Metal Memes

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SomeGuy69 , in Everything means everything

I like everything if it's at least distinguishable from nails in a mixer, because that's not music to me.

UltraMagnus0001 , in Everything means everything

I listen to almost all genres, but not everything. I get bored of one genre all the time and don't like everything in one genre.

voracitude , in Dragonforce

My friends can't take them seriously because of the lyrics, but they're all missing the point: What the fuck else are you gonna listen to when you're escaping a collapsing hellfortress with the armies of the damned slavering at your heels?

Iron_Lynx , in Dragonforce

The opinions of individuals are not necessarily reflective of the opinions of the collective.

Now, who's claiming to hate Dragonforce? Because it's the first I've heard of it recently.

Takeshidude , in Dragonforce

Yeah this is news to me, I love dragonforce

DogPeePoo , in What the birds are really saying

The SLAYER tat on his neck though 🤣🤣💀

olutukko , in It's like magic

I think mötley crüe is very mediocre in terms of music. kinda meh in all aspects.

I do have respect towards them because of their attitude. those guys just decided to be rockstars and did it. amazing

The_Tired_Horizon , in Everything means everything avatar

I get this reaction from people when playing Skinny Puppy, Igorrr, Herbie Hancock ffs.... these people are sheltered, LOL!

sexual_tomato , in Everything means everything

Or something like Vatstep DSP by Hrvatski because nobody realizes they wanted to hear Stephen Hawking be the lead singer for an experimental electronic music band

Yokozuna , in Dragonforce

As other people have stated, their live shows sucked for a while because they were so trashed playing really complicated stuff and it sounded awful, that's why I really don't like them for the most part. Secondly, I love metal, but their stuff is way over produced imo. Really talented musicians when they want to be tho so I respect that.

MummifiedClient5000 , in My favorite kind of metal

Are you taking the piss? Wierd ass meme format, can't read the band names and no links. 👎

helena OP , avatar

The bands are Kaatayra and Vauruvã. my bad, i was tired when i made this and didn't even think about including the bands

chetradley , in It looks pope - I mean, dope
dustyData , in Absofuckinglutely agreeing with this

My pet theory is that Ozzy Osbourne is actually in regular contact with aliens and frequently travels with them on a time paradox way, decades for him, just days on earth. Thus his confusion is genuine, he really doesn't know what planet he is on and his mind is more filled with alien customs than humans. Also, that is why he acts like such an old person, his body is old but his mind is even older.

Definitely it wasn't the drugs, no sire.

Blackout , in Toronto, it's worse than Sweden. avatar

Is that guy's name Murderface by chance?

tulliandar ,

This question phills me with sadness. The world is philled with uncultured philistines. I’ll have to console myself with some philafels, and phillatio. to phil you in, that’s “Philthy Animal”. He philled the role of drummer in Motörhead

Rolando , in What the birds are really saying
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