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Gingerlegs , in Trump demands drug test for Biden ahead of first debate

Please drug test trump 🙏🏻

newtraditionalists ,

Yeah, this is clearly one of those the accusation is a confession moments.

sndmn ,

It's always projection with these people.

ScruffyDucky , in Jeff Bezos revealed his secret to Amazon’s success 25 years ago: ‘I asked everyone around here to wake up terrified every morning, their sheets drenched in sweat’

I thought it was mommy and daddy Bezos forking over around 250k

Worx ,

Right, but why not be an arsehole to your workers as well? Could be fun

Augustiner ,

Don’t get me wrong, fuck Jeff Bezos’ pampered ass. But growing a giant dystopian mega corp out of 250k is kind of impressive.

I know quite a few privileged people with more money than that and every chance in life one could hope for. None of them would be able to achieve anything close to what he did. They simply aren’t ruthless and megalomaniacal enough.

applepie ,

There is but so many mega corps current peasant population can sustain.

Augustiner ,

Not sure we can sustain any mega corps if I’m honest… but I get your point

CareHare ,

Luck was on his side.
I guarantee you that there were 50 or more people with the same idea at the same time, maybe even with a bigger wad of cash to throw at their company. But luck defines so much in our life throughout our whole career. It's the same, probably more so, with artists. Has a lot to do with who you know.

I also know Bezos worked a lot for this, it wasn't just presented for him on a silver platter, but still. The amount of wealth he's gathered is so shamelessly enormous, there's bound to be victims because of it. And he takes zero responsibility for that.

ripcord , avatar

To make a digital bookstore?

RizzRustbolt ,

Don't forget his ex-wife's 20 million investment.

stoly ,

Bill Gates had exactly the same opportunity. It turns out that when you’re rich and never have to worry about a single thing in your life it gives you room to be very creative.

Jaysyn , (edited ) in JK Rowling slammed for asking if she can be Black if she likes “Motown & fancy myself in cornrows” avatar

My ghetto-rasied white sister-in-law that loves Motown & has worn cornrows, would quite literally beat her into a pulp for saying something this stupid within her reach.

And yes mouthy bigots deserve their ass beat, but go ahead & show the rest of us how you are so "progressive" that you stand up for the absolute worse of humanity.

Apollo42 ,

Seems like a perfectly rational response.

Dkarma ,

Eye for an eye

Apollo42 ,

I was being sarcastic; its fucking mental to brag about how easily your sister resorts to violence.

Fisk400 ,

You dont think there might be some hyperbole in that claim?

Apollo42 ,

Would that really make it less mental?

Fisk400 ,

Hyperbole is the use of exaggeration as a rhetorical device or figure of speech.

Yes, It would be less mental because I am suggesting that the person doesn't necessarily mean it literally. You see sometime people say things that isn't true for dramatic effect.

Apollo42 ,

Happily we no longer need to wonder as op confirmed this was not hyperbole.

You see sometime people say things that isn't true for dramatic effect.

An interesting thing to post to someone who declared they were being sarcastic. You know, when I said aomething that wasn't true for dramatic effect?

TrickDacy , (edited )

Maybe she needs therapy (and no I'm not defending Rowling, she is trash)

Edit: downvoting therapy, upvoting violence. You people would make your parents proud.

Jaysyn , avatar

Maybe, but I doubt it would really do anything for her. She's actually not a bad person, but her upbringing means she's not the least bit concerned about going to jail after whipping a bad person's ass.

TrickDacy ,

Yeah I am not saying anger issues make someone "bad" I'm just suggesting they can be dealt with better ways than brutalizing another humam

AngryCommieKender ,

Rights have never been gained through peaceful protest. There has always had to be enough blood spilled to scare the ever living shit out of those in power for us to gain anything at all.

TrickDacy ,


PlainSimpleGarak ,

You tell 'em, best friend.

TheReturnOfPEB ,

which us is your current us ?

AngryCommieKender ,


Jaysyn , avatar

If it's a fucking bigot, who cares?

TrickDacy ,

There is a reason that millennia of philosophers have been against violence. Same reason people oppose the death penalty. Boils mostly down to: "what if you're wrong?"

IzzyScissor ,

You dont respect my existence, you can expect my resistance.

See also: Talk shit, get hit.

beefbot ,

I hate to be honest but JKR’s words turn into literal violence for trans people soooo congrats on how high your horse is

TrickDacy ,

congrats on how high your horse is

Quite ironic way to end a "I'm more woke than thou" comment

beefbot ,


LainTrain ,

By woke you mean "has basic empathy"

TrickDacy ,

That totally that

LainTrain ,

Or is it politics when one has empathy for trans people?

TrickDacy ,

You have no idea what I meant or what I believe and I have zero desire to explain anything to you since you assumed a bunch bullshit. Bye, jerk.

LainTrain ,

Don't let the door hit you on the way out sweetie :3

TrickDacy ,

Ignorant AND trite! Shocking!

LainTrain ,

In the time it took to check your replies and reply back despite saying "bye" you probably could've just explained yourself if you had any reasonable explanation but alas I'm sure you have good reasons for dying on this hill us wokeratis just couldn't possibly fathom

TrickDacy ,

Anything to have an enemy. No one gives a shit

LainTrain ,

No one gives a shit about what? Have an enemy? What enemy? What? Did you hit your head too hard or smth

StaySquared ,

You're saying wizard nerds who are fans of JKR... became violent toward trans people? Wat.

beefbot ,

Incorrect. Nice try

StaySquared ,

I wasn't trying anything, I'm trying to understand what you're claiming. It read as if you're saying JK has inspired people to become violent toward trans people.

Womdat10 , avatar

Yes, because she has. Maybe not with the haryy Potter books, but with her posts certainly.

eskimofry ,

Just because she failed doesn't mean she wasn't doing it.

LainTrain ,

You come off as a troll, but in case others are wondering:

She has, she's the loudest voice of the anti-trans movement. Here in the UK it led to the murder of a trans teenager (Brianna Ghey) and an attack on a literal toddler by teenagers over the fact the victim had a trans parent. But it's not just direct violence either but political violence also.

Thanks to JKR, not only is anti-trans bigotry now getting similar protections to religion in court (Forstater case) which rendered workplace protections against bigotry and harassment for trans people moot, but we are seeing mass rollbacks of trans rights gained in the past 20+ years such as (but not limited to): ban on puberty blockers for minors, bans of trans women from women's hospital wards, bans on discussing the existence of trans people in schools to children under 13, guidance to schools by the government suggesting trans children in unsafe home environments should be outed to their parents and a crackdown on DIY hormone suppliers etc.

In addition proposals include scrapping the 2010 Equality Act's protections on gender identity and/or the 2004 Gender Recognition Act (or making the latter meaningless), as well as bans or restrictions on medical transition for adults under 25 and suggestions in not only keeping legal but encouraging conversion therapy for trans people amongst many others.

This all against a backdrop of what already was a very hostile environment for trans people 8 years ago when all this started with the right-wing shift, which has now only gotten worse as systemic neglect led to institutional traps of inaccessibility in the UK trans healthcare system that has resulted in several high-profile deaths just in the past two years, all because trans voices have been institutionally silenced in the UK both in the media and government, neither major party or any major media outlet support trans rights etc.

From her direct harassment of trans people (e.g. India Willoughby) to her rhetoric projected to millions comparing trans women to rapists or more recently house burglars, her denial of the fact trans people were targets of the Nazi war crimes, her spreading of misinformation regarding trans healthcare (more recently - who invented it) normalising anti-trans hate to her significant capital backing of the TERF movement which has successfully captured the media and all major political parties in the UK and would be nowhere near as successful without her support - she may not be alone responsible, but she is very much complicit.

There was a moment when my generation of trans people may have been the last to be severely marginalized, in comparison now thanks to her and her pals influence people transitioning today have it much, much worse than those of us who did it 10 years ago.

So when trans people froth at the mouth about punching TERFs, you know why now.

As someone who knows many who are personally affected by this, I believe that If we lived in a world with anything resembling justice, JKR would be paying reparations for the rest of her life for the lives and youths she's complicit in ruining forever.

StaySquared ,

It's amazing that at the slightest disagreement, hell in this case, even questioning something, someone has to be a troll.

LainTrain ,

I didn't say you were a troll, I said you came off as one, because if you ever wanted to know this and were open to learning it you would have googled it years ago.

Thcdenton ,
kux ,

your sister-in-law belongs in a prison

VirtualOdour ,

Seriously why do people describe themselves as awful people then think it'll convince me they're rational people with an opinion worth listening to?

tipicaldik , in ‘Roof Ninja’ Woman Secretly Lived in Grocery Store Sign for Nearly a Year

am I the only one who likes to fantasize about doing something like this? I was 60 years old before I discovered stealth camping was so popular on youtube...

EdibleFriend , avatar

Sometimes I like us.


Shoutout Steve Wallis. Love that guy. He deserves so much.

LifeOfChance ,

And of all people he's getting hit with so much right now it's so tough seeing him lose so many loved ones

GluWu ,

Steve really helps me, I've watched him for years, before he was even married I think. If he can keep going, so can I.

5in1k ,

I felt so bad for him with his wife passing, Crazy Neighbor was so good to him afterwards and for him to pass too holy shit it broke my heart and I don’t have a huge amount of empathy but Steve is so fucking nice. I really hope he gets a good break he really deserves it.


Oh, I clicked the link

athos77 ,

Look up Michael Townsend, he created a hidden apartment inside a shopping mall. Nocturne episode.

dditty , avatar

What a great read!

Fixbeat ,

Cool, didn’t know this is a thing. Not even sure what he was doing was illegal and I can’t imagine many people would give a shit. I would probably want to spice it up. Maybe camp in someone’s basement or attic with night vision goggles. Whiskey and shrooms to add some entropy.

Maalus ,

"spice things up" by trespassing, probably stalking and squatting someone's home. Rethink your life please.

5in1k ,

I went stealth camping a couple times. It’s insane that it’s illegal to sleep outside. I can sit here but only of my eyes are open.

seaQueue , in Caitlyn Jenner’s rumored trans girlfriend is apparently really transphobic avatar

Man that right wing grift money must be a hell of a drug

noride , in RFK Jr. Lands Coveted Kevin Spacey Endorsement

Alleged child molester Kevin Spacey? That Kevin Spacey????

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Alleged witness murderer Kevin Spacey?

sylver_dragon , in Maine Cybertruck Owner Sad Everyone Hates His Truck

People being assholes over it is dumb, but I can't say I would want one. I saw one recently at my local grocery store and I couldn't stop thinking how poorly built it looked. It just seemed like the fit and finish of the body panels was kinda bad. I got an overall feeling like it was something put together by a couple of teenagers in metal shop.

_haha_oh_wow_ OP , avatar

People can be shitty, but I still find it amusing that it's so ugly and stupid it provokes people into a rage.

BakerBagel ,

I think it's because it costs an obscene amount while being something only a moron would buy. So when someone who is struggling to make ends meet sees that an absolute moron has so much cash that they can blow it on something this dumb, they get angry. It's not fair that they work hard just to make ends meet while some failson has $100k to blow on a dumb car. At least a Maserati, Porsche, or Ferrari of similar price looks cool.

batmaniam ,

Or on the flipside... No one feel this way about hideous AMC cars that have been lovingly restored and maintained. I love those hideous monsters lol.

afraid_of_zombies ,

That's different.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

I find all these comically oversized pickups obnoxious.

The cybertruck is just the latest, most obnoxious model to date.

minibyte ,

The exact definition of a ”hateful car”.

afraid_of_zombies ,

Isn't that the goal of owning a machine like that? You are trying to provoke a reaction. The car I own was the single most commonly sold sedan the year it was made. I don't want people reacting to me, noticing me, etc. I want to be another person in the crowd.

If you take a shit in front of a camera you can't really be upset that people are commenting on it.

suction ,

I don’t think it’s the car per se that angers people but the idiocy of lemmings who are destroying the world by supporting people like Trump and Musk and Nick Fuentes.
And by buying a Tesla car, that’s what you do, you enable Elon Musk to keep on destroying the world.

bobs_monkey ,

There's one down the street from me. It's a damn eyesore.

Badeendje , avatar

Complain to the HOA.. no junkers on the property or street

bobs_monkey ,

Lol we don't have an HOA around here thankfully, otherwise my 50yo camper would have to find a new home

casmael ,

Have you tried quitting to the menu and turning up texture detail? Looks like it might be something to do with anti-aliasing. Hopefully will be patched in the next update.

bobs_monkey ,

Instructions unclear: now wearing eye patches and can't see anything, task failed successfully

JackFrostNCola ,

Yeah but then all the NPCs outside wouldnt have lara croft triangle titties

FordBeeblebrox ,

One of my neighbors has one. When the ford flex next to it is the better truck in all respects…ya done fucked up

TheRaven , in Louisiana becomes 1st state to require the Ten Commandments be posted in classrooms avatar

The Satanic Temple has entered the chat

toiletobserver ,

Conferencing in the ACLU

Lmaydev , in Indiana judge rules tacos, burritos are sandwiches

Things like this seem silly but there's likely laws or protection that use sandwiches in their wording.

Defining things you want them to apply to as sandwiches is easier than changing the law.

billiam0202 , (edited )

Makes more sense than the time Indiana tried to define pi as 3.2. The only reason it didn't was because a professor from Purdue was in Indianapolis on unrelated business and convinced Indiana's senate to table the bill.

Of course, we know today that such a thing couldn't happen since Indiana's legislature would laugh at the woke lib and pass it just to trigger him.

apfelwoiSchoppen , avatar

Well two decimal places invokes the devil, as does rounding correctly.

rockSlayer , (edited )

"sig what now? Sounds like the trans liberal leftist nazi woke agenda to me"

snooggums , avatar

But why do they even have laws about sandwiches in the first place?

HeyThisIsntTheYMCA , avatar

Read the article. It's a zoning issue.

snooggums , avatar

Something existing does not answer the question about WHY it exists.

Gingerlegs ,

I’m not sure if this particular article explained, but I live here. He signed an agreement that stated that “any food business allowed would be a ‘subway’ style food business”

That’s the issue

Edit: I’m a huge fan of this taco place, just stating what’s going on. I hate subway.

snooggums , avatar

That isn't a law or zoning then, just some contract dispute.

Gingerlegs ,

Yea, which is why it’s in court I believe. It’s escalated to this point.

RedWeasel ,

They are trying to exclude traditional fast food like McD's,Wendy's, etc.

snooggums , avatar


Dkarma ,

Cuz fuck mcds you dense prick

snooggums , avatar

But not fuck Subway?


surewhynotlem ,

I'm sorry sir, this is a sandwich only zone. You and your parfait need to leave immediately.

HeyThisIsntTheYMCA , avatar

we're just loading the parfait i swear

Lmaydev ,

Could be food safety, taxes, production rules or any number of things.

snooggums , avatar

The article does not mention any sandwich specific laws, just contract stuff about what kind of restaurant can be in a strip mall.

RustyEarthfire ,
Alexstarfire ,

Someone is going to find stuff like this in the future and think we're dumb as fuck. They'd be right, but not because of this.

ASeriesOfPoorChoices ,

also, hippos and capybara are fish.

nilloc ,
RobotToaster , in RFK Jr. Says Doctors Found a Dead Worm in His Brain

Asked last week if any of Kennedy’s health issues could compromise his fitness for the presidency, Stefanie Spear, a spokesperson for the Kennedy campaign, told the Times, “That is a hilarious suggestion, given the competition.”

That's hard to argue with tbh.

RamblingPanda ,

Dead Worm for a brain Kennedy, shitting himself Traitor-Trump and I can't see anything wrong with Netanjahu Biden, what a party.

pivot_root ,

A senile traitor, an ethically-dubious dinosaur, and a man with a hole in his brain walk into a bar—sorry, did I say bar? I meant poll.

toynbee , in Louisiana becomes 1st state to require the Ten Commandments be posted in classrooms

Did I misunderstand what "separation of church and state" meant?

deathbird ,

Depends. Are you a Louisiana Republican legislator?

toynbee ,

Based on this ruling, I don't think I'm qualified.

refalo ,

Laws are only useful if successfully upheld in court. For some reason these never get challenged enough. Strange.

Tar_alcaran , in Trump demands drug test for Biden ahead of first debate

I'd love for both of them to take one.

spicytuna62 , avatar

But then the results of that would be rigged, too.

acetanilide ,

Maybe they have to be filmed the whole time 🤔 I wonder if Abbott would let Pornhub operate again if they agreed to film Biden taking a drug test

ryven , avatar

Yes, please. Subject politicians to the same indignities as the rest of us.

goferking0 ,

With blind live reading of the results

Gradually_Adjusting , in Sam Altman Says OpenAI Would Like to Enable Gore and Erotica for "Personal Use" avatar

Dude... Come on. I just want it to write my most boring emails so I can burn out of my career path slightly more slowly.

Emperor OP , avatar

Now you can make those emails much less boring.

snooggums , avatar

Yeah, but they wanted to burn out slowly.

Gradually_Adjusting , avatar

Thanks for the grins. "...and here's a sexy depiction of that injured fisherman's hand injury, with the hydraulic net reel as a hentai personification who is very tsundere about it."

Emperor OP , avatar

Where can I subscribe to your newsletter?

Gradually_Adjusting , avatar

wAtCh tHiS SpAcE

yildolw ,

You: Write me a boring business email. Attach a picture of my boss with their limbs chainsawed off and acid injected subcutaneously

ChatGPT: You got it, chief!

Thanks Sam Altman! /s

Fedizen , in After Buying Up Studios, Xbox Says It Doesn't Have The Resources To Run Them

its clear in hindsight that there needs to be more regulation to prevent buyouts of competitors and more protections for workers under buyouts/mergers such as paying workers for at least 3 years after the sale of a company.

BaroqueInMind ,

Why did you decide on the arbitrary number of three years? Why not ten years?

BigBananaDealer , avatar

get bought out

never show up for work again for a decade

still getting paid


BaroqueInMind ,

It's UBI with extra steps, but I honestly think ten years is a great idea for no reason.

mynameisigglepiggle ,

Why not 11 years

BaroqueInMind ,

Whoa let's not get crazy here

Fedizen ,

3 gives people time to wrap up projects, move etc, basically any life most folks could have reasonably scheduled can be shifted in 3 years, it gives new parents time to take care of their kid and transition back to normal work. And the way to do it would be to have the companies pay the wages whether they lay them off or not (encouraging retraining rather than layoffs.)

Although if what you wanted to do was was absolutely ruin the incentives that mergers create for layoffs the average appointment length of a CEO might do it.

QuentinCallaghan , in Raw Milk Enthusiasts Demand Milk Infected With H5N1 avatar

Anti-science has gained too much traction in recent years, I doubt USA will survive if H5N1 starts spreading from human to human.

Chainweasel ,

Covid has a mortality rate of about 3% while H5N1 has a mortality rate of about 56%.
If it starts spreading from person to person and it has an r value similar to Covid, we're fucked.

Nawor3565 ,

Probably not. If a virus is too deadly, it kills its hosts before it can spread. That's why SARS didn't turn into a pandemic.

CheeseNoodle ,

It will however fuck all the raw milk people.

Skullgrid , avatar

Covid has a mortality rate of about 3%

hah great, makes the 1 in 50k risk of a certain vaccine's side effects even more ridiculous to think about

Skullgrid , avatar

At this point, if they're asking for the scientifically specified strain of virus to be served to them, I'm not sure it sounds like "anti science" , more like "braggadocious risk taking"

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