of years. But only when ruled by kings.

On a sidenote, in the Napoleonic era uniforms were brightly colored to better track down deserters.

But democracies rarely choose war.

Tangentially, this was also misunderstood by the USSR -- that NATO wasn't seeking war. (Well, except Churchill and Lemay.)

fedwards9965 , avatar

@nicholas_saunders @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

"But democracies rarely choose war."

uhhh... what?

nicholas_saunders ,

@fedwards9965 @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

How often have democracies chosen war over negotiating? That's rather one of the main points: very few people want war.

I suppose wasn't specific enough. With each other. It's like the McDonald's thing.

nus , avatar

@nicholas_saunders @fedwards9965 @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

The fascistic State of Israel has chosen war for decades now.

If the United States of America started rounding black people into ghettos, applying military force every time one of them committed a crime, and started sweeping ethnicity-specific attacks on them, you'd get a sense of what Israel is doing to Palestinians.

nicholas_saunders ,

@nus @fedwards9965 @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel goat, as you well know that when you declined, last year, to explain what military action on Oct 8 would've met with your moral standards, you forfeited any expectation to replies by myself.

nus , avatar

@nicholas_saunders @fedwards9965 @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

"Israel is putting Palestinians in concentration camps and torturing them, but..."

Nobody cares about your weird lies about me, Nick. The fact you think that genocide is acceptable if people on Mastodon don't play your stupid games is a YOU problem.

immibis ,

@nus @nicholas_saunders @fedwards9965 @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel Just block him and then There's far too much pro-second-holocaust content on and I haven't missed much since blocking it here.

nicholas_saunders ,

@nus @fedwards9965 @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

Stop setting up these strawmen arguments -- only in your fevered imagination was this said.

nus , avatar

@nicholas_saunders @fedwards9965 @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel you already conceded that:

The fascistic State of has chosen war for decades now.

If the United States of America started rounding black people into , applying military force every time one of them committed a crime, and started sweeping ethnicity-specific attacks on them, you'd get a sense of what Israel is doing to .

fedwards9965 , avatar

@nicholas_saunders @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

"But only when ruled by kings."

"How often have democracies chosen war over negotiating?"

There mere existence of the US utterly undermines your argument.

nicholas_saunders ,

@fedwards9965 @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

Per AI:

Numerous studies, many employing quantitative methods, demonstrated that the democratic peace is a historical fact.
While interstate wars are rare events in general, wars between democraci

In summary, the democratic peace theory suggests that democratic states exhibit a remarkable tendency to avoid armed conflict with other democracies, contributing to a more peaceful international system.

nicholas_saunders ,

@fedwards9965 @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

Pardon for poorly stating the theory earlier. But I did mention four countries specifically for illustration.

The above quote is mangled because I'm on my phone.

fedwards9965 , avatar

@nicholas_saunders @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

Democratic peace theory fails because it gives equal weight to every entity calling itself a democracy.

The US's unique power and global influence lead to conflicts that smaller democracies simply don't and won't face, showing that power dynamics and strategic interests often outweigh simplistic democratic peace assumptions.

nicholas_saunders ,

@fedwards9965 @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

The caveat is that it only applies to war between Western democracies.

It's worked well in Europe. Again, I'd point to:


Europe doesn't see the wars which were endemic before democracy became so prevalent.

Where the populace would vote in a theocracy, yeh, it would fail.

fedwards9965 , avatar

@nicholas_saunders @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

theories based on hypotheticals and ideals are great intellectual exercises, but have no practical value

And peace between democracies occur because of accepted hierarchies... as long as US hegemony (political and economic) is accepted, democracies can be pacified

Canada does well... as long as we jump when the US tells us to

Going back to Gaza, when Hamas was voted in... how much respect did it get?

Chile? Brazil?

nicholas_saunders ,

@fedwards9965 @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

There's some validity to your assertions, but you're going past my point, which I'll form as a question:

How many of the states or organizations involved hold regularly scheduled elections publicly?

fedwards9965 , avatar

@nicholas_saunders @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

Which states or organizations are you asking about?

Chile (1973)? Brazil(1964)? Iran(1953)? Greece(1967)? Indonesia(1965)? Venezuela(2002)?

or are you going to just specify Gaza(2006)?

nicholas_saunders ,

@fedwards9965 @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

That you're going past the operative word "involved" below:

How many of the states or organizations involved hold regularly scheduled elections publicly?

Is quite telling. Allow me to retract the question and instead ask why you went past that word.

fedwards9965 , avatar

@nicholas_saunders @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

primarily because the DPT was what I jumped in regarding, not Israel/Gaza

and because Gaza as any kind of example is insignificant regarding the DPT...

In exactly the same was as Sweden or Canada would be insignificant

As well, entertaining any argument that allows for equating conditions on the ground conducive to "regular elections" between Israel and Gaza since 2005 is just ludicrous.

nicholas_saunders ,

@fedwards9965 @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel well, the DPT works between states with elections -- so I'm baffled. Why are you introducing Chile into this?

Seems like a

We're both Chile and Brazil democracies at the time?

fedwards9965 , avatar

@nicholas_saunders @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

Chile(1973) elected leftist Allende. With US backing a coup was staged to remove him that brought in the fascist Pinochet government

The "democratic" US enabled and encouraged the removal of a democratically elected leader in a country with free and open elections

Brazil (1964): The U.S. supported a military coup that ousted President João Goulart

These are significant examples of the baseless conclusion of the DPT

nicholas_saunders ,

@fedwards9965 @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel err. We're talking about war, tho...

Don't ask me to defend the CIA, if you would.

Knowing nothing about Chile, I'll go out on a limb and say that they're probably at least as democratic as Vietnam, tho.

fedwards9965 , avatar

@nicholas_saunders @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

Jesus, that's a very nice ignorant prejudice showing through

Prior to the coup that lead to the Pinochet government, Chile had a very strong democratic tradition

The US only rates a "moderate" in "The Carter Center's Standards for Democratic Elections"

War of 1812 (US-UK)
Kargil War (1999, India-Pakistan)
Greek Civil War (1946-1949)
Cenepa War (1995, Peru-Ecuador)
Maritime Dispute (2008-2014, Peru-Chile)

nicholas_saunders ,

@fedwards9965 @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel what is your criticism here? Seems that you're asking me to defend the CIA.

nus , avatar

@nicholas_saunders @fedwards9965 @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

BTW, as other people have noted, Nicholas Saunders is a troll who asks dumb questions then feigns offense if you don't tell him exactly what he wants you to say, in exactly the way he wants it to be said.

(And an antisemite, and a rape advocate, but that's another story)

fedwards9965 , avatar

@nicholas_saunders @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

you, in turn, seem to be proposing that the CIA can some how be divorced from the US government... it can't.

And, I could care less if you defend either.

What brought me into this thread was you saying

"But democracies rarely choose war."

Which is a ridiculous statement in and of itself, and from there that the DPT is a bad theory based on ideals and hypotheticals, making anything valid it could say bankrupt

nicholas_saunders ,

@fedwards9965 @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

Wasn't arguing that the CIA is distinct, but it's also sometimes a rogue agency.

Anyhow, the all knowing copilot ai says that the theory is valid. Your argument seems to hinge on....what, exactly?

That Chile has a history of democracy? At least for the sake of argument, granting that claim, then what?

fedwards9965 , avatar

@nicholas_saunders @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

"Anyhow, the all knowing copilot ai says that the theory is valid."

uhh... what the actual f*ck?

Ok, we're done.

I've never saw anyone discredit themselves so hard before in my life. No one is debating "nicholas", they're arguing with Copilot... an AI with known and blatant biases.

Bravo, skippy! 👍🏼

nicholas_saunders ,

@fedwards9965 @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel FFS, obv a throw away said in irony -- but if you want to dispute the validity of the theory, then do so.

fedwards9965 , avatar

@nicholas_saunders @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

a throwaway?

Not sure if you noticed, but people on both sides are dying in Gaza, mate.

even if I think you're being honest now, the frivolity of a "throwaway", given the situation, discredits everything you got to say.

As I said, we're done.

nicholas_saunders ,

@fedwards9965 @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel no worries, bro, but the immediate topic at hand was the theory and, for some reason, Chile.

You seem intent on throwing aspersions rather than a topical discussion.

fedwards9965 , avatar

@nicholas_saunders @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

you're blocked.

I only accept idiocy so far.

bye now.

nicholas_saunders ,

@fedwards9965 @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

This guy introduced Chile as a and when that didn't go the way he thought then it's suddenly personal attacks without ever even offering a cogent criticism of the theory itself.

InternetDev , avatar

@nicholas_saunders @fedwards9965 @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

Vous êtes vous déjà demandez ce qu'est la démocratie ?

Est-ce d'élire de menteurs ou de pouvoir dégager les menteurs ?
Quelqu'un d'honnête a-t-il besoin d'entreprises de commuications , de copinage avec la presse, avec les milieu financiers ?

nicholas_saunders ,

@InternetDev @fedwards9965 @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

While your points aren't without validity, just going with the usual usage. What did Churchill say? That democracy is terrible, but the alternatives are worse?

Or, Voltaire:

Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

InternetDev , avatar

@nicholas_saunders @fedwards9965 @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

C'est un argument assé pauvre quand on prétend défendre un principe aussi précieux.

Autant le foutre à la poubelle.

Dites-vous que si la "Démocratie" == "déléguer sa voix à quelqu'un qui n'est en rien obligé de la porter" .. alors mieux vaut la dictature .. au moins c'est l'arbitraire mais un arbitraire qui n'est pas caché, qui n'a paas besoin de dissimulation de frais de communication exhorbitants etc↘️

InternetDev , avatar

@nicholas_saunders @fedwards9965 @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

Non ... la démocratie c'est lorque les citoyens auront le dernier mot et l'accès à tous les paramêtres pour que leurs déscisions soient optimisées et durrables.

nicholas_saunders ,

@InternetDev @fedwards9965 @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

Surely you're more familiar than myself with Voltaire and his remark with regards to perfection -- your standards are excessive and beside the point.

somekindahate3 , avatar
nicholas_saunders ,

@somekindahate3 @KathyLK @mondoweiss @palestine @israel stop holding back and say what you mean.

Micha_Silver , avatar

@KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel
Absolutely NOT, of course. Israel has never started a war. What's more Israel has always agreed to every serious peace initiative, starting from the Partition Plan of 1947 to the call for peace in the Declaration of Independence in '48, to withdrawal after the Sinai campaign, to the Peace settlement with Egypt in 1977, Madrid agreement, Oslo accords, and evacuating Gaza in 2006.

nabz123 , avatar

@Micha_Silver @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel Absolute nonsense Israel may not have, to started wars but they defo started genocide and massacres

Micha_Silver , avatar

@nabz123 @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel
The question was, if Israel had never been attacked by any of its Arab neighbors, or any terrorist groups, would any of these so-called "genocide" or "massacres" ever have happened.
The answer is clearly: of course not.

EvilSandmich , avatar

@Micha_Silver @nabz123 @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel >The answer is clearly: of course not.
Yes, because a country that runs pedophile blackmail schemes inside it's (nominal) allies is of the highest character in regards to it's international actions.

nabz123 , avatar

@Micha_Silver @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel And if Israel and America hadn't ethnically cleansed Palestine they wouldn't have, got an attack in self defence

Micha_Silver , avatar

@nabz123 @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel
As you probably know, there are about 2.5 Million Palestinian citizens of Israel (sometimes we call them "Arab Israelis"). They have full rights, vote in elections, work, go to university, have the same modern health care, same as every Israeli citizen. No ethnic cleansing here. (BTW, all the above is NOT true for Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria...)

nabz123 , avatar

@Micha_Silver @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel Absolute rubbish again Israel is given the top cities and Palestinian pushed to the poorest parts and what happened in 48 and in 67 and now is ethnic cleansing

Micha_Silver , avatar

@nabz123 @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel
The 1947 Partition Plan left Jews with all the malaria ridden swamps in the Jezreal and Hula valleys, and the "uninhabitable" Negev desert. Whereas the part that could have become Palestine included the rich agricultural regions in the central mountains, with the cities of Nablus, Ramallah, Jerusalem and Hebron as well as the farm region of Gaza.

nabz123 , avatar

@Micha_Silver @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel U have been brainwashed by your media to think that Palestinians have same rights

heretical_i , avatar

@Micha_Silver And they do it ALL through the human version of Cattle Contol pens and gates. Like concentration camp prisoners on their way to mittlebau work details at nordhausen.

Same rights ... You ACTUALLY BELIEVE the bullshit you just posted? Really? @nabz123 @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

retrohondajunki , avatar

@KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel
Possibly, but we won't know that since Israel does not wait for attacks to happen. With Western weapons they have always attacked first.

retrohondajunki , avatar

@KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel
Jews and Muslims lived in peace in the region until the forced injection of the masses of Jews into the land in a secular ideology called Zionism. Since then the theft of home and property has been devastating to the Palestinian locals. Despite what you would do in such circumstances, the way forward is for the two peoples to work together towards a two state solution. That means going back to the previously agreed upon borders.

KathyLK , avatar

@retrohondajunki @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

I'm not arguing with that. OTOH, the root of the problem is that there were NO "agreed upon borders," since Israel was forced upon Palestinians by Europeans. Therefore, even if Israel was shrunken back to its "original" Partition borders, there will still be terrorism against Israel because according to Muslims, there should NOT BE an Israel at all.

retrohondajunki , avatar

@KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel
You're talking about a war of religion.
How many in Israel's govt are truly religious and not pretending? I'd say there's hateful people on both sides, and some prioritize their hate first on race and then religion. An objective view would tell you that one religion isn't better than another (any religion) and both can be weaponized for genocide and to commit human vices.

retrohondajunki , avatar

@KathyLK @somekindahate3 @palestine @israel

Jewish history shows that antisemitism is a Western problem.

sqgl , avatar

@KathyLK @retrohondajunki @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel according to Muslim leadership there should also be no gays.

somekindahate3 , avatar

@sqgl @israel @palestine @retrohondajunki @mondoweiss @KathyLK According to Zionist leadership, they should kill EVERY Palestinian. Israel is killing far more Palestinian lgbt than Muslim leadership ever could

sqgl , avatar

@somekindahate3 @israel @palestine @retrohondajunki @mondoweiss @KathyLK

Israel could kill every Palestinian if they wanted to but don't.

Hamas wants to kill every Jewish Israeli but cannot.

That isn't to take away from the futility and cruelty of the Rafah invasion but let's just get some perspective.

InternetDev , avatar

@sqgl @israel @palestine @retrohondajunki @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @KathyLK

What a Joke...

Si le Hamas avait 1/10e des lobbyistes EU US qu'à Israël, Nettanyahu serait en prison avec tout son gouvernement néo-nazi, plus rapidement que Poutine.

Le droit international est du côté des palestiniens et hélas pour Istraël qui a abandonné son humanité en laissant un raciste à sa tête, né sur l'assassinat de Yitzhak Rabin , pas du sien.

nicholas_saunders ,

@retrohondajunki @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel when you're stuck in the epitome of the , Ben, kinda impedes any dialogue.

KathyLK , avatar

@retrohondajunki @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

The 1948 Arab-Israel war wasn't started by Israel, as such. It was started by Arabs in reaction to the formation of Israel.

serenissimaj , avatar

@KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

yes, because of , the political ideology that has a right to Palestine.

Israel has illegal settlements in the .That is an invasion because it is illegal.

The fact that has no free access to the outside world (no international maritime port, no air space/airport, endless checkpoints) amounts to invasion in the form of

Israel is a US-funded nuclear outpost: that is an invasion of Palestine.

nicholas_saunders ,

@serenissimaj @KathyLK @somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

But Julia, surely you're in favor of rights. ?

KathyLK , avatar

@somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

Ah, now the personal attacks begin. I don't agree with you, or I question you, so suddenly I have a "reading disability." Try reading my responses again, and then tell me that. Not ONCE have I supported or even indicated, any support for Israel's genocide in Gaza. I don't defend it--it's indefensible. But that's not what this discussion has been about.

somekindahate3 , avatar

@KathyLK @mondoweiss @palestine @israel Dumbfuck white people are out here supporting genocide, and they expect to be treated with respect. What do you think that you're doing when you support the inherently genocidal colonialist invasion of Palestine? The only way that colonialism works is genocide. You're not the victim here, you idiot Karen.

nicholas_saunders ,

@somekindahate3 @KathyLK @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

Do you often find hurling epithets to be useful?

chiraag , avatar

@KathyLK @mondoweiss @palestine @israel Palestinians' lands should not have been stolen to create the Jewish state. The mere existence of Israel in the place it is today depends on ignoring the Palestinians whose land was stolen by a colonial power to give to European and American Jews fleeing antisemitism at home. Whether or not you agree that there should be a Jewish ethnostate, Israel was built on theft and murder.

nicholas_saunders ,

@chiraag @KathyLK @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

Well, if you've already found guilt, then there's literally nothing to discuss -- except, maybe, circular reasoning.

chiraag , avatar

@nicholas_saunders @KathyLK @mondoweiss @palestine @israel So are you disputing that Palestinians were living on what is now considered Israel?

As with any other settler-colonial project, the guilt lies with the colonizers. The US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and so many more are complicit in exactly the same kinds of crimes.

nicholas_saunders ,

@chiraag @KathyLK @mondoweiss @palestine @israel bro, when you're lost in the epitome of the that impedes any discussion. If you want to argue apartheid, then do so -- but not even South Africa has done so.

At the Hague, as you have some here, they make the claim only.

I might ask in reply:

Did you stop beating your wife?

chiraag , avatar

@nicholas_saunders @KathyLK @mondoweiss @palestine @israel You're evading the question. Palestinians were living in the area now called Israel before Israel was created. They were subsequently kicked out to enable European and American Jews (who were and are just as American or European as anyone else) to move in. We can talk about how we should address this fact, but trying to deny this fact is denying history.

And I never beat my wife, so the question is meaningless.

nicholas_saunders ,

@chiraag @KathyLK @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

To address the last first, in not answering the asked question of:

Did you stop beating your wife?

But instead changing the question you've demonstrated that the point of the question escapes you.

It's the epitome of a loaded question -- which is what you've asked me.

nus , avatar

@nicholas_saunders @chiraag @KathyLK @mondoweiss @palestine @israel simple answer: never started. Now your turn.

When your wife slaps you, Nicholas, how much may you beat her while saying "I have a right to defend myself"?

How much may you beat her family?

How much must your wife apologize to you before you feel she no longer needs to be beaten?

(This is a metaphor for the conflict.)

KathyLK , avatar

@chiraag @nicholas_saunders @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

Jews were living there, too. It was a "logical" place to put more Jews and to alleviate guilt over the Holocaust by giving the European Jews their own state. The creation of Israel was driven by Europeans, and while its creation was unfortunate, it happened. So, given that, why the terrorism over the years? I don't approve of any kind of "state" that has a "state" religion, be it Christian, Jewish, or Muslim. But since there already are Christian and Muslim countries with those as state religions, why not Israel for the Jews? After all, the only reason they ended up all over the place (the Diaspora) was because they were kicked out of their homeland to begin with.

nicholas_saunders ,

@KathyLK @chiraag @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

If you cannot get past settlers colonialism, and undoubtedly tying that into apartheid, then what's left to discuss?

Said differently, if you're able to acknowledge the contentious nature of those claims then there's at least the sliver of an opportunity for dialogue.

nus , avatar

@nicholas_saunders @KathyLK @chiraag @mondoweiss @palestine @israel I love how Zionists say "Israel for the Jews!" with the same ethnonationalist fervor as the Nazi screaming "If Japan is for the Japanese, then let us keep Europe for the Europeans!" And other such racist, bigoted bullshit

chiraag , avatar

@KathyLK @nicholas_saunders @mondoweiss @palestine @israel The only way this make sense is if you're implying that European Jews are more Jew than European (i.e. they aren't "true" Europeans). People have been scattered from whatever homelands for dozens of reasons over millenia - does that mean they can just go back and kick out whoever's living there now?

chiraag , avatar

@KathyLK @nicholas_saunders @mondoweiss @palestine @israel Put another way: Should indigenous Americans be able to kick all other people off their land in the US, Canada, Mexico, etc? What about Maori in New Zealand? How about indigenous Australians?

nicholas_saunders ,

@chiraag @KathyLK @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

It's for any unless they're Jewish.

KathyLK , avatar

@chiraag @nicholas_saunders @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

Having lived on the Navajo Reservation for a brief time, I can tell you that there were quite a few Whites that the Navajos would have happily kicked off the reservation. I suspect that's also true in Canada. Are there reservations for Native Americans in Mexico? I didn't think so. How about the Maori?

Wouldn't it be possible to consider Israel a "reservation" for Jews? Jews are obviously not safe anyplace else.

nicholas_saunders ,

@KathyLK @chiraag @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

Kathy, you've got to understand the importance of rights for any but Jews with this crowd.

nus , avatar

@nicholas_saunders @KathyLK @chiraag @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

Jews are safe in the United States.

There are no rockets being launched from Hamas on them there.

Israel is a colonizer project. That is why they are kicking out non-Jewish people and settling Jewish people in the West Bank.

This would be akin to white people kicking out Native Americans on reservations and moving in new families that had recently converted to Christianity.

nus , avatar

@nicholas_saunders @KathyLK @chiraag @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

Jews are safe in the United States.

There are no rockets being launched from Hamas on them there.

Israel is a colonizer project. That is why they are kicking out non-Jewish people and settling Jewish people in the West Bank.

This would be akin to white people kicking out Native Americans on reservations and moving in new families that had recently converted to Christianity, and screaming that Jesus gave them the land.

KathyLK , avatar

@nus @nicholas_saunders @chiraag @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

Are you Jewish? If not, how do you know whether or not Jews ARE safe here, or whether they FEEL safe here?

I'm sure the Jews at the Tree of Life Synagogue didn't feel so safe after 11 of them were gunned down.

nicholas_saunders ,

@KathyLK @nus @chiraag @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

Beautiful; only when Israel is dismantled will Jews be safe -- goat, you could teach the mafia a thing or two about selling protection.

nus , avatar

Oh hey, it's Nick the Anti-Semite.

Are you against using mafia techniques?

Because that's what the state of Israel has been doing against Jewish journalists reporting for Haaretz.

(But then again, I think the two of us both know that you hate Jews in general, so I imagine you're totally cool with it.)

@nicholas_saunders @KathyLK @chiraag @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

nicholas_saunders ,
nus , avatar

@nicholas_saunders @KathyLK @chiraag @mondoweiss @palestine @israel And there it is. Nick the Anti-semite has declared the conversation is done because he can't condemn Israeli harassment of Jewish journalists.

Tonkey , avatar

@nus @nicholas_saunders @KathyLK @chiraag @mondoweiss @palestine @israel Well well well, I've seen it all now. 😔

nicholas_saunders ,

@Tonkey @nus @KathyLK @chiraag @mondoweiss @palestine @israel dorje, I for one encourage you to buy into the bs goat is peddling -- seems right up your alley from this response.

Tonkey , avatar

@nicholas_saunders @nus @KathyLK @chiraag @mondoweiss @palestine @israel Well, he's a mutual follower, so if I disagree with him, he might unfollow me. One has to take these things into consideration.

nicholas_saunders ,
nus , avatar

First off, I would like to thank you for agreeing with me that Israel is a settler colonial project. I find settler colonialism disgusting. I hope you can join me in that as well.

Second, since it's the only point you felt like touching, Jews are safer in America than Israel.

@KathyLK @nicholas_saunders @chiraag @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

nus , avatar

Third, would you join me in condemning the violent, brutal, vicious, monstrous attacks on Jews that are perpetrated by the Israeli state?

@KathyLK @nicholas_saunders @chiraag @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

KathyLK , avatar

@nus @nicholas_saunders @chiraag @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

You are talking about protesters against the war. AGAIN, NO ONE is defending Netanyahu or his cronies in the government. AGAIN, are you an American Jew?

nus , avatar

@KathyLK @nicholas_saunders @chiraag @mondoweiss @palestine @israel I am glad that you agree with my position.

nicholas_saunders ,

@KathyLK @nus @chiraag @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

Goat, you're only able to ask and engage in because it makes for a simplification.

nus , avatar

@nicholas_saunders @KathyLK @chiraag @mondoweiss @palestine @israel Nick the anti-Semite is just upset that his own loaded questions have been turned against him.

nicholas_saunders ,

@nus @KathyLK @chiraag @mondoweiss @palestine @israel 😂

Bro, you're only able to engage in circular reasoning and loaded questions. Only.

Others are here to, ya know, discuss something.

somekindahate3 , avatar

@nicholas_saunders @nus @KathyLK @chiraag @mondoweiss @palestine @israel Logic scholar and educator here. You're using those words incorrectly.

nicholas_saunders ,

@somekindahate3 @nus @KathyLK @chiraag @mondoweiss @palestine @israel no, bro, you're just making foolish arguments which only sound strong because you're lost in the hall of mirrors which those lost in the effect find themselves.

nus , avatar


> uses dumb buzzwords
> gets called out
> uses dumber buzzword

Nick you're self-destructing

@KathyLK @chiraag @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

nicholas_saunders ,

@nus @KathyLK @chiraag @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

Congratulations on again derailing any substantive aspect to discussion by injecting your personal animosity.

nus , avatar

Then go back up here and start addressing the substantive arguments.

You're the one who ran demeaningless buzzwords, dude.

@nicholas_saunders @KathyLK @chiraag @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

nus , avatar

Then go back up here and start addressing the substantive arguments.

You're the one who ran to meaningless buzzwords, dude. Don't get upset after you are the one who derailed the conversation.

If you actually wanted to have a conversation, you can go right back here and start addressing the substantive arguments.

@nicholas_saunders @KathyLK @chiraag @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

nus , avatar

You're the one who ran to meaningless buzzwords, dude. Don't get upset after you are the one who derailed the conversation.

If you actually wanted to have a conversation, you can go right back here and start addressing the substantive arguments.

@nicholas_saunders @nicholas_saunders @KathyLK @palestine @israel

nus , avatar

You're the one who ran to meaningless buzzwords, dude. Don't get upset after you are the one who derailed the conversation.

If you actually wanted to have a conversation, you can go right back here and start addressing the substantive arguments.

@nicholas_saunders @nicholas_saunders
@nicholassaunders @KathyLK @palestine @israel

nicholas_saunders ,

@nus @nicholas_saunders @nicholassaunders @KathyLK @palestine @israel

But, goat, you lost all privileges with me last year by failing to answer:

what military course of action would've met with your high moral standards on Oct 8?

nus , avatar

@nicholas_saunders @nicholas_saunders @nicholassaunders @KathyLK @palestine @israel

So you don't want to have a substantive conversation because of... Some lie you repeat

nicholas_saunders ,

@nus @KathyLK @palestine @israel

Bro, as above, you lost all privileges with me last year.

nus , avatar

@nicholas_saunders @KathyLK @palestine @israel @nicholas_saunders @nicholassaunders

Tell me more about the reason you are dodging.

nicholas_saunders ,

@nus @KathyLK @chiraag @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

No one ever agreed with your ludicrous prison pit of bullshit.

nus , avatar

@nicholas_saunders @KathyLK @chiraag @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

Nicholas, you are making your fellow massacre enablers look stupid.

Engage with the content of the article. Denying it by using your catchphrase of the week is not going to change the truth.

nus , avatar

@nicholas_saunders @KathyLK @chiraag @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

Engage with the content of the article. Denying it by using your catchphrase of the week is not going to change the truth.

nicholas_saunders ,

@nus @KathyLK @chiraag @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

Bro, you lost all privileges last year by failing to answer:

what military course of action on Oct 8 would've met with your high moral standards?

InternetDev , avatar

@chiraag @KathyLK @nicholas_saunders @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

Vous faites comme si les Américains étaient venu poliement, en ami, rencontrer les Indiens, et non comme des colons sauvages ne respectant rien tués leurs bisons industriellement.

Vos narrations sont pétées.

nicholas_saunders ,

@chiraag @KathyLK @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

Depends on how antisemitism is defined, and who's categorizing and sorting Jews.

It's contentious.

goat , avatar

@KathyLK @chiraag @nicholas_saunders @mondoweiss @palestine @israel "You know what will solve ethnonationalism? MORE ETHNONATIONALISM"

brilliant take mr

ViXY_DBC , avatar

@KathyLK @chiraag @nicholas_saunders @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

Europeans "alleviate their guilt" by kicking Jews out then supply it with bombs to oppress and exterminate brown people in the middle east.

Why "terrorism"? You mean why "resistance"? Easy, oppression breeds resistance, just ask slaves, natives, and yes, German and Polish Jews.

nicholas_saunders ,

@ViXY_DBC @KathyLK @chiraag @mondoweiss @palestine @israel your pronoun choice seems to be a typo. What, or who, does "it" refer to? Perhaps you unintentionally referred to Jews as such.

nus , avatar

@nicholas_saunders @ViXY_DBC @KathyLK @ml @palestine @israel I've seen you refer to Jews as rats and elite bankers. And peddle around a fake quote attributed to Nathan Rothschild about how he runs the world.

Will you be apologizing for that sometime in the future?

Anyway, the previous comment clearly refers to "it" as the state of Israel multiple times.

nus , avatar

@nicholas_saunders @ViXY_DBC @KathyLK @ml @palestine @israel regarding "Some religions have their own countries, so why not more of them?" The answer is because you don't fix bad things by making more bad things.

Below is a quote from Marcus Garvey, a black separatist and unfortunately a KKK collaborator, from far back in 1921.

If you'll take note of the nations England and France, today we condemn the notion of them being ethno-nationalist. As we damn well should.

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  • nus , avatar

    @nicholas_saunders @ViXY_DBC @KathyLK @ml @palestine @israel

    In addition, Nicholas Saunders, fuck off and stop re-following me you trollbot

    nicholas_saunders ,

    @nus @ViXY_DBC @KathyLK @ml @palestine @israel

    Bro, your syntax parsing skills leave a lot to be desired -- but, thing is that you lost all privileges with me through your unwillingness to articulate a response to the operation.

    nicholas_saunders ,

    @chiraag @KathyLK @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

    Not a meaningless question, but, rather, a loaded question.

    somekindahate3 , avatar

    @nicholas_saunders @chiraag @KathyLK @mondoweiss @palestine @israel If anyone is wondering what's going on with this laughable shit, let me explain.

    tl;dr though this moron is misusing the term in trying to say that there are semantic differences between the interlocutors whenever he wants to reject an argument from definition. By saying that "you're stuck" epitomizing the hypothesis, he's making an incoherent claim to try to make it seem like the interlocutor is exhibiting some sort of defect, when in reality he's simply unwilling to evaluate definitions from a pragmatic basis. Instead, he is pretending that there is a more legitimate worldview corresponding to his view, yet he cannot articulate it without immediate rebuttal.

    Why does he choose to use an esoteric artifact of linguistics and analytic philosophy instead of saying "irreconcilable semantic differences that shape our worldview"? Well, it's because that gives away that he's a coward and is yielding the conversation. Instead, he hopes to throw the reader off from the conversation hoping they don't know what he's talking about, while feigning some sort of intellectual ascendancy. In reality, he's just exposing himself as a doubly incompetent pseudointellectual bitxh (on top of being a genocidal Zionist). Feel free to use this hollow shell of a man as target practice.

    So what is the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis? In short, it's a claim that languages (whether natural or artificial) affect the way that we think, since languages don't always map to each other. This incongruency between languages occurs both in the form of 1) syntax (meaning the form and structure of the language) and 2) semantics (meaning the words and meanings).

    It had been noted that some natural languages are structured in closed logical form, which means in short that they map formal logic languages like propositional calculus or first order languages. Extrapolating from that, people could reasonably infer that some languages facilitate learning those formal structures, albeit not guaranteed that people will (see: Americans lmao).

    Secondly, it has been noted that some languages have words that don't translate to words in other languages. Instead, at some point in history the practitioners of that language identified a concept and gave it a term, which makes that concept more readily available for use. Moreover, while words in different languages may refer to the same thing (the "rigid designator" lmao), how they conceptualize that thing per definition may vary. A famous thought experiment in philosophy involves a person pointing at a rabbit and calling it "Gavigai" and the observer being unsure as to what it means, as the definition could vary in many ways, for example: "a furry rodent with long ears" or "a collection and configuration of atoms that forms the image of a fluffy long eared animal when exposed to the visible light frequency". Whatever the exact conception it is, it is virtually inaccessible to the interpreter.

    The whole Sapir Whorf hypothesis has been substantiated by philosophers and thinkers noting differences in the writing, methods, and argumentation style of scientists, where people note that German scientists are surprisingly strict and rigorous in their argumentation and methodologies, while French scientists tend to be a lot more loose and creative. This lead many to believe that it is language itself that has determined this difference. However, consensus amongst linguists and researchers is that it's not that simple.

    Once again, feel free to enact violence against pseudointellectual fascists in Minecraft or whatever game you play.

    nicholas_saunders ,

    @somekindahate3 @chiraag @KathyLK @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

    Leaving aside the attacks, and veiled threats of violence, you're disputing that the definitions offered are contentious?

    somekindahate3 , avatar

    @nicholas_saunders @chiraag @KathyLK @mondoweiss @palestine @israel lmao we all know that idiot fascist bootlickers like you will contend every definition if it serves to delude themselves further into their nonsensical narratives. You're unfixable, like a lame horse.

    nicholas_saunders ,

    @somekindahate3 @chiraag @KathyLK @mondoweiss @palestine @israel so you're both throwing epithets left and right, and implicitly acknowledging that you're only able to argue from advantageous definitions.

    somekindahate3 , avatar

    @nicholas_saunders @chiraag @KathyLK @mondoweiss @palestine @israel That's not how implication works. You get an F.

    nicholas_saunders ,

    @somekindahate3 @chiraag @KathyLK @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

    You're so lost, and so wrong as to how and what "implicit" means -- your "grades" demonstrating that you're not here to converse.

    somekindahate3 , avatar

    @nicholas_saunders @chiraag @KathyLK @mondoweiss @palestine @israel There's no conversation to be had with a committed idiot. For something to be implied, it has to be logically demonstrable from the premises.

    Go ahead and show that logical derivation so the rest of is can have a hearty laugh at your incompetence.

    nicholas_saunders ,

    @somekindahate3 @chiraag @KathyLK @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

    It's only your own misunderstanding of words and meaning on display here, my friend -- as well as your need, of course, to make baseless accusations and be insulting.

    somekindahate3 , avatar

    @nicholas_saunders @chiraag @KathyLK @mondoweiss @palestine @israel Don't say something is implicit if you can't (1) demonstrate it nor (2) make a cogent argument about it, that's it. The rest of us can do it, why is it that your incompetent ass can't despite the fact that you post 24/7?

    You're an F grade person. Simple as that. Get lost.

    nicholas_saunders ,

    @somekindahate3 @chiraag @KathyLK @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

    You seem to have lumped together the meanings for implicit with implied without recognizing any distinction, as you've used them seemingly interchangeably -- or, at least, that's the inference.

    somekindahate3 , avatar

    @nicholas_saunders @chiraag @KathyLK @mondoweiss @palestine @israel LMAO that's what the word implicit means, but if you have a different esoteric meaning, then go ahead and share it, and we can all see how you were just pretending to make claims with some sort of clairvoyant authority that you can't justify to just blatantly trying to paint a narrative that now is suddenly very transparent.

    But you're not going to do that because useless fascist dipshits like you would rather just back off and repeat themselves hoping there's someone out there that is just as stupid as they are, then wonder they get made fun of for the rest of their lives (and beaten to shit).

    nicholas_saunders ,

    @somekindahate3 @chiraag @KathyLK @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

    Bro, my man, such may be your contention.

    indyradio , avatar

    @chiraag @KathyLK @mondoweiss @palestine @israel
    was Truman's mistake and should not be considered irreversible. Eisenhower warned Israel not to venture beyond the 1948 borders, and it was a popular decision.
    Since then, the American public has been brainwashed to accept complete bullshit contrary to their own needs and values.
    That's all this random contributor has to say.

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