zerog_bandit ,

Company that scammed players scams players, more at 7.

rozodru ,

I swear gamers have the memory of a gnat. How many times has Bethesda pulled shit like this and people continue to support them? no one remembers the Horse armor all the way back in Oblivion? no one remembers the Skyrim paid mods in 2015? hell can't even remember the SKYRIM PAID MODS IN DEC OF 2023!

This isn't an outrage and no one should be upset AT Bethesda over this, but disappointed and upset with yourselves for yet again falling for their constant desire to nickel and dime their playerbase.

A_Random_Idiot , avatar

You have to understand.

The overwhelming bulk of gamers just don't care

Nothing will stand in the way of getting their current precious. Not even their own complaints and bitching.

They'll sit there and complain about how a company is evil, its practices exploitative, and how everyone should avoid buying from them so they can die in the fires of Bankruptcy.

Then the second the next game/expansion/DLC/Whatever is announced, they are immediately in line to preorder the ultra deluxe mega fuck you 500 dollar package. because it comes with a unique mount and a special armor skin, and they just cant miss those things! they're rare! and they'll never be able to get them otherwise! /s

And then they'll go into the obfuscated-cash-shop and spend another 700 dollars on digital bullshit.

Then, when they are all done, the overwhelming majority of them will come back to the internet, and cry and whinge and moan about how a company is evil, its practices exploitative, and how everyone should avoid buying from them so they can finally die in the fires of bankruptcy.

Cause the majority of gamers are brain damaged fucktards who, at the end of the day, just love throwing their wallet at things.

jjjalljs ,

I mean this is kind of true of all people everywhere. The marshmallow test has flaws but I think it's still revealing. A lot of people are really bad at self control and delayed gratification.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

I swear gamers have the memory of a gnat

It's more a "sucker born every minute" thing.

FeelzGoodMan420 ,

Well most modern gamers are probably like 14 years old and probably never even played Skyrim. So I'm not surprised young kids are buying this creation kit garbage with Mommy's credit card.

ssj2marx ,

Bethesda announced that players could download a new series of missions for a group known as the Track Alliance. The problem is that The Vulture is the second mission in the Tracker Alliance, and it costs $7 to buy. But it'll actually cost players $10 because they must purchase 1,000 Starfield creation credits to afford it.

So they put the first mission out for free, but it turns out the first mission was a fucking advertisement. I remember being super pissed when Dragon Age pulled this shit.

And of course they pull the classic cost-obfuscation trick because it would just be far too convenient to just be able to buy a DLC for actual money and then download it.

PenisWenisGenius ,

Starfield could have been a way better game if all they did was fuck it up like 45% less. They could have alternatively just delivered on their promises of making the game easy to mod and let the community handle the rest but they fucked that up too. Only the most dedicated of Starfield fan would have the patience to sit down and do all the shit it takes to add a new quest for example. Iirc even Skyrim came with a mod editor with ui that was easy to understand. Right now all we have is a community xedit project that's somehow even harder to run on Linux than Starfield is.

echodot ,

Starfield's big problem is it's a huge universe built on an engine that really can't support massive worlds like that. The reason you can't fly around on the surface of a planet is because their crappy engine can't cope with that much space existing, and it can't load more environment when you get to the edges like every other game does because their engine doesn't support proper level streaming.

If you mod the game to force the issue it gets glitchy very very quickly.

lemmyvore ,

Skyrim came with a built-in mod editor?

Are you perhaps thinking of the manager they added on Xbox?

cygon ,

They always release their "Creation Kit" which is apparently also what the Bethesda employees use to build the quests and NPCs in their games:


The Starfield Creation Kit was only released a week ago (but I think to remember that there was a big delay in its release for Skyrim and Fallout, too - haven't done any modding since the Skyrim days).

Belgdore ,

It should be standard practice for Bethesda games to wait for a game of the year edition (or whatever they want to call it) then wait for a steam sale on that.

bjoern_tantau , avatar

The company that introduced horse armor is charging horrendous prices for small DLC?

Carighan , avatar

I mean considering that single skins cost 20 in Overwatch or Dead by Daylight, 7 for an actual mission is almost generous.

Fuck gaming is fucked...

vga ,

How does that horrible game even have players?

Agrivar ,

I'm sure a rational response is just going to get downvoted to oblivion, but it's actually a fun game. Not my favorite from Bethesda, but I definitely enjoyed the 1k hours I put into it last year, and I look forward to dipping back in once the DLC drops and there are more mods (not paid creations) available.

lemmyvore ,

What do you do for 1k hours in Starfield?

Cowbee , avatar

Base building, charting planets, roleplaying, bounty hunting, going to NG+, making different decisions in questlines, and more.

The game is actually pretty good.

dan1101 , avatar

Starfield has a lot of good aspects, but also some bone-headed gameplay and content decisions. I had a lot of fun with it for a few weeks and will come back to it if/when it gets to a better state.

PrettyFlyForAFatGuy ,

Fallout 5 is going to suck

A_Random_Idiot , avatar

Fallout 4 sucked, too.

Its a fun shooter game, but its not a fallout. Throwing supermutants into a game doesnt make it a Fallout. Especially with how they fucked SPECIAL.

Fallout TV is probably the last decent product from Bethesda, and I'd wager thats only cause Bethesda isnt in charge of writing.

BowtiesAreCool ,

I hate modern gaming. Opinions aren’t allowed to be held. I don’t like this thing so ITS THE WORST OF THAT THING

CileTheSane , avatar

Once you take high school English your teacher will tell you not to write "in my opinion" in front of everything you write because it is unnecessary. Of course it is your option, you said it.

Someone with basic logic can extrapolate from that that if someone says something like "Fallout 4 is bad" that is clearly someone presenting an opinion and not an objective truth.

Wogi ,

Seven dollars to loading screen to your ship, watch an animation of your character sitting down, loading screen to space, loading screen to the system it's in, Dodge some pirates, loading screen to the surface, hop along the completely barren landscape to go to a copy pasted outpost, loading screen back to your ship?

I feel like you could get all of the value of that dlc by just playing a mission over again.

wick ,

I haven't played this so take my 2 cents with a pinch of mixed metaphor.

My assumption for this game was that DLC would be new copy pasted outposts, weapons, etc. That's the way a lot of procedural games go. It's not bad really, you take a good core game and pump it full of new set pieces and toys til hell freezes over.

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