GOP introduces bill that would send anyone convicted of unlawful activity on a campus since Oct. 7th, 2023 to Gaza. ( )

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GOP introduces bill that would send anyone convicted of unlawful activity on a campus since Oct. 7th, 2023 to Gaza.

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"A group of Republican lawmakers introduced a bill on Wednesday which would send “any person convicted of unlawful activity” at a college or university, to do community service in Gaza for six months."

"Strangely, the bill appears to refer to any “unlawful activity on the campus of an institution of higher education beginning on and after October 7, 2023” but does not specifically mention the ongoing student protests, rendering it stupidly broad."

"Ogles spoke with Fox News about the bill, saying that, “If you support a terrorist organization, and you participate in unlawful activity on campuses, you should get a taste of your own medicine. I am going to bet that these pro-Hamas supporters wouldn’t last a day, but let’s give them the opportunity.”

DontTreadOnBigfoot , avatar

Just wait until they find out that date rape is "unlawful activity", so their sons all start getting sent .

Better start drafting that carve out for congressional family members.

LifeInMultipleChoice ,

So every time they had "counter protests" aka attacking people for their beliefs, they were performing unlawful activities. Meaning they should all be shipped to Gaza according to this.

Fedizen ,

Israel won't let journalists and food into the gaza, you think they're going to let a bunch of US college students in? Besides they're too old for Israel to kill.

Prior_Industry , avatar

The party of twitter trolls. Sad.

slurpeesoforion ,

They going to send whole fraternities over when they supply alcohol to under age kids?

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

Doubtful, given that the fraternities have collaborated with the police in harassing and assaulting campus protesters.

A viral video circulating on X revealed that several Jewish fraternity members at Arizona State University were seen assisting police officers in throwing away ASU’s “Gaza Solidarity Encampment” materials while police arrested 69 people on Saturday


“I don’t want to see my campus fall to divestment of donors for the actions of a few loud mouthed hamas supporters. This is America,” he continued. “I should not be told I’m not allowed on campus because of my race or religion. After traveling to Poland, the Warsaw Ghetto uprising was prevalent in my mind if only regular people had acted sooner. It’s our duty to help keep our freedoms secure. Jews should not have to feel threatened to hide on campus, when they call for ‘Jewish genocide,’ the answer was extremely clear: help the police.”

Sam_Bass ,

All that succeeds in doing is showing how insanely nuerotic the gee, oh pee is

harrys_balzac ,

So, since they're not-so-subtlely trying to murder these students, then they are saying that political violence is okie-dokie?

Viking_Hippie OP ,

The GOP is a literal fascist party. Political violence is their bread and butter.

unreasonabro ,

have you skipped the part where they're arguing that in trump's trial too

at least they're consistent... consistently violent and undemocratic, but consistent

Thcdenton ,

Every year I respect the law less. The people in charge are using their post to play games with each other. They don't give a fuck about us.

anas ,

People who don’t agree with war should go fight in a war. Am I reading this right?

Viking_Hippie OP , (edited )

Even worse: people who object to genocide should be forced to go to a war zone unarmed. And not just any war zone, one completely controlled by a fascist apartheid regime whose armed forces are deliberately targeting aid workers, healthcare workers, journalists and other unarmed people either keeping Palestinians alive, showing the world what the regime is doing, or both.

ZeffSyde ,

Also, wouldn't it be foolish to send a bunch of angry young people to the country that they are supporting?

Seems like that would make it extra easy for Hamas to recruit American students, especially after they get to experience the horror first hand.

PanArab ,

Foreign volunteers are restricted from entering Gaza. If we are allowed to bring supplies, it may not be a bad idea. I wouldn't mind getting send there, I have no other way of sneaking in.

Viking_Hippie OP , (edited )

Ordinarily, I'd agree with you, but the IDF is intentionally targeting aid workers, so even if they let you in, they may well murder you for trying to help save Palestinian lives.

Not saying that you shouldn't still help if you're willing to risk your life to save lives, just that you REALLY need to know what you're signing up for and that forcing anyone to is ABSOLUTELY cruel and unusual punishment and almost definitely itself a war crime.

S_204 ,

Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Terrorist supporters can do it from the ground in Gaza. Start with the purple hair ones.

CancerMancer ,

Ah so it's not about rights and freedoms, it's about the right opinions and the freedom of your side. The opinions of hypocrites can and should be discarded.

S_204 ,

You have the right to peacefully protest. That's not what's going to get you shipped away.

What we have here though is far from peaceful and it's far from a protest. These are terrorist camps harrassing people for their ethnicity and beliefs and based on the arrest records that we're seeing, they're being heavily influenced by non-students and bad actors.

The opinions of useful idiots should not be considered.

jorp ,

What's your policy on useless idiots? It's a time sensitive question because I just saw this opinion I'm not sure what to do with

S_204 ,

They're A rapidly growing subset of the useful version. And we are seeing repeatedly across college campuses where these idiots don't know what they're even protesting for or against. The number I've seen interviewed who can't identify which river or sea they are chanting about would be funny if they weren't promoting a genocide.

It is a fine line between useful and useless though, if you're not sure where you fall the default is useless.

Zink ,

Imagine caring about the suffering of others for no good reason.

S_204 ,

Sure, let's get those hostages released and Hamas out of power so the Palestinians can actually have a chance at a peaceful life.

PanArab ,

As someone who is sympathetic to the legal and moral Palestinian resistance by Hamas and other factions, I wouldn't mind going there and helping out.

S_204 ,

You should book a ticket and go. Plenty of flights to Tel Aviv, quick ride to the border. It's not a terrible trip. I'm sure you'll be welcome with open arms and I doubt the IDF would mind the extra ammunition being spent 👍

AbsorbsQuickly ,

The IDF allows dyed hair now? Seems out of character.

S_204 ,

They're welcoming and inclusive but they're not letting the pro Hamasites in, that's just a bit too accepting.

CrayonRosary ,

pro Hamasites

Student protesters are not pro-Hamas. Few Palestinians are even pro-Hamas. Most Palestinians are under 18 and couldn't even have voted for Hamas 18 years ago. There have been no elections since then.

Protesters are against killing thousands of innocent men, women, and children by bombing literally everything. That's it. That's the issue. If you think it's OK to bomb children, say so, because that's what protesters are against. So if you're against the protesters, you're for bombing innocents.

S_204 ,

C'mon don't be foolish. We've all seen the green headbands. We've all seen the signs. We've all seen the intifada chants.

I'm not saying they all are but enough of them are that staying among them pretty clearly demonstrates that you don't have a problem with what they're saying.

CrayonRosary ,

We've all seen

Don't try to tell people what they've seen.

clearly demonstrates that you don't have a problem with what they're saying.

Now that is foolish rhetoric. Protesters can't control who walks among them. There are counter protesters who walk among them, too. Does that mean the anti-genocide protesters don't have a problem with the counter protesters? Nonsense.

The vast majority of student protesters are anti-genocide of Palestinians. Full stop. If you say or imply otherwise, you are not arguing in good faith.

Even civil rights protesters in the 1960's had individuals among them who thought they should "kill all whites". That doesn't say a thing about the ones who were there simply for equal rights. It's a fallacy to ascribe the beliefs of the extreme minority to the beliefs of the majority just because they walked or sat together.

S_204 ,

If you haven't seen it then you would Have to be intentionally avoiding. But you're even offended by that. Just proves that you don't care about reality. You just care about pushing the propaganda.

Protesters can't control who walks around them? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. It's really really really easy to walk away from the guy wearing the swastika or the green headband. That you're denying this basic reality again, just shows that you just want to push the propaganda.

The vast majority of protesters are clearly ill-informed if they think there's a genocide going on. I'm pretty safe in believing that you've intentionally avoided the follow-up from the icj president who went out of her way to clarify that they did not find it plausible Israel as committing a genocide. Stop pushing lies.

Eyck_of_denesle ,

Don't understand how this troll doesn't get banned. Spouts the most rage bait shit.

S_204 ,

Banning fact-based opinions that are contrary the group think. That's my fascist. Nope. Not at all.

Maddier1993 ,

Supporting palestine is not supporting terrorists. Can you tell me how many palestinian civilian casualties are recorded till now in Gaza? Can you tell me what is the number or Israelis who died as a result of IDF invasion into Gaza?

FollyDolly , avatar

Pretty sure there are some rules about not forcibly relocating US citizens to foreign war zones. Ah, who am I kidding, rules don't apply to the GOP anymore.

SirQuackTheDuck ,

The ICC in The Hague will probably bar tha- what? they don't recognise that court? Oh well.

Good luck over there.

niktemadur ,

At the same time, when these assholes take to the streets...
"Don't tread on me! Muh freedum!"
Stupid motherfuckers that they are in their factory-default state, and they only get worse from there, not better.

mightyfoolish ,

What if I make a 20 million people protest?

Curious_Canid , avatar

We need a similar bill that would send anyone convicted of unlawful activity in the US Capital since January 5th of 2021 to Siberia.

Jiggle_Physics ,

Send them to Somalia, where they can experience a truly small government country with very conservative social views.

Mastengwe ,

Better yet, the center of the sun. We don’t need them radicalized any more than they are. Somalians would pick up on their ignorance and exploit the shit out of them.

I say, make them the sun’s problem. There’s nothing that 27,000,000° Fahrenheit can’t solve.

Jiggle_Physics ,

Well firing them into the sun is extremely difficult, and resource intensive. Sending them on a one way trip to Somalia isn't. There are plenty people who are far more radicalized than them there as it is. So they can go be radicals in Somalia, where they have no influence, power, protection, and most will hate them as a default. They will most likely just never be heard from again.

Illuminostro ,

And there it is: a concentration camp/gulag for political "undesirables."

Still think The Republican Party politicians ain't literal fucking Nazis?

Fuck Putin, by the way.

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