thorbot ,

Have you been on Reddit lately? Every post has about 50% of comments that are incel type statements just talking about how they’ll be forever alone, they have no good traits, etc. it’s fucking pathetic

LazyBane ,

Backwards thinking.

Andrew Tate isn't creating these young men out of well adjusted people.

Young men today face a mountain of issues with zero sympathy from the people or institutions around them. And grifters prey on these men.

Having grown up in the "teach boys not to rape" era of progrssive rhetoric, it's actually insane to see all these people just insist being in a guy's world is all sunshine and rainbows and all these men are just awful people falling of their own accord.

Young men get told some pretty damaging things growing up, even from progressive people.

Everyone has problems, lots of people are coming of age all kinds of fucked up, and we can't fix this by implying it's all their own doing.

Melvin_Ferd ,

I had a teacher point this out to me too by just pointing out the percentage of girls in the class. They call them the lost boy generation because good intentions to get women into paths like STEM resulted in forgetting about investing in the boys.

But also some of us boys need lots of damaging things its not a one size fits all. Not traumatizing stuff but damage is needed for boys. Boys need to be pushed and discipline and we need to break bones and fight and get dirty to become an adult who can go on to teach a new generation how to do those things safely and responsible.

foo ,

I'm a stem teacher, and I work hard at trying to get more women into stem.

  1. More women reduce reduce the number of men but simply increase the number of subjects we teach.
  2. More women in stem creates normality and produces more women in stem. When we have open nights women telling women how cool and interesting the subject is excited them.
  3. It increases range and capacity, I have tasks that are designed to interest young men. As I started producing content that also interests women we got better and richer tasks.
  4. In my teaching area we moderate other teachers courses and every single teacher who whines about women in stem have boring single focused programs
  5. Men like courses with women. Especially if those women have similar interests

The no opportunity for males to be exceptional is a dog whistle. Stem is still there for men. There are still high standards.

The problem is a lack of men in teaching roles.

Young men have few, sometimes no, men who act as role models..for example, I get comments from students who love the fact that I have a beard and they like that a teacher is proud to present in one.

Secondly men and women have different skills socialized into them. Guys are better at exams and practical tasks while women are socialized to be better at communicating tasks. As men left education assessments moved from practicals and exams to essays.

Socialized isn't entirely correct it's also a lack of focus on the difference between how young men and women develop in primary years which also leads to skill issues

Anyway ranting on my phone sucks. More women in stem, especially in digital technology and engineering is great, women have ideas, they can solve problems, we should learn why engineering is a sausage festival instead of just assuming that it is because men are more exceptional at engineering than women.

Sadbutdru ,

Thank you for bothering to rant on your phone despite the fact that it sucks.

I am a middle aged engineering student (undergrad) with two young daughters (6 and 8), so many of the things you refer to are on my mind a lot.

In my country (UK) the number of male teachers/carers is strongly proportional to the age of the student.
Nursery staff : predominantly women
Primary school staff: maybe a few men as main teachers
Secondary school: is it 50/50? or still more like 70/30? (I dunno, it's a long time since I was there, and my kids aren't there yet)

Anyway, it's easy to have young boys, especially if (their father works away, or is otherwise distant from the family), get up to the age of being aware of Andrew Tate with very few male role models.

assassin_aragorn ,

The problem is a lack of men in teaching roles.

This is something that men will need to step up and do. We need left wing men who'll help them out. And each of us can do what we can to help the boys we know too.

foo ,

I get what you are saying, but we just need men. Socially healthy, well-adjusted men. Especially in early education. Role models matter.

nickiwest ,

All true. But because teaching is historically "women's work," it is undervalued and underpaid.

Most teachers I know have at least Master's degrees, yet we're paid less than B.A.s start at in many fields. I took a 20k/year pay cut when I became a teacher, despite having received a Master's degree before entering the field.

Until we value teaching as much as we value other types of work, we're not going to attract large numbers of qualified people, whether they're men or women.

reverendsteveii ,

lol as though they'd use the word "woman" in this sentence

Jennykichu OP ,


wait come back femoids why do you run from thee

Drivebyhaiku ,

Had an older co-worker who kept saying that Andrew Tate had some real gems and that he was just telling young men to give up videogames and hit the gym if they wanted some self worth.

So one day I looked him dead in the eye and gave him my best impersonation of a 1950's radio voice and said. " Young ladies if you don't work on refining and improving your womanly figure with clean living and labourous exercise and not stop wasting your time reading novels then how will you ever expect to catch a husband?!"

I would like to say that I scored a point but he just sputtered and went on being horrible.

quindraco ,

Andrew Tate is the absolute worst, but it is also a fact - one that has been true for all of recorded history - that competing with each other for female attention is a generally popular male motivation. And when a guy doesn't do those things, he can expect mockery. Do you have anything nice to say about neckbeards? No? Didn't think so.

DadVolante , avatar

Neckbeards are some of the best Dungeon Masters and I ain't lying

balderdash9 , avatar

I'm not a Rogan meathead, but women are absolutely super choosey these days. Dating apps have given women an inflated sense of their own (dating) worth, and they largely want tall, handsome, well-off, slightly older men.

Of course I'm painting with a broad brush here, but this post is talking in generalities anyway.

dumpsterlid ,

I’m not a Rogan meathead, but women are absolutely super choosey these days. Dating apps have given women an inflated sense of their own (dating) worth, and they largely want tall, handsome, well-off, slightly older men.

If this is happening even a little bit it is because of the distorting forces of capitalism and addictive phone apps are warping peoples interactions on dating apps.

I promise you, if you are genuinely a pretty nice human being who tries to be a good person there are plenty of women out there who want to fuck you. Really, the world is full of horny women who get hot and bothered by realizing that cute man they just met is also really sweet and kind. You don’t need fit any particular idea of a man, I understand it feels like you do and that is an awful feeling but it is a feeling not the reality.

Also women are probably more choosey because they are by large exhausted from work places that grind them down, trying to make rent, healthcare bullshit and any number of other struggles of modern life, just like you. They want to make sure that use their vanishing amount of free time, energy and money pursuing somebody that isn’t going to be a dead end.

If you want the quickest route to more men finding women who are interested in them, then support unionization, the social safety net, workers rights, and progressive legislation on housing. We need to take better care of people so that they have more free time, energy and money to pursue love and sex.

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