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hal_5700X , in Sweet Baby Inc. employees harass steam group admin for listing their games to avoid them avatar

Safe bet. If the Sweet Baby employees never talked about this. The curation page and group would have lost traction early and remained in obscurity. Looks like nobody learns about the Streisand Effect anymore.

EDIT I'm still on the curation page and group side of this btw.

Carighan , in Sweet Baby Inc. employees harass steam group admin for listing their games to avoid them avatar

This reads so weird.

The company is... just a consultation company? The kind of one you're supposed to hire when working on a script including minorities et al to ensure you're not accidentally getting something wrong or presenting it in a stereotypical or atypical way?

And for some reason they're angry about someone listing games they've worked on, as if any kind of exposure would ever be bad for a consultation company that, by its very nature, usually works in the background and hence finds it a bit difficult to get exposure?

And at the same time, someone makes a Steam curator list because they're somehow pissed some devs are doing something devs ought to do, hire a company specialized in character writing instead of letting someone less experienced do it?

Do people really, in 2024, not have any bigger issues so they 're busty with this shit?!

Ah, it's a very biased "article" that clearly just wants to riff on the consulting company further as if they're responsible for games being bad, not the devs actually making the games. I also frequently blame the visual marketing ad designer for the graphics driver crashes, aye.

SomeGuy69 ,

Because Sweet Baby Inc is known for forcing a narrative and tokens into the writing, for the sake of diversity on the cost of quality of the story and the characters. A lot of people don't like that.

Now the issue is much bigger than that and I don't like to involve myself with it much, as the controversy attracts a lot of truly bigot people, who also want to stop SBI. So one automatically gets shoved into that corner. And this is exactly what SBI is abusing to their advantage. No one can stop them from destroying good games in fear of getting burned on the stack.

Carighan , avatar

I struggle to think of an otherwise good game they have "destroyed" by "forcing" a narrative or token characters.

That is to say, I don't think I can point to a case where the game would have been otherwise good. Adding badly written characters to bad games does make them if anything marginally better (at least they're consistent 😅), plus unless the devs completely lost control of their own project the consultation company would not actually implement the characters. They'd give you background stories, profiles, example interaction scenes where they took scenes and re-did them with their characters, or example lists of character archetypes to utilize this profile in.

The actual (bad) writing, (bad) characters and (bad) narrative are still up to the devs to (badly) add.

I mean just going by their official project list, I can only personally mark out Suicide Squad, BattleShapers and Sable as bad, and none of these games needed their inclusionism - such as it is, you could argue Suicide Squad makes a mockery of it anyways - to be terrible games, they were plenty able of being that on their own. Plus again, it's the devs doing that, not the consulting company.

cottonmon , avatar

One of the examples I've seen of SBI "forcing inclusivity" was making Saga in Alan Wake 2 black. I'm not familiar enough with SBI's work to do make a real judgement, but if this is one of the examples being used to say that SBI is making games worse, then the curator list is dumb.

flumph ,

Because Sweet Baby Inc is known for forcing a narrative and tokens into the writing, for the sake of diversity on the cost of quality of the story and the characters.

Where is the proof of this beyond speculation? I can't think of a mechanism through which a consultant can force anything. Their contracts would undoubtedly have an NDA that would prevent them from sharing which of their recommendations the client acted on or not.

intensely_human ,

And guess what? The list is about the games that have involved this company. As in, the feedback is targeting the devs who accepted, not the consulting company that suggested.

Non issue.

echo64 , in Sweet Baby Inc. employees harass steam group admin for listing their games to avoid them

Fwiw, this is bigots harassing developers and then posting articles like this, avoiding all the details about their bigotry

Lileath , in Sweet Baby Inc. employees harass steam group admin for listing their games to avoid them avatar

Sometimes I wish that I could downvote content from my instance.

IWantToFuckSpez , in Sweet Baby Inc. employees harass steam group admin for listing their games to avoid them

That website reeks of incel cancer.

Renacles , in Temtem will stop (most) development later this year, monetization will be removed at a later date.

I don't understand why they insist on the MMO aspect, people are only coming back for a little while but that wouldn't be an issue if Temtem weren't live-service.

wandermind , in My RuneScape inspired indie fitness MMORPG WalkScape is looking for more beta testers

This is looking really cool! I'm really interested in trying it out.

Since you mentioned Garmin Connect in this thread, I would like to throw in my five cents too. I'm in the Garmin ecosystem for my fitness tracking devices, so it would be amazing if the game could get my step counts from Garmin Connect, since that's where I'm collecting them anyway, and lugging my phone around to do the step counting can be a bit cumbersome. But if the game is fun enough, I guess it's not a dealbreaker for the time being!

schamppu OP ,

Depending on how easy Garmin Connect is to implement, it's probably eventually going to be supported. I know we have a lot of people in the community with Garmins, but Google Fit integration should also when added already allow Garmins to be used for progress in game. But of course, using Gamin Connect would be handier.

AhismaMiasma ,

I've got a whole family of Garmins (plus one apple) looking for a walking game and this seems right up our alley. +1 for Garmin Connect integration!

RogueBanana , in What are the best Samurai period games?

Too vague of a question but I am personally a fan of shadow tactics series. Great puzzle style game where you plan and commit murder :D

rdri , in Looking for emotional game recommendations

Immortal Defense.

Dremor Mod , in Sweet Baby Inc. employees harass steam group admin for listing their games to avoid them avatar

Hi fellow Gamers Lemmings.

This thread was bought to our attention as possibly breaking rule 2 (No Bigotry/Harassement).

First, some context. The article comme from a right leaning website, with mixed factuality and medium credibility.
This means the content of this article shouldn't be taken as is and should be complemented from other, more neutral/factual websites.

For now I didn't find this story on any verifiable sources with such requirement.

On the other hand, the comments seem to be a lot more neutral than the OP link, and raise some interesting points. As such, I'll keep this thread, but will keep it under close watch to keep the conversation civil.

Thank you for your understanding.

Dremor, c/games mod.

gaael , in What are some good games with *zero* replayability?


Mongostein , in Command & Conquer™ The Ultimate Collection now available on Steam

OpenRA is better

rdri ,

Is better than Red Alert? But is it better than Renegade?

Carrolade , in How A Small Video Game Narrative Studio Wound Up At The Heart Of A Massive, Anti-Woke Conspiracy Theory - Aftermath

Small, weak people need an excuse for why they feel so small. One that deflects the blame from where it truly belongs--on them, for lacking the strength and courage to be better than they are. For lacking the spine to take a more difficult, more noble road.

So just believe it's not your fault, it's some mighty shadowy conspiracy thing of great darkness. Not just you being a coward and weakling. Much more preferable.

beaxingu , avatar

thank you

Alimentar , in How A Small Video Game Narrative Studio Wound Up At The Heart Of A Massive, Anti-Woke Conspiracy Theory - Aftermath

Who actually cares? A niche group of people want to curate their games based on a personal preference. Nobody has the moral authority to tell them what they should or shouldn't spend their money on.

brsrklf ,

Except they're not just saying "we don't like this" and moving on. They're using dogwhistles ("woke" is only the first one) and 4-chan level type of slurs in their cries of conspiracy. It's a thinly disguised hate club, games are only an excuse.

They tried to progressively hide it from their group's front page, editing its language several times, but it was still there in the discussions in and around the group.

beaxingu , avatar

why are you just totally ignoring how this whole thing started in the first place with a sweet baby employ trying to take the group down and the account of the creator. yes editing it for people exactly like you that cant handle words on the internet and that needs to call everything hate so that you can get your way but that's not going to work anymore now like how it always should have been you are just very very funny.

Rhynoplaz ,

Oh, bless your heart.

thesilverpig ,

I don't really know much about the sweat baby controversy, but whenever I see "bless your heart" it just comes of as weak tea as it avoids engaging with premises or arguments and condescends and I think it generally loses the argument from a third party perspective. At least I've never read it and thought, wow they really got them.

It might be trite but I always preferred agree to disagree as a disengage tactic. That's just my two cents on internet discourse though.

ampersandrew , avatar

I think I'd have a problem with it if bad internet super sleuths came up with some nonsense reasons to try to destroy my reputation.

Eyck_of_denesle ,

That's no excuse to try to get a user's account banned. You might want to read up on some of their tweets. The ceo is also a sexist and a racist. The steam group had like 1000 people now it has almost 200,000 after the whole debacle. Reputation is earned not given. SomeOrdinaryGamer made a good video highlighting stupidity from both sides.

If they are proud of their work, why try to hide it.

Bonesince1997 , in Vanillaware ran out of money for Unicorn Overlord’s development (as they did for 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim)

Was 13 Sentinels affected by that? It still released. Wondering how it might affect this new game. Doesn't seem like a good sign.

mrfriki ,

I never had the feeling that 13 aegis was either unfinished or corners were cut.

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