gofsckyourself ,

There is no ethical consumption under capitalism.

"Buying meat is unethical because of how the animals are treated" ~ sent from my iPhone made by child slave labor

I'm not saying veganism is bad. What I am saying is that people who think veganism is a moral high ground are wrong. I also think that veganism is a luxury to be even able to follow.

Edit after downvotes into the negative and shitty asshole responses:
Here comes the self-righteous assholes who don't want to have a discussion and instead throw around blame and shame at me. Congrats. Y'all are the reason people hate vegans which hurts your cause by pushing people away from reducing reliance on meat. Every downvote is proof that self-righteous vegans are assholes.

MilitantVegan ,

The devil is in the details, but in most cases it's eating animal products that's the luxury.


gofsckyourself ,

Nice cherry-picked argument there. Notice how the article doesn't link the study.

Doing my own analysis for myself, this is not the case.

IzzyScissor ,

You could have just googled the doctor's name and found the study yourself. Somehow I doubt 'your own analysis' is as unbiased as you think.

chetradley ,

You can be opposed to unethical treatment of animals and child slave labor. If someone tells me they are against slave labor, my response isn't ""buying products made by slaves is unethical" ~said by someone who eats factory farmed meat". It doesn't have to be one or the other.

I don't think people go vegan because they want a moral high ground, at least I know I didn't. People do it because they genuinely believe it's the right choice to make. And yes, having that choice is a luxury not afforded to everyone, but vegans are no more entitled than the people around them who also have the luxury of being able to choose not to support animal agriculture, but do so anyway.

You say people don't want to have a discussion while at the same time calling people who might actually engage in a discussion "self-righteous assholes". This leads me to believe you may not actually be looking for a good faith conversation.

gofsckyourself ,

The last part of my message was an edit after being downvoted to the negatives and other peoples very toxic responses.

chetradley ,

Which response(s) came across as very toxic? I see six responses to your parent comment and they all seem quite civil.

MystikIncarnate ,

At a high level, I have no control over your actions, you have no control over mine. We can argue until we're blue in the face, but when someone walks away after that argument, they're free to do as they please.

Physically, you don't need to eat meat. I'd recommend a good dietician if you want to go vegetarian or vegan, at least until you figure enough out that you can maintain the intake of all your required vitamins and nutrients as you transition. There are more than a few of them that are typically provided by meat products for most people's eating habits, you'll want advice on how to suppliment that without relying on pills. Suppliment pills can be helpful, but you probably don't want to have to take them all the time.

Eating meat can certainly be healthy too, speaking mainly for ones nutritional needs. The nutrients in meat are, in some cases, fairly rare in plants, so it can vastly simplify the job of meeting your nutritional needs.

For vegans, on a social and societal level, I agree with the concepts surrounding factory farming and the unethical treatment of the animals that become meat. No argument from me. However, thinking that any meat consumption is tantamount to murder, is not a view I share. Animals, and their meat, are eaten by other animals (including humans - separate from farming... I'm talking about actual hunting here). In nature, there's no hesitation about this, no remorse, and no known sorrow from the animals who "lost someone" to being food. Sadness over the passing of an individual is almost (but not entirely) a human phenomenon. Same with morals and ethics... To name a few. Ethically, I don't personally have a problem with animals dying for food. I do however have a problem with the abuse and maltreatment of animals that will become food. While alive, animals should be given some measure of dignity and respect. They should not be forced into living their lives in small cages and jammed together with hundreds of their kin in a confined space the way factory farming often does.

Eating meat does not and should not imply that a person is complicit nor agrees with the concept of factory farms or anything they do. Some people do not have the time, effort, money or focus to dedicate to finding alternatives. You don't know their life and you should not judge based on their eating habits alone. It's presumptive and arrogant to think that people have the bandwidth to even grok the concept of changing their entire lifestyle because of factory farms. In the same manner, vegans and vegetarians should not be negatively judged for their decisions either.

The only points of contention I have in the whole debate is that eating meat, in and of itself, whether you bought it off a shelf or obtained it through hunting, does not make one a murderer; and, while it's fine to share ideas, demanding that others change their ways because you have an opinion, is unacceptable. If someone is curious and willing to listen, sure, chat all you want. However, telling them that their choices are wrong and that they must do something differently, isn't a practice I can support.

At the end of the day, as most people learned from the lion king, there's a circle of life. Things will die so other things can live. Plants will absorb the minerals and nutrients from the rotting corpses of so-called "higher" life forms, and those "higher" life forms will eat the plants to live. Those plant eaters will be eaten by other animals, who will eventually die and become fertilizer for the plants. The cycle continues. Eating animals is something that animals do all the time, and it's not condemned. News flash, humans are also animals. We have the ability to eat and gain strength from meat. You have the free choice to either partake in that activity or not, but make no mistake, that's your personal choice.

IMO, we should all eat more vegetables. Meats have become so prevalent that there's basically meat included in every meal of the day. That's a bit much. Eat a salad. Everyone should reduce their meat intake, at the very least. If you want to go all the way to being vegetarian or vegan, go for it. It's your choice, your life, your body, and you're free to use it, and/or abuse it, in whatever way you wish.

For me, the ethical problems of factory farms are definitely an issue. Personally, I'd rather see a regulatory solution for the treatment of animals, since it would improve the life of all of those animals (at least for the duration they're alive), and improve their situation when they are slaughtered, so it is more humane. After they have been slaughtered, my level of care about how they're treated, pretty much disappears. As long as the resultant product is safe and not harmful, I couldn't care less. I'm only concerned with their life from birth to death. After that, meh. Regulatory changes would be simple and more effective than trying to change the hearts and minds of everyone in an effort to have the pubic at large, stop eating meat; bluntly, trying to convince an entire society to do anything for it's own good, is pretty much impossible. I'm not sure what the "annoying vegans" (not all vegans, just the ones who get in people's faces about it), are trying to prove. They won't convince everyone, it's basically impossible. It's like they've taken on this impossible task and it's not going well, and they're steaming mad about it.... Bro, you did this to yourself. I believe the only way to put an end to the animal abuse in factory farms, is to regulate it. I don't know what that regulation looks like, I'm not a lawyer, nor do I have any ties to nor interest in becoming a politician/government decision making person. I know change is needed and I have no ability to enact that change, but I would vote for anyone who did.

I don't consider death, in and if itself to be inhumane. I consider torture to be inhumane. I consider forced imprisonment in a small space to be inhumane. I even consider suffering to death, it be inhumane. Euthanizing something, can absolutely be humane. I don't believe that factory farms are being humane by my standards.

I don't think that asking them to be humane to their flock is too much to ask. Our food deserves it. They're giving their life for your ongoing existence and enjoyment, the least we can and should do, is ensure they're not spending that life in pain.

commie ,

you don’t need to eat meat.

you don't know what anyone else needs.

therealjcdenton ,
@therealjcdenton@lemmy.zip avatar

Become vegetarian

Zoldyck ,

And then become vegan.

MeanEYE ,
@MeanEYE@lemmy.world avatar

Step one. Stop taking medicine, as lots of pills use lactose and all the vaccines are tested using horseshoe crab blood and are tested on animals.

MadBob ,


Veganism is a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—

One step ahead of you.

Edit: You really think this is a gotcha, eh? Given that you've posted the same thing at least six times?

rajarizer ,

I have stereotypical vegan friends (Somehow squeeze their veganism into conversation every time!) I have slowly tried to adjust my diet for doctor mandated health reasons for the better, never been healthier but I dare not mention it, I don't want to give them the satisfaction, one of them will try to take credit, I just know it. :P

MrScottyTay ,

As a vegan myself I notice the opposite a lot. Veganism becomes the topic of conversation IRL more because of everyone around me asking questions like "don't you miss bacon" and "how long have you been vegan now?" And "would you ever eat meat again".

And when it's not about veganism specifically they often bring up meat when talking about food they had and then instead of contributing to the conversation, since that feels disingenuous to my ethics and I'm not a fan of lying in general, I'll tell them "sorry I'm vegan".

Also a lot of the stereotypical vegans that end up bringing up veganism on their own all the time is mostly just due to them likely being activists and quite honestly having to deal with the worst of the worst trying to ruin their day every day. And that shit takes it's toll, not to mention directly staring a lot of what makes them physically sick and upset right in front of them day in and day out. Constantly being reminded of what to them is genuinely horrific. That can change a person and make them very jaded and cynical in life. And in that case, tact no longer becomes an issue to them because to them it's a matter of life and death, and they mostly see death and this becomes desperate to make a change, even if it's a little one.

Sorry if this made me look like a stereotypical one, I'm not trying to preach. Just trying to share what it can be like on the other side.

Also they totally would take credit. We would call it "planting the seed". Making you conscious of the choice and hope you come to your own decision on how to and when to make it. ;)


God that's a wall of text, I'm sorry -.-

Emerald ,

A wall of text wouldn't have paragraphs

No_Change_Just_Money ,

You could reduce meat intake and buy higher quality meat whenever financially feasible. Then you help fight the problem but can still look down on vegans

MilitantVegan ,
Leate_Wonceslace ,
@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Put simply, promoting veganism won't stop people from reducing, but promoting reducetarianism will stop people from going vegan

This is either brain rot written by someone who doesn't understand propaganda or a psy-op and I can't tell which. So if it is a psy-op, congratulations on making an effective one.

MystikIncarnate ,

Every doctor I've ever seen talk about diet, says that we should reduce our meat intake. They never suggest nor imply that people should go vegan as an alternative.

At least, from my limited experience.

I would argue that if someone has no intention of giving up meat, of which, there are plenty of people who are in that situation, then reduction can help improve the situation.

If someone is considering, or at least would consider going vegan, then veganism is the right choice, reduction may make the transition more difficult in the long term.

Thoughts? I'm happy to discuss. I just don't have the time right this second to do a ton of reading/watching content about the other side of this discussion, so I'd like to know what you have to say.

Leate_Wonceslace ,
@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

reduction may make the transition more difficult in the long term.

This is the only part that isn't obviously true. Of course, this is a question of fact to be decided by evidence, but here's my speculation:

Given the size of the population, it's clear that there will be some people who fall in either direction. Some people will find a gradual transition easier, some will be hindered by the possibility. I'm inclined to believe that it'd make things easier for more people than harder, but I have no basis of evidence to make that claim. It occurs to me that a general push to reduce meat consumption will also likely move the Overton window towards veganism, which would make large-scale vegan goals easier to achieve.

Generally, when society at large is as far removed from a position as it is with veganism, advocating for a half-measure will tend to help the cause rather than hurt it. Veganism requires changing the minds of the entire world, and getting people acclimated to the idea that we eat too much meat will likely help with that.

LMK if I wasn't able to answer your question, or if you want to ask another one.

madcaesar ,

People who "are something", in general are annoying as fuck. As soon as you make something your identity you've probably fucked up.

That said I've tried to reduce meat consumption as much as possible, for the environment and the animals.

RecluseRamble ,

I agree. Militant meat eaters are just as annoying as cliché vegans but there seem to be more of the former.

Reducing meat consumption is probably the best way to go for most people (I've reduced mine because of my vegetarian wife and don't feel like I miss anything) but eating strictly vegan doesn't seem right to me. Anything that requires supplementation in the long run cannot be the final answer.

MeanEYE ,
@MeanEYE@lemmy.world avatar

Meat eaters don't come in your face and call you weed whacker or tree huger whenever there's food being mentioned.

ghostdoggtv ,

LMAO yes they fucking do!

GregorGizeh ,

They absolutely do. Endless repetitions of the same tired jokes, unprompted self justifications, odd assumptions. Happens all the time. They take offense at the sheer mention you are a vegetarian or vegan, you dont even have to try to convert them. Just be there, rejecting meat on your plate during dinner.

explodicle ,

I try to be very tolerant of the unprompted self-justifications and maybe just ask a couple questions about it. At some level they feel a change is warranted, and humans change their minds messily over years, not instantly during arguments.

GregorGizeh ,

Yeah, I mean they are not fooling anyone, if they bring the topic up on their own trying to tell me why they eat meat it is quite obvious they have a guilty conscience and are trying to justify it to themselves more than me.

Your approach is a lot more conciliatory though, I am usually so annoyed that I just question why they are so defensive they are telling me those things unprompted.

grrgyle ,
@grrgyle@slrpnk.net avatar

Militant meat eaters are just as annoying as cliché vegans but there seem to be more of the former.

I eat meat from time to time, so definitely not even vegetarian, but I've absolutely run into more offended meat eaters than vegans IRL, but meat at dinner is a big part of my home country's culture.

I remember my sisters' boyfriend fuming, thinking we were trolling him by not having meat at a family dinner. The meat eating mind cannot comprehend.

Barbarian ,
@Barbarian@sh.itjust.works avatar

Anything that requires supplementation in the long run cannot be the final answer.

Not trying to start an argument with you, you do you, but are you aware that most factory farmed animals are supplemented with B12? Meat and dairy consumers are taking supplements, just indirectly.

Also, anybody living in cloudy areas (North Europe, North US, Canada, etc) should be taking vitamin D supplements anyway, meat eater or vegan.

RecluseRamble ,

No, you're right, mass-produced meat comes from livestock with all kinds of deficiencies itself.

As I said I reduced my meat consumption - to maybe 1-2 times per week. And I try to avoid cheap mass-produced meat and aim for quality instead.

Not sure what's worse though: cheap meat or ultra-processed vegan meat alternatives (often severely lacking protein too) filling the shelves nowadays.

Barbarian ,
@Barbarian@sh.itjust.works avatar

Not sure what’s worse though: cheap meat or ultra-processed vegan meat alternatives

There was a big news story in the UK last year about "the end of veganism", which was pretty funny. Basically they were watching the cheap vegan processed shit drop heavily in sales. As people get more comfortable with the diet, they tend to get more whole foods and cook tofu/seitan/peas/etc for their protein, which led to a drop in sales of trash.

MilitantVegan ,

Literally the only strictly necessary supplement for vegans is b12, and if you understand the science of b12, then you know that you either should be supplementing it anyway, or you're just rolling the dice.

By contrast there are entire whole-food plant-based communities who routinely report the near-miraculous benefits they gain after adopting the diet, such as cholesterol levels that aren't deadly.

RecluseRamble ,

there are entire whole-food plant-based communities who routinely report the near-miraculous benefits they gain after adopting the diet, such as cholesterol levels that aren't deadly.

That is a far more complex topic than just meat consumption though. People don't just go vegan but completely change their diet and actually look at what they consume.

I've never had high cholesterol even back when I ate meat daily. Always ate lots of salads and veggies though and didn't snack sugary shit all day.

MilitantVegan ,

The thing I want to be clear about here is that a vegan diet is nutritionally adequate for all our needs, and at every stage of life.

MilitantVegan ,
Leate_Wonceslace ,
@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

If your goal is preserving the life of cows, everyone becoming vegan will not help; most farm animals can't survive without human intervention.

explodicle ,

There would be other animals there instead

Leate_Wonceslace ,
@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Oh wow, do these goalposts have legs?

explodicle ,

Who set the goalposts of cows only? If we're playing logical fallacy bingo, then that's a straw man.

Leate_Wonceslace ,
@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Okay, I'll be serious for a moment because logical consistency is important to me.

I am responding to the image above. The image above is making the suggestion that higher rates of veganism means that cows will get to live. I am not arguing here in any capacity that we should only care about cows, I am making the statement that the premise suggested in the image, that there are cows that would be alive if there were more vegans is flawed at best.

MilitantVegan ,

Most farm animals have been selectively bred for traits that fit human needs, at the expense of the animal's own quality of life. For example, chickens being bred to produce so many eggs that they become calcium deficient and their bones break under the weight of their own bodies. Sanctuaries provide safe spaces for these animals to live out the rest of their lives in the most comfort possible, while going vegan is important for a future where we're no longer breeding these poor beings into an inherently hellish existence.

Leate_Wonceslace ,
@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Yes, much better to have wild animals gutting each other and devouring live prey than to have any farm animals at all. Greatest plan.

MilitantVegan ,

Wild animal suffering is a hot debate in the vegan communities these days. There is no cut and dry answer for that. However, whatever we do or don't do to alleviate or eliminate wild animal suffering says nothing about whether we also create and maintain our own system of animal suffering. We can end the human exploitation of animals, and doing so can teach us a lot about ending our exploitation of each other as well.

Leate_Wonceslace ,
@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I'm not really concerned with whether animals are being exploited by humans anymore than I am the same of plants or fungi. I do think animals shouldn't suffer because I consider pain to be of negative utility even when experienced by non-persons. With that said, I don't think the goal of reducing or eliminating animal suffering is better-served by the total elimination of livestock than by ensuring humane farming practice. On the off-chance it wasn't obvious, I don't think the utility calculation is clear-cut because of the aforementioned problem of wild animals suffering.

flerp ,

I consider pain to be of negative utility

maybe try getting a professional to look into that psychopathy of yours

Leate_Wonceslace ,
@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Maybe you should look into why it's bad to be ableist, asshole. I'm autistic, not psychopathic; I use logic when approaching abstract ethical problems. Fuck you.

idiomaddict ,

Would you rather live a normal life and at some point be mauled to death, or live your entire life in a prison and at some point be killed more painlessly?

Yes, animals suffer and die in the wild. They also suffer and die in captivity, just in different measures, but I would argue they suffer more as farm animals.

RIP_Cheems ,
@RIP_Cheems@lemmy.world avatar

This is very true. Look at pigeons, for example. Used to value pigeons as a tool for communication and they even saved lives, but when technology advanced with things like the telegram, we abandoned pigeons. Cows have been domesticated for tens of thousands of years, meaning they are dependent on us for survival, and even if we don't use then for food, we will still have to take care of them as cows have many things wrong with they're biology such as the fact that they will die if not milked, and no, the calf can't keep up with that as the modern cow produces far more milk than they did in the wild so long ago. In essence, cows would either become white elephants or go extinct if we didn't care for them.

flerp ,

"They have to suffer or else they would be extinct" is a very easy argument to make about other beings when you're not the one doing the suffering. Personally, I would rather not exist than have a few short years of abysmal suffering and no chance to have a meaningful life.

Sniatch ,

I find it always irritating how people constantly say "vegans are annoying". Being Vegan would be waaaay easier if meat eaters wouldn't be so damn annoying about their meat consumption. Just say the word "vegan" and some will lose their shit.

chatokun ,

I've never met a vegan in real life who is annoying (about veganism. Maybe about other things...) Most of them it even takes a while to find out they're vegan. Several bosses I only found out because a team lunch. Several others I only found out because I befriended them at work and after months of talking to them it finally came up one way or another. Never even be criticized by them, and likewise, I've never criticized them (in general I have very few issues with veganism. Maybe I disagree with them on honey bees, and not even sure that's all vegans. Oh, and perhaps the belief that one cannot love any animal if they eat meat, but its not a topic i wish to agrue so I dont bother engaging anyway.)

Online you may have someone being more abolitionist or mutant about veganism, but even them it's hardly an issue unless you go into vegan spaces or are commenting about certain things like that dolphin shooting, and even then it's not really mostly on the level of whataboutism and being really extreme and preachy.

Leviathan ,

I've seen a lot more hate coming from non vegans, both unprompted (like this post) and in reaction to casual posts about a recipe or something on social media.

Donkter ,

Vegans were annoying...

20 years ago, when veganism was getting traction in modern culture and it was all they could do to spread the idea that we might be able to not consume meat.

deaf_fish ,

Everyone's annoying and it's fine to be annoying.

If you're putting forward arguments for anything, it is more convincing and pleasant to be not annoying.

If you are right and annoying, you are still annoying.

I have said obvious things here, most people still need to hear them anyway.

iiGxC ,

Some people will never change unless you make it more uncomfortable to be stuck in their ways than it is to change

Crikeste ,

Meat eaters: Vegans are annoying

Also meat eaters: lOoK at the bAbY wItTlE VeGaN bAbY pAnSy LoSeR WhO CaReS aBoUt aNiMaL wElFaRe bOoHoO

DumbAceDragon ,
@DumbAceDragon@sh.itjust.works avatar

Vegans can be annoying, but at the end of the day they're right about a lot of things. It's just that the ethics of consuming meat and animal products can be a delicate conversation, and requires a pretty big change in how one views not only themselves but life as a whole. A lot of online vegans like to approach it the with tact of a sledgehammer.

Trust me, irl vegans are usually way more chill in my experience.

SigmarStern ,
@SigmarStern@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Online vegan here. Just wanted to add that after a couple of years of the same jokes and arguments and demeaning comments that were forced upon you because you had to explain why you don't want to eat what everyone else around you eats, you kinda lose your tact a bit.

Never went to somebody with a burger in hand and called him a murderer. Been called an emasculated pussy and wittle little rabbit for eating a salad so many times. Same people then complain about annoying vegans. It's a bit infuriating.

MeanEYE ,
@MeanEYE@lemmy.world avatar

Choosing what you eat is your own thing and right to do. But when that decision becomes what defines people they become very annoying. We live in a world of abundance which we created by exploiting people, animals and nature as a whole. So when someone comes without asking and calls you a murderer and animal abused for something they themselves did until recently and still rely on modern medicine and whole set of other animal products it's annoying, hypocritical and most importantly dishonest.

MilitantVegan ,

It's really not though, inability to do something perfectly does not invalidate the efforts people make.

MeanEYE ,
@MeanEYE@lemmy.world avatar

Nor have I implied it does. But calling people names just because you do something less than others is dishonest and quite frankly disgusting.

MilitantVegan ,

Except we're talking about a situation where enough people doing one of these things has the possibility of actually ending atrocities like factory farms, as well as possibly vivisection and other animal abuses in science. You're acting as if vegans only think about diet, when in fact I've expressed that everything you've brought up is something that vegans do make efforts to improve.

MeanEYE ,
@MeanEYE@lemmy.world avatar

In fact you've never moved away from factory farms and have been completely ignoring any facts and just quoting random stuff that suits your narrative. You are not making an argument for your position, you just yelling "lalalalal I can't hear you ".

MilitantVegan ,

No, pretty sure you're the one whose been making wild assertions with no supporting evidence.

Leate_Wonceslace ,
@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I can understand that. Constantly needing to justify your existence or preferences is exhausting, especially when there's a stereotype that people are using to project.

lobut ,

I went vegetarian for a bit. I was never vocal about it. I just skipped ordering meat from the menu and asked for veggie options from the waiter. I was surprised the amount of people that gave me shit for it. It was like, "you know animals eat other animals right?" I used to respond with: "yes, but I want to do it for ecological reasons because factory farming is destroying our environment". I remember getting short with people after a short period of time and started saying: "I graduated from university, what do you think?"

Most of my vegan friends are so nice. Their partners eat meat and they let them live.

Very rarely will you get a "vegan gainz" type person that laughs at people that die or have cancer because they've eaten meat. Those type of people are completely repulsive but they're rarely the people I've encountered that are vegans.

GluWu ,

It's just that the ethics of consuming meat and animal products can be a delicate conversation, and requires a pretty big change in how one views not only themselves but life as a whole

I was raised vegetarian by a vegan. I'm now a hunter and eat meat almost daily.

davepleasebehave ,

it's tiring to have to use tact around people in order to placate their sensibilities.

mriormro ,
@mriormro@lemmy.world avatar

That's what being a part of society entails.

davepleasebehave ,

the reality is that they will hang on to one thing they dislike and focus on that. because the alternative is the realise that they could be a better person. so easier to blame the horrible vegan.

Cowbee ,
@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

Vegans are correct, people just don't want to change their lifestyle. I am not a vegan (yet) for what it's worth, but they are definitely correct.

Droggelbecher ,

Would you like to go vegan and need advice?

Barbarian ,
@Barbarian@sh.itjust.works avatar

Not the same person, but I'm in a similar position, just further along. Getting meat out of my diet was actually really trivial. Cheese is the big problem.

Fully vegan when I cook at home, but vegan options in restaurants and fast food are non-existent where I live, so I have cheese whenever I eat out. I've also come to terms with the fact I can never be fully vegan because I have 2 cats who need their cat food.

gorysubparbagel ,

That's still a big improvement. Even if you don't go full vegan, cutting out meat has massive benefits

interrobang ,

If you're offering, im always looking for good cheese, yogurt or dairy substitutes

Emerald ,

Well milk is easy. Just get soy milk or almond milk as a drop-in replacement. There's even weird ones like cashew milk. Depending on where you are at though that might be too expensive compared to dairy milk.

randint ,
@randint@lemmy.frozeninferno.xyz avatar

Where I live, soy milk is less than half the price of cow boob milk. Perks of living in East Asia, I guess.

I bought a 936 mL (1/4 gallons) carton of soy milk today, and it was only about US$1.1 (NT$35). Very affordable.

atmur ,

Oat milk is really good too and is usually cheaper than almond milk, at least where I live.

JasonDJ ,

I normally prefer soy for flavor, with oat as a close second.

For nutritional value, I think soy is the top, followed by pea, and oat way behind.

For environmental impact/needs, I think soy and oat are also among the best.

Soy milk is a miracle food and we should embrace it.

chetradley ,

I live in the US, so depending on where you live these may or may not be available to you.

Cheese for me depends on the application:

On a pizza, I like Miyokos liquid mozzarella. I'll often get a chain pizza with no cheese, add a little on top and bake for a bit.

Melted in a quesadilla, etc., I'll usually go for daiya.

Cold on something like a burrito bowl, I like Violife or Vevan. Violife also makes a great feta.

For parmesan and blue cheese dressing, I'll usually go with Follow Your Heart.

For cheese sauces and mac and cheese, I like to make cashew cheese sauce.

My favorite non dairy for drinking and baking is oat or soy, I just like to make sure it's not sweetened.

I started making my own yogurt in an instant pot with cheap Asian grocery store coconut milk and vegan cultures, and it's fantastic.

Hope this helps!

yoyolll ,
@yoyolll@lemmy.world avatar

Honestly, I’ve stopped chasing substitutes a while ago. Giving up meat and dairy is going to be a lifestyle change, that’s why people struggle so much with it. You can’t expect to just sub in imitations and keep eating the same foods. They’re not close enough to fool anyone, and they’re usually expensive and unhealthy.

The best way eat vegan is to fill your diet with minimally processed legumes, grains, fruits, and vegetables. Learn to cook a few staple meals from cultural cuisines where animal products are expensive (most cultures outside US/Canada and Western Europe) and you’ll realize how much great food you can make with a few simple ingredients and one or two pots. A huge number of them fall into the same basic formula, so if you learn one, you can easily make them all. Plus, it’s much, much cheaper than eating meat.

I’m not vegan but I do eat 95% vegan because my wife is and I agreed to buy and cook solely vegan in the house. I come from a culture with plenty of (accidentally) vegan home cooking already, so it wasn’t hard at all. But those substitutes are gross to me. Apologies to those who like them.

kofe ,

Could you share some suggestions for the 1-2 pot recipes with a variation or two to demonstrate? I've started stocking up on oatmeal and frozen fruit, then frozen veggies that I season in the air fryer. Outside of that things like hummus, green bean casserole and chili are my go-tos. I'm not exactly a great cook but I'm trying to experiment more slowly replacing other simple shit like pizza rolls, bacon and eggs, etc. Especially if I can do large quantities to freeze and save leftovers

yoyolll ,
@yoyolll@lemmy.world avatar

Sure. I posted the “formula” these recipes below:

  1. Fry hard veggies in oil until soft - can be onions, leeks, carrots, celery, potatoes etc.

  2. Add spices, soft veggies, and/or pastes and stir to form a sauce - tomatoes, peppers, garlic, ginger, etc.

  3. Stir in your beans/chickpeas/lentils/peas. Most beans should be cooked, lentils and peas usually can be dry/raw.

  4. Add water, bring to a boil, and simmer. Amount and time depends on if you want a soup, stew, or just some sauce.

  5. Add leafy greens and anything that should be dissolved - spinach, kale, lemon, vinegar, sugar, cilantro etc.

So here is a really simple one I make at least once a week, as you can eat it hot or cold, with or without rice. It makes a great packed lunch. You can make the beans or chickpeas ahead of time or use a 30 oz can, but cooking them is much cheaper. Either way, make sure you rinse them off. I put in 1 cup dry beans/chickpeas (makes 3 cups cooked) in my Instant Pot with 4 cups water for 25 minutes for beans, 35 for chickpeas, instant release. Then I use the pot to cook the meal.

Also, you can chop and freeze most hard veggies (carrots, leeks, onions, celery, ginger, garlic). They aren’t as good as fresh, but it’s a lot more convenient if you have to cook after work.

This recipe is really flexible so I’ll just tell you what I do, but the ratios are all preference:

1 large onion, finely chopped

Equivalent amount of carrot, quarter slices

3 cups cooked pinto beans or chickpeas

1-2 cloves garlic, chopped or crushed

3 tablespoons tomato or red pepper paste (I use half of each but red pepper paste can be hard to find in US grocery stores)

Juice of 1 lemon or white vinegar

1.5 tablespoon sugar

Extra virgin olive oil

Salt and pepper

Optionally, bay leaves, paprika, and parsley

Step 1: frying hard veggies. Heat up a medium or large pot (stainless is best but any material will do) and add enough olive oil to fully cover the bottom and a bit more. It might be more oil than you think you’ll need. Fry your onions until soft.

Side note about onions: you can cook them quickly in 5-10 minutes at medium-high heat. They are ready when soft and translucent. But if you have the time and want a complex flavor in your dish, you can cook them for up to 20-30 minutes at low heat. Always salt them to help draw out the water.

Either way, add the carrots when the onions are almost done (2-3 minutes left).

Step 2: make the sauce. Add your garlic and let it cook a bit until fragrant. Add black pepper and optionally a couple of bay leaves and paprika. Stir for 30 seconds to let the spices bloom and then add your tomato/pepper paste and stir continuously until a sauce forms. About 1-2 minutes. The oil should be reddish.

Step 3: add the beans. Just stir them in and make sure they are covered in the sauce.

Step 4: water. Add 3 cups water (less if you’re in a hurry) and bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer.

Step 5: anything that should be added to the water. Add the sugar and lemon/vinegar. This is really to taste, so you can add more when it’s almost done if it needs it. It should be just a little sweet and tangy. You can also add leafy greens like kale or spinach, but I don’t add them if I plan on eating it cold later.

Let it simmer until it’s a very beany stew (not a soup), but at the very least 10 minutes. It should be a little watery. Check the flavor and add salt, pepper, sugar, lemon/vinegar, or olive oil as needed. Parsley makes a great garnish.

This can be eaten hot or cold, with or without rice. Will keep about a week in the fridge.

I’ll reply below with a lentil soup recipe that’s more or less the same thing.

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

I agree with you to an extent, but, like, what about my local farm that pasture raised pigs and cows and, yes, eventually slaughters them, how do they compare to what I think everyone agrees are terrible, the meat processing plants of the Midwest?

ansiz ,

At least for the public at large such methods aren't practical (not enough space to raise enough meat) and not able to produce meat at a cost the general public could afford.

It's also still horrible to butcher the animals, I don't consider any such killing to be humane. They are also killed at a rather young age, barely even adult just max size. You also have the forced pregnancy of the animals and odds are the pigs are still crated after giving birth, the cow calves separated from their mothers, etc.

veloxization ,
@veloxization@yiffit.net avatar

You can show a lot of differences, but the end result is always the same: Sentient beings dead way before their natural expiration.

ImplyingImplications ,

Yep. I'm a vegetarian for environmental reasons. There's a huge amount of will behind ending humanity's reliance on fossil fuels, but very few care about ending our reliance on meat, the most inefficient source of food.

Euphorazine ,

What if eat meat and just don't have kids? Sounds like I get to be selfish and think about the environment at the same time

MintyFresh ,

I haven't gone full vegetarian or vegan. I should for the health of our world though. I have however cut my meat consumption down to about 1# a week, usually chicken. For whatever that's worth.

I didn't realize I was straight up addicted to meat in my diet till I tried cutting it out. I think that's why people get angry with vegans, cause then they gotta look inward, and then that's gonna be this whole other thing. Oofta

I wonder how bad eggs are for the environment though?

Ilflish ,

To be fair there was a large amount of time (2010s at least) where vegans weren't even trying to be appealling. It was either. Stereotypical vegan dishes but even more limited or extremely bad vegetarian meat. Vegetarian meat has improved a lot and more importantly vegan food is represented as less one note.

Don't think I'm strong enough to give up dairy but respect to those who can do so without being elitist

drgeppo ,

vegans have noble intentions but they are fighting the wrong battle: the root evil is not meat consumption per se but capitalism and the resource exploitation that it implies

NightShot ,

The root evil is your meat consumption. If theres nothing wrong, then go to your local slaughter house and stand in line. If you dont like to do that you know what they feel. The feel the same fucking way about it as you do. And they dont get any sedation as they get during an execution. They get the first row experience to fucked up death.

Fuck your dumb ideas and go eat some fucking beans and shut the fuck up.

AreaSIX ,

You like to pretend that you care about what the animal feels, but you clearly just want to feel good about yourself by feeling superior to others. Why otherwise would you be this rude and obnoxious for no good reason? Do you think this behavior is likely to make people think "hmm, maybe he's right and I should just eat beans and shut the fuck up"? Of course not, you're just looking to feel superior. You have no actual interest in convincing others about the feeling of animals facing death.

The OP is not wrong, the capitalist system of exploitation is the root of the issue, and you're the obvious example of a misguided vegan.

Leviathan ,

I don't think they're misguided, I just think that even if we solved the capitalist exploitation driving the meat industry they would still care about animal suffering on a micro scale. I also feel like you're making a lot of assumptions about them based on that singular focus. Your view of the issue as a whole is just as myopic as his.

NightShot ,

I am superior, all vegans are. Nope there's no reason to convince - you people belong in the ground not them :-).

Juigi ,

Damn, you need to get some meat pie.

sazey ,

Too much soy clogging up the brain.

ArmokGoB ,

Slaves mined the metals used to make the device you typed that on. You cannot get the moral high ground when your (and my) entire privileged world exists due to the exploitation of everyone that doesn't exist in it.

Amaranta ,
ArmokGoB ,

I wouldn't call being forced to eat beans as my sole source of protein an improvement on society.

Amaranta ,

that sounds like a you problem given the alternative is a system that needlessly kills millions of animals every day.

ArmokGoB ,

It's not needless because it literally puts food on my table. Tasty food with a high calorie density.

iiGxC ,

animal ag is far more inefficient in terms of calories, and if you think vegan food isn't tasty, expand your diet beyond chicken nuggets (or try vegan nuggets which are also tasty)

CyanideShotInjection ,

Of course the root of evil is capitalism, but you have to understand that we would need to greatly reduce meat consuption to have the "ethical" way of breeding that most people expect. The reason why the animal exploitation is so bad is that it has to satisfy a demand that keeps growing. People expect to continue their eating habits and that companies should just be held accountable, change their ways and still produce the same quantities of meat/diaries/eggs.

dlpkl ,

If lab-grown meat becomes even half as good (and cheap) as slaughtered meat then I'd make the switch in a heartbeat. Not to mention, imagine being able to try out all sorts of exotic meats guilt-free, or being able to eat raw meat without risk of food-borne illness and parasites? Gimme some of that cruelty-free giant tortoise meat, lemme see what that gluttonous bitch Charles Darwin was on about.

olutukko ,

it would be cool to taste human. breaking the most taboo thing on humankind, without even eating a part of an actual human

iiGxC ,

Plant based meats have been way more than half as good for a while (iirc some of them have even won blind tests), I don't get why people are so obsessed with lab grown versions.

But also, liking how someone tastes isn't a good justification for killing them, regardless of how good or bad the alternatives are. Fortunately there are tons of delicious vegan foods so it's a moot point

Vespair ,

I mean, there exists many options between the extremes of veganism and rampant factory farming. This isn't a dichotomy; we can have meat consumption without the need for industrialized meat production.

We may have to eat less meat though, I will concede.

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