Does it seem odd to track my lifespan?

So I have a widget in my phone's home screen tracking the days I have lived so far, to remind me of the time I have, and not to waste it.
I was sitting in the school dining hall, glancing at my phone to check the time and my friend remarked how it is weird that I'm counting the days I'm living.
I didn't say anything but I'm confused about how is it weird.
We are 15~16 y/o.

nutsack ,

that sounds stressful and depressing

rapechildren ,
deadcatbounce , avatar

Everyone does it. Every year of so we gather everyone we know together to commemorate.

OrderedChaos ,

Meh. Doesn't hurt anyone so no one should give a shit.

tanisnikana ,

4,000 weeks. 750k hours. That’s what the average human gets.

This is how I keep count.

Asudox , avatar

When you tell specific numbers, the human life feels short.

thorbot ,

Christ. This is morbid. Why would you have a clock ticking down to the end of your life??

ExperiencedWinter ,

Is it? The only difference between them and you is that you're not paying attention to the clock

thorbot ,

Yes. Being hyper focused on your own mortality isn’t healthy

MojoMcJojo ,

To remind you that this is it, so make it a good one

trolololol ,

You're the negative

They're tracking the days they have lived

AstralPath ,

I did this for a while in anticipation of my 10,000 Days birthday. I took that day off work and did nothing but play games, chill on the deck, drink beer, smoked a bit of weed and spun Tool's "10,000 Days" album after smashing a pizza down my gullet for supper.

It was a great day.

soupbowl ,

I thought “that sounds cool” until I realised I’ve past that mark by 800 days 🤪

trolololol ,

How many years is that, roughly 30? I should try something like it but with a bigger number

AstralPath ,

29ish? I can't remember anymore.

Lightsong ,

27 or so.

cabillaud , avatar

That's long enough

antlion , avatar

If you use the actuary life tables for your expected lifespan, you can have a true mid-life crisis when you turn 39 or 41 depending if your male or female.

Or if you’re the age of one of the presidential candidates you’ll know what it feels like to have under 10 years of life expectancy remaining.

Anyway, I do think it’s weird. You have plenty of time to waste at your age. It would be a misuse of your youth to try and allocate your time wisely.

morphballganon ,

I'd rather be weird than normal.

whoreticulture ,

It's objectively weird in the sense that most people don't do that.

Kolanaki , avatar

What? Most people celebrate birthdays. How is that not essentially the same thing? lol

whoreticulture ,

It is essentially the same thing, but that is the cultural box that we've created where it's normal to keep track of your lifespan. A Death Note style reminder has not been deemed socially acceptable.

otp ,

Most people have hair on their heads. If someone had feathers on their head instead, that'd be weird, even if it were essentially the same thing in principle.

Nibodhika ,

My grandpa used to do this way before smartphones, I remember his 30.000 days birthday when I was a kid.

planish ,

I don't know why your friend doesn't like it. Ask your friend why they don't like it.

Scrof ,

It's futile, as you have zero idea when you're going to die, every day could be your last man. I think what you're doing is a good way to get some sort of anxiety disorder and I'd be happy to be wrong in this case as I wouldn't wish that shit to anyone.

NeoNachtwaechter ,

It is wise, not weird.

Not many could stand that thought. That's why they get upset. You are mentally stronger.

I remember how weird it came off when a coworker was announcing her 30th birthday with "One more year (or one less?)"

Consider tracking your statistical life expectation too (it changes over time), and maybe an additional personal guess about how many remaining days you still got.

FalseMyrmidon ,

I do the same but I use years instead.

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