corsicanguppy ,


Sure, skippy. Take off the mask.

Diplomjodler3 ,

Those whippersnappers have it so easy these days! They don't even know what an interrupt is any more!

limelight79 ,

Anyone else remember having to set interleave on an RLL hard drive? "First you have to low-level format..."

BearOfaTime ,

I hate you for reminding me of those times. Lol

limelight79 ,

Yeah...when I got the first IDE drive, it was like, "Wait, I don't need to low level format it?"

"Oh what a mess we weave when we amiss interleave!"

misterundercoat ,

"Your sound card works perfectly"

partial_accumen ,

"It doesn't get any better than this!"

Klear ,

"Enjoying yourself?"

partial_accumen ,

"Join the army they said...!"

RalphWolf ,

The GUS for the win!

BOFH666 ,

Gravis Ultrasound with red pcb reporting..

jaaake ,

Did you get the matching Gravis Gamepad or was it late enough that you had a Microsoft Sidewinder?

BOFH666 ,

Gravis gamepad :-)

Rock solid!

ValenThyme ,

It was all fun and games until your thrustmaster and your soundblaster and your modem hit an IRQ conflict.

Plug-and-play was a godsend for gamers.

LordCrom ,

Plug and pray

jaaake ,
grue ,

Back when MIDI and the quality of your synthesizer actually mattered!

SuiXi3D , avatar

And of course there was a short period of time where a sound card wasn’t required, but would actually improve performance by offloading audio processing to your sound card if you had one. And onboard audio at that time wasn’t great anyways.

Zehzin , (edited ) avatar

You can still get discrete sound cards (both internal and USB), though they're more for audiophile stuff. With the PS5 touting big 3d audio improvements and HRTFs I half expected manufacturers to make a push to bring them back or at least feature sound features more prominantly in motherboards but I guess CPUs these days can just spare the cycles if you want fancy audio.

FinalRemix ,

Generating music still benefits from offloading to discrete devices though. Like using a synth or multitrack stuff.

WolfLink ,

Modern CPUs can do all the audio processing you’d ever need (maybe barring some professional use cases like making music or editing a movie).

Audiophile external audio devices are just doing the conversion from a digital signal to an analogue signal.

raspberriesareyummy ,

And of course there was a short period of time where a sound card wasn’t required, but would actually improve performance by offloading audio processing to your sound card if you had one

we are at this point in history, but for graphics cards :)

hakunawazo ,

I'll give you 4 characters: 3dfx.

AdrianTheFrog , avatar

Not in the same way, as you aren’t using the integrated gpu at all if you get an external one. I guess if you’re talking about shared ram this makes sense though.

raspberriesareyummy ,

I seem to recall the integrated sound wasn't used either, when I had my sound card in - the audio connectors were going directly into the sound card.

AdrianTheFrog , avatar

yea, IDK how it works as I've never had a computer back then, but the quoted reply makes it sound like getting a sound card would take load off of the CPU.

raspberriesareyummy ,

oh - my apologies, I forgot that on-board graphics have a dedicated chipset. Also, no idea whether on-board sound would have used CPU power back in the late days of soundcards, as the comment I responded to was claiming... might have been a sound chip for that, too..

heckypecky ,

And the mind blowing difference in midi quality if you heard the upgrade the first time...

9point6 ,

Oh god AC97 era onboard audio was just bad, there was always weird glitchy sounds coming from interference elsewhere on the motherboard

khannie , avatar

Or when your mobile phone was about to ring.

9point6 ,

That one was actually down to poorly insulated speakers and 2G phone signals dipping into the audible frequency range

rainynight65 ,

I remember Battlefield 2 being a prime example for that. Not only did its performance improve once I added a discrete sound card, it also sounded much better.

SuiXi3D , avatar

I bought an X-Fi card just for that game.

LordCrom ,

I was a rebel and went with the Pro Audio 16

Frostbeard ,

Long live the Gravis Ultrasound Max!

IsThisAnAI ,

In the grand scheme of things they were relatively inexpensive. You could spend a lot but you didn't need to.

shadow_wanker ,


heckypecky ,

1000 yard stare

technojamin ,

I still use an external Creative sound card so I can switch my speakers over USB between my work laptop and personal desktop!

AdrianTheFrog , avatar

I’m using a cheap one of those from amazon for my headphones on my laptop because the audio jack suddenly stopped recognizing when headphones were plugged in. (although I still get a dmesg error log when I stick a q-tip in to the jack? If anyone knows how to debug this, please tell me)

possiblylinux127 , avatar

Can't you just use a barrel jack?

ASeriesOfPoorChoices ,

what was really cool were the few games that would give realistic* music and speech from the internal motherboard speaker. No daughterboards or external speakers required. This was 386 era, I think.

* realistic as much as could be from that tiny internal speaker and 8 bits of data.

TSG_Asmodeus , avatar

"Old lamps for new! Old lamps for new!"

VelvetGentleman ,

I still hear this through my tinny onboard in my deepest dreams.

9point6 ,

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I think the PC speaker was literally a 1-bit speaker. Anything that sounded more detailed was PWM on that one bit

khannie , avatar

That's correct. Jesus they were awful yokes but they were really mostly intended for letting you know that your hardware was bollixed at boot time.

PC's had mostly been business machines really until the 90s if my memory is correct.

If you wanted gaming you got a more gaming focused machine like an Amiga or console.

thomasloven ,

That’s the only way to listen to the Sim City soundtrack.

thelsim , avatar

Yes, I remember these! Countdown And Tex Murphy: The Martian Memorandum come to mind. I remember being amazed at the sounds suddenly coming out of our internal computer speaker. It even had something close to speech!
The manual also came with some info on making the sound even better using some alligator clips, but that went waaaay over my little head at the time :)

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