Semi_Hemi_Demigod , avatar

I don't like what Biden stands for and he has my vote.

CooperRedArmyDog ,

then I do not trust your moral convictions, if you are so willingo to toss your vote to somone who you do not belive in what they stand for

Daxtron2 ,

Your moral convictions tell you to not vote or to vote for literal fascism?

Crashumbc ,

They are the same thing. Either you vote to oppose a fascist wannabe dictator or you support them.

There is no third option.

n7gifmdn , avatar

THe Libertarian candidate will be on the ballot in every state

Passerby6497 ,

That's just supporting Trump but telling yourself you didn't so you can sleep at night. There's literally 0 chance of voting for libertarians doing anything more than wasting a vote that could be used to keep the orange fascist out

Pilferjinx ,

You probably missed the premise. It's "who aligns most with my moral convictions"

PM_Your_Nudes_Please ,

Alternate take: If you’re at a table with nine outspoken nazis, and you’re not actively working against them? There are 10 nazis at the table.

A refusal to vote against a fascist is tacit support of that fascist.

SmilingSolaris ,

My moral conviction is I would like my queer friends not to be genocided next year. Go fuck yourself.

n7gifmdn , avatar

yeah, that's not going to happen, its just scare tactics.

WolfLink ,
  • legal immigration ban (thankfully got overturned)
  • overturning Roe v Wade, leading to several abortion bans, leading to a serious decline in healthcare for pregnant women in general in affected states
  • attempted coup, and stated plans to try again

It’s not “scare tactics” when it actually happens.

Fidel_Cashflow , avatar

You will stand by and shrug your shoulders as we're dragged off to the camps you spineless coward. Stop using us as a rhetorical shield and grow a fucking brain. Biden has done N O T H I N G to stop the flood of anti-trans legislation happening all over the country. He will do N O T H I N G to save us. UNDERSTAND THIS.

SmilingSolaris ,

I want you to genuinely think. Will more queer folk be harmed under Biden or Trump? It's a cynical question. But you can't lie to yourself and say the answer is the same. That's my simple math.

Saying I'm going to "stand by and shrug my shoulders". You don't know me. Your arguing a faceless amalgamation of every liberal who vaguely says something liberal. Understand I am not a liberal. Understand that I have stake in this. Understand that we both can shit on Biden all god damn day but at the end of it, we both know queer folk will suffer less under Biden. That doesn't mean he's going to fix it. Doesn't mean he's going to be a big ol trans flag waving person. He simply will not accelerate it.

I'll take the extra time. Because unless your planning on grabbing and gun and popping shots in the next few months, that's the fucking choice right now. And I'll take the extra time rather than the guy who's gonna turn your states anti trans legislation into federal legislation.

It's cynical. But thems the breaks.

Respect comrade. We are in this boat together.

Fidel_Cashflow , avatar

Fuck off with your patronizing bullshit. I don't need to be talked down to by someone who would cynically support the status quo to save their own hide for a bit longer. You're no comrade of mine.

Will more queer folk be harmed under Biden or Trump?

They're being harmed now. This is no hypothetical. Waves of anti-trans legislation are rolling through the country right now and this decrepit shitbag has done not a single damn thing to stop it. Abortion rights were ripped away, 2 years ago, halfway through this fuckers term and he DID NOTHING TO STOP IT. He has supported anti-migrant legislation harsher than anything trump threatened to do. The wall is being built, and he has done nothing to stop it. The police are currently beating students on campuses for criticizing Israel's genocide and Biden has done nothing to stop it.

Everything you whinge about happening under trump is already happening under biden, and instead of criticizing it you browbeat people into accepting it, saying "the other guy will be worse!" Materially, they are the same. Your head is in the sand.

Passerby6497 ,

LOL, plenty of us will stand by those we love. I've got close to a dozen LGBT+ friends (chosen family) who I would stand on the line and take a beating for.

Maybe take a long think about why you don't feel you have anyone around you who would do the same.

Delusional ,

No it's because the other guy is infinitely worse and the American system of only having two parties forces us to choose the best between two options.

Passerby6497 ,

If you can't see why the alternative is objectively magnitudes worse, I really don't trust your judgement.

PiJiNWiNg ,

You have no idea how any of this works

Fidel_Cashflow , avatar

What a good German

PiJiNWiNg ,

How ignorant...

Imgonnatrythis ,

In modern politics you never know where anyone stands. Having a platform is political suicide.
"Stay vague and useless my friends" ~the least interesting man in the world.

CaptainBlagbird , avatar

"He's a man of action" is not positive if the actions are shit.

themeatbridge ,

"He tells it like it is" means "he says things I like to hear."

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