Nature and Gardening

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stembolts , in The USDA’s gardening zones shifted. This map shows you what’s changed.

Climate change is fake, but everything that is crafted from observable measurements is being updated to be in line with climate change if it was real.

God damn Greta Thunberg!!

psivchaz ,

That's how deep the conspiracy goes. These damn climate scientists are somehow changing the climate to prove themselves right!

TammyTobacco ,

You sound exactly like my mom.

psivchaz ,

I'm so sorry.

andrew , in I think this was the little reprobate that woke me up at 1am screaming for its mama. avatar

Believe it or not, straight to jail.

azerial , in The USDA’s gardening zones shifted. This map shows you what’s changed.

Can we talk about the little plant walking across the page? Lol it's cute, but what is it. 🤣

Krackalot ,


CaptObvious ,

LOL! I couldn't figure it out either. My guess: an intern with the website password and too much time on their hands.

Wahots , avatar

It's an Azalea!

BlackJerseyGiant , in Something random growing in my garden started flowering

Chicory. Nice pic!!!

DreamyRin , in What's growing on, Beehaw? avatar

it's been really hot here, but I've gotten into watering all of the outside plants every day (I water my aloe and haworthia once a week) and they seem to be doing pretty well! even the tropical hibiscus, somehow.

I'm especially happy about my lavender and the roses, I've mentioned previously I think that roses are special to me because of my grandmother (my grandfather would grow them in the backyard in these huge rose bushes for her and bring them in) and these are the first ones to ever grow and thrive. they're not purely red roses, but I do really like the pattern on them.

uploading images keeps erroring out and I'm not sure how to put an image in here from imgur, so here's a link to the picture of the lavender and roses instead.

Atelopus-zeteki , avatar

ooh, that's a lovely rose.

LallyLuckFarm OP Mod , avatar

That's a really beautiful rose! I bet your grandparents would love the colors it's putting out.

For reference, if you'd like to have your images inline after uploading elsewhere, you can do that by putting an exclamation point and empty brackets in front of your parenthetical link. So this:


Turns into

dactylotheca , in Something random growing in my garden started flowering avatar

I love that it's something random that started flowering

xilliah , in The struggle avatar

Yes please

autumn , in What's growing on, Beehaw?

we had to cut down a native cherry tree last year because it was crowding the deck. a new one popped up just far enough away that we decided to keep it, and it is absolutely thriving!

we also have some weird fruiting trees out there, which are dropping all over the place. might be an almond tree? and another one might be a plum or peach tree? whoever planted these was really going wild.

LallyLuckFarm OP Mod , avatar

whoever planted these was really going wild

Hah that's going to be my memorial plaque at the farm when I'm gone! I'm glad that native cherry decided to leave you with some offspring that were in a better place for you to enjoy.

Powderhorn , in Need some advice with chilis, avatar

Daily watering is likely far too often ... I'm not seeing quick useful links to peperone (as you can imagine, I'm getting a lot about pepperoni and pepperoncinis).

But if this is a C. annuum cultivar, these are adapted to arid climates. Let the plants tell you when they need water (droopy leaves); they spring back remarkably quickly, like in under an hour. It sounds like you're drowning them and ending up with other issues as a result.

sleepybisexual OP , avatar

Yea. I'll reduce watering. The seeds had an Italian label so that's all I know, thank you fornthr advice, I'll stop watering will maybe Thursday. Probably later

loops , in What's growing on, Beehaw?

I forgot an onion in a cotton bag and it started sprouting with the heat. Thinking of planting it; should I just bury it with the shoots exposed? Want to get some paprika to deter deers too.

LallyLuckFarm OP Mod , avatar

You might only get green onions off of it at this point, but burying it like you asked will certainly get you more, and more nutritious ones. I vote yes!

godzilla_lives , avatar

I plant garlic during the fall for this reason! Fresh garlic chives on my ramen with an egg, yes yes :D

LallyLuckFarm OP Mod , avatar

Delish! I pulled about two pounds of scapes yesterday for making pesto

LallyLuckFarm Mod , in Something random growing in my garden started flowering avatar

I am really loving the rough edges and gradients on those petals, wow!

loops , in Hey, little buddy!


LallyLuckFarm Mod , avatar

Definitely giving the camera the stink eye

CrimeDad OP ,

Looking at me like I owe him money lol.

Kolanaki , in I think this was the little reprobate that woke me up at 1am screaming for its mama. avatar

Help Bambi find his mom. 😬

CrimeDad OP ,

That bimbo is out there somewhere. He'll be fine.

FartsWithAnAccent , avatar

If you see a fawn alone outside, don't worry about it, just leave it. The mom will be back later.

They commonly leave them chilling in various places while they go to forage during the day, it's normal behavior and you do not need to intervene.

shasta ,

I'm so tired of these fetch quests

SturgiesYrFase , in Advice Needed: Viable grass for a catio avatar

Might be hard to get a proper "lawn" of "cat grass" going with your little munchkin rolling around in there all the time, but it's definitely not bad for them 👍

notnotmike OP , avatar

We do have a couple containers of cat grass I rotate in so that they can have some to eat, but like you said getting a "lawn" out of the grass is difficult. It's usually very large, thick seeds that don't disperse very evenly

SturgiesYrFase , avatar

Maybe start the lawn on a tray of some sort? Idk...

CaptObvious , in The USDA’s gardening zones shifted. This map shows you what’s changed.

Wasn't this reported months ago? And zones didn't suddenly shift just because the USDA said so. They've shifted over time because of climate change. The USDA just finally got around to catching up.

I used to be news director for an NPR member station, and even I think this is sloppy work.

Kwakigra , avatar

This is a tool derived from that report which directly shows how the user's local environment has changed. Kind of trippy to see that the environment of my childhood is not the same as the environment I'm living in now. It's a good educational tool.

CaptObvious ,

Agreed. My issue is with NPR's breathless headline and pretending that this is "news."

nxdefiant ,

"These things changed, here's the details" is a pretty tame headline, what's the problem?

CaptObvious ,

Love your handle, by the way.

That's not how I read the headline. Given that this story is so old (months and months), if it's newsworthy at all today, it should be "USDA Finally Updates Climate Maps for the First Time in a Decade."

Anyone who needs them has been paying attention to the climate for years. It's a neat bit of science reporting, but it's hardly "Here's What Suddenly Changed."

nxdefiant ,

I see what you're saying. I wasn't aware that the USDA had updated the zones, so that was news to me at least. The appsite they built is neat. It does actually drive home that this is abnormal and will continue to accelerate in the future at least.

CaptObvious ,

Fair points. The site didn't work in my browser, but it seemed like a cool idea. I'm glad it works.

In fairness, I'm probably just snarky because I expect a different standard from NPR.

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