World of JRPG's

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tamlyn Mod , in Baladins - OUT NOW on PC! - Launch Trailer avatar

Something like this is fine here, as long as it don't get out of hand. Don't worry about allowed or not to much, i see every post and will moderate if nessesary.

Toes , in Baladins - OUT NOW on PC! - Launch Trailer avatar

Oh cool looks like Paper Mario. I wonder if it reviews well.

slimerancher , in Turn-based RPG ALZARA: Radiant Echoes announced for consoles, PC – a tribute to JRPG classics avatar

Looks nice. Too far away though (2026), and I am wary of projects that go for kickstarters these days.

Good luck to the devs!

tamlyn OP Mod , avatar

I know a person that has supported a Kickstarter game about 10 years ago. Dev is constantly Posting updates, so it's not silent, just takes a lot time. 2 years is very short

slimerancher , avatar

Wow, 2 years might be short but 10 year is way too long. Hope they finally get the game one day.

SoleInvictus ,

I see you too follow Heart Forth, Alicia.

Ashtear , avatar

And here I'm thinking it's not far enough, considering how sparse the trailer was (and there's virtually zero additional footage on their Kickstarter page). That said, they've already raised half of their goal. Between this and Runa, it'd be cool if we ended up with a successful western Europe JRPG dev.

I certainly see the Chrono Cross and Lost Odyssey influence. Hopefully the combat pace is quite a bit quicker than the latter.

slimerancher , avatar

Heh, that's a valid point. I just can't get myself excited for something that I won't be able to play for years.

It's possible they aren't going for a huge game, a good 10 hour or so game would be pretty neat, IMO.

Ashtear , avatar

Yeah, I'm all for some shorter experiences among all the marathon JRPGs we've been getting.

midimalist , in Farming Sim Fields of Mistria Early Access Begins in August avatar

Love the art style; wary of the early access.

Ashtear , in Square Enix is finally ditching it's ps exclusive games avatar

Either SQEX thought they were going to sell PS5 systems, or they were happy with long-tail sales on timed exclusives. Maybe both. SQEX Japan has had a long history of success with their flagship titles, so I'm not surprised it took them this long.

I think the writing is on the wall for exclusivity in general at this point: unless you're publishing the games and manufacturing the hardware, it's not good business any more to have exclusivity. Even Sony's first parties are struggling now. Maybe it's not even viable unless you have crazy market share like Nintendo does.

That said, I wouldn't lament the death of the AA game just yet. Team Asano has been a bright spot for the company, and he just got promoted. I'd be surprised if they moved him to AAA development.

Eggyhead , in What are some of your favorite JRPG worlds?

The Trails games. There are about 11 mainline games available in the west now and from start to finish, they all take place in, and develop, a consistent world with its own lore, factions, characters. Even nonchalant, passerby npcs have names and personal story arcs that span across games if you care to read their text boxes. An NPC kid you might completely pass by in one game becomes a significant party member as a young adult in a later game. Newer protagonists talk about and sometimes encounter protagonists from older games… the only problem is that the series is best played from the very beginning (Trails in the Sky FC), and it takes a long ass time to catch up. That said, if you’re okay with a lot of reading, there’s nothing regrettable about it.

Ashtear OP , avatar

Yeah, the age of the series is its biggest problem at the moment. Hopefully they do get around to remaking Sky.

While there might be other worlds I like a little more, I don't think there are any in the genre as fleshed out as Zemuria. Big part of why I enjoy the games so much.

tamlyn Mod , avatar

It's for sure best played from the beginning. But i started with trails of cold steel 1-4 and enjoyed it so much that i just want more. Fine to start semewhere else as well.

slimerancher , avatar

I keep waiting for them to port Trails in the Sky games. I have played the first one, and loved it, but don't feel like playing on PC anymore, so keep postponing playing SC, waiting for some news on port, since they are pretty much the only games that aren't on modern consoles.

Eggyhead ,

I think they should remaster the Sky trilogy and sell it as a bundle, making all of FC a free “demo” just to get more people hooked. I casually enjoyed FC, but the twist at the end made me jump right into SC without even waiting.

slimerancher , avatar

Yeah, if it was on console, I would've jumped in right away too, but I was having trouble finishing it on PC, so took a break. But then then announced Trails to Azure and from Zero ports, so I just started waiting for any Sky trilogy news. Though, I am losing hope in that, and may end up just playing it on Steam... or maybe even the PSP version.

As for a remaster, I would love it, but at this time, I would even take a straight port.

Ashtear OP , avatar

A Sky remaster/remake is likely a long way off. Falcom's still a rather small company, and their recent expansion has gone into more development of existing properties (like Tokyo Xanadu). Trails has also had a decline in Japan, which doesn't help.

They've licensed the property out to mobile devs and anime, so it's possible they'll do the same for another Sky project. Not something they've done in a long time, though.

slimerancher , avatar


I guess I should just bite the bullet and get the game on Steam. Rest are available on Switch and PS, so it wouldn't be much of an issue to play through them.

Thanks for the heads up.

Ashtear OP , avatar

If you do, I highly recommend the voice mod. Sky is fully voiced in Japanese and it adds a lot of texture to the characters since it's such a text-heavy game.

slimerancher , avatar

Oooh, didn't know about that! Thanks for the info. Going to save your comment so that I remember it when I get around to it.

Currently playing two big games, Octopath Traveler and Kingdom Come: Deliverance, so it's going to be a while before I get around to it.

zero_spelled_with_an_ecks , in What are some of your favorite JRPG worlds?

Star Ocean's mix of sci-fi and fantasy hits a good note for me.

RightHandOfIkaros , in What are some of your favorite JRPG worlds?

NieR (Gestalt/Replicant), if it counts as a JRPG.

Such a unique world created from a joke ending of a hacknslash series. Salt disease, floating talking magical books, and androids so life-like they have reproductive functions and gained their own consciousness somehow. Truly incredible.

I liked the world building in XenoSaga Part 1 that I played, but that games boss design is literal garbage. Actual worst boss design I have ever had the displeasure of experiencing in a video game, ever. I'd rather play through Epic Mickey again with its tetrible camera angles, or sit through another 400hr Stellaris game complete with late-game lag than fight the DOMO Carrier or Pegsasus again. Self healing bosses, and not just self healing, but self healing every turn for more than your average party damage capacity.

Ashen44 , in What are some of your favorite JRPG worlds?

I'll always be a sucker for the xenoblade chronicles worlds, just because the concept of living on unimaginably massive titans is so incredibly cool. I seriously struggled to enjoy the first one but just looking up and seeing the mechonis on the horizon and knowing that giant was practically a whole other world kept me glued to the game regardless.

slimerancher , avatar

Yeah, I consider them my favourite series too, specially after playing the third one.

MysticKetchup , in What are some of your favorite JRPG worlds?

Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles. The cozy feel of the caravans contrasts with the dire quest they're on, to gather enough Myrrh so their village can survive another year. Failure means death not only for them but their friends and family as well. Despite this the game has a fairly relaxed world where life continues despite all this. I also like that they don't just use the standard dungeons, instead you have mushroom forests, an abandoned mine, a fancy monster house and even a decrepit town whose adventurers never returned.

cloudless , in What are some of your favorite JRPG worlds? avatar

Chrono Trigger because you travel through time in the same world.

BodilessGaze , in What are some of your favorite JRPG worlds?

Xenogears is still the GOAT for me

jordanlund , in What are some of your favorite JRPG worlds? avatar

Phantasy Star

slimerancher , in Reynatis Gets September Western Release Date - RPGamer avatar

Ooh, nice. The announce trailer looked cool, hope it's a good one.

tamlyn OP Mod , avatar

i think it looks kinda cool as well. If it's good....we will see, no clue with the information we have currently

Ashtear , in What JRPG’s will you play on May. What games did you finish last month? avatar

No JRPGs finished last month, I was super duper busy. Didn't even finish Yakuza 0! I dabbled a little bit in Unicorn Overlord but it hasn't grabbed me. Might be one of those games I just keep nibbling at for a while.

However, I jumped right into Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes and am having a good time after a pretty slow start. I'm about 30 hours in (maybe less than halfway through the story?) and so far I'm putting it around the quality of the first Suikoden. It's similarly unpolished, but the good stuff's still there.

Intending to finish that one and maybe jump back into Atelier Ayesha this month.

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