palestine group

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Sherifazuhur , avatar
amerika , avatar

@h4890 @israel @palestine @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @somekindahate3

I think they are just more serious about art and creating joy for people than others.

Iron Maiden for example was basically Steve Harris' vision since the beginning and he ran through personnel until he could make it happen.

Motorhead was a one-man band with collaborators as well.

Kraftwerk was two guys with a vision who overcame a lot of technical barriers to do it.

The intent was always clear, then the methods came later.

somekindahate3 , avatar

@amerika @Dicey @gfkdsgn @argumento @h4890 and Kraftwerk and Motorhead are explicitly anticapitalist and anarchist lmao

That's the point. Money was never motivation. It and financial markets have always a fake, artificial incentive that has always been counterproductive to the production of real art, as any band can tell you.

Not that that would reach someone whose entire identity is based on a laughable mythologization of bootlicking and a genre of music that rejects him.

mondoweiss , avatar

Indiana University's "Liberation Commencement" was a celebration of the students' brave commitment to fighting powerful institutions and their involvement in challenging Zionism and the Palestinian genocide.

@palestine @israel

nicholas_saunders ,

@somekindahate3 @chiraag @KathyLK @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

Bro, my man, such may be your contention.

nus , avatar

@somekindahate3 @nicholas_saunders @chiraag @KathyLK @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

Thanks for this post.

Nick "elite bankers made populism a dirty word" Saunders is spamming this hashtag again, and you're the only person to shut it down.

oatmeal , avatar

/ Prosecutor asks for arrest warrants for three leading Hamas leaders, as well ass Netanyahu and Galant

[...] The office of the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court on Monday said it was seeking arrest warrants against three leading Hamas militants for their alleged roles in the Oct. 7 attacks in Israel, for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Watch: ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan explains the charges against top Hamas and Israeli leadership in detail in this excerpt from his interview with @amanpour this morning at The Hague


ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan explains the charges against top Hamas and Israeli leadership in detail in this excerpt from his interview with @amanpour this morning at The Hague.

ManyRoads , avatar

@DropBear @ViXY_DBC @palestine @israel @oatmeal

I am happy to report the garbage I see... being old, cranky and all. I am not shy, and I hate being put upon by spammers.😜

oatmeal OP , avatar

[cont’d] Hungary says ICC warrant against Israel's Netanyahu 'unacceptable'

[…] "It is wrong to use a court as a political tool, and it should not be forgotten what led to what is happening in Gaza, and that is a ruthless, dishonest and vile terrorist attack on Israel," he said.

How not even ironic coming from a Hungarian official, given their shared passion with Israel for undermining the judiciary and targeting NGOs and civil society. But hey, at least and can count on the support of their neo-fascist pals.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Sherifazuhur , avatar

12-year-old Rimas from Gaza sells homemade "ka'ak" to afford her heart disease medication amid the hard conditions resulting from the Israeli occupation's horrific war on Gaza. @palestine

DavidBruchmann , avatar

@tzafrir @RememberUsAlways @Sherifazuhur @palestine @israel

I'm not interested in meaningless talk about history.
But indeed, the word "Palestine" wasn't invented by the Arabs themselves.

DavidBruchmann , avatar

@RememberUsAlways @tzafrir @Sherifazuhur @palestine @israel

@GRA3432, you've an idea who these terrorists could have been?

faab64 ,

Full list of companies profitting from Israeli apartheid

@palestine @israel

samuelmumm , avatar

@faab64 @AutisticMumTo3

That's the democratic spirit.

samuelmumm , avatar


Btw: why lets hamas the hostages not free?

GeriatricGardener , avatar

“Do you condemn Hamas?: The question we have to ask ourselves is not whether we condemn Hamas, but whether we condemn a settler colonial regime that makes armed struggle necessary for survival.”

by James Ray in Mondoweiss @mondoweiss

@palestine @israel

“Like them [Hamas] or not, the efforts they have waged and continue to wage have made more of a material impact toward the liberation of Palestine than anything any of us in the West will ever make. They are taking on the brutal violence of colonial power and waging a campaign of armed struggle that has, at the current moment, with coordination with other resistance factions, made the Zionist colony more of a pariah than it has ever been on a global stage and shattered the image of military invincibility and overall stability it has spent decades cultivating. Countless years of struggle have culminated in this flashpoint.”

Sine_Nomine , avatar

@Captain_Jack_Sparrow @zephry @jeremy_pm @GeriatricGardener @mondoweiss @palestine @israel apparently the wrong kind of semetic, the one's Zionists can be antisemitic to.

Captain_Jack_Sparrow , avatar
nus , avatar

"I'm not gonna vote for because he's gonna help Netanyahu."

Okay, but have you considered who wants more? Just look up the posters HE puts up in , and who he's trying so hard to emulate.

@israel @palestine

A similar billboard by a street with Benjamin Netanyahu striking a pose almost identical to Donald Trump wearing a suit with the exact same iconic blue jacket and bright red tie.

hfinyow , avatar

@nus @israel @palestine Hold your nose, America, hold your nose. But start organizing at the local level, and maybe separate a state or two. - Sincerely, your neighbour to the north, Canada

GoatRoper , avatar

@hfinyow @nus @israel @palestine

"If God had intended for us to vote, he would have given us candidates"

"Even a dead fish goes with the flow"

Biden was my 8th choice in the Democratic Primary in 2020. I just can't abide trump or any Republicans. Sorry....

RememberUsAlways , avatar

considering leaving
"In response to the UN adding Israel to the “blacklist” of countries who harm children during war, Israel’s ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, said that Israel needs to weigh leaving the UN. He said the move was “a despicable decision by the Secretary General who hates Israel, who in his conduct serves dictators and murderers and will be remembered in history as a failed Secretary General who degraded the UN to an all-time low.”

nus , avatar


Heads up: There's an account trying to get you deplatformed, allegedly for saying Israel should be destroyed.[email protected]/112668115521854577

@FrankFrank @RememberUsAlways @palestine @israel

israelwarcrimes , avatar

@nus @palestine @israel

Thanks for the alert. Let them bark until morning I don't care. They can't stop me!

figstick , avatar
immibis ,

@pinkdrunkenelephants @GM7077 @israel @palestine @figstick I think he'd rather that everyone who would vote for Biden didn't vote at all. This is a way to be MAGA without overtly being MAGA.

immibis ,

@pinkdrunkenelephants @GM7077 @israel @palestine @figstick The American people so have a choice btw: 2 genocides or 4. It would be silly to blame them for the 2 they have no choice not to vote for. It would be completely alright to blame them for the other 2, if the election decides they should occur. And it would be downright evil to suggest that voting for 4 by default is better than voting for 2 by active action.

mondoweiss , avatar

During a military raid on Jenin, Israeli soldiers strapped an injured Palestinian civilian to the front of a military jeep and paraded him through the street as a human shield. He was eventually handed over to Palestinian medical teams.

@palestine @israel

Captain_Jack_Sparrow , avatar
Heidentweet , avatar

@Captain_Jack_Sparrow @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

There are also online groups where defenders of Israel are paid per interaction.

mondoweiss , avatar

Joe Biden's claim that Hamas’s October 7 attacks were “driven by ancient desire to wipe out the Jewish people" is ahistorical and dangerous. In fact, Jewish history shows that antisemitism is a Western problem.

@palestine @israel

MisuseCase , avatar

@syllusg @mondoweiss @palestine @israel No, Hamas has been fighting with Israel for a long time, it’s not like “they didn’t think Israel would be this bad.”

They knew Israel would react like this: they expected and provoked this response because it supports other goals they have, which do not include saving Palestinian lives.

MMRnmd , avatar

@mondoweiss For a thousand years, Jewish were protected by Muslim sultans and califs.
Protected, as in no Muslim could harm a Jewish without the local authorities arresting him and investigating thouroughly.

@palestine @israel

mondoweiss , avatar

Israeli soldiers rounded up Ahmad Safi and his male family members in Khan Younis and made them stand atop a sand dune for 12 hours as the soldiers took cover behind them during a firefight with Palestinian resistance fighters. This is their story.

@palestine @israel

Chicagosib , avatar
GatekeepKen , avatar

@Chicagosib @mondoweiss @palestine @israel
Bibi is as bad as Hitler, he just doesn't care about life, other than his.

faab64 ,

Large-scale demonstrations are taking place in Tel Aviv, where more than 100,000 Israelis are protesting against the government and calling for the return of the hostages.

But and his Jewish KKK ministers refuse to accept it ceasefire.

@palestine @israel

another mass protest in Tel Aviv
another mass protest in Tel Aviv
another mass protest in Tel Aviv

faab64 OP ,

@Uneek @Captain_Jack_Sparrow Taliban offered to hand over Osama and all his team to an international team in exchange that they received a fair trial in October 2001, US refused the offer and instead made an agreement with the Taliban to leave Kabul and major cities before the US entering there, something they did not communicate with the people on field, giving them and the monster war lords like Dustum the free hand to slaughter anyone they deemed enemy and create the 20 years of insurgency that led to failure of US and NATO in Afghanistan.

US is never interested in peace, the whole US economical and political foundation is built on war, without war US economy will collapse.

Uneek , avatar
mondoweiss , avatar

Joe Biden continues to fully support the Gaza genocide because he does not believe it will hurt him politically, and because he has no empathy for the Palestinians. This is the same arrogance that brought down LBJ over the Vietnam war.

@palestine @israel

argumento , avatar

@derfwhapper @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

After a while, if the only "good thing" you can say about Biden is "he's not Trump", not only it becomes boring, you aren't helping Biden much.

redwizard , avatar

@derfwhapper @mondoweiss @palestine @israel you're right, only Biden should be allowed to kill Palestinians.

Sherifazuhur , avatar

update - including - to fund UNWRA again but other nations hold out; 15 killed by Israeli strike on Jabalia camp @israel @palestine

InternetDev , avatar

@hfinyow @athomeinmyhead @Sherifazuhur @israel @palestine

In France too (without speaking about Israël or the old plan general relveals (General Wesley Clark) , in Germany too, and it's seemto be the same in England wich shut the voices for peace down or prohibs them.

Let Remember this sade times wich seems to work in progress

athomeinmyhead , avatar

@InternetDev @hfinyow @Sherifazuhur @israel @palestine

Yes, I saw when Varoufakis was banned! I just posted as well, police in Canada, attacking protestors. These states know they are not legitimate, and only rule by force. This is why they are so dangerous.

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