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CountVon , in Gimme some other phrases that work this way avatar

"Pungent bouquet, with an earthy flavour."

Good for cheese, depending on your tastes. Almost certainly bad in other contexts.

ChillDude69 OP ,

Hey, maybe I like my women like ambergris. Musky, greasy, and found motionless on the beach.

CountVon , avatar

Hey, leave Laura Palmer out of this, she's been through enough already.

ChillDude69 OP ,

It's an old reference, sir, but it checks out.

Also, something about damn fine coffee, or whatever.

downpunxx , in Who trespasses on the King's land? avatar

If you're quick about it, no problemo friendo
If you stop, for any length of time, for any reason short of medical emergency, we've got a problem

surewhynotlem ,
force ,

Murdering people who pull onto your property in their car is surprisingly common (in America at least).

pantyhosewimp ,

I’m having trouble teasing that specific statistic out of the FBI’s data. Can you tell me what query you used?

ChillDude69 , in Combined with no eye contact and a slow head shaking

Shit like this is why I could never have become a teacher. I'd be so tempted to just randomly hand out some of the A and B papers like that, too.

Just to collectively mess with everyone's minds. Each class would be a new group of test subjects for me to run my cruel, arbitrary experiments on.

GBU_28 ,

Running your classroom like a vault

ChillDude69 ,

On the "I actually would have been the cool teacher" side of that equation, I can totally see myself administering a modified version of the G.O.A.T. on the first day of every school year.

wesker , in Combined with no eye contact and a slow head shaking avatar

🎵 Oooo, I am for real 🎵

beanson ,

Never meant to fail your test and cry.

PlantDadManGuy ,

I'll re-take fifth grade a thousand times.

Fermion , in Gimme some other phrases that work this way

Aromatic with a gooey center

Lemminary ,

"Romantic with a gooey center"

Yes, I am!

tacosanonymous , in Gimme some other phrases that work this way

"Robust and Full-bodied."

ChillDude69 OP ,


ininewcrow , in Who trespasses on the King's land? avatar

Car stops on the street in front of the house .... Garrison at attention!!!

Car starts backing up towards the driveway .... All forces on high alert! Man your stations!!!

Car starts moving onto the driveway .... Cease all operations!! Men at your stations!!! We're dispatching a warning party!!!

Car drives away ..... Cancel all alerts!!! Go back to your patrols!

samus12345 , avatar

Why would you back up into a driveway to turn around? Going in forward seems easier.

JackLSauce , in Who trespasses on the King's land?

How I feel when people needlessly use a preposition to end a sentence with

Ultraviolet ,

That rule doesn't actually exist in English. It's a Latin rule that some British asshole in the 1800s wanted to impose on English because he believed that Latin was a perfect language and anything that works differently from Latin is a flaw to be corrected.

JackLSauce ,

I play on hard mode

jaybone ,

You mean, hard mode is what you play on.

OhStopYellingAtMe , avatar

Hard is the mode on which I play.

PatMustard ,

"How dads feel when a stranger uses their driveway in which to turn around" makes you sound like a bit of a wanker though

JackLSauce ,
  1. You can just drop the "in" altogether

  2. Why just "sound like" when I can be?

PatMustard ,

I like your attitude!

crozilla , in Bully, Persona, TF2, Bayonetta, Cuphead, I'm sure you can name many others.

“Hard Bop” is the only jazz I listen to. Jazz Fusion or Smooth Jazz (what most people think is jazz) is an abomination. 🙄

Edit: context

ChillDude69 OP ,

Okay? Are you trying to admit that you're a snob? Or do you somehow think that's not what you're doing?

Help us out, here.

crozilla ,

My intent was to alert Jazz-haters to a style of jazz unlike the stuff they think of when they hear what most people consider jazz. (In hindsight, I could see where that mighta come off dickish. My bad.)

ChillDude69 OP ,

No worries. Thanks for clarifying. Makes a lot more sense in that context.

Zoomboingding , in Bully, Persona, TF2, Bayonetta, Cuphead, I'm sure you can name many others. avatar

The Mario series actually has a ton of fantastic jazz. Jump Up, Superstar legitimately brought me to tears the first time I heard it.

TokenBoomer , in She lied, she didn't want Netflix and chill she wanted this 😭

That’s the great thing about philosophy, you can do both.

RidcullyTheBrown , in Borders are merely representations of governance

There aren’t any borders in the Schengen area which is different to the EU.

SomethingBurger , avatar
PugJesus OP , avatar

Least complex glimpse of European institutions.

Barbarian , avatar

Damn, this is really recently updated. Romania and Bulgaria just got into Schengen last month, and they're already in the right spot on the chart.

SomethingBurger , avatar

It's from Wikipédia, it gets updated faster than the EU's website somehow.

bitwaba ,

What's that flag above Ireland that looks like an ice cream sandwich?

lil , avatar


aulin ,

Sure there are. There are border controls between Germany and Denmark and between Denmark and Sweden. They were supposed to be temporary, but here we are nine years later and they're still up.

witty_username , in Borders are merely representations of governance

Akshually, those bike gutters are a bit outdated here. Many shared roads are converted to 'fietsstraat' (bike roads where cars are permitted but must yield to bikes) or markings are removed altogether and replaced with speed limiting obstacles

captain_aggravated , in Bully, Persona, TF2, Bayonetta, Cuphead, I'm sure you can name many others. avatar

Every "jazz fan" I've encountered has gone "This is great you should listen to this" and they put a gigantic headset with a 1/4" jack on my head and play me a ride cymbal, a muted trumpet, a piano and an upright bass all having simultaneous yet unrelated seizures. And when informed that - through my ears that have been around power tools and airplanes for approaching 4 decades - it sounds like TV static to me, they react like a Christian fundie watching you tear a bible in half. I've been cut out of people's lives for this.

Guys, I'm American. I've been exposed to Jazz music before. A lot of the slower more mellow stuff is very nice as calm, pleasant background music for a dinner party or cocktail lounge but you climb up above 200 bpm and you just lose me.

To jazz fans reading this: When trying to introduce it to new listeners, please remember it's an acquired taste. Coffee lovers don't serve double shots of extra bitter espresso to newbies, Capcaisin addicts don't serve reaper poppers to beginners. Start someone off with something a little more melodic, something that has verses and refrains and a melody they can hum later, let them get a taste for that before giving them a taste of freestyle.

ChillDude69 OP ,

To jazz fans reading this: When trying to introduce it to new listeners, please remember it’s an acquired taste. Coffee lovers don’t serve double shots of extra bitter espresso to newbies, Capcaisin addicts don’t serve reaper poppers to beginners. Start someone off with something a little more melodic, something that has verses and refrains and a melody they can hum later, let them get a taste for that before giving them a taste of freestyle.

I agree with this, but it also frustrates me, because it could be seen as backstopping the real snobs (like that one guy who showed up in this thread, already), who will look at the awesome music in the games people are mentioning in this thread and say "ahhh, yes. The fact that you jazz neophytes are able to listen to this jazz-ish music and enjoy it? That only proves that it's low-level trash. One day, you'll be ready for the training wheels to come off, and we can get you onto some REAL music. Then you can go back and listen to the soundtrack from Bully again, and realize it's disgusting bubblegum nonsense."

I don't want anything to validate that attitude.

genuineparts , in Spaghetti speed avatar

Eat pasta, drive fasta.

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