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boatsnhos931 , in Time to move

Alright, smell ya later. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

LordPassionFruit , in hardcore youtubers where chosen for this

"Has anyone seen Scanners?"

KomfortablesKissen ,

"Finally I see some gears turning. We're making progress here people!"

arandomthought , in Pride wins!

You know, I always thought this "gay agenda" thing was ridiculous. They only want equal rights and "be left alone" essentially, right?
But seeing this, they actually seem to successfully infiltrate the conservative mind... so maybe there is something to it? O_o

bolexforsoup ,

All you have to do to infiltrate their minds and live rent free for a few months is open with “the libs want you to…” and just say whatever comes to mind. It’s rather easy.

ShaggySnacks ,

"The libs would hate it, if you gave me money. We gotta own the libs."

ivanafterall , avatar

Sure thing, Don.

Jimbo , avatar

I don't think I want to live in a conservatives head, even for free

bolexforsoup ,

Also fair

massive_bereavement , avatar

I'm sorry if I'm spilling the beans here but:
Gay agenda = be happy

arandomthought ,

Oh god, please, no! Everything but that!

herrcaptain ,

If people are happy, who will make our memes???

ID411 ,

Yeah I don’t object to people being happy in their own homes, but why to they have to force it down our throats ?

Captainvaqina ,

The only ones forcing anything down anyone's throats are the cuckservitudes who can't stop repeating the programmed bullshit culture war trash they subject themselves to.

can , (edited )


Does stooping to their level help?

samus12345 , avatar

Looks like this one needs a /s tag.

can ,


samus12345 , avatar

An actual homophobe is unlikely to use a term like "being happy" here.

can ,

Good point.

ID411 ,

Hahah right ?

can ,

Oh no, did you see two men holding hands?

how horrible

massive_bereavement , avatar
bl_r ,

I’m not a big fan of straight people holding hands or kissing in public. Like, i support people doing things like that in the privacy of their home, but they don’t need to force themselves upon is and shove their straightness down our throats. Essentially, I don’t think straight people should be able to openly exist in public, since their existence is forcing it down our throats, so they should just go back into the closet.


TheDoozer ,

It does make me a little uncomfortable to see intimate displays of affection in public. It doesn't matter if it's straight or gay or whatever.

That obviously should have no effect on them. I have gotten comfortable with the discomfort, which is what people should generally do. It's not their problem to deal with, it's mine.

bl_r ,

It does make me a little uncomfortable to see intimate displays of affection in public. It doesn’t matter if it’s straight or gay or whatever.

I have gotten comfortable with the discomfort… it’s not their problem to deal with, it’s mine.


As my views matured, I’ve grown to realize that forcing people to comply with the comfort of people is inherently oppressive, and that when I’m in public, I’m not entitled to complete comfort.

hypnicjerk ,


barsquid ,

I always imagine it like a comic: two Repubs steal a gay man's agenda book. They open it to find the secret plot. It says, "lunch with Todd," with a heart around it. The last panel is the Repubs shrieking and panicking.

They definitely have some powerful delusions that they are under attack. Bigotry and Fox News feeding their fear addiction gets them to believe anything (as long as it is hateful).

nilloc ,

Gay sex is on those conservative minds every month. Probably most minutes as well.


Me too to be fair

nilloc ,

As long as you aren’t working to oppress LGBT+ folks while you’re thinking about it, we’re cool.

Honytawk ,

Damn, you must be famous then if all the conservatives know you.

yemmly , in Pride wins!

This guy wants to be the main character so badly.

Th4tGuyII , in Pride wins! avatar

With how much time these "macho" conservatives spend thinking about gay people, even when marrying their own wives, it sure does seem like they're hiding something

Colonel_Panic_ , avatar

Maybe all the macho conservatives need to get gay married to each other to prove that they hate it and aren't gay. It's the only way to be sure.

Snapz ,

"Think about it guys... If we just grab ALL the dicks, and then hide them inside our bodies, they'll be NONE left for the gay people!!! Ultimate straight win 2024!!!"

Colonel_Panic_ , avatar

Sticking it in to stick it to the gays! For Jesus!

Zipitydew ,

We need to bring back communal psychedelic rituals. Will fix most of these people.

dactylotheca , avatar

I swear we queers don't spend as much time thinking about LGTB+ people as they do.

Ludrol , in Wait what avatar

There is no antimemetics division

DragonOracleIX ,

There is no FBC

half_fry_doctor , in Pride wins!

This is the dumbest comeback I've seen

Transform2942 ,

Pretty weak response. What would a good comeback have been?

"Hur dur good job bro you sure showed those librulz and gayz"?

orca , in Pride wins! avatar

Makes me think of the scene in Letterkenny where all of the Christian church dudes are on Grindr.

papafoss , in Pride wins!

I don't understand why anyone would want to tie an engagement to their politics. Politics was literally not even a thought when I got engaged. That man has got issues!

ZagamTheVile ,

I'd spend way more time worrying about if I actually wanted to be married to a dude named Addison.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

Politics should have been sorted out way before the ring.

ID411 ,

Yeah I just wonder who this is for. A flex to his church friends or what ?

Infynis , avatar

His name has TV in it, so I assume he's just completely dedicated his life to making neo-nazi ragebait

samus12345 , avatar

Sometimes I try to visualize smug, snarky comments like this if it were about something I believe in. Like, if there were a mixed race proposal and it said "Racism is so defeated," would that be any better?

No, it's cringy as hell. Makes the proposal seem like it's about some agenda rather than loving the person.

crank0271 ,
BlastboomStrice , in Especially when on the phone avatar


If I'm alone I tend to walk in circles inside for like 0.5-1 hour or more thinking about stuff (with or without music). It's soothing😌

I also pace when waiting bus etc.

(Even when I sit I pace some times.🫣 Leg goes up and down.)

JimmyBigSausage , in Pride wins!

Anyone know if this is real?

Brewchin , avatar

An important question, usually conspicuous by their absence with confirmation bias-related posts. But in this case, the source is provided. You can check for yourself and let us know, if you have a Xitter account to see the replies.

Unless Elmo's added yet another layer of enshittification. It's hard to keep up.

JimmyBigSausage ,

I won’t X because of their leader Mollusk.

tigeruppercut , in "In fact, let me take a few pages to describe how much I can't describe this" avatar

I signed up for a gothic class my frosh year that was described as American gothic-- vampires, werewolves, all that good stuff. I dunno if the prof didn't write the course description or if it got changed later but it was English gothic, which apart from the origins of the genre (Walpole, which ended up being hilarious because tons of modern tropes originated there, like the maiden in the castle using the subterranean staircase to flee from the mad king when a gust of wind blows her candle out) and some of the more satirical stuff (Austin), it was incredibly boring to read.

There was one called The Mysteries of Udolpho that's this meme times 10, where during a wagon trip there are literal 30 page descriptions of tress. I get if we'd been warned that this sort of thing was largely historical and we could pretty much skip the sweeping depictions of scenery that only existed because most people in the 19th century didn't get to travel much so it was exciting to read about exotic landscapes, but the assignment merely amounted to "Here's a 650 page novel, go read it for next week."

At least we got to do Frankenstein and I think there was one Poe story thrown in as well (despite being American).

spicytuna62 , in Pride wins! avatar

Most of the time, the more you say you hate or are not x, the more you actually are x.

Or as Ron White put it...

omgitsaheadcrab , in Especially when on the phone

That's an ADHD thing, welcome to the club. !adhd

The_Picard_Maneuver OP Mod , avatar

I'm a card-carrying member!

Senseless ,

I know, I know. But ICD-10 doesn't recognise it, if there were non or few symptoms in childhood.

CodexArcanum , in Especially when on the phone

Animals in captivity pace their living areas, an expression of anxiety.

But also an ADHD thing, I do this all day while thinking or on the phone. I have to turn off my camera for meetings because I tend to wander in and out of frame while I listen and ponder.

Sabata11792 , avatar

The secret is I'm always anxious, especially on the phone.

Inktvip ,

I just carry my laptop with me while walking around during meetings.

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