Sherifazuhur , avatar
h4890 ,

@Sherifazuhur @israel @palestine

Go israel! We support you against the hamas terrorists!

gfkdsgn , avatar

So you @h4890 support terrorists like , , , and the in public.

That's almost worst than what Adolf Eichmann & Arthur Ruppin stood for. Seriously, aren't you ashamed about yourself, or is it paid too good to stop this BS of yours?

h4890 ,

@gfkdsgn @Sherifazuhur

Au contraire... it is you who support dirty arab terrorist! Remember, the arabs started the attack, and the defense operation will finish when Hamas gives up or when the palestinians hang them or surrender them to israel for imprisonment.

gfkdsgn , avatar

Oh my dear @h4890
how did you achieve this level of indoctrination and ignorance? To support today isn't much different than to support back in 1938. Are your parents proud that you became a ?

Since it wasn't me who financed , but the of @israel (that you support) ... you might guess who does the dirty work as useful idiot.

While I'm prepared with historical facts for an intellectual duell with 's, it's you who is unarmed, obviously.

h4890 ,

@gfkdsgn @israel

Actually that is incorrect. It's the arabs who are terrorists and blow up planes, so logic dictates that a country being attacked has the right to defend itself.

I think you are trapped by leftist/socialist propaganda.

But open yours eyes and please go and watch Fox news to get a real view of the world.

Long live israel!

gfkdsgn , avatar

@h4890 @israel
With "Arabs... blow up planes" you're referring to the 1970s, aren't you? Why can't you see that as effect of the first & second nakba?

Maybe it's you who is trapped in ultra-right-wing echo chambers. Don't you think so, if you can?

h4890 ,

@gfkdsgn @israel

Maybe you heard about a little thing called 9/11? But by all means, we can include killings, shooting and rape as well.

Let's see how women are treated in arabia shall we?

gfkdsgn , avatar

Thank you @h4890 for opening that box. Pls, explain the "dancing Israelis" phenomenon.

h4890 ,


You know about that hamas terrorist attack. No need to rehash.

gfkdsgn , avatar
h4890 ,


Haha, laughable! Sending me youtube videos. You're a funny guy! 😂

gfkdsgn , avatar

Thought you would appreciate easy stuff to start with, but if you prefer more serious sources...
this one brings more reality back into your fundamentally right-wing echo chamber than you've seen on FOX TV, ever!

Oops, that's kinda ThemTube.too :blobcatdunno:

h4890 ,


Hahahaha! 😂

The Grayzone is an American fringe,[7] far-left[19] news website and blog,[23] founded and edited by American journalist Max Blumenthal.[20] The website, initially founded as The Grayzone Project,[24] was affiliated with AlterNet before becoming independent in early 2018.[4]

Please, just stop responding. We don't even exist in the same universe. 😂

gfkdsgn , avatar

Indeed, you are one of those undereducated guys who's not interested in Jews, except to use them as shield, smokescreen, and in "anti-semitism" strawman arguments.

I'm surprised how long it took you to recognize that, unlike you, I'm not a & supporter.

h4890 ,


You're actually the anti-semite here. I'm all for israel. But only the warped logic of a socialist can come to that conclusion.

Stop being childish now, and admit that the Hamas are terrorists and israel has a right to defend itself.

You can easily see that for yourself by reading any regular newspaper.

Oh, and stop looking at leftist propaganda sites, they only spread hate and that is affecting you negatively.

gfkdsgn , avatar

Yes you @h4890 are all in 4 the zionist regime of @israel. And you support terrorists like Netanyahu...

Unlike you I'm not a dangerous anti-semite since I'm one of them. It's You as a zionist who is anti-Semitic, and all real Jews agree.

amerika , avatar

@gfkdsgn @h4890

Netanyahu is just defending his people as best he can. It will not be perfect.

h4890 ,

@amerika @gfkdsgn

This is true! And since Hamas have perfected the art of using women, children and hospitals as shields, that is why you are seeing what you do.

That should also be a hint that Hamas is just a bunch of arabian scum.

amerika , avatar

@h4890 @gfkdsgn

If you use civilians as shields, they are going to be collateral damage.

Whining about it afterwards is just grandstanding.

Building military facilities under hospitals and schools ensures that those will get bombed.

h4890 ,

@amerika @gfkdsgn

True. But you gotta give it to them... they were very good at stealing UN money to fund their terrorist organization.

gfkdsgn , avatar

"True. But you gotta give it to them... they were very good at stealing UN money to fund their terrorist organization."

If you say that Hamas freedom fighters got more buck$ from the UN than terrorists from then back your claim with source links. Otherwise, you're just a liar.

h4890 ,


Yep, terrorist and child killers who have infiltrated UN. UN thereby is guilty by association and should be abolished as well.

gfkdsgn , avatar

Obviously you @h4890 can't back that claim of yours with links, otherwise you would do as you're told, wouldn't you?

Same BS different propaganda stories been the "babies in ovens", "systemic rape" allegations, AND last not least your classic "anti-semitism" fairytales...
I've offered quite a few opportunities for you to provide links, but since you ignored them the disability of yours became obvious.

You are just pushing faked news to distract from @israel 's REAL & in @palestine acts and on , don't you? How much is paid for unskilled sh¡tpostings, like yours?

h4890 ,

@gfkdsgn @israel @palestine

Why would I back my claims? You are just a clown, and I don't take you seriously, so my goal here is to make you lose as much time as possible arguing with me. =)

The more time you lose here, the less time you have to spread your poison else where. =)

gfkdsgn , avatar

@h4890 @israel @palestine
Well, providing links could help your "credibility" to stop fading away completely. Sorry, too late.

However, since you can't back up any of the stupid allegations better than the "anti-semite" BS, it's you clowning yourself — in public! TY

The pleasure is mine, obviously.

h4890 ,

@gfkdsgn @israel @palestine

Please, crush it clown! Looking forward to the next profound message. ;)

gfkdsgn , avatar

You're running already, seriously?! It's not because you realized that you've been wrong all the time, not right. It's not because you realized how ignorant and uneducated you've been all your life.

Sooo, might it have something to do that the , , :darthvader: perspective in your comments is shared by nobody??? Haaa?! That's no surprise for any sane person, but YOU. :linus:

Somehow, I'm almost worried about you as a human individual, since even bots tend to block your "poor, poor victim" soul of a . Nah, sorry just joking. Imho Nuremberg should be reestablished for supporters of like you are. Can't wish you more luck for the trials, but bad one :ac_surprise:
@israel @palestine

post-scriptum: Don't forget to block me, like most of your coward colleagues do. :ac_inspiration:

h4890 ,

@gfkdsgn @israel @palestine

Running? I just find it fascinating that you keep sending a wall of text without any meaning. But we've already found out that you are mentally ill, so I should be surprised. =)

somekindahate3 , avatar

@h4890 @gfkdsgn @israel @palestine Dude is grilling you hard in those "meaningless walls of text". It's some Kendrick on Drake exposé shit. Block me too, you delusional racist. Lmao

h4890 ,

@somekindahate3 @gfkdsgn @israel @palestine

Another one? Haha, those walls of texts are completely meaningless communist propaganda.

As I explained, he is a mentally ill clown, so I don't even read his ramblings any longer.

I'm just interested in triggering him and you as often as possible to see how much time you will both waste arguing with someone who has already won the argument. =)

amerika , avatar

@h4890 @somekindahate3 @gfkdsgn @israel @palestine

communism is triumph of the ill

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @somekindahate3

Yes, I would add the irrational. I can for the life of me not understand that that ism still lives.

It has been thoroughly disproven scientifically, historically and logically, so any rational human being should be completely aware of the fact that it does not, and will never, work.

Yet, it still pops up every where, especially in academia in europe.

Yes, maybe it is a kind of mental illness or mind virus?

amerika , avatar

@h4890 @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @somekindahate3

It is. It is pure symbolism: lack of risk to the self through peace for all through redistribution of wealth and power.

Basically it is pacifism, even if it has to be enforced with an iron fist!

And at the root of pacifism is fear for the self, therefore individualism.

somekindahate3 , avatar

@h4890 @amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn Disproven scientifically? You're clearly not a scientist (nor a historian nor educated in any of those fields). Now I'm a scientist and philosopher of science. What questions/confusions do you have?

amerika , avatar

@somekindahate3 @h4890 @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn

Communism always leads to failure, news at 10.

somekindahate3 , avatar

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @h4890 You get an F. You are incompetent.

amerika , avatar

@somekindahate3 @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @h4890

Come on, hug it out.

Some methods do not work well; we agree on that, right?

Like sticking forks into electric outlets, stealing gasoline by torchlight, etc.

somekindahate3 , avatar

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @h4890 You get an F. You are incompetent.

h4890 ,

@somekindahate3 @amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn

Oh, I see the brilliant philosopher has spoken! ;)

I do have to give it to you, you do come off as a brilliant academic! 😂

amerika , avatar

@h4890 @somekindahate3 @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn

The username reminds me to fire up the Misfits later.

h4890 ,

@somekindahate3 @amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn

Science and logic: check and economics. Nothing support communism, and verything supports the markets and capitalism.

Even the communist party of china has embraced the market.

History: Every attempt has failed. Period.

Some other points: Due to the inherent limits of the physical universe and how information travels and is processed, only decentralized decision making

h4890 ,

@somekindahate3 @amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn

works at scales of billions. Add to that human nature and you can see how flawed communism is from the start.

Read Mises liberalism and the animal farm if you can read.

If you can't be bothered, then I'll just lightly ridicule you to get you to write walls of text for nothing. =)

amerika , avatar

@h4890 @somekindahate3 @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn

I would like to speak up for Henry Hazlitt here. A little basic economics is useful, since people act as economic actors especially if they claim otherwise.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @somekindahate3

Classic! Economics in one lesson is brilliant!

I doubt our dear leftist trolls would ever make it 10 pages into the book. It's very sad, because if they did, and if they understood the content, I think they opinions could be shifted.

Highly recommended book!

amerika , avatar

@h4890 @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @somekindahate3

It's a gentle introduction.

To me, economics is more than about money. It is about human decisions: tradeoffs and the supply-demand curve.

Everything falls under this model. It is basic logic that is at the heart of all activities.

Even if we have Star Trek style plenty someday, there will always be time and energy as scarce resources.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @somekindahate3

True. This is why AI will take the jobs, is just nonsense. AI will drive down prices, make life enormously better, and make people have more spare time for their passions.

Only socialists worry about the jobs, because that's the only thing they can offer the labourer in favour of getting complete power.

Once the labourer is set free by capitalism socialism will be more or less dead.

amerika , avatar

@h4890 @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @somekindahate3

We will finally be free of unions as well.

I think there will always be jobs of some sort that need humans.

Our problem is too many useless people.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @somekindahate3

The desires of man are limitless, I completely agree.

Sports, arts, crafts, just the experience of being served by another human, politics, science, literature, the activities that will still be relevant in such a world is endless!

I mean, myself... I could still fish, enjoy friends and family, write, think, I could teach, read, cook... I cannot see how anyone could be bored even with an AI doing all the labour.

somekindahate3 , avatar

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @h4890 Those useless people are called "the bourgeoise", since they take no roll in the creation or development of anything that matters. It is also quite common of people that study liberal economics, business, and the sort to have no real skills whatsoever. They can't do science, they can't do philosophy, they produce nothing of value, they merely tailored themselves to play the financialization and monopoly game, like the people that played that found their privilege by being priests to a church of fantastical imperialist cult/religion, hoping that they can appropriate the ideas and values of the far greater people and masses, like all the rich parasites that history forgot. Scum and blight in history that needs to be cleansed asap.

h4890 ,

@somekindahate3 @amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn

Just repeating what you think does not make it true.

Your words literally make no sense. Back to school for you. ;)

amerika , avatar

@h4890 @somekindahate3 @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn

Amplifying this: every first world nation and most third world ones are technically mixed economies.

This is the "last system standing": mixed economy liberal democracy. Even China is a variation on this.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @somekindahate3

This is true. You have more or less mixed.

I think perhaps online economies such as crypto, or in game currencies might be as close as possible to free markets. Sad that they only sell pseudo products though, with very limited uses.

amerika , avatar

@h4890 @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @somekindahate3

I like free markets, but I think they are only one part of a successful society.

If anyone sets up a libertarian paradise however, I think there will be a brain drain as people flee the rotting first-world countries to get there.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @somekindahate3

This is also true. Free markets are a tool to extract the maximum quality of material life from scarce resources.

The answer to the question of what you fill your life with, has never, and will never, be answered by markets, libertarianism & co.

That is entirely up to you, the individual, to live your life as art, to seek excellency, live a life of passion and so on.

somekindahate3 , avatar

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @h4890 It is an embarrassing fallacy to presume that systems are standing due to the superiority of systems themselves. Imbeciles living in religious theocracies that lasted far longer than liberalism has and will presumed that they reached the 'end of history too'.

The truth is that the economic systems in place today are a facade. The US economy never ran on the merits of liberalism, it ran and always has ran on slavery, imperialism, colonialism, and exploitation. Liberalism is just the way to dress up said exploitation.

Anyone fooling themselves into believing that this wondrous garbage ideology is the reason why the empire stands today would convince themselves it's because their god is the one true god all the same. They have no perspective on the material realities underlying their fantasy.

There is no conciliation between anarchism/libertarianism and liberalism. Neoliberalism (or the laughable american fantasy appropriation of "libertarianism) is merely an exercise of persistent cognitive dissonance reduction in the face of contradiction that facilitates its idiot believer to assume the revolutionary aesthetics of anarchism, while subjugating themselves to the same hegemonic state they pretend to oppose in perpetuity.

h4890 ,

@somekindahate3 @amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn


Read Johan Norbergs the capitalist manifesto.

Of course I know you wont, you keep harping on old theories long dead.

There you can see that capitalism is the best system that exist.

amerika , avatar

@h4890 @somekindahate3 @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn

This guy? Hmm, senior fellow at Cato which can be a mixed bag but the synopsis looks good.

To my mind, capitalism is just economics and is inescapable... everything else is politics pretending to be economics and fails accordingly.

somekindahate3 , avatar

@h4890 @amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn lmao this idiot thinks that is a source on these matters. What, are you gonna ask me to read the bible and Harry Potter too?

This guy's an ultra-idiot.

h4890 ,

@somekindahate3 @amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn

;) Keep writing. It ties you up so you can't destroy and spew hate.

amerika , avatar

@somekindahate3 @h4890 @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn

No, he knows what he is talking about BUT is fifteen layers deeper into the reading, thinking etc than you are so it is going to be hard to communicate what he knows.

The Bible is mostly borrowed from Greek sources.

Capitalism is Austrian economics. It describes how things work, and if left alone, drives prices down and quality up. Like natural selection.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @somekindahate3

Amen! To borrow a bit from the bible! ;)

Also interesting to see how the bible was inspired by earlier myths. It is quite an eclectic work, not to speak of the disconnect between ot and nt.

somekindahate3 , avatar

@h4890 @amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn "period" said the religious devotee. Failed at what? Lmao

argumento , avatar

@somekindahate3 @h4890 @amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn

"Communism doesn't work because it doesn't make profits for the shareholders. Also, communism is very prone to fail due to its tendency to have CIA backed coups".

amerika , avatar

@argumento @somekindahate3 @h4890 @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn

Communism does not work because everyone ends up starving and there are mass executions.

  • Cambodia
  • Soviet Union
  • China
  • Cuba
  • Eastern Europe
  • Latin America

All the same pattern. Castles made of sand.

argumento , avatar

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @h4890 @somekindahate3 ROFL, have you heard about Pinochet, Videla, Suharto, Batista, Somoza? You only mind mass killings when it's your crowd?

amerika , avatar

@argumento @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @h4890 @somekindahate3

I think most of those were clearing out Communists in order to prevent murders.

At least, that is what Saint Pinochet did when he threw them from helicopters.


h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

Also add Franco to the list. He was harsh, but he saved spain from becoming a third world country. Many today are thankful for the Franco years, but sadly spain is deteriorating again, so they need a new Franco.

amerika , avatar

@h4890 @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

Franco strikes me as sort of a reluctant fascist the way Tito was a reluctant communist and the founding fathers in Murka were reluctant democrats.

That is, he saw it is as his only option, but also wanted to limit it before it became a runaway.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

I think Franco was a conservative monarchist at heart. Based on what I heard he had a lot of respect for the king, and I would imagine he saw socialism as a threat to the royal family.

amerika , avatar

@h4890 @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

I tend to agree here. He most just did not want Spain getting destroyed by socialism.

amerika , avatar
argumento , avatar
amerika , avatar

@argumento @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @h4890 @somekindahate3

I am far, far worse than a fascist.

But everyone can enjoy killing Communists because they are parasitic defectives.

is a religion around here.

goat , avatar
amerika , avatar

@goat @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @argumento @h4890 @somekindahate3

If I were edgy, I'd try something retarded like National Socialism, Communism, Fascism, or theocracy.

amerika , avatar
h4890 ,

@argumento @amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @somekindahate3

Ooooohhhhh, naughty! 😂 🇮🇱

amerika , avatar

@h4890 @argumento @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @somekindahate3

It's ironic that people are calling Israelis "Nazis" now, while conservatives are calling Democrats "Nazis," and Democrats call Trump a "Nazi," despite almost no one looking at what the Nazis were.

They were basically nationalist Democrats who liked supply-side economics.

So it makes no sense to call Democrats Nazis, since the relationship was most likely the other way around (although the parties were flipped then, I think).

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

I always say, the clue is in the name.

"Nationalsozialismus" and for the english... National Socialist German Workers' Party.

amerika , avatar

@h4890 @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

The NSDAP adopted the worst aspects of the Napoleonic government as well, including a huge regulatory state.

Their environmental policy was good but too limited.

h4890 ,
h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

True. Yet people never learn. =(

amerika , avatar

@h4890 @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

Some things are emotionally satisfying, so we pursue them despite them being demonstrably self-destructive:

  • Overeating
  • Promiscuity
  • Alcoholism/drugism
  • Gambling
  • Narcissism
  • Greed
  • Criminality
  • Bullying

All of these are rediscovered by each new generation despite lots of historical data that shows how they end badly. Socialism is no different.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

It's an interesting theory, that the reason socialism keeps popping up, is due to weaknesses of the brain.

Envy is probably the backdoor through which socialism slips, and greed and narcissism on behalf of the socialist leaders. They exploit the envy of the working classes to satisfy their own greed and lust for power.

Makes you wonder... if therapy and psychology was "100%" would socialism die out as the human race becomes

h4890 ,
amerika , avatar

@h4890 @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

It depends. For many it would, but those who are still maturing will always be weak to these ideas owing to youth and inexperience.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

That's an interesting observation too. When many young people start to work many discard socialism. I think another protection could be increasing the voting age to 20 or 25 to make sure you have enoug life experience.

Alternatively, only people who work get to vote, and if you live off the government, you are not allowed to vote.

With those two changes I think the support of socialism would be cut in half.

amerika , avatar

@h4890 @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

Or do voting by household. Married people with stable work tend to vote more sanely.

However, in the end, as long as wealth transfer is allowed, government will destroy its host civilization.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

A divergence! Wealth transfer must be allowed or else all motivation to work, save and develop is lost.

That's why socialism collapses, no wealth allowed, so no point in doing anything.

amerika , avatar

@h4890 @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

Wealth transfer means taking from the wealthy and giving to the poor by government action.

Dicey , avatar

@amerika @h4890 @argumento @gfkdsgn @israel @palestine @somekindahate3 Poor rich people. My heart breaks for the billionaires. It's so unjust. Life is really unjust

h4890 ,

@Dicey @israel @palestine @amerika @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

Tax is theft, and thus impossible to justify ethically.

But maybe you are an evil person Dicey? If so, you are at least consistent in your beliefs even though they are morally revolting.

Dicey , avatar

@h4890 @israel @palestine @amerika @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3 Just saying when I wake up in the morning the first people my heart bleeds for is the suffering of billionaires. It's those who I would sacrifice myself to alleviate their immense pain. I am happy we agree

Dicey , avatar

@h4890 @amerika @argumento @gfkdsgn @israel @palestine @somekindahate3 and I am happy we have libertarianism to protect their rights and inform the public about their misfortunes and various evils they are suffering

amerika , avatar

@Dicey @argumento @gfkdsgn @h4890 @israel @palestine @somekindahate3

Libertarianism has failed to do all of these things.

Resentment of the rich is not just a moral failing, but a mental disease.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

I would argue that libertarianism hasn't even had the chance to fix this.

One weakness of libertarianism is its inherent difficulty to organize. By its nature it attracts strong personalities and people who have more important things to do than to waste their lives with politics.

Contrast that with socialism, the most egoistic of ideologies, where the participants see it as a road to live like billionaires and having

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

the tax payer foot the bill. Literally their survival is tied to socialism.

Since libertarians tend to be productive people, their livelihood is not tied to the party, which means that usually the party remains forever small and will almost always never have any influence.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

Someone, some day might find the key to creating a big libertarian party, but I think that for that to happen, living conditions in the west need to either reach soviet living conditions, so that people literally accept anything else, or some libertarian genius needs to do things a lot differently from how politics is done and explained to the public today.

amerika , avatar

@h4890 @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

Ditching voluntarism is the first step.

Libertarianism is not complete as a philosophy.

It is an economic theory, and while it is the best one, it does not carry over to other areas like politics, social policy, culture, and law.

There needs to be something else to take care of those.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

True. I think we've been down this path before. What to fill the libertarian void (value-void) with?

Hedonism, epicureanism, stoicism, nihilism, etc. all valid answers. Some better than others in my opinion. This is also another weakness about libertarianism.

I imagine it is hard to only keep to the market, personal values will creep in especially if you act on the modern political arena. Since libertarianism does not

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

(in its pure form) care about those values, there will be conflicts within the party along those lines.

Nationalism, socialism & co have a strength here, since it is decided from the start what the values are, so they have more "harmony" in the party than libertarians ever will.

amerika , avatar

@h4890 @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

For me, it all comes down to culture. It is the absence of rules based on a common aesthetic understanding of how things should be for harmonious, orderly, and quality level of existence.

Culture is organic, thus out of our control, but we can wreck it with government or adulterate it with miscegenation.

Nihilism is in my view as a lifetime nihilist a gateway to understanding and not paired to any particular philosophy except realism. That is, it would be hard to be a dualistic or egalitarian nihilist.

burner , avatar

uhhhhh gay???

Dicey , avatar

@burner @israel @palestine @amerika @gfkdsgn @argumento @h4890 @somekindahate3 He is worried about billionaires having Hemorrhoids. I told him him I was working on a donation campaign for billionaires with Hemorrhoids but he accused me of being fake billionaire loverboi

amerika , avatar

@Dicey @burner @argumento @gfkdsgn @h4890 @israel @palestine @somekindahate3

I think billionaires can afford hemorrhoid surgery.

A neighbor had it. Was flat on his stomach for six weeks.

Dicey , avatar

@amerika @argumento @burner @gfkdsgn @h4890 @israel @palestine @somekindahate3 We need to give them our money anyway for just for the hell of it

amerika , avatar

@Dicey @argumento @burner @gfkdsgn @h4890 @israel @palestine @somekindahate3

We are giving them our money because they provide useful products.

People did not buy Windows because it sucked.

Now it sucks, but that is mostly because the company became a monopoly run by diversity.

Dicey , avatar

@amerika @argumento @burner @gfkdsgn @h4890 @israel @palestine @somekindahate3 Yes we need to become their sex slaves

andreas ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @h4890 @somekindahate3 @burner it was always a company run by diversity. People sneer at Steve Jobs for being a faggot and yet use the operating system of Bill Gates who pushed the fagcines that most likely killed or injuries their families.

amerika , avatar

@Dicey @argumento @burner @gfkdsgn @h4890 @israel @palestine @somekindahate3

I remember a few years back people were talking about "the year of the Indian CEO."

That died flatter than an ironed hemorrhoid.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3 @burner

That's interesting. All of a sudden there were many indian CEOs and I wonder where the meme came from?

amerika , avatar

@h4890 @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3 @burner

At the time, it seemed like suddenly every big firm had an Indian CEO: Google, Microsoft, and a billion VC startups.

But then the failures began. Silicon Valley was hoping for a cheapie solution.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3 @burner

Haha, the ultimate joke! 😂 Happy to hear it.

amerika , avatar

@Dicey @argumento @burner @gfkdsgn @h4890 @israel @palestine @somekindahate3

But we could look at Apple. They had multiple ups and downs, but ultimately made their money selling high-end (perceived) laptops and phones.

amerika , avatar

@Dicey @argumento @burner @gfkdsgn @h4890 @israel @palestine @somekindahate3

And I can see why people buy Apple products: they make things simple and cute instead of scary and technical.

somekindahate3 , avatar

@amerika @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @h4890 @burner this guy buys M$ products and acts like he's running Arch :blob_cat_sip:

Dicey , avatar

@somekindahate3 @amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @argumento @h4890 @burner I have sacrificed all my pets as a token to the billionaires. I don't know how I can become part of you guys billionaire group. What more must I do

somekindahate3 , avatar

@Dicey @israel @palestine @amerika @gfkdsgn @argumento @h4890 @burner I bought a cybertruck because I'm a technical cyberpunk guy that embraces the future and natural selection!

Dicey , avatar

@somekindahate3 @israel @palestine @amerika @gfkdsgn @argumento @h4890 @burner I am quite useless at surviving. With natural selection I would need to give up my life fighting for survival. I guess neoliberal order daddy has some purpose

somekindahate3 , avatar

@Dicey @israel @palestine @amerika @gfkdsgn @argumento @h4890 @burner The metaphysical invisible hand of the market indeed always does what's good so sayeth realist nihilism.

amerika , avatar

@Dicey @burner @argumento @gfkdsgn @h4890 @israel @palestine @somekindahate3

I think in this case the ancient solution from Hippocrates is probably better despite sounding worse.

He suggested burning the 'roids flat with a hot iron.

amerika , avatar
somekindahate3 , avatar

@amerika @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @h4890 this guy is not really a nihilist and doesn't understand philosophy, but surely wants to sound like the rest of us while being an asslicker :blob_cat_sip:

h4890 ,

@somekindahate3 @amerika @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento

Yawn... the clowns are getting tedious.

Only @amerika is writing anything worth reading so far.

Step it up clowns! You are falling behind! 🤡 🇮🇱

somekindahate3 , avatar

@h4890 @amerika @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento One day you'll get past your 5th grade reading level. Lmao

(Not really.)

amerika , avatar

@somekindahate3 @h4890 @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento

Newspapers need to be written on a fifth-grade level and IMHO if you want to be a big shot on social media you need to write at that level too.

There's a lot of dramatic types who throw in a couple big words now and again but they always use them as big words and not descriptively.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

Being a big shot on social media, means to write for the herd, by definition.

You might be big for the herd, but hardly original.

Nietzsche had a lot of interesting things to say on that theme.

So be careful what you wish for... perhaps being appreciated on liberdon or is what you can achieve without diluting or lowering yourself! ;)

amerika , avatar

@h4890 @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

Those who perform for others become swallowed up by the audience... this is what happened to Metallica (very sad, old story).

somekindahate3 , avatar
h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

Do you have an example of performers who you think managed to maintain the quality?

As for performers who perform, I think this phenomenon happens to political parties who want to grow as well.

amerika , avatar

@h4890 @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

They are very rare. More than performers, it is a question of composers.

I think Kraftwerk did very well. Motorhead was a mixed bag but did mostly well. Judas Priest probably did the best of all the NWOBHM, but Iron Maiden did not do shabbily either.

Some of the greatest musicians maintain quality output their whole lives, but rarely in heavily image-oriented genres like popular music!

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

Kraftwerk, Motorhead and Iron maiden, I like all three! Also seems like something common with those guys is that they tour and perform way, way longer than they had to if they were only motivated by money.

amerika , avatar

@h4890 @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

I think they are just more serious about art and creating joy for people than others.

Iron Maiden for example was basically Steve Harris' vision since the beginning and he ran through personnel until he could make it happen.

Motorhead was a one-man band with collaborators as well.

Kraftwerk was two guys with a vision who overcame a lot of technical barriers to do it.

The intent was always clear, then the methods came later.

somekindahate3 , avatar

@amerika @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @h4890 and Kraftwerk and Motorhead are explicitly anticapitalist and anarchist lmao

That's the point. Money was never motivation. It and financial markets have always a fake, artificial incentive that has always been counterproductive to the production of real art, as any band can tell you.

Not that that would reach someone whose entire identity is based on a laughable mythologization of bootlicking and a genre of music that rejects him.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

Culture is a funny beast. You are born into it, it is shaped over generations, or perhaps even thousands of years, and it is very difficult, if not outright impossible to "change" culture. You can fake changing culture, but organically entering it I would say is almost impossible.

I have a weakness for creating my own values, and my yard stick is personal utility and how it fits with my own mental map of the world.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

But note that my process might end up with none, or some of the values of my native culture, but with the difference of me then consciously assimilating the culture.

Has that happened? Difficult to say. Since culture is by definition imprecise and abstract, it is very easy to talk past each other on that topic.

somekindahate3 , avatar

@h4890 @amerika @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento I create my own values, hence I blindly cling to the liberal hegemony's he said

amerika , avatar

@somekindahate3 @h4890 @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento

Rejecting individualism is the primal quest.

h4890 ,

@somekindahate3 @amerika @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento

Ahh... and yet you didn't understand a thing clown! 😂 🇮🇱 🤡

amerika , avatar

@h4890 @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

I think the big point is that culture does not change except to become a better version of itself. This is why it is organic: it emerges from past experience.

And, for all of us, a lot of what is our own mental map comes from culture or more specifically aesthetics based in culture and therefore, genetics.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

What do you think about cultures that died out? Do you believe in layers of culture? For instance, indian culture, underneath catholic culture underneath "modern" mexican culture? Or is it just one culture?

amerika , avatar

@h4890 @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

The Amerinds got pretty whomped in Mexico, mostly by disease but also thoroughly by civilization decay before the Spanish arrived. Much of that may have come about through famine.

Does Mexico have culture? It may have cultures, but otherwise it is just Amerind culture mixed with Catholic theology and Spanish food influences.

Dicey , avatar

@h4890 @amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3 Yeah everyday I die a little thinking that out there a billionaire is having a rough time with some paperwork

Dicey , avatar

@h4890 @amerika @argumento @gfkdsgn @israel @palestine @somekindahate3 I pray to God every day that billionaires don't develop hemorrhoids because I want them to feel good especially in their anus

amerika , avatar

@Dicey @argumento @gfkdsgn @h4890 @israel @palestine @somekindahate3

People of your mindset go after "billionaires," and yet it is normal people filling out the IRS forms.

Resentment of the wealthy is a mental disorder.

Dicey , avatar

@amerika @argumento @gfkdsgn @h4890 @israel @palestine @somekindahate3 I will sacrifice my life if it means a single 99 year old billionaire don't develop hemorrhoids sir. You are mistaken about my dislike of billionaires

amerika , avatar

@Dicey @argumento @gfkdsgn @h4890 @israel @palestine @somekindahate3

You will die in a war for democracy instead.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

How about actually answering amerikas argument?

I think that would be more productive. If you don't, you risk ending up in the troll category, and then it is not possible to respect you and you will just get nonsense in return.

amerika , avatar

@h4890 @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

You might call this the same voluntarism problem we see with FOSS and indeed any volunteer effort.

Since it is not paid, people contribute where they want to, and ignore the rest.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

Maybe that is also a strength? You do tend to get more harmonius volunteer organizations when people can just come and go and leave when they are not happy? They start their own, fork and so on.

With the rules you get abominations like the linux foundation.

amerika , avatar

@h4890 @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

I think we do not need a nest of rules, but a profit model and salaries.

Volunteerism means that people do what they want, and then leave, and no one takes over what needs to be done.

This is why most volunteer orgs fail and why all surviving ones use paid staff.

It's more efficient and effective (!!!) to raise money to pay people than to use volunteers, UNLESS it's something very discrete like show up on the weekend to build houses.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

It depends. If the volunteering is something which would never have been done anyway, there is a small profit to it.

But yes... if the topic or task at hand is important enough for people to be willing to pay for it, then that of course is way more efficient.

In modern language it can be called "a business opportunity" and starting a company to fulfill a need in the market. ;)

amerika , avatar

@h4890 @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

Yes, although I think a lot of vital things will never pay.

They must be done anyway.

This is why it is useful to have wealthy people for patronage purposes.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

That goes back to how to measure and how you think people are motivated.

I might sponsor something which has no other value except making me feel good. Value for sure, but will it help humanity? Most likely not.

amerika , avatar

@h4890 @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

I would sponsor things out of sheer bloody-mindedness: this should exist and it does not, so if I can pay someone to do it, I will.

h4890 ,
amerika , avatar

@Dicey @h4890 @argumento @gfkdsgn @israel @palestine @somekindahate3

Wealth transfer mostly hits the middle classes.

The billionaires mostly own controlling interests in corporations.

amerika , avatar

@somekindahate3 @h4890 @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn

I have failed at religion.

gfkdsgn , avatar

@somekindahate3 @israel @palestine

"Nothing support communism, and verything supports the markets and capitalism."

PLS, try to educate yourself a little...

h4890 ,

@gfkdsgn @somekindahate3 @israel @palestine

Hello clown, you woke up! Please keep on clowning. ;)

somekindahate3 , avatar

@h4890 @amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn By the way, I don't know if you noticed that a fascist pseudointellectual metal wannabe came at your defense. This is time for you to realize who you stand with.

amerika , avatar

@somekindahate3 @h4890 @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn

Oh no, honey, I'm much worse than that.

I'm a monarchist, eugenicist, ecofascist, Nietzschean, etc.

Like I always say, "culturally liberal, economically libertarian, politically conservative, and ecologically fascist."

The Nazis are generally offended by me.

somekindahate3 , avatar

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @h4890 Eww, there's nothing worse than idiot low IQ fascists trying to claim Nietzsche. I don't get where your science and philosophy education went wrong, but you go in the bin. Lmao

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @somekindahate3

Regardless of views, what separates amerika from 99% of the garbage is that there is genuine thought behind the views.

Even if I don't agree with everything I appreciate the fact that he articulately argues in favour of the views and explains why.

I do also in fact agree with some of the views as well. Actually, come to think of it, I never think we mapped where we agree and where we disagree.

amerika , avatar

@somekindahate3 @h4890 @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn

Let me put it this way: the system is not offended by racists.

It is very bothered by people who affirm social class and are anti-diversity.

I am banned on Poa.St,,,, and half a billion forums.

amerika , avatar

@somekindahate3 @h4890 @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn

People like me bother you because we are entirely outside of your current political paradigm.

We reject -- democracy, equality, atomization, diversity, and socialism/subsidies -- and want a futurist traditionalist society.

Also, since the current Regime is failing, we are the future.

somekindahate3 , avatar

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @h4890 Nah, it's not like you aren't within familiar categories and we're suffering from some sort of syntax error. It's more like, your shortcomings are evident and there's no way to fix you given your misguided commitments that make up your sub par, wannabe controversial identity.

amerika , avatar

@somekindahate3 @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @h4890

The word salad comes out.

In the meantime, notice you are not saying I am factually incorrect.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @somekindahate3

I think you won the debate amerika!

He went just went silent. On the other hand, he had nothing to say, so probably he realized that he will save the planet by not writing here consuming the extra electricity. ;)

I have a strong feeling he is an environmentalist praying in the shrine of Greta and that would actually explain a lot of his ranting.

amerika , avatar

@h4890 @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @somekindahate3

I enjoy Greta. She is Left-compromised but I think originally meant well.

The problem is that meaning well is not enough.

The environment is the biggest issue for me, but it cannot be tackled by avoiding economics.

Rather a sensible set of incentives need to be at the core of civilization.

somekindahate3 , avatar

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @h4890 See, here is where you're going wrong. What you call "economics" is not the result of actual scientific endeavor, but it is a system engineered to favor preestablished privilege and unnatural hierarchy.

Notice the departure in economics from Adam Smith's theory of value, in which labor is selected as the basis to establish value, since it maps to energy transfer (work) in physics. Neoliberal economists have since eschewed this most fundamental scientific basis to the "subjective theory of value", which is based on the ability to maximize exploitation of underprivileged people's willingness to give in. The idea of incentives and subjective value is proposed as a fundamental maxim of psychology or "human nature", but this is not a maxim proposed by any actual rigorous body of psychology or sociology even.

Moreover, economists and the type of pseuds that promote this idea of incentives and human nature consistently ignore iron-clad evidence that demonstrates the basis for actual human incentive in FAVOR of protecting the preestablished economic system, such as how lower work hours, self-ownership, and abundance promote productivity and economic well-being. What they call "the economy" then does not represent the relationship between the society and its relation to its material conditions, but it instead represents the security of the hierarchy of power they have established. Thus, they create artificial scarcity and conditions to coerce its subjugates to its power structures.

Claiming scientific legitimacy is also a way to avoid solving the problems that inspired it, like the now trivial 'calculation problem'.

amerika , avatar

@somekindahate3 @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @h4890

I think there are a few confusions here of different branches of theory.

Economics relies on the idea that people act in their own advantage, but recognizes limitations on rationality and information that are not equally distributed through the group.

However, economics explains group behavior rather well.

In pursuit of self-interest, people will pursue things such as lower working hours, but only if there are not other disadvantages.

somekindahate3 , avatar

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @h4890 Ugh, sure, as with all models of explanations, it explains some things, the same way that the geocentric epicycles system explains things with some (limited) power of prediction too. The problem is the underlying assumptions that it makes, such as prescribing what "rationality" means by making prescriptions on human nature and prescriptions on advantageous behavior.

If you have ever studied logic (lmao), you would know that using these prescriptions to justify the truth of those prescriptions is an exercise in begging the question (aka circular reasoning). All of these behaviors are better understood through a scientific lens in psychology and sociology, which better paint the picture of the "incentives" and axioms of value as an exercise in coercion and exploitation.

A careful examination of the ends of this exploitation reveal that this type of capitalist exploitation's main objective is the perpetuation of artificial hierarchy, and not much else.

Any careful Nietzschean, and any sort of moral nihilist, would be careful about these types of normative prescriptions hidden within language, but you're clearly none the wiser. Lmao

You write like every overconfident low achievement white edgelord falling out of grace in high school, but at least you don't sound like a hollow shell of a deluded lib like the other guy. Sadly, the wall does not care either way. Lmao

h4890 ,

@somekindahate3 @amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn

Because the subjective theory of values is true, and labor theory of value has been dead for a long time.

Economics moved on since the 1700s.

Will you argue in favour of ether next?

Jesus christ, you truly are a clown.

somekindahate3 , avatar

@h4890 @amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn Except it's not "true" by any scientific, epistemic, nor sociological mean. It's as true as any imposed dogma.

Not even physicists refer to the standard model as true, leave it to the idiot racist to think that anti-scientific dogma is "true". Lmao

h4890 ,
h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @somekindahate3

Aha, a point of possible dissent! I am in no way worried at all about any man made global warning and think the earth will end tomorrow. I believe strongly that we will not solve any environmental issues by going back to the stone age, and the only way to solve real issues is through science. Science will, in time (not tomorrow) help us solve all our problems.

Yes, people find me annoyingly optimist, but I prefer that way of living

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @somekindahate3

over the self destructive doom and gloom of the masses.

That being said however, I do not like environmental damage and I do care about the environment, but in a sane way and not in the "all or nothing" way that seems to be the norm today.

amerika , avatar

@h4890 @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @somekindahate3

Back to economic theory, environmental problems will never be solved until there is a culture which extends goodwill to responsible companies and ostracizes irresponsible ones.

However, it cannot be as one-note as "climate change," which as Michael Crichton pointed out, is just the heat island effect in a 60% urbanized world.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @somekindahate3

I think the good will already exists. What destroys it are corporate CEO clowns who try to play to the masses, thereby just coming off as hypocrites.

CEOs who practice what they preach have no trouble being rewarded by goodwill for decisions which might not be the best short term, but very long term good.

amerika , avatar

@h4890 @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @somekindahate3

I do not wholly disagree. I am not concerned with climate change at all. It's the heat island effect.

My solution is Half Earth, which protects natural ecosystems and lessens pollution problems.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @somekindahate3

Half earth? Never heard of the concept. Do you have a link to your blog?

amerika , avatar

@h4890 @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @somekindahate3

Here is the original source:

I also cover it here (thanks for asking!):

It's a very simple idea: set aside half of the land, air, and sea on Earth for nature only. Then just let it do its thing.

h4890 ,

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @somekindahate3

Thank you for the link. A blog is much better for new concepts than a tiny mastodon window.

somekindahate3 , avatar

@h4890 @amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn <-- Notice how the dumb racist is too stupid and delusional to fathom the possibility that some of us have things to do and can't be using our time be responding to stupid, incompetent people online.

These are the people you're associating with, Amerikkka.

amerika , avatar
h4890 ,

@somekindahate3 @amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn

Good one, please keep em coming!

somekindahate3 , avatar

@amerika @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @h4890 You are factually incorrect too. Lmao

If you don't understand the "word salad", that may have to do with you being incompetent and an F student.

Moreover, how do people like you pretend to understand Nietzsche and not understand way simpler writing like my posts? Lmao The entry level for getting what I said is waaay lower.

amerika , avatar

@somekindahate3 @israel @palestine @gfkdsgn @h4890

Disconnected rhetoric. Did you have a point relevant to the discussion?

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