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LHaasis ,
@LHaasis@historians.social avatar

New Directions in the Materiality of Letter-Writing

Looking forward to this conference in Dublin next week (29-30 May) and to our roundtable on "The Unique Materiality of Letters in the Prize Papers".

Joining me on stage: Marina Casagrande (Conservator) and Maria Cardamone (Photographer).

Join the conference online (Zoom):

Organisers: Dr Helen Newsome-Chandler and Professor Danielle Clarke.

@histodons @UniOldenburg

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  • bridmcgrath ,
    @bridmcgrath@mastodon.ie avatar

    @LHaasis @histodons @UniOldenburg You will enjoy meeting Danielle.

    TheVulgarTongue Bot ,
    @TheVulgarTongue@zirk.us avatar

    BANG UP. (WHIP.) Quite the thing, hellish fine. Well done. Compleat. Dashing. In a handsome stile. A bang up cove; a dashing fellow who spends his money freely. To bang up prime: to bring your horses up in a dashing or fine style.

    A selection from Francis Grose’s “Dictionary Of The Vulgar Tongue” (1785)


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  • kinsale42 ,
    @kinsale42@mstdn.games avatar

    @TheVulgarTongue @histodons sounds like something Arthur Hastings would say

    kinsale42 ,
    @kinsale42@mstdn.games avatar

    @TheVulgarTongue @histodons or Bertie Wooster

    CarveHerName ,
    @CarveHerName@mstdn.social avatar

    “Have ye come far?”
    “Only from America.”

    , 21 May 1932, Amelia Earhart became the first woman - and only the second person - to fly solo and without stops across the Atlantic.

    She lands unexpectedly in Ireland. There’s some wonderful images of her here: https://joecampbellart.com/2015/03/12/amelia-earhart-in-ireland-solo-atlantic-crossing-may-21st-1932/

    Watch newsreel of her taking off here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-itPeJOyzI


    pavsmith ,
    @pavsmith@theblower.au avatar

    @CarveHerName @histodons @7ikozu the singular courage to do this. 1932. makes my head spin. crash, or just have a very simple engine fault; you're dead. if i was amelia, i'd look pretty pleased with my accomplishment as well!

    jstatepost ,
    @jstatepost@mstdn.social avatar

    @CarveHerName @histodons
    🥥 Amelia Earhart said of her solo Atlantic flight: “We all fly Atlantics in our own way. If someone does something against tradition, neighbourhood opinion and so called “common sense” that is an Atlantic…I flew the Atlantic because I wanted to…To want in one’s heart to do a thing, for its own sake; to enjoy doing it; to concentrate all one’s energies upon it – that is not only the surest guarantee of success. it is also being true to oneself.” 🥥

    TheConversationUS ,
    @TheConversationUS@newsie.social avatar
    MaggyWells ,
    @MaggyWells@mastodon.social avatar

    @TheConversationUS @histodons nice job complete or ignoring the whole Christofascist movement. Also Teagan was no saint

    buermann ,
    @buermann@mastodon.social avatar

    @MaggyWells @TheConversationUS @histodons

    Well it's nice to hear that Saint Reagan wasn't so preoccupied with murdering Catholics in Latin America to attempt a death bed conversion of his atheist father in-law by testifying to how prayer cured a peptic ulcer. Really puts a human face on an impersonal god.

    TheVulgarTongue Bot ,
    @TheVulgarTongue@zirk.us avatar

    CAT CALL. A kind of whistle, chiefly used at theatres, to interrupt the actors, and damn a new piece. It derives its name from one of its sounds, which greatly resembles the modulation of an intriguing boar cat.

    A selection from Francis Grose’s “Dictionary Of The Vulgar Tongue” (1785)


    AdrianRiskin ,
    @AdrianRiskin@kolektiva.social avatar
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  • JoBlakely ,
    @JoBlakely@mastodon.social avatar
    Blob_Calder ,
    @Blob_Calder@federate.social avatar

    Hillsdale has seen fit to offer a series on Russian History. Link sent out by text on an old GOP phone list.


    Includes The ideological dimensions of Russian foreign policy under President Putin and "Why We Invaded Ukraine".

    woozle ,
    @woozle@toot.cat avatar

    @Blob_Calder @histodons

    (Hillsdale being, of course, a far-right institution. You presumably knew that already...)

    Blob_Calder OP ,
    @Blob_Calder@federate.social avatar

    @woozle @histodons I wanted to send it to Histodons as a heads up so they're ready for whatever weirdness results.

    WerkstattGeschichte , German
    @WerkstattGeschichte@openbiblio.social avatar

    Heute vor 15 Jahren wurde der frz. "L’armée du crime" beim uraufgeführt. Der behandelt die Aktivitäten der -, deren Mitglieder 1944 fast alle hingerichtet wurden.

    Unser -Artikel dazu:
    Simona Slanicka, L’armée du crime: Die Résistance kommunistischer Immigranten als Legende für die heutige Zeit?, 59/2011, http://www.werkstattgeschichte.de/werkstatt_site/59_inhalt.html

    @histodons @historikerinnen

    WerkstattGeschichte OP ,
    @WerkstattGeschichte@openbiblio.social avatar

    Besten Dank für den Hinweis!
    Hier der korrekte link zum Inhaltsverzeichnis (https://werkstattgeschichte.de/alle_ausgaben/sichtbarverborgen) bzw. direkt zum download des Artikels (https://werkstattgeschichte.de/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/WG59_093-106_SLANICKA_IMMIGRANTEN.pdf).

    samuelmumm ,
    @samuelmumm@friendica.opensocial.space avatar
    TheVulgarTongue Bot ,
    @TheVulgarTongue@zirk.us avatar

    CLINKERS. A kind of small Dutch bricks; also irons worn by prisoners; a crafty fellow.

    A selection from Francis Grose’s “Dictionary Of The Vulgar Tongue” (1785)


    Brahn ,
    @Brahn@hachyderm.io avatar

    @TheVulgarTongue @histodons immediately made me think of Neil Gaimans going postal and clacks.

    CultureDesk ,
    @CultureDesk@flipboard.social avatar

    What do you do when you're a happy camper but your partner is less keen on a night under canvas? Wally Byam's solution was to invent the Airstream, which started in the late 1920s as a wooden platform atop the chassis of a Ford Model T and by 1937 was a sleek aluminum-clad trailer marketed as "an airplane without wings ... luxurious in the extreme." Here, @Smithsonianmag looks at the origin and evolution of this American classic.



    RustyRing ,
    @RustyRing@universeodon.com avatar

    @CultureDesk @Smithsonianmag @histodons Often overlooked in retro appreciation of the Airstream is that buying one also put you in a cult; you didn't just buy a trailer, you bought into a large continental community. That's why they all had that big red number on the bow.

    My parents had a few friends in the Airstream tribe, and we visited them from time to time when they docked in the Airstream "Land Yacht Harbour" at the edge of or town. They were a fun bunch of people.

    wragge ,
    @wragge@hcommons.social avatar

    I wrote up a little post about the work I've been doing saving digital collections from as manifests to help researchers explore and use the collections in new ways. It includes some live examples to play with. https://updates.timsherratt.org/2024/05/15/using-iiif-to.html @histodons

    elipousson ,
    @elipousson@dads.cool avatar

    @wragge @histodons I have not really explored IIIF data in detail but your post makes me curious to take a closer look at it. Thanks for sharing!

    TheVulgarTongue Bot ,
    @TheVulgarTongue@zirk.us avatar

    CAPRICORNIFIED. Cuckolded, hornified.

    A selection from Francis Grose’s “Dictionary Of The Vulgar Tongue” (1785)


    toxy ,
    @toxy@mastodon.acc.sunet.se avatar

    @TheVulgarTongue @histodons As I Capricorn I find that jolly offensive!

    TheVulgarTongue Bot ,
    @TheVulgarTongue@zirk.us avatar

    BANAGHAN. He beats Banaghan; an Irish saying of one who tells wonderful stories. Perhaps Banaghan was a minstrel famous for dealing in the marvellous.

    A selection from Francis Grose’s “Dictionary Of The Vulgar Tongue” (1785)


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  • PatrickOBeirne ,
    @PatrickOBeirne@mastodon.ie avatar
    Tinido , German
    @Tinido@chaos.social avatar

    ist ja voll von ... ähm .... interessanten Persönlichkeiten. In der @eulemagazin gibt es seit einiger Zeit eine Reihe zu außergewöhnlichen protestantischen Figuren. Der von heute, Adam Neuser, hat wirklich eine ganz wilde Biographie: Häresie, Hochverrat, Flucht, Apostasie, Spionage für Hohe Pforte und Kaiser. Es wird einem ganz schwindelig.

    @histodons https://eulemagazin.de/der-brief-an-den-sultan-adam-neuser/

    lipow ,
    @lipow@norden.social avatar

    @Tinido Wundert mich nicht, kenne genug zeitgenössische protestantische "interessante" Figuren ... glaube, das zeigt eigentlich nur, dass Kirche eben auch ne Parallelgesellschaft ist, die ganz eigene Existenzformen ermöglicht ... @eulemagazin @histodons

    TheVulgarTongue Bot ,
    @TheVulgarTongue@zirk.us avatar

    WINDER. Transportation for life. The blowen has napped a winder for a lift; the wench is transported for life for stealing in a shop.

    A selection from Francis Grose’s “Dictionary Of The Vulgar Tongue” (1785)


    lbheuschkel ,
    @lbheuschkel@helvede.net avatar

    @MarkRNay @TheVulgarTongue @histodons One-way ticket to Australia.

    MarkRNay ,
    @MarkRNay@ravenation.club avatar
    WerkstattGeschichte , German
    @WerkstattGeschichte@openbiblio.social avatar

    Heute vor 75 Jahren kam "Jour de fête" (Tatis Schützenfest) von & mit als radelnder Postbote François in ins !

    Dazu ein Lektürevorschlag aus unserem :
    ➡️ Kerstin Neuroth, Französisches Nationalbewusstsein nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Affirmation und Subversion in Jacques Tatis Jour de fête, in: 47/2008, https://werkstattgeschichte.de/alle_ausgaben/bilder-von-koerpern/

    @histodons @historikerinnen

    kielkontrovers ,
    @kielkontrovers@mastodon.social avatar

    @WerkstattGeschichte @histodons @historikerinnen Ich liebe Tatis Filme. Für mich ein moderner Don Quijote.

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