erici ,

I don’t get the anger. Just install your software as snaps. What’s the problem?

kronarbob ,

I've seen a video where the guy installed steam on Ubuntu 24.04. Of course it was the snap.
The guy usually tests distro to see of it's easy to game on it. If the drivers are easy to install, etc...

He usually launches steam, then tests Valheim, Overwatch, Tomb Raider and cyberpunk.

Overwatch didn't launch, cyberpunk neither. Valheim reported that a service didn't launch. Tomb raider was OK.

Then he uninstalled the steam snap and installed the .deb one. Everything worked.

Enforcing packages is already something that people don't appreciate on Linux, enforcing packages that don't work is surprisingly hated.

Ubuntu is supposed to be a distro for beginners, how am I supposed to recommand a distro when I have no confidence the applications will work ?

gerdesj ,

"I understand that Canonical has every right to make the decision about their product."

That seems fair. There are loads of distros available so why not try something else if you don't like Ubuntu?

Linux and other mainstream Unices such as FreeBSD or OpenBSD int al (that's not something I ever thought I'd be able to say a few decades back) are not Windows or Apples or whatevs. You do you and not them!

If Ubuntu fails to scratch your itch then move on. Debian is the upstream for Ubuntu so you'll probably be fine with that instead. There is loads of documentation for Debian via the wiki etc and of course most Ubuntu docs will apply as well.

feoh ,

I get it.

I don't love Snaps either.

However, a thing I try to remember and wish others would as well is simply this: Canonical is a company. Their goal is to make money. They are not out to create the ultimate free as in freedom Linux distribution.

This does (to my mind) not make them evil, and ESPECIALLY doesn't make the folks who work there evil. It makes them participants in the great horrible game that is Capitalism, and expecting anything else from them is going to lead to heartache, as you've seen.

If you want a Linux distro that shares your preferences and won't try to jam snaps down your throat, you might consider giving Debian a whirl as many others have.

Continuing to ride the Ubuntu train and raging against the dying of the light when it continues chugging in the direction it's been headed for YEARS seems ... futile :)

Tundra ,


For any (k)ubuntu refugees, do as I did and switch to Debian!

feoh ,

Nice to see that KDE is so well supported! I'd been running Manjaro KDE the last time I had Linux installed on my desktop but I may give Debian a try this time around.

fl42v ,

Idk, I probably haven't used Debian derivatives long enough, but isn't installing random .deb-s somewhat of a bad practice? I mean, repos exist for a reason (ignoring the fact they usually have like 3 packages in the official repos)

Harry_h0udini , avatar

Give a shot for Fedora!

exscape , avatar

Ubuntu is just getting worse and worse. I was pretty happy running Ubuntu server for years after moving from Gentoo; I jag lost interest in spending time taking care for that server and wanted something easy.

I went to Debian half a year ago and it's been great. Should've done it earlier.

Vincent ,

The sheer audacity and arrogance of giving me something for free and not caring* about me.

* "Not caring" presumably means "not doing something about my pet issue", but I'm not going to take the clickbait.

iopq ,

The software is broken in an obvious way, even though it used to work and they could just roll it back for the release.

They are actively trying to harm the community to somehow "force" users into snaps.

Goun ,

giving me something for free

What are you talking about? It is not even "for free", they get a lot value from the community.

They're nothing without the users, it's not that they would be making it if nobody uses it anyways. Users used to love them, they trusted them, they went on spreading their system, reported issues, created tutorials, flavors, videos, tools, and so on, they helped Cannonical become what it is now.

I don't think they're giving us anything "for free."

fox2263 ,

Is this snap stuff something the Ubuntu variants avoid I.e Ubuntu studio and Ubuntu budgie?

Rustmilian , avatar

Does Linux Mint count as an "Ubuntu variant"?

Diplomjodler3 ,

No. It based on Ubuntu but without all the bullshit. .deb ist standard and flatpak is also built in. Whenever both are available, you get a choice right from the software manager. Mint is very much its own thing and great if you want to ditch Ubuntu.

barbara ,

It's astonishing.

Fedora introduced a whole new distro where you can't install anything with dnf anymore and people love it. People love using flatpaks instead (yes I know of all the shortcomings, but you can always choose another install method for that broken package). And ubuntu users just hate ubuntu for what they do. The difference may also be that fedora gives a choice to the user and does not directly force it

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