gamermanh ,

Until I upgraded to Linux Mint recently I actually DID use a Soundblaster card (modern one from 2018) to drive my super nice headphones and speakers

Too bad mint weirdly hated it despite recognizing it, but the new speakers have a fine DAC so....

hogmomma ,

Dr. Sbaitso says "'sup."

Unpigged ,

Soundblaster? Pfff, Covox users club assemble!

ArbitraryValue ,

Not the same thing, but I still have my old Voodoo 2 3D-accelerator card (not the same thing as a video card back then).

MehBlah ,

VESA local bus. It was the shit and nothing was ever going to be better. Until next year.

ThirdWorldOrder , avatar

I had the original voodoo 3Dfx in 50lbs Alienware case with a 75 lbs 20+ inch crt.. can’t remember the exact size. Wrong choice for university living at the time

HornedMeatBeast , avatar

I miss my Voodoo 2 3000 AGP card.

I got an ABIT Siluro/ Geforce 2 MX400 after that and Diablo 2 ran worse, the frame rate tanked. I was gutted.

Back in the day I tried to play Morrowind but every time I moved my mouse the game would crash, I started removing hardware until I found out it was my soundcard giving me issues, was an old ISA slot. Got a PCI soundcard after that and no issues.

Those were the days.

neo ,

Shitty days, but days nonetheless, when PC gaming was the Dark Souls of gaming.

fuckwit_mcbumcrumble ,
ASeriesOfPoorChoices ,

that's why I sold mine a couple years ago :)

realbadat ,

Shit, I should check my bins

postnataldrip ,

Wow, I have a bunch of old stuff laying about too that I figured was worth nothing. Original boxes, games, manuals etc which might help too. Hmm

Sam_Bass ,

Or turtlebeach or adlib or proaudio spectrum...

ValenThyme ,

It was all fun and games until your thrustmaster and your soundblaster and your modem hit an IRQ conflict.

Plug-and-play was a godsend for gamers.

LordCrom ,

Plug and pray

NutWrench , avatar

The Yamaha YM3812 sound chip was the backbone of computer sound & music generation for almost a decade.

ASeriesOfPoorChoices ,

what was really cool were the few games that would give realistic* music and speech from the internal motherboard speaker. No daughterboards or external speakers required. This was 386 era, I think.

* realistic as much as could be from that tiny internal speaker and 8 bits of data.

TSG_Asmodeus , avatar

"Old lamps for new! Old lamps for new!"

VelvetGentleman ,

I still hear this through my tinny onboard in my deepest dreams.

9point6 ,

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I think the PC speaker was literally a 1-bit speaker. Anything that sounded more detailed was PWM on that one bit

khannie , avatar

That's correct. Jesus they were awful yokes but they were really mostly intended for letting you know that your hardware was bollixed at boot time.

PC's had mostly been business machines really until the 90s if my memory is correct.

If you wanted gaming you got a more gaming focused machine like an Amiga or console.

thomasloven ,

That’s the only way to listen to the Sim City soundtrack.

thelsim , avatar

Yes, I remember these! Countdown And Tex Murphy: The Martian Memorandum come to mind. I remember being amazed at the sounds suddenly coming out of our internal computer speaker. It even had something close to speech!
The manual also came with some info on making the sound even better using some alligator clips, but that went waaaay over my little head at the time :)

ssj2marx ,

I remember having the Extigy, and having problems getting it work properly with basically every single game I owned.

SzethFriendOfNimi ,

Not only that but they also had the serial input for joysticks.

So if you played some Wing Commander with a game pad or stick you probably had this card.

oo1 ,

15 pin d-sub that could support TWO joysticks if you had the splitter cable.
Micro machines 2 : 4 player, with 2 gamepads into the soundcard, and one player using each side of the keyboard.

lightnsfw ,

The first upgrade I ever made to a PC was having to get a sound card to run Morrowind.

Nashveggie ,

Dr. Sbaitso was the speech systhesis DOS program that was included with most Soundblaster cards. You could tell Dr. Sbaitso about all of your problems.

MadMadBunny ,

Wait, he didn’t even get to the part where you had to configure it!!

I_Miss_Daniel ,

IRQ 5?

ThirdWorldOrder , avatar

I thought 7 was the magic number

TexasDrunk ,

You're both right! It started as 7 for the default and changed to 5 because 7 was also the default for the parallel port.

LEDZeppelin ,

Seriously. And they also didn’t cover the part where the damn driver would randomly get corrupted every now and then

MadMadBunny ,

I have fond memories of these simpler times…

SonicDeathTaco ,

At least it was a real name. Nowadays it seems like every new company's name is just a random jumble of letters solely because that .com was available.

explodicle ,

blastr by creatv

shadow_wanker ,


heckypecky ,

1000 yard stare

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