BastingChemina ,

Ejaculation lower the risk of prostate cancer, so masturbation should probably be medically advised to all men.

4-7 times a week is a good number according this study

JohnOliver , avatar

Oh... there's an upper limit?
Is 4 times a day not healthy then?

BastingChemina ,

At least 4-7 times a week. I have not read anything about an upper limit so go for it.

JohnOliver , avatar

Im going to live for ever!

RampantParanoia2365 ,

My guess would be the benefit plateaus at that point.

postmateDumbass ,

There is the factor of diminishing returns.

Moreless ,

There's an overflow and it helps others

lseif ,

7 times a week ??? honey thats an addiction...

bitwaba ,

I beat my addiction 7 times a week!

Iloveyurianime ,

your weak i beat my addiction 14 times a week

nickwitha_k ,

Amateurs. I beat mine 14 weeks per day.

PlutoniumAcid , avatar

Pfft! 21 weeks per meat! 🍖

boonhet ,

Religion, capitalism. Powerful groups want more people to have more children.

Luckily I'm in a progressive enough country that even in school we were taught that masturbation is a thing and not necessarily bad.

As for negative effects - if you do it TOO much, particularly with a very strong grip, then don't be surprised if, when having actual intercourse, you're just not feeling much and might be unable to reach orgasm. You might even be uninterested in your partner sexually. A few days without masturbation will fix it though, doesn't seem to be permanent. Day 2 without doing it and I couldn't keep my eyes (or hands) off my wife's body.

Sex was very infrequent for me and my wife in the last few months of her pregnancy, so that's how I know. Soon as we started doing it on a somewhat regular basis again, I opted to quit jerking it because I wanted to enjoy the real thing more, even if it's not every single day. No long-term negative effects that I've noticed.

Aux ,

Capitalism is powered by fapping, the fuck are you talking about?

boonhet ,

It's powered by there being enough of us wage slaves, which requires us to procreate, which is why red states in the US ban sex education, abortion, etc.

Of course, other capitalists have realized they can show ads on porn

Aux ,

Stop smoking what you're smoking.

LazyBane ,

A lot of the power users in this thread have clearly never heard of "sex sells".


Also non-zero chance some of these guys might have an association with Mindgeek. Just a hunch, given how easy reddit like sites are to manipulate.

Modern_medicine_isnt ,

These days mutual masterbation is better for your relationship than having kids. It's not the kids fault, society has made having kids a nightmare.

And of course the reason it is demonized is that any powerfull organization/society needs peoples shoulder to stand on. So, the more people, the more power. And they don't really care if it was by rape due to sexual frustration, they just need more people to take advantage of.

HobbitFoot ,

A lot of religion has been to push a heterosexual couple together for the means of procreation. Masturbation has been seen as a way for people to lessen their urge to procreate in the appropriate canonical manner.

EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted , avatar

Puritanism bullshit.

gandalf_der_12te , avatar

nooo the muffins 😭😭😭

how could you encrypt them 🥲

EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted , avatar

So only I can eat them. Mwahahaha!

boletus ,

Jerking it is fine, but just like any coping mechanism, you can abuse it and get addicted to it, then it becomes a problem.

If you're doomscrolling porn, for example, then maybe it is having a negative effect on you.

Infinite ,

Boobscrolling. Poonscrolling? Goonscrolling!



slorcher ,


BoneALisa , avatar

Goonscrolling is a crazy word for it, and is now what i will be using from now on lmao

Nemo ,

Neurotypicals look down on easy dopamine hits.

snek_boi , (edited )

Masturbation is totally normal and healthy, and you're spot on that it shouldn't be demonized or shamed. In men, it might even reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

At the same time, it's important to have a balanced and psychologically flexible relationship with masturbation and sexuality. As psychologist Steven Hayes, a leading expert on psychological flexibility, explains: getting too fixated on any one activity or coping mechanism, even a healthy one, can lead to psychological inflexibility if it is used to avoid experiencing your life fully (For a thorough explanation of how this works, feel free to check out A Liberated Mind by Steven Hayes). Psychological inflexibility here means getting stuck in rigid behavior patterns to the point that it messes with living a full and meaningful life.

So while I'm totally with you that masturbation is healthy and that bullshit social taboos against it should be rejected, it's also good to be mindful about your motivation behind doing it. Are you doing it because you're escaping pain? Or are you doing it because it aligns with your values and makes your life meaningful? If you rely on masturbation too much and don't have ways of accepting your emotions and connecting with the world, it could potentially tip into unhelpful psychological rigidity and a frustrating life. The key is to be able to experience masturbation while still staying flexible enough to show up fully for the rest of your life too.

MindTraveller ,

What if I'm masturbating because my body demands I masturbate when I look at porn, even though I'd rather just look at porn without masturbating?

snek_boi ,

Thanks for the response. What you're describing - feeling a bodily urge to masturbate when viewing porn, even if you'd prefer not to - is very common. We're kinda designed so that our bodies respond to sexual stimuli. Many people can relate to that internal tug-of-war between an impulse and a conflicting desire.

From a psychological flexibility perspective, the key is to approach those urges with mindful acceptance rather than struggle against them. Fighting with or trying to suppress an urge often just makes it grow stronger, like a beach ball you keep trying to push underwater - it keeps popping back up with greater force (1). Instead, psychological flexibility invites us to open up and make room for the urge, observing it with curiosity and letting it be fully present in our awareness.

This doesn't mean you have to act on the urge. In fact, by giving it space to exist without resistance, you gain the ability to unhook from it and consciously choose how to respond in line with your values (2). You might say to yourself "I'm having the thought that I need to masturbate right now" and feel the sensations of that urge in your body, while still maintaining the freedom to decide if acting on it is truly what you want.

Imagine for a moment that a dear friend or loved one came to you struggling with this same dilemma. How would you respond to them? Most likely with compassion, understanding, and encouragement to be kind to themselves as they navigate this very human challenge. We could all benefit from extending that same caring response to ourselves.

At the end of the day, you're the expert on your own life and what matters most to you. By practicing acceptance of your inner experiences, unhooking from unhelpful thoughts and urges, and clarifying what you truly value, you can develop psychological flexibility to pursue a rich and meaningful life - whatever that looks like for you. That means that there's no one "right" way to relate to masturbation and porn. The invitation is to approach it mindfully and make choices that align with the kind of person you want to be.

(1) You can check out the "rebound effect" or "ironic process theory." It's been studied extensively in the context of thought suppression. The seminal paper on the topic is Wegner, D. M., Schneider, D. J., Carter, S. R., & White, T. L. (1987). Paradoxical effects of thought suppression. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 53(1), 5–13.

(2) This meta-analysis reviewed laboratory-based studies testing the components of the psychological flexibility model, and how psychological flexibility techniques increase behavioral flexibility. Levin, M. E., Hildebrandt, M. J., Lillis, J., & Hayes, S. C. (2012). The impact of treatment components suggested by the psychological flexibility model: A meta-analysis of laboratory-based component studies. Behavior Therapy, 43(4), 741-756.

MindTraveller , (edited )

Mindfulness sounds like a lot of work when I'm already planning to get genital nullification surgery

EDIT: Lemmy users love to downvote trans people's lived experiences because they're transphobic

Notyou , avatar

Yes, but I feel mindfulness can solve many problems. I'm not sure how many of your problems will be solved with surgery, but you might need to mix in a bit of mindfulness for good measure.

MindTraveller ,

I'm mindful about lots of things, but I'm not mindful about my genitals, because they give me dysphoria. I'll be mindful about my lack of genitals when I don't have genitals.

You can't mindfulness your way out of being trans. It doesn't work, I tried.

Notyou , avatar

Very well. I know it's not a fix for everything. I just found it helped me growing up and when I remember to be mindful as an adult. When I forget and get too caught up in my own head is when I need it the most.

I wish you luck on your process and hope the best for you.

catsarebadpeople ,

Asks question about psychology and masturbation. Gets well thought out response with source material and excellent advice. Responds to said comment in a rude way.

EveRYoNe is sO tRanSpHobiC!!

Lol. No. Your response was shitty and had nothing to do with the topic or the incredibly well thought out and empathetic response that you received. That's why you're being downvoted. Your gender does not give you permission to treat others poorly and you're acting no better than actual transphobes.

MindTraveller ,

I wasn't being rude, I just gently informed the other person that they were giving bad advice, without getting angry or aggressive or belittling them in any way. You're only reading my normal, pleasant interactions with other people as rude because you want an excuse to hate a trans person.

catsarebadpeople ,

This is what is called gaslighting and it's deplorable.

MindTraveller ,

No, gaslighting is when someone tries to make you question your sanity. Someone disagreeing with you isn't called gaslighting, it's called a disagreement. Obviously I'm going to disagree with you when you make up nonsense about my own actions. And if I had been as obnoxious and incorrect as you are, then I would have accused you of gaslighting when you told me my own actions were different than they really are.

catsarebadpeople ,

K. I'm done feeding the troll. Try being more accepting of people and you may find that your imagined persecution happens a lot less. Have a good day.

TimewornTraveler , (edited )

i just realized that discussing mindfulness with people suffering from persecutory delusions is literally my day job and i dunno why im reading work stuff on my day off wtf

but uhh yeah you made the right call here, delusions dont tend to respond well to logical confrontation

MindTraveller ,

Wow, your job is mental healthcare? And yet your go-to move is accusing strangers who disagree with you of mental illness to win internet points? You must be ruining your patients' lives. I hope someone gets you barred from practice so you can't hurt anyone anymore.

TimewornTraveler , (edited )

yep im hitler. although i never accused you of mental illness, i dont believe in mental "illness". i accused you of being delusional. that's a very human condition, just a symptom not a diagnosis. as far as courtesy goes, you arent my pt and i dont owe you shit - and sometimes people need it gently, sometimes they need it bluntly. you are free to bring this up with the ethics board /j

TimewornTraveler , (edited )

I just gently informed the other person that they were giving bad advice,

Do you really think they were giving bad advice? They presented something really well thought-out and with flippin citations! And I can say that Hayes is absolutely a credible expert in the field who has done amazing work in mental health and addiction.

You just don't like the answer. Because you believe the answer is too hard for you.

And it's an easy excuse to say you're being persecuted for your identity, but really it is your attitude being criticized. Honestly it's frustratingly transphobic of you to try and lump in maladaptive sexual responses with transness too. Do you see what kind of damage it can potentially do to portray a hypersexual trait as something essentially trans???

MindTraveller ,

It's good advice in general, but it's bad advice for me, as I already explained multiple times. And I'm asexual, not hypersexual. I tell you I'm getting genital nullification surgery and you still go and erase my very obvious queerness.

TimewornTraveler ,

you never mentioned that you are ace and being ace has nothing to do with being trans!!!!

TimewornTraveler , (edited )

Mindfulness sounds like a lot of work when I’m already planning to get genital nullification surgery

Being present with yourself and learning to sit with your thoughts (mere transient, ephemeral nothingness) is probably not going to be more work than undergoing literal surgery.

And it's pretty insulting to gender diversity for you to attribute to transphobia our revulsion at seeing your level of emotional intolerance.

MindTraveller ,

I'm mindful as shit about plenty of other stuff, just not my genitals. Being mindful about my genitals is bad because I have dysphoria. But I don't expect a transphobe like you to understand my medical needs when you've already made a reductive judgement about my entire psychology based on a single statement in a specific context. You're eager to judge, not to understand.

TimewornTraveler ,

and you are eager to bemoan and cry persecution and not very eager to be understood. i cant believe you never mentioned being ace but only being trans. and yet it is our fault for not knowing this about you?

lightnsfw ,

Psychological inflexibility here means getting stuck in rigid behavior patterns to the point that it messes with living a full and meaningful life.

Rigid behavioral patterns like having to work 40 hours a week, shop, feed yourself, clean, do laundry, go to the doctor, pay bills and so on, over and over and over again for the rest of your life?

TimewornTraveler , (edited )

Bro you can't just list basically every human ADL and say it's a "rigid behavior". That's basically like saying "Oh, you claim to like variety? Then how come you spend every day ALIVE?" thats idiotic, arrogant, cynical

lightnsfw ,

Well excuse the fuck out of me for not having enough free time to actually enjoy my life.

TimewornTraveler ,

you cant compartmentalize things like that. there aren't "chores" vs "fun" and everything you have to do is pain and the fun is just the chemical rushes. you gotta learn to enjoy the little things, enjoy yourself while you're doing your job or your chores, have some gratitude that you still live and breathe. you probably are gonna wanna get screened for depression

daltotron ,

I mean that's definitely just a checkout aisle self-help book, though. Psychology, along with nutritional science and some other softer, more survey-based fields, has been suffering a pretty massive replication crisis, where something like 50% of papers are totally incapable of being replicated, depending on the journal and subject.

So I dunno, I'd generally be pretty skeptical of anything a book like that says about how you have to live your life or what you should be doing or how you should be doing it. Even if it's something like "mindfulness", right, generally thought to be a therapeutic practice, which we're extracting from zen buddhism or whatever, just like carl jung travels around and extracts a bunch of "archetypes" from other cultures and then supposes that they're universal when really it's all just kinda some schizo bullshit canon he's coming up with on the fly.

I uhh, I don't like the scientific paint that is painted onto psychology and psychotherapy, is I guess what I'm saying. The attempt at formalization. What is just as good for one person, to be mindful, is probably something that someone else should rather not think about at all. Maybe even as a functional adaptation, a functional delusion that they can go on believing, and still end up having a fulfilling and uplifting life for everyone around them.

TimewornTraveler , (edited )

I mean that’s definitely just a checkout aisle self-help book, though.

Hayes is not a checkout aisle self-help book lol he pioneered multiple major branches of CBT. that's like calling the Rolling Stones elevator music

I’d generally be pretty skeptical of anything a book like that says about how you have to live your life or what you should be doing or how you should be doing it

I admire the skepticism but you haven't read it and clearly haven't taken time to fully understand it. he isn't making prescriptive claims. he's speaking on behavioral science. "A happens, then B tends to happen. C happens, then D tends to happen. do what you will with this info."

I don’t like the scientific paint that is painted onto psychology and psychotherapy, is I guess what I’m saying.

i understand the apprehension about psychological research but it is fundamentally a subjective science - psychology is what makes subjectivity possible, after all! and we humans clearly need treatment. if everyone listened to the ideas you planted in here, then what would we do? not try any treatments at all? not test our treatments? not seek evidence that our treatments are working and improve them? not share our findings?

the issue fundamentally is that you need to learn more about reading and interpreting scientific literature. you're presenting a pseudo-intellectual skepticism which is admittedly a healthy protective mechanism from many things online, but is not going to be a useful attitude for all kinds of growth

im sorry im being a dick but this thread has funked up my barometer for crazy and i probably misinterpreted your level of it, be well

TimewornTraveler , (edited )

Thank you... most of the responses in this thread are really immature, arrogant, entitled, and pretty fucking cynical.

I work with people with severe depression and also the occasional sex/porn addict. Sexuality can lead us to some healthy lifestyles and can function as a healthy coping skill but it's also one that's easy to overdo. There are folks out there who try to treat their depression by masturbating all day long. They're desperate for any hit of pleasure, and they have quite literally milked that cow dry.

This post reminds me of the Reddit marijuana communities, that rubber-banded so far beyond reasonable moderated consumption of a helpful medicine, but refused to see how maladaptive their ritual had become. No one in this thread is questioning the original premise. "But it's so good!" That's the immature, arrogant part. And the entitled part is the attitude that any criticism of my precious coping tool is a threat to my hollow happiness, and the cynicism is that the only reason to criticize it is because of a corrupt society! Jesus fucking christ this thread broke my brain, you all broke my brain, we all suck.

maybeoneday ,

I've ended up having sex with my marijuana and smoking my semen.. And I can't help but ask myself, where did it all go wrong?

kandoh ,

Because they are fools, brother. They fear what we could become if we were free to train out techniques to their maximum without societal judgment

nokturne213 , avatar

Same reason we practice forced male genital mutilation in the United States, religion (abrahamic) says pleasure is bad.

Hotmailer ,

What has circumcision to do with sexual pleasure? Please do explain. I'm circumcised and I have no loss of sensation from not having foreskin. I also don't have a moist area for bacteria to multiply

mdd ,

Where you circumcized after you became sexually active?

If not, how would you know there is no loss?

Hotmailer ,

Same with all of you. None of you would know the difference.

Nollij ,

There are people that were circumcized after becoming sexually active who can (and do) report exactly that.

Separately, we can simply ask people that have foreskins to describe the sensations they feel from that body part.

The only part that we can't say with confidence is how the neutral pathways develop (i.e. how we perceive the sensations) when it's the only way we've ever experienced.

nokturne213 , avatar

I also don't have a moist area for bacteria to multiply

If only you could wash yourself.

Klnsfw ,
  • keratinization of the glans
  • loss of the gliding sensation between the penis and the foreskin during penetration
  • loss of the Meissner corpuscles in the foreskin

About the multiplication of bacteria in a moist area, how do you handle that in your mouth ? Surgery or personal hygiene?

Muscar ,

You realize things aren't viewed the same all over the world right? Here in Sweden it's nothing bad or wrong, we generally have good sex education and parents that are fine with it as long as we keep it private and clean. And as adults it's completely normal, not that uncommon to talk about either. There was a monthly magazine for teens when I grew up that talked a lot about sex, sexual identity and stuff like that and the readers could send it questions to get answered by professionals or other readers. Very open and helped so many with things they didn't dare ask parents or others about and it was always a better source than the Internet when that came around. Pretty sure it's still a thing too.

So it's just seen as a thing everyone does and enjoys.

JohnOliver , (edited ) avatar

There should be rules about having jerk off rooms at work. Its a human right like praying rooms!

Edit: /s

clark , avatar

I think neither should exist.

JohnOliver , avatar

Sorry - this was a joke

clark , avatar

My bad!

Swedneck , avatar

called a toilet

hungryphrog , avatar

You pray while shitting?

Swedneck , avatar

shitting is the prayer!

hungryphrog , avatar

Erm... Well, I consider myself to be tolerant of other people's practices, so you do you.

InternetUser2012 ,

Religion that's why. They have to control you.

solomon42069 ,

Religion is mostly to blame, but I think some of those religious teachings have been integrated into institutions and secular society as well. Notions that self gratification is a treat and not a need, the perception of masturbation that it's some teenage boy temporary phase and not for women or older married men. The idea that it can't be a social activity at all, even though it's free and safer than drugs.

thezeesystem ,

Often times it's about control over people. Whether it's religion or capatilism sense it's something you can do yourself for free that gives you pleasure. Capatilism can't force you to pay for enjoying yourself and religion doesn't want you to do things that they don't control

Vendetta9076 , avatar

For fuck sakes. Not everything has to do with capitalism. Puritanical belief exists long before capitalism, communism or whatever economic system you want to paint as the boogyman. And it will exist long after.

Emerald ,

Yeah I don't think there it some capitalist conspiracy trying to stop people from masturbating. Kellogg is long dead

Kolanaki , avatar

People also demonize sodomy, but it's been proven that semen in your colon can help fight depression.

AmidFuror ,

Practice safe sex, kids.

SuddenDownpour ,

Is that causation or correlation?

Kolanaki , avatar

Not sure... 🤔

I just remember reading an article about it years ago and even then I was like "Is it the semen, or just the fact they had sex?" lol

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