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CaptainBlagbird , in Hate if you want I’m just spouting facts avatar

This meme: IsLame

Fuckfuckmyfuckingass , in Hate if you want I’m just spouting facts avatar

I truly do not understand.

x4740N , in Oh yes, I can finally play some gta v avatar
baseless_discourse ,

Only pirating ubisoft and nintendo games.

ThrowawayPermanente , in Oh yes, I can finally play some gta v

Patient Gamers rise up

Empricorn ,

When you're ready.

rockerface , in Oh yes, I can finally play some gta v avatar

Considering the size of my Steam library and the amount of games I want to play but haven't touched yet... I can wait 10 years

smileyhead , in It's beautiful

Anyone have any idea why it was programmed in?

alphapuggle ,

Ctrl + shift + alt + win + any letter opens office apps

  • W - Word
  • P - PowerPoint
  • T - teams
  • N - OneNote


LinkedIn just happens to be L. If there isn't an app installed (or available) it'll just open in your browser.

I actually found these a few years ago when I decided to press every modifier letter combination. Back then it wasn't documented anywhere but I've seen it pop up a few times in the last month so somebody must've found and shared it recently

Leate_Wonceslace , avatar

I think it was Thor from Pirate Gaming.

boaratio , in Apparently, the sidewalk ends inside someone's vagina.

Also, he wrote the lyrics to Johnny Cash's hit song, A Boy Named Sue.

ivanafterall ,

Last time I shared this fun fact, I was sobered to learn of the sequel. It sure is somethin'.

Vespair , in When I die, turn me into soup

I mean, there exists many options between the extremes of veganism and rampant factory farming. This isn't a dichotomy; we can have meat consumption without the need for industrialized meat production.

We may have to eat less meat though, I will concede.

rimjob_rainer , in Is the living room in the basement or something?

Best days

yesman , in It's beautiful

I'm a huge keyboard shortcut guy. But any more than two modifiers can fuck right off. I wanna launch a program, not play carpel tunnel Twister.

PatMustard ,

I thought taking a screenshot in macos was painful but this takes the biscuit

Hobbes_Dent ,

Shift-Apple/Command-3 (or 4) is hardly a stretch. It’s more natural than Shift-Ctrl-anything.

PatMustard ,

Isn't there a ctrl in the Mac one too though?

dlpkl , in When I die, turn me into soup

If lab-grown meat becomes even half as good (and cheap) as slaughtered meat then I'd make the switch in a heartbeat. Not to mention, imagine being able to try out all sorts of exotic meats guilt-free, or being able to eat raw meat without risk of food-borne illness and parasites? Gimme some of that cruelty-free giant tortoise meat, lemme see what that gluttonous bitch Charles Darwin was on about.

olutukko ,

it would be cool to taste human. breaking the most taboo thing on humankind, without even eating a part of an actual human

iiGxC ,

Plant based meats have been way more than half as good for a while (iirc some of them have even won blind tests), I don't get why people are so obsessed with lab grown versions.

But also, liking how someone tastes isn't a good justification for killing them, regardless of how good or bad the alternatives are. Fortunately there are tons of delicious vegan foods so it's a moot point

drgeppo , in When I die, turn me into soup

vegans have noble intentions but they are fighting the wrong battle: the root evil is not meat consumption per se but capitalism and the resource exploitation that it implies

NightShot ,

The root evil is your meat consumption. If theres nothing wrong, then go to your local slaughter house and stand in line. If you dont like to do that you know what they feel. The feel the same fucking way about it as you do. And they dont get any sedation as they get during an execution. They get the first row experience to fucked up death.

Fuck your dumb ideas and go eat some fucking beans and shut the fuck up.

AreaSIX ,

You like to pretend that you care about what the animal feels, but you clearly just want to feel good about yourself by feeling superior to others. Why otherwise would you be this rude and obnoxious for no good reason? Do you think this behavior is likely to make people think "hmm, maybe he's right and I should just eat beans and shut the fuck up"? Of course not, you're just looking to feel superior. You have no actual interest in convincing others about the feeling of animals facing death.

The OP is not wrong, the capitalist system of exploitation is the root of the issue, and you're the obvious example of a misguided vegan.

Leviathan ,

I don't think they're misguided, I just think that even if we solved the capitalist exploitation driving the meat industry they would still care about animal suffering on a micro scale. I also feel like you're making a lot of assumptions about them based on that singular focus. Your view of the issue as a whole is just as myopic as his.

NightShot ,

I am superior, all vegans are. Nope there's no reason to convince - you people belong in the ground not them :-).

Juigi ,

Damn, you need to get some meat pie.

sazey ,

Too much soy clogging up the brain.

ArmokGoB ,

Slaves mined the metals used to make the device you typed that on. You cannot get the moral high ground when your (and my) entire privileged world exists due to the exploitation of everyone that doesn't exist in it.

Amaranta ,
ArmokGoB ,

I wouldn't call being forced to eat beans as my sole source of protein an improvement on society.

Amaranta ,

that sounds like a you problem given the alternative is a system that needlessly kills millions of animals every day.

ArmokGoB ,

It's not needless because it literally puts food on my table. Tasty food with a high calorie density.

iiGxC ,

animal ag is far more inefficient in terms of calories, and if you think vegan food isn't tasty, expand your diet beyond chicken nuggets (or try vegan nuggets which are also tasty)

CyanideShotInjection ,

Of course the root of evil is capitalism, but you have to understand that we would need to greatly reduce meat consuption to have the "ethical" way of breeding that most people expect. The reason why the animal exploitation is so bad is that it has to satisfy a demand that keeps growing. People expect to continue their eating habits and that companies should just be held accountable, change their ways and still produce the same quantities of meat/diaries/eggs.

Wizard_Pope , in Beep volume increases 420% after midnight avatar

Mine is luckily quiet enough that it can only be heard from the kitchen.

kworpy , avatar

what stealth mission gear microwave does bro have

misterundercoat , in Is the living room in the basement or something?

2020 in a nutshell

Hobbes_Dent , in All you have to do is lie still and remain calm. Don’t stress, it won’t hurt me at all.

This post brought to you by the association for rad techs and the rest of medicine being safe from cumulative effects.

Altofaltception ,

People need to know about the comparative effects of being exposed to 1 x-ray vs being exposed to hundreds.

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

Hundreds every week

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