Metal Memes

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voracitude , in Dragonforce

My friends can't take them seriously because of the lyrics, but they're all missing the point: What the fuck else are you gonna listen to when you're escaping a collapsing hellfortress with the armies of the damned slavering at your heels?

Iron_Lynx , in Dragonforce

The opinions of individuals are not necessarily reflective of the opinions of the collective.

Now, who's claiming to hate Dragonforce? Because it's the first I've heard of it recently.

andrewthe95th , in Dragonforce

I'm pretty sure it's for the same reason that people love them, i.e. they're cheesy and self-indulgent - which, I mean, are pretty much prerequisites of the power metal genre.

all-knight-party , avatar

That and the whole "they recorded their parts slower and sped them up" thing, but they pull it off well enough live and as long as they're not lying about it I don't think it really matters

Zehzin , avatar

If that's a problem then no one should listen to any studio albums tbh

AstridWipenaugh ,

Drum and bass artists use computers to make fast drums and just play back recordings at concerts. They can't even play drums! Or bass!! Their fans are so dumb for liking fake music... /s

4am ,

As someone who has been listening to most electronic music since the mid 90s, you have NO idea how many times the “they’re not talented, they just push buttons” argument has been spewn at me

hemko ,

Best example of this is John Bonham, who would playback from his iPod

entropicdrift , avatar

That and the whole "they recorded their parts slower and sped them up" thing

Your comment reads like this is a fact about them and something they've owned up to. It isn't true and they've consistently said as much. They record at the speed the song plays at.

all-knight-party , avatar

Good to hear. That was a rumor that spread around quite a bit when I was a teenager, the last time they were relevant for discussion, and I never checked it because it didn't really matter to me if they did or not, I still liked the music. Next time they're relevant for discussion I won't spread it again

Zehzin , avatar

I love cheesy bombastic bands like Rhapsody of Fire. They're just fun to listen to.

Damage ,

Rhapsody (I refuse to recognize the addition of "of fire") isn't bombastic, for them their music is absolutely serious 😄

TAG , avatar

Not all power metal is cheesy. Symphonic metal is all about showing off ridiculous vocal abilities.

hemko ,

Well it depends. Read some Tarja-era Nightwish lyrics

Takeshidude , in Dragonforce

Yeah this is news to me, I love dragonforce

ChihuahuaOfDoom , (edited ) in Dragonforce

Because people suck? Also you a word.

Smoogs ,

Missing a word when you already understood..I don’t think it was doing the damage.

Olap , in Dragonforce

Dragonforce rule!

nokturne213 , in Dragonforce avatar

Dragonforce is hated? Never heard this, but even as a life long metal head I at shy away from any online metal community because most of them are full of the worst people.

SoleInvictus ,

It seems it's always snobs or Nazis online, whereas actual metal shows are where I've met some of the nicest people.

Titou , in Metal Checklist avatar

Mayhem be like

MummifiedClient5000 , in My favorite kind of metal

Are you taking the piss? Wierd ass meme format, can't read the band names and no links. 👎

helena OP , avatar

The bands are Kaatayra and Vauruvã. my bad, i was tired when i made this and didn't even think about including the bands

deft , in My favorite kind of metal

Would love a link

Aielman15 , avatar
helena OP , avatar

the names of the albums are in the post caption, my bad for not including them earlier

MrJameGumb , in My favorite kind of metal avatar

The two at the top are a band called Kaatayra which I'm just hearing for the first time and now want to hear everything they've ever made lol

The one near the bottom is called Vauruvã which also sounds pretty fucking cool...


helena OP , avatar

done! completely forgot about listing them, mb

carl_dungeon , in Party Cannon

I know this poster is old, but damn if it doesn’t make me laugh every single time. This is such a great joke, but also an absolutely brilliant marketing move- everyone gets a laugh for sure, and I guarantee anyone not already aware of the bands on the roster is going to remember exactly one band in particular over the others.

Ephera , in Party Cannon

On the plus side, you can actually figure out what they're called without reading the logo five times over. 🙃

13esq ,

Right? May as well all be the same band. It's not even like the styling is distinctive, you don't see the logo and think of that band, it just blends in with all the rest.

Skullgrid , avatar

There's a couple on there, zenith passage, unit 731,aethere,origin

Ephera ,

I mean, I did not want to claim that it is the only one on there, but that was rather because of No Altars and Wolf King. Those are fonts I've seen before.

With your examples, well, I didn't have to read them 5 times, but it didn't go that great either. And I did not realize those were numbers at the end of "Unit 731" until your comment just now.

I should add, though, that I'm not a metalhead. I'm sure, if one has heard these band names before, it becomes much easier.

tombruzzo , in Party Cannon

I know the joke is Party Canon, but are Psycroptic headlining a festival in the US? that's sick

remotelove ,

That poster is from years ago, unfortunately.

remotelove , in Party Cannon

Every time I see this poster here, I am going to post a picture from the last concert I went to.

It doesn't seem like they are coming through Denver again for a while. :(

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