Skkorm ,

As an Albertan who frequently goes to protests against the UCP's constant Americanization of our province, this feels mad disrespectful.

el_eh_chase ,

Keep fighting the good fight!

corsicanguppy ,

I hate how the Karen Convoy of Needle Weenies has robbed us of this joke, as well as everything else. DAMN YOU HILLBILLY GARAGE-QUEEN DODGE-DRIVING COWARDS.

KillingTimeItself ,

i love how canada will literally do a portland over hockey. But for every other forseeable happenstance, it's "uhm, yeah i think i might disagree actually"

you do you canada, don't let anybody tell you otherwise.

MystikIncarnate ,

We did have quite the protest (some would say riot) over the federal mask mandates.

I still don't get the issue. Signs saying "no shirt, no shoes, no service" barely get noticed, but putting a cloth on your face is too much?


KillingTimeItself ,

people are pissing and shitting themselves over it because the government said so, and they want something to bitch about.

That's about it.

MystikIncarnate ,

The government also says you can't impede the flow of traffic, but that didn't stop them from parking trucks all around Ottawa in protest.

Clearly some laws are enforced more than others.

What I want to know is, did anyone get in trouble for not requiring masks? Because if they didn't, then it's really on the businesses because they chose to enforce that mandate on everyone.

There's also a law that says you can't pay for something with more than 25 loonies, but I'd bet if you pay for a meal with $30 in loonies, nobody will give a shit. We have some stupid laws, most of those stupid laws aren't enforced because nobody gives a shit. I also know that some cities have banned smoking in public parks. Imagine getting a citation for having a smoke at the park down the street? Idiotic.

Enforcement is where the rubber hits the road. Just because the boneheads in Ottawa say you should do a thing (or not do a thing) is meaningless if nobody will enforce what they say should be a law or whatever.

Maybe I missed it, but I don't recall any establishment getting fined or shut down for not requiring masks. I know the list of places openly opposing the mandate was small, but at the same time, fines for non-compliance also didn't make any news feeds that I saw.

ieatmeat ,

This meme is older than my kids

MystikIncarnate ,

I'm not sure how old your kids are, so this isn't very helpful.

I mean, they could have been born yesterday, in which case, almost everything is older than your kids.

I'm just saying. Maybe add some context? Like "this meme is older than my kids, and they're in college" or something like that.

TachyonTele ,

They don't have kids. They made a comment detailing that they don't know how to take a shower.

The meme is still good.

swordgeek ,

You haven't seen our hockey "celebrations" then.

ryathal ,

Fortunately Canadian teams don't win cups anymore.

MystikIncarnate ,

True, but oof.

corsicanguppy ,

I saw an excellent video exploring the idea of Relegation and (a replacement for) the NHL. It was excellent and I hope, by commenting this, it will encourage someone who still has the link to-hand to post that link here.

Dozzi92 , avatar

I swear to God Vancouver had the absolute most shit luck this playoffs. They were my west team 100%, but the hockey gods said nay. Fortunately, Canadians respect the hockey gods and will not riot.

liara ,

You do realize Vancouver has rioted 2 out of 3 times after losing the cup on game 7?

Dozzi92 , avatar

Yeah, that wasn't the hockey gods. Gotta riot. Both your goalies going down, Boeser having fucking blood clots are just hockey gods fucking with you, and it's not a rip table offense unfortunately.

Smoogs ,

Clearly the world hasnt met a sour canucks fan whom will beat an old man just for standing in the wrong spot on the train. Canadians have a “0-100 and nothing between” policy about anger.

corsicanguppy ,

It's the geese.

Also, if someone attacks someone on a train I do hope someone else will attack him back. Bonus if it's your grandma who immigrated from Ukraine as a child and lets fly with a handbag on video.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

Waving a sign like that in the states is illegal

gmtom , avatar

How conservative expect you to protest when you're the victim of a genocide (they will support violently suppressing you.)

corsicanguppy ,

I feel like this comment was an agenda waiting for an opening.

This was not the opening.

TachyonTele ,

What's this a boot?

fogstormberry ,
DerisionConsulting ,
MystikIncarnate ,

Are you lost?

The post was a meme in the meme community. OP is saying "huurrr Canadians so polite". That's not a new trope.

I'm pretty sure the riots in Ottawa that needed to be broken up by the military, is still pretty fresh in everyone's mind, since it happened a few years ago during COVID. And yes, there's controversy about how much of a "riot" it actually was, and whether the force used was excessive or an over reach; but none of that is the point.

This is a joke sir.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

This is a joke sir.

Comedian: "Canadians are very nice!" Rimshot

Heckler: "They're not!"

Comedian: enters Michael Richards state

vox , avatar

chill it's a meme

corsicanguppy ,

Oka was the first time I saw how little the public hears about the actual situation. Because, really, wow.

EmperorHenry , avatar

Wikipedia is not a legitimate source of information

PhlubbaDubba ,

The all caps! Has this person not even an iota of decorum‽

anarchist , avatar

Canadians being "nice" an internet myth I have unfortunately found. They are just americans in most macro sense. Their history is as much, if not more, bloody.

Somethingcheezie ,

How is their history as bloody

Gregonar ,

Probably residential schools and Canadian war crimes in WWI and hockey shenanigans. We've been bad.

MystikIncarnate ,

As a Canadian, I take offense to being compared to Americans.

Regardless of how true it might be.

How dare you.

gravitas_deficiency ,

It’s almost not worth thinkin’ about

ynazuma ,

This would be funny but… We all just lived through tue Covid caravan circus…

And the mounties sporting the thin blue line patches…

Canadians, not so chill

MystikIncarnate ,

Never have been, but honestly, there usually isn't anything to get excited about.

When there is, hoo boy.

neo ,

Wow! That is savage! The sign doesn't even apologise for being a little upset. °o°

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