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flawed , avatar

On Holocaust Inversion

To protect that evil racist settler-colonial genocidal apartheid fascist state, that ruling class with the help of large section of that rotten society has invented a whole new phrase — "holocaust inversion".

No healthy community would grant this level of abuse to our sense of accommodation, so they can protect a political entity whose documented genocidal evil acts can be compared to some of the worst modern atrocities of ours & last generation have witnessed.

Nazis in 30–40s could get away with the crimes they did because of impunity. We don't have to give any quarter to anyone who emulate that behavior & commit them with similar impunity — while we are forced to operate with one hand tied behind our back because we are required to operate within a fraudulent set of parameters our enemy forces us to operate under.

Accepting the logic of enemy — when the logic is not self-evident — is nothing but giving comfort to the enemy. Yes, I am aware of the fact that our words mean very little when compared to the direct actions of brave & respect worthy comrades — both Jewish & non-Jewish.

But still, we don't have to give quarter to our enemy — whether on this issue/any other issue. We are dealing with scum of the earth — worse than bottom of the barrel stuff, not some reasonable society who disagree on minor interpretation of words (I am speaking about vast majority of that society, not outcasts/comrades like us in that society who hold anti-mainstream views).

So far, I haven't seen a convincing justification for this "holocaust inversion" that other than: There are a tiny fringe Nazis in Western societies that want to harm Jewish comrades if we use that specific comparison to that fascist entity accurately — however one see it as.

Isn't the logic of this "inversion" antisemitism by itself by saying Jewish people can only be protected unless we attack that fascist entity under the terms that fascist entity has set, there by tying all Jewish people to Israel?

When we have internally inconsistent parameters, when on the face of it are designed to protect the entity from harsh criticism (not all words lead to action, but some definitely do lead to action), a reasonable question ask is:

Are we doing more harm (or) less harm by accepting the logic of the enemy?

@palestine @israel

heretical_i , avatar

This is . The place shitass urban leftie 💖 2 dis. Fuck you.

" amputee child from Gaza greeted by cheering crowd at US airport"

"Eight-year-old Palestinian boy, Adam, was greeted by a cheering crowd as he arrived in , Texas for medical treatment. The child reportedly lost his leg in an Israeli drone attack on his home in Gaza."

@israel @palestine

Sherifazuhur , avatar
Sherifazuhur , avatar

Shaykh Sulaiman; Israeli National Security Minister, Itamar Ben Gvir;

‘Palestinian prisoners should be shot in the head. Until this law is passed, we will not give them much to live on.’
@israel @palestine

plink , avatar
arh ,

@VoxClamans @plink @palestine @israel Except for propaganda purposes? Interesting.
Quoting the "Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide", the official document that defines genocide, Article II:
"In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group."

You piece of human crap. I'm not asking you to change your views, I'm asking you to stop presenting lies as facts.

TruthSandwich , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel

Hamas lied about the casualties. We all know this, even you.

plink , avatar
TruthSandwich , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel

Terrorism is not resistance.

israelwarcrimes , avatar

Israel is bombing the remaining houses, ensuring they can’t be restored.

This is a deliberate plan to destroy all homes in Gaza, preventing displaced people, who were told to move south "temporarily", from returning.

@palestine @israel


israelwarcrimes , avatar

Illegal settlers attack random civilians with rocks in the West Bank!

@palestine @israel


Sherifazuhur , avatar
plink , avatar
daraghhayes , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel Like Britain First posting about animal rights as clickbait to get more eyes on their more nefarious content.

Liv Kunins-Berkowitz, Jewish Voice for Peace:

"While it is essential that everyone speak up & use their platforms to oppose the Israeli military’s genocide in Gaza, we are alarmed by those who are exploiting this moment to promote their own platforms, especially when they have a history of promoting white supremacy, antisemitism, & homophobia."

Sherifazuhur , avatar

Hamas says no news on truce deal (Bibi doesn’t want one) as tens of thousands of Israelis protest @israel @palestine

ChrisHolladay , avatar

@Sherifazuhur @israel @palestine
Netanyahu should be in the Hague right along with Hamas and Hezbollah leadership.

mondoweiss , avatar

At an event in March, Rep. Rashida Tlaib joined with Christian, Muslim, and Jewish faith leaders to convey a single message: our fight for the oppressed in Palestine is also a fight for the integrity of our country and the survival of democracy.

@palestine @israel

mondoweiss , avatar

We need an alternative approach to understanding Palestine that situates it within the wider region and the Middle East’s central place in our fossil fuel-centered world.

@palestine @israel

mahmoudgaza , avatar

@mondoweiss @palestine @israel 💢PLEASE DONT SKIP💢
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And share widely we need your help urgently 🚨🙏🙏
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plink , avatar


'Outrageous': Pro- activists slam Biden for labelling protest 'antisemitic'

Activists say they protested outside a synagogue in LA because real estate firms were advertising land in the occupied when no worship was held


@palestine @israel

mahmoudgaza , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel 💢PLEASE DONT SKIP💢
Please donate to make a difference 🥹🙏
And share widely we need your help urgently 🚨🙏🙏
🇵🇸 🇵🇸

noalevi Bot , avatar


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  • Hezbollah Clashes Intensify Along Israel-Lebanon Border: Rising Casualties Reported
  • UK Labour MP Sparks Controversy with Proposed Arms Embargo on Israel

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