AsherahTheEnd , (edited )

This gives a very specific kind of trans woman vibe and I don't think I like it. I think it's the "angry masculine mannerisms" that is bothering me. Masc / butch trans women exist too, and it feels weird to imply only men get angry. This seems to simplify and put into a box what being a trans woman is.

Edit: also HRT affects everyone differently and to act like it makes everyone cute and small and feminine is misleading. Being trans is exhausting sometimes and takes a lot of work, and some may never fit this description regardless of how hard they try.

Edit 2: I'm a trans woman myself and I'm nearly 99% sure OP is just a troll at this point. If not, she's seriously making herself look like a moron.

CheesyCheese1 OP ,

Thanks so much I really needed a cis person to explain to me, a trans woman what it really means to be trans /s, fuck off.

AsherahTheEnd ,

Thanks for assuming I'm fucking cis and not a fellow fucking trans woman. Fuck you and fuck your stupid, demeaning "meme". Fucking jerk.

CheesyCheese1 OP ,

You don't fool me, I know a cissy when I see one, "Ally" doesn't count either, nice try there.

AsherahTheEnd ,

I really hope you're just an elaborate troll and not being serious. If you are being serious, seek professional help. If you're just a shitty troll pretending to be trans to try to make us look bad, then truly, sincerely, go fuck yourself. 🥰

CheesyCheese1 OP ,

Ahhh I see, you're a pickme. That's not much better.

AsherahTheEnd ,

I'm in a long term committed relationship with another woman. But go off about how I'm somehow a "pick me". At least I'm not the one telling gender non-conforming trans women that they aren't "real women" because they might be more masc than your ideal 100% fem and perfect trans woman. 🙄 I've also seen your other comments and my gosh you reek of transmed bullshit. You truly don't understand the damage you are doing by posting dumb shit like this and it's depressing as fuck.

AgentOrangesicle , avatar

I understand not vibing with the brand of humor, but y'all are coming on a little strong to each other.
I get the misportrayal of masculinity being an issue. This just escalated quickly.

AsherahTheEnd , (edited )

If she hadn't gone from 0 to 100 because of my very light criticism then maybe I'd be a bit more friendly. Her reaction set me off and I know I'm not in the wrong here. Fucking claiming I'm a cis man is a good way of pissing me the fuck off.

Honytawk ,


The guy is clearly a troll.

AsherahTheEnd ,

Don't do that.

CheesyCheese1 OP ,

Here we see, a transphobic pig trying to justify misgendering through name-calling.

SkyezOpen ,

You literally misgendered a trans woman in this thread. What the fuck is you doing.

CheesyCheese1 OP ,

Doesn't count, she is a pickme.

Ifera ,

No true scotsman fallacy, how cute.

CheesyCheese1 OP ,

You think Blair white counts too? You probably would.

AVincentInSpace ,

are you seriously fucking gatekeeping what it means to be trans

riodoro1 ,

So far it seems youre just trying to be annoying. If you didn’t want anyone to tell you anything you could’ve just kept your meme to yourself.

comador , avatar

No one remembers Metrosexual I guess. It was the 00's attempt at trying to stop the stereotypical masculinity in hetero men.

trxxruraxvr ,

Wasn't that just an attempt to take over the world by crab-people?

southsamurai , avatar

Nah, people remember, it was just not that great at breaking hetero stereotypes. It just shifted them to being pretty while still thinking the same way. It was a step for sure, but not really a big one.

What really helped break through the bullshit was gay men coming out and living life. When men started seeing the vast array of masculinity in that community, it allowed new discourse about what masculinity is, outside of the old patriarchal paradigm.

You started seeing more men embrace their self and express it fully. The discussion about being free to express emotions, to be a nuturing man, to be gentle and kind and open with everyone started becoming a possibility instead of a weakness. And nobody had to give up anything to have that freedom. It's still perfectly fine to be traditionally masculine if that's who you are, as long as you aren't trying to define others.

From there, we all got to expand our personal definition of masculine for ourselves. And, as we move into a paradigm where everyone can just be who they are, without any need to label themselves if they don't want to, we will be able to pick and choose even more. We can explore the fullness of human experience in a way I don't think has ever been possible. And that is largely thanks to our trans and non binary friends and neighbors stepping up and living their lives without apology.

Hell, if you ask me, the first step was back with the hippies and their long hair. Then the metalheads picking up that baton and running with it through the eighties until that one barrier to looking like a man was gone and likely gone for good. Those guys at the end of the boomer generation looking to escape the trap patriarchy had set for them took the first public step by growing their hair out and still being men, being comfortable with it.

It takes time to shift perceptions. It takes people at the edges being willing to step forward and be the change.

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

I actually disagree with the anger one I've seen women get angry. Anger is a gift for everyone

TrousersMcPants ,

Yeah, "angry, masculine mannerisms" sounds kind of shitty. I'm very happy for anyone who can express themselves as their own chosen gender but we don't need to put down others.

CCF_100 ,


PugJesus , avatar

I'll have you know that my hair is thick and luscious as it is!

Nougat ,

Thick hair bros unite

TrousersMcPants ,

He'll yeah, brother

Gork ,

You had me at tiddies

MxM111 , avatar

Yes, but the maintenance of all that!

LostWanderer , (edited )

The same thing could be achieved by self reflection, developing emotional intelligence, and doing the work to improve as a man! That way hostile masculine feelings can be calmed.

Nothing wrong with becoming a cute girl if that’s what will bring you gender euphoria.

OsaErisXero ,

I am almost certain that the hips and tiddies can't come from self-reflecting harder.

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

Unless you're self-reflecting with my pals ben and jerry

Bonehead ,

Decimate my fapping addiction? I think you mean exacerbate...

Skua ,

After all, how else am I to appreciate the tits that I now have?

feedum_sneedson ,

Ah yes, nothing more typically female than jacking off to your own breasts.

captainlezbian ,

It’s blue actually

Protoknuckles , beard. ;_;

ChihuahuaOfDoom ,

I think some tiddies would nicely contrast my beard.

Protoknuckles ,

Well, I have those already, but they aren't nice ones...

Oszilloraptor ,

(un)fortunately HRT does not remove your beard ;)

Wanna be a beautiful girl with a wonderful shiny beard?

There is a chance!

(Altho having specific physical goals in mind on HRT is more a gamble; and obviously (unfortunately, but it is what it is) a beard on a girl will often lead to weird looks and remarks.)

sxan , avatar

"Improved mental state"?

"Improved self-confidence"?

I think the person who made this list did not grow up as a girl. This coming hard on the heels of man/bear.

HopeOfTheGunblade , avatar

Depends on where you start. My mental state was pretty fucked before, and while I can't say my self confidence is amazing, you shoulda seen it then. Definitely not for everyone, tho.

sxan , avatar

Yeah, after I posted I realized it probably meant that transitioning to your identified gender improved your mental health, not that girls are more mentally healthy. Same with self-image. I left it because, wiggle-room.

snooggums , avatar

This coming hard on the heels

Keep your kinks to yourself!

CheesyCheese1 OP ,

I think the person who made this list did not grow up as a girl.

Are you trying to argue that us trans women aren't real women you disgusting pig?

MentalEdge , (edited ) avatar

You are on a hair trigger, friend. No one's trying to reject you or hurt you.

Your meme didn't land with some of us, that doesn't make you any less valid.

The meme implies the list of benefits simply comes with being a woman, not just from transitioning as a trans person.

If you're trans, every step of transitioning to your real gender is a real improvement to your life and health.

But if you're not trans, or are trans, but FtoM or just look at it a little different...

The meme is rubbing people the wrong way because it mixed up the improvements that come from transitioning as a trans person, with being a woman being better than being a man.

If you were assigned male and transitioned or started transitioning to female, of course your life and health will be better!

But you accidentally implied being a woman automatically solves a bunch of problems that women absolutely can and do still have, and that the problems men have are caused by them being men.

Gladaed ,

Forgot the /s

Oszilloraptor , (edited )

Baby-Transfem here, started HRT literally last week:

Until last friday I was suicidal, constantly depressed and full of self-hate I couldn't understand.

Since I got my first dose estrogen my mental health drastically improved (as did some other hormone-related body functions that only need the hormones in my blood but not necessarily a prolonged exposure).

I learned from my doc that some transpersons have a brain structure of their non-assigned sex and then show exactly my pattern of relief; meaning my brain was actually born to be estrogen- instead of testosterone-dominated.
(which seems to be based on the hormones oned mom exposed one during 3-4th and 10-14th week of infancy. One periods influences the gender of the brain, the other the sex of the general body)

So while I see where you are coming from, and I heavily prepare myself for all the sexism that will probably bring me back to earth as soon as I visually feminize; I can attest that HRT improved both drastically for me (for now)

sxan , avatar

Yup! I replied to someone else that my comment was just about female-ness, not about fixing something broken about you. Your situation and result are entirely valid!

Cano ,

Counterpoint: I can do the helicopter with my dick

Tenthrow Mod , avatar

There are plenty of women who can do that too.

Hackworth ,

Do the helicopter with his dick?

name_NULL111653 ,

No, with her own dick...

feedum_sneedson ,

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the moderator]

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  • CheesyCheese1 OP ,

    Oh look, another transphobic pig, just FYI, yes a woman can have a penis, I should know I am such a woman who has a penis (hopefully not for long though).

    feedum_sneedson ,


    CheesyCheese1 OP ,

    I'm getting bottom surgery eventually you dumb fuck whether you like it or not.

    feedum_sneedson ,

    I just dropped such an evil fart in this trench I'm digging I thought I had cracked the sewer main, I'm not joking, I don't know what the fuck I ate but that really can't be normal.

    CheesyCheese1 OP ,

    Usually people your age are still in diapers, mama's so proud of you for using the toilet.

    feedum_sneedson ,

    Didn't follow through on this occasion, but that is beginning to happen more frequently. Thanks, Mum!

    Honytawk ,

    That is a lot of assumptions for someone who want people to stop assuming your biological sex.

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