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AskHistorians ,
@AskHistorians@historians.social avatar

You don’t want to miss this fantastic history fans! The American Archive of Public Broadcasting has come to AskHistorians to answer any and all questions about the historical content in their archive, and more! @amarchivepub @histodons


WerkstattGeschichte , German
@WerkstattGeschichte@openbiblio.social avatar

Wir begehen den mit einem Blick in 79/2019: Im Thementeil "arbeit/freizeit", hg. v. Reinhild Kreis & Josef Ehmer, Beiträge zum Verhältnis von & bei Offizieren um 1900, bei einem isländisch-sozialistischen Intellektuellenpaar & in japanischen Diskursen im 19./20. Jh.

Unter allen, die heute boosten, verlosen wir ein Heft!


Coverrückseite von WerkstattGeschichte 79/2019 mit Inhaltsverzeichnis und dem kompletten Foto, von dem auf der Titelseite ein Ausschnitt zu sehen ist.

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  • TheVulgarTongue Bot ,
    @TheVulgarTongue@zirk.us avatar

    PUFFING. Bidding at an auction, as above; also praising any thing above its merits, from interested motives. The art of puffing is at present greatly practised, and essentially necessary in all trades, professions, and callings. To puff and blow; to be out of breath.

    A selection from Francis Grose’s “Dictionary Of The Vulgar Tongue” (1785)


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  • info ,
    @info@historywalksvenice.com avatar

    However, we’ll make another

    In the late Venetian republic, when the doge died, they held the funeral for a statue.


    info ,
    @info@historywalksvenice.com avatar

    The Venetian constitution

    The constitution of the Republic of Venice never really existed. The Venetian nobility just made it up as they went.


    info ,
    @info@historywalksvenice.com avatar

    Superintendents for the avoidance of superfluous expenses

    The Republic of Venice had a magistracy of “Superintendents and regulators for the avoidance and regulation of superfluous expenses.”


    info ,
    @info@historywalksvenice.com avatar

    Quarantine in the 1600s

    Quarantine was the main method of prevention of the black plague in Venice, and the lazzaretti served that purpose.


    info ,
    @info@historywalksvenice.com avatar

    The ASV Indice by Andrea da Mosto

    The L’Archivio di Stato di Venezia : indice generale, storico, descrittivo ed analitico (shortened ASV Indice) by Andrea da Mosto is a very useful reference to all the major and minor institutions and offices of the Republic of Venice.


    info ,
    @info@historywalksvenice.com avatar

    Venetian Patent law — 1474

    The first patent law ever was Venetian, issued by the Pregadi (Senate) on March 19th, 1474.


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    @info@historywalksvenice.com avatar

    The Dizionario del Dialetto Veneziano by Giuseppe Boerio

    The Dizionario del Dialetto Veneziano by Giuseppe Boerio from 1829 is the essential dictionary of the late Venetian language for anybody trying to read old Venetian texts.


    info ,
    @info@historywalksvenice.com avatar

    Fornicators of Nuns

    “Fornicators of Nuns” were criminals in ancient Venice, and harshly punished, but that didn’t stop nuns from having lovers.


    info ,
    @info@historywalksvenice.com avatar

    The Lessico Veneto by Fabio Mutinelli

    The Lessico Veneto — Lexicon of the Veneto — by Fabio Mutinelli from 1851 is another of those must-have books for anybody interested in Venetian history, which is exact why it was written.


    info ,
    @info@historywalksvenice.com avatar

    Prostitution in Venice

    In ancient Venice prostitution was considered a necessary evil, where more harm would come from a ban than from a de facto acceptance


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    @info@historywalksvenice.com avatar

    Daghe adosso, Nino!

    An Austrian admiral giving orders in Venetian, in a naval battle against Italy, which eventually led to Venice becoming Italian


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    @info@historywalksvenice.com avatar

    Festa delle Marie

    The “Festa delle Marie” celebrating the liberation of brides abducted by pirates, was an important event in medieval Venice.


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