

Federated cover

Not a bot just a rather corpulent male approaching fifty years of age; a very very slow ignoramus who reads occasionally.

Toots are #humanities, #sciences, #nonfiction #books, #maps, #charts and #graphs related. Some toots containg #videos may also find their way into the timeline.

Toots or follows or boosts or mentions ≠ endorsements of any particular notion or notions.

Expect many typing errors and nonsensical commentary.

[#NoBridge #NoBot #NoIndex #NoArchive]


"Today has been the worst day since yesterday"

SJW, #LGBT*-Aktivist, Gutmensch, Global Citizen, #ANTIFA SCUM, "Datenschutzextremist"

If you're interested, you can check out some of my stories: cover

I am a weird, white, cis-het #linguist who loves all of the #animals, who has two #dogs now and has had lots of dogs over the years, and who really likes #linguistics and #languages. I work with an #IndigenousLanguage community in the US on developing #languageTech. I am learning to improve my #coding and I want to know everything about your languages and your #pets. Also a big fan of you know, #nature, and not being a fascist. It's not my server so I save my data here for only 2 weeks. cover

Software development coach and consultant ● I try to learn from everywhere. ● I follow those who enter into interesting conversations with me. ● He/him/they

Interests: #softwareDevelopment #VirginiaSatir #SatirModel #systemsThinking #humanity cover

Academic @Birkbeck, Univ. of London
Centre for Cognition, Computation, and Modelling

was just at Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study working on Digital Democracy with Davide Grossi and Michael Maes

currently here: Munich Centre for Mathematical Philosophy, LMU

back to London next year

works on #rationality #argumentation #testimony #SocialNetworks #misinformation #ComputationalSocialScience #DigitalDemocracy

Doctor en Alto Élfico por la Universidad Autónoma de Númenor. Bilbaino trisílabo. Azote del Prescriptivismo.


Academic linguist at University of Konstanz. Likes gaming, trains, open access cover

SFF booknerd; calligrapher; Islamic geometric art doer; figure skating appreciater; coffee-drinking, granola-baking, tofu-eating wokeratum; psycholinguist by vocation, fretful porpentine by aspiration.

Header image: 2 repeats of an Islamic geometric tile pattern from the Alhambra Palace

Avatar: single repeat of a pattern from the Royal Alcazar of Seville

Contributer at Nerds of A Feather (

#nobot #nosearch cover

Working for open access to research.

#openaccess #openculture #opendata #openeducation #openinfrastructure #openlicenses #openscience #opensource

#scholcomm #copyright #publishing #research #universities #libraries #socialmedia #fedi22

#politics #democracy #philosophy #nomic #climate #maine

Dad of daughters

Actively #antiTrumpist

For #OA news, also follow the Open Access Tracking Project (@oatp). I aim for comprehensive coverage there, not here.

Polannach ag foghlaim na Gaelainne ⁊ a staire (.i. inna Sengoídilce ⁊ na Gáoiḋeilge Clasaiciġe), ⁊ Gàidhlige na h-Alba cuideachd.

Multilingual: Polish, Irish, Sc. Gaelic, Interslavic (+ some Czech, Ukrainian, Belarusian), and a few words of English.

Freetard. Rust ⁊ Kotlin. Linux desktop since 2006. Neovim, KDE, Firefox (+firenvim + Tridactyl).

Used to organize Pyrkon.

I know some basic IE hist-ling (PIE ⁊ Proto-Slavic reconstruction, Old Irish, Old Church Slavonic). cover

Software developer and ex-academic (sociology, conceptual history, cognitive linguistics, Arabic culture, digital humanities). I like connecting with people around the world and sharing knowledge.

Current hobbies:

• Open-access, open-source critical sheet music editions:
• Arabic podcast on ecology, migration, and inequality: https://كوكبنا.شبكة
• Reviews of 21st-century Arabic books on the history of ideas
• Playing classical piano music: cover

Audio modelling of sound change; computer simulations of speech from old languages. Account of Prof. John Coleman. Also wildlife, personal opinions etc.
#phonetics #speech #linguistics #etymology #ProtoIndoEuropean #wildflowers #orchids #justified #ancient

#DALIA project, #linguist, #semanticist, #metadata worker, avid #cyclist - This is my personal page about work, life, and work life. cover

Born in Boston, living near Kyōto, longtime full Professor and government lecturer on Japan. Also founded the NPO World Association for Online Education in 1998. 585 Google Scholar citations to 253 publications on Online Education, Bilingualism, Japan, and the Academic Life, nearly all open access (searchable 🦣 #fedi22) starting from cover

Linguistics PhD in #NewOrleans. Researching #LanguageRevitalization and #LanguageChange. Working with the Tunica-Biloxi Tribe to revitalize the Tunica language. cover

PIGSquad, Roguelike Celebration
Games | Linguistics | Cascadia | No Bummers
Go by Transit cover

PhD candidate in #linguistics, interested in #semantics and its interfaces with morphosyntax and pragmatics

The Bigger Question I try to answer is what #language can tell us about the representation of abstract concepts (causation; evidentiality) in the mind. In particular, I study the relation between spatial and non-spatial meanings of prepositions, demonstratives, and other function words.

Also 🧑‍🌾 #gardening #growyourown #moestuin content

tootfinder searchable
cover: Boulder, CO cover

Maitre de Conférences en linguistique anglaise | Senior Lecturer in English linguistics | Linguiste atterré | #Linguistics #Linguistique #Linguistodon #GrammaireAnglaise #Handicap #Autisme

Conlanging/Linguistics/Polyglotism/Linux/Sometimes music

Dual US/FI citizen who doesn't really do gender. Trans as in transhumanist, transatlantic and transfluvial.

I'm "kechpaja" pretty much anywhere you see that username.

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