ChonkyOwlbear ,

That's fine. Wearing a mask is now a political statement which is protected free speech.

Daft_ish ,

Sorry, money is speech. Now pay up.

ILikeBoobies ,

Does that apply to surgeons?

ilinamorato ,

They're probably not considered "in public."

dumbass , avatar

Well shit, there goes my Outdoor Surgery business idea!

ikidd , avatar

I'd imagine this is more about making sure facial recognition works. Can't Big Brother if they plebs are covering their faces.

Marighost , avatar

There are active KKK chapters in NC. There is also a Proud Boys presence here (they're known to wear masks).

I wonder, will they be exempt from this? (I know the answer, of course. Republicans will protect their own.)

HWK_290 ,

My exact thought: surely they'll be prosecuted under this law, right? Right?

gerbler ,

Some of those that work forces...

conditional_soup ,

This was actually discussed. The bill makes an exception for "members of a secret society demonstrating in public" as long as they get a permit from the police first.

Ultraviolet ,

Of course. Good thing those that work forces and those that burn crosses are two entirely different groups and totally do not overlap.

conditional_soup ,

I was going to make a remark about how getting a permit must be really convenient, since you don't even need to leave the office.

HawlSera ,

That is a weirdly specific phrasing

obviouspornalt ,

Do you have a source for this? I really wanted to make some snarky posts pointing this out, but couldn't find mention of it in the summary of changes proposed by the bill:

conditional_soup ,

It's on the first page of the bill and runs into the second page if you open the full document.

Snapz ,

"You boys better not have no n95s under them hoods?"

foggy ,

This would be a clear violation of ones first amendment right. Say it's your religion.

themeatbridge , (edited )

The courts have already set the precedent that there are preferred religions and religions that do not enjoy the same rights because the judges don't believe in them. Our legal system is corrupt and unjust. We cannot count on the courts to protect our rights.

Bahnd ,

Oh just call the TST for this one, even the constitutional literalists cant weasel their way out of that one.

themeatbridge ,

They can, as they already have. There is no guarantee that their decisions will be consistent or intellectually sincere.

gravitas_deficiency ,

Yeah, and for some reason people are just ignoring the blatantly obvious inconsistency. It’s crazy.

foggy ,

Not...really? Not in this context, anyways.

You cannot compel a person to remove their hijab, anywhere in the US, for example.

WraithGear , avatar

The police can and do, which is what they are enforcing here

foggy , (edited )

Yes cops are bad. We all know. You don't fight cops at your arrest for justice. You fight in the court.

You're missing the point entirely.

Jfc room temp IQs in this thread.

WraithGear , avatar

You don’t win fights against cops in court. Best case scenario, the public pays the cost to cover your suit.

But your point was that people have rights in the US. My point is a right on paper but at the discretion of the police, is in practice, not a right.

foggy ,

As I said, you've missed the point entirely.

WraithGear , avatar

Then what is the point?

foggy ,

I've said all I care to say. You're being willfully ignorant. I don't care to speak with you any further.

WraithGear , avatar

No, you just never had a point

foggy ,

Ok. Bye.

conditional_soup ,

Qualified immunity called me while you wrote this. It didn't say anything, it was too busy laughing.

foggy ,

That isn't what qualified immunity is or does.

conditional_soup ,

Qualified immunity more or less means that the cops can't be held directly liable for something that the courts haven't yet found to be wrong for a police officer to do while in the course of their duties. So, if a cop does something obviously wrong and fucked up in the course of their duties (like, say, detaining you in a car parked on railroad tracks) and you suffer injuries from it, but a court hasn't previously found that exact situation to be a wrong thing for a police officer to do, qualified immunity prevents them from being held personally accountable. The next person who gets detained on railroad tracks is covered, but you're shit outta luck.

I know what QI is about, the comment has more to do with fighting the cops in court when courts meet all manner of egregious police behavior with little more than stern finger wags and exasperated sighs at best (often. Very rarely, they actually do get held accountable) and endorsement at worst.

FreakinSteve ,

You are missing the point about the courts.

foggy ,

🙄 no u

AtariDump ,

Replied to wrong post. Nothing to see here. Move along

Viking_Hippie ,

clears throat it's your religion.

Ok, what's the next step?

AtariDump ,
PiJiNWiNg ,
ReiRose ,

I would love to get a mask made that read "I have tuberculosis".

cmrn ,

They really said “because we can’t get crime under control, you can’t have health measures”

shininghero ,

Yes, shoot me for wearing an anti-allergy mask officer. I'm begging you.
I will live like a king siphoning off your retirement pension if you shoot me for keeping pollen out of my nose.

OhNoMoreLemmy ,

Good luck suing a cop. The courts have consistently ruled that they can basically do what they like and you can't sue them for shit.

Sabata11792 ,

You know damn well police face no real consequences for their actions.

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

Oh, you sweet summer child.

Cops can murder people in cold blood, on camera, and suffer absolutely no consequences.

CosmicTurtle0 ,

No, you're wrong.

They get a 2 week paid vacation. If they play their cards right, they can say they got PTSD and get to retire early with a pension and start over in another jurisdiction.

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

Don't forget getting to keep the murder weapon despite having "PTSD" from murdering a guy.

pyre ,

even if somehow you get past qualified immunity, cops don't pay shit. it comes out of your (and your fellow citizens') taxes.

FreakinSteve ,

Ever since I left NC it has become the most fucked up bunch of deranged retards (oh, excuse me, deranged "mentally challenged" 🙄 ) and I am NOT going back to fix it.
This is what nonstop, unchallenged radical fascist radio causes, and every shitlib here is still gonna defend it as "free speech".

vivavideri ,

It's a shame, really. There's so much good there, and so much that I miss, but the gop wholeass hijacked the whole state.

JustZ , avatar

Good let them infect each other.

KillingTimeItself ,

good thing they forgot to ban them for security reasons...

Good thing they won't ban that.

Sam_Bass ,

More evidence of nihilistic government. Can em ban em afghanistan em

3volver ,

Banning masks is authoritarian fascist shit, especially masks that protect you from spreading contagious illnesses. Ridiculous, one year we're all told we need to wear masks to protect one another, next year we're told that it's illegal? Fuck off government, fuck off.

CosmicTurtle0 ,

These are the same people who argued that forcing people to wear masks is fascism.

You literally can't make this shit up.

MapleEngineer , avatar

In one case it was experts trying to save lives. In the other it's white nationalist christofascists virtue signaling to their crushingly ignorant base.

Phegan ,

America is a garbage country.

Context: I am American

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