Fuck Subscriptions

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Andromxda , in Eat shit Spotify.
@Andromxda@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar
ImADifferentBird , in Eat shit Spotify.
@ImADifferentBird@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I killed my Spotify account when they started shoveling millions of dollars at Joe Rogan, and everything they've done since then only confirms I made the right call.

AA5B ,

I may have to try that again: at the time I got too many complaints from my kids. Now Spotify hugely increased prices, probably to pay for its attempt to collect Podcasts that I’m not interested in.

Unfortunately I agreed with my kids: other music services just don’t works as well

Getting6409 ,

Tidal has been pretty good for me over the past 5 years. I don't know what your criteria are, but for me it's something like 1) is the catalog big enough to offer 90% of what I'm looking for and 2) no advertising if I'm paying for the service. It ticks those boxes. I imagine it's only a matter of time until they introduce the bullshit tier where you're paying and being advertised to, but for now you get what you pay for.

AA5B ,
  1. My teens like it

  2. I can predictably ask for either an artist or “like an artist” and get hours of what I asked for. (Apple just segued into random stuff so I always had to get it back on track. Someone I want listen to specifically someone do if I ask for that I expect to get that)

Getting6409 ,

for that I expect to get that)

Only thing I can say on 3 is the interface is pretty not bad. I've never quite liked it, but it has never really gotten in the way. I only recently started trying the track/artist mix. Also can say it's okay. I've actually found a few gems over a few weeks of usage, but at the same time I have found times where it's time to skip to the next track, though this is mostly due to personal taste and not because it's throwing some really out of character into the playlist.

Burn_The_Right ,

Me too. Migrating to Tidal was extremely easy. They even imported my Spotify playlists and follows. And they are cheaper. Fuck Spotify.

spikespaz ,

Actually it wasn't easy, they rely on a third party service that charges the customer instead of Tidal footing that bill for you. I thought that was a bit tacky.

stoy , in You Don’t Want to Know How Much You Are Spending on Subscriptions

I don't have any subscriptions...

Closest I have is geoguessr which I prepay with giftcards.

muntedcrocodile , in Dropbox now requires login to download a shared file

I been using Psitranfer lately its great self hosted can ensure my files rae safe and can even password protect shit its awsome.

AlexWIWA , in Eat shit Spotify.

This one is actually out of their hands. Lyrics aren't free sadly and they have to pay for API calls. It's fucking stupid but the labels are the ones at fault here.

Fuck Spotify nonetheless.

npz ,

Unless there's some agreement / licensing thing prohibiting it, and considering that lyrics don't change, they should be able to do some caching for a total of 1 API call per song

CriticalMiss ,

Not sure why you got downvoted.. storing text isn’t a lot of data, they can easily do it once per song and wrap it up.

stockRot ,

... Why would the lyrics service allow that?

AlexWIWA ,

The issue isn't the storage, it's the copyright holders

Burn_The_Right ,

It is not a copyright infringement to display lyrics.

AlexWIWA ,

It very much is and Spotify would definitely get sued if they weren't paying. I got a cease and desist for an app I made about a decade ago for this very thing

AlexWIWA ,

You and I can do that but they're not just caching they're redistributing which requires royalties

Burn_The_Right ,

Displaying written lyrics does not require a royalty payment to anyone.

AlexWIWA ,

It does unless they agree to let you redistribute the lyrics without one. Lyrics are copyrighted.



You may get lucky and have a band that doesn't care or won't notice your operation, but Spotify has music from the big labels and they do care and they will notice.

JackbyDev ,

Surely the cost of lyrics (regardless of fetching API or royalties with caching) are miniscule compared to the other costs.

threeganzi ,

I assume they are not paying for the lyrics, but for the access to the api. The lyrics are also timed to the music and the service they use might do that for them. So, like you say, serving lyrics data costs very little, but that is not what they pay for.

And to add, I don’t really know anything about how this works behind the scenes.

FiniteBanjo , in Dropbox now requires login to download a shared file

You should have permanently deleted dropbox files and account back when they announced they were using your files to train AI on.

jol , in Eat shit Spotify.

I don't get it. They are complaning that their limited free plan is limited?

petrol_sniff_king ,

They're complaining that the limited, free-tier plan is worse than it used to be. And really, for no good reason.

When EA releases Star Wars 2: A Sense Of Pride And Accomplishment, we complain about how stupid that is, do we not?

bestelbus22 ,

for no good reason

Hosting costs a lot of money

towerful ,

The 1 or 2 kB of lyrics are a few orders of magnitude smaller than the song being streamed.
The album art probably takes up more space than the lyrics.
So, album art should also be a paid feature?

ImADifferentBird ,
@ImADifferentBird@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Album art would make way more sense as a paid feature than lyrics, considering it's a largely cosmetic improvement.

threeganzi ,

How does it make more sense that “cosmetic” features are in the paid-tier? Would it not be the other way around?

ImADifferentBird ,
@ImADifferentBird@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Because it improves the experience, but isn't vital to it. If you want the free tier to be accessible to everyone, limiting things like lyrics that people like OP use as a disability accommodation isn't the way to do it.

threeganzi ,

The whole point with features being paid for is that they incentivize you to pay. There is no universal right to have a free tier or certain features for free.

It just makes sense to lock features that users enjoy to incentives them to pay.

ImADifferentBird ,
@ImADifferentBird@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Sure, but if that's causing a difference in access for people with a disability like OP, then that becomes an ADA issue.

threeganzi ,

It’s unfortunate and I can empathize with the user but I don’t see it as obvious that this specific need should be catered to, for free. It’s primarily a music service and lyrics is an additional service to enhance the experience, apparently at the paid-tier. It’s not so expensive that it’s inaccessible to the average user, if music with timed lyrics is an important part of their life.

ImADifferentBird ,
@ImADifferentBird@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I don't know. If we were talking about Netflix making captions a premium feature that requires an extra fee, I'd think that's pretty skeevy and ableist. I hadn't thought about lyric sheets being an accommodation until OP brought it up, but now that they did, I'm kind of putting it in the same bucket.

threeganzi ,

That’s a fairly good analogy, and it did made me this over a bit more. I agree that it would be weird if they put captions behind an extra fee. I suppose captions are more part of the “standard” offering historically so I would definitely just expect it to be included whereas timed lyrics is not something I’d expect by default. But I do an acknowledge that this could shift, especially as this feature enable deaf users to enjoy music. Hopefully Spotify can take the critique and find a good compromise that helps this user group. I just don’t think they thought to do this to squeeze money out of deaf users. I’m guessing it’s more of an unfortunate side effect.

ImADifferentBird ,
@ImADifferentBird@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Oh, I'm definitely not saying that there had to be intention behind it. After all, it's a consequence I never thought of, so I'm sure whoever made that decision at Spotify never did either. But then, they're supposed to be paid to think of consequences like this.

I guess the question is, if a decision screws disabled people in the pursuit of more money, does it really matter if the disabled people were deliberately targeted, or if they're just collateral damage?

threeganzi ,

Intentions matter, and to what degree you do it in pursuit of money. You do need money to have a sustainable business. But that can of course be to a point where it’s just greedy. Maybe they have gone to far in that respect, I don’t know.

petrol_sniff_king ,

And they run ads. The free-tier is not actually free, you know.

ImADifferentBird ,
@ImADifferentBird@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

They're complaining that one of the things the limited free plan takes away is something they were using to accommodate their disability.

ElectroLisa , in Dropbox now requires login to download a shared file
@ElectroLisa@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

MEGA used to (maybe still does?) do this stuff. Once you changed useragent to desktop, magically a signup wasn't required

KillingTimeItself , in Eat shit Spotify.

damn thats crazy, i'm out here with my 300GB collection of music that i own and control and i can just, add lyrics to shit if i want to.

I don't because i'm not deaf and i don't really care for lyrics all that much, but it's also just, automated.

Entropywins ,

Could you add wrong lyrics to songs for me...

KillingTimeItself ,

i could... Or i could not.

Hmmm, a question of the ages for sure.

LordSinguloth , in Eat shit Spotify.

Doesn't everyone deserve a living wage?

Including the people who work at Spotify?

KillingTimeItself ,

they would have a livable wage if they weren't so fucking bad at business.

They literally outsource the one part of the music industry that makes money publishing

The ONLY source of revenue they have is from subscriptions, and literally all it does is pay the publishers that use spotifys platform. And also VC but that doesn't count since it's VC.

circuitfarmer , (edited ) in Eat shit Spotify.
@circuitfarmer@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

I'm a bit confused. Do deaf people listen to music? Lyrics are generally freely available via Google.

Edit: see reply for a good explanation.

thatsTheCatch ,

Deafness covers a broad spectrum of hearing difficulty, not just completely deaf. Most people that identify as deaf still have some hearing. I always forget that and had the same question as you until I read a comment further down.

It's likely that the person isn't fully deaf and so can still hear some music, but deaf enough that they can't understand the lyrics. Having the ability to view the lyrics in real time is handy rather than having to search them up all the time. Spotify also shows what lyric is currently being sung in real time, whereas you can't get that with a Google search.

circuitfarmer ,
@circuitfarmer@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Aha, I didn't know that. Thanks for the explanation! I'm going to edit my comment above to point to it.

person420 ,

To be fair, it's more likely the person isn't deaf at all and is just complaining.

Jtotheb ,

Why is that more likely?

Jackhammer_Joe ,

You are a shitty person, good sir!

kamen , in Eat shit Spotify.

Another good day to go self hosted.

zarkony ,

I agree, but unfortunately, there's probably not a good self hosted solution to this specific problem.

I use musicbrainz for music tagging, which is an excellent source for all metadata except lyrics. For better or worse, the only decent sources of lyrics seems to be genius and musixmatch, and neither integrate well with tagging tools like musicbrainz Picard.

If anyone else has found an easier way to do this, I would love to hear it.

kamen ,

When listening locally on my computer I use foobar2000 and the OpenLyrics component - but yeah, it falls short sometimes unfortunately. I've written myself some scrapers that crawl some sites, but that still requires a bit of manual intervention. I'm still looking for a self-hosted app that can help with tags though, and more in a manual manner; I don't really like a script assuming that this album is this specific release when it might not be.

Besides, some files have the lyrics already in the tags - often the case when buying/downloading for free from Bandcamp.

jol ,

Spotify's lyrics are also shitty, and often out of sync.

kamen ,

I personally don't really care about synced lyrics. Mine are unsynced for the most part.

EndHD ,

I'm not sure if the application is safe. It may be malicious. Proceed at your own risk.

I saw a GitHub project called 163MusicLyrics that's sources the information from Chinese sources (NetEase and QQ).

The entire software is in Chinese, but the results looked really accurate from the sandbox I ran. It's even actively developed with v6.2 releasing least week. But again, I don't know if it's safe.

I'm not good at code but it looks like it's OSS, so you could verify the code yourself or reverse engineer something with the API calls they use?

Let me know if you come across something though. I'm also looking for a way to get LRC files easily.

EDIT: Also for self hosting, I use Jellyfin with Symfonium, and Tailscale. It works great for me and has been relatively low maintenance.

HawlSera , in Eat shit Spotify.

I never used Spotify, the whole thing seem stupid

_g_be ,

Coming from the age of ipods and piracy, Spotify was a great alternative to that and reasonably priced for the usage you could get out of it. These days is harder to justify

Squizzy ,

Meh 6 people, almost every song we could want for less than 20 bucks is ideal.

That said I am gearing up to change streamer just because they annoy me with UI changes, forcing originals, pushing gigs despite disabling that function...and the longest running gripe of all: let me disable censored songs you cunts. I never want the clean version.

bmeffer , in Eat shit Spotify.

I've used Pandora for years. Granted, they don't have all of the features of Spotify. But, I think their algorithm is better and my price has never changed.

Psythik ,

Just use YouTube Music ReVanced. Every premium feature you need, ad-free, $0/mo.


CaptPretentious , in Eat shit Spotify.

I didn't even know they did that, Glad I don't have an account with them. I'm partially deaf, most music I can't understand what someone singing. Those fun things people do of like "most common misheard lyrics" is basically my life. On the plus side I enjoy music from around the world because unintelligible music is unintelligible no matter where it's from. They're very few artists I feel like I can understand, and realistically I'm probably wrong.

In real life, I read lips to help augment my terrible hearing. Fun fact during the mask man dates during COVID, was probably the worst time for me. A lot of people I could hear talking as I could hear noise but I could not make out what it was. Leading to a lot of awkward conversations.

Anyhoo, that's all to say that for music that I do like I do have to see the lyrics. It's what converts the noise into words.

So, fuck you Spotify, My life's difficult enough already, I'm not paying your shitty service so you can charge me for my impairment.

bleistift2 ,

most music I can’t understand what someone singing

Just like the rest of us, tbh.

z00s ,

Wit-ta burrdsahl sheardis-a loooooneleeeevieuuuuuuuuuuaaaand

-Red Hot Chilli Peppers

tehmics ,

With the birds I share this lonely view?

littlecolt ,
@littlecolt@lemm.ee avatar

Should have used Pearl Jam as the example.

bleistift2 ,


– How rap sounds to non-English speakers

Woht24 ,

Everyone is going on about this as anti disability, but why does a disability entitle you to a service that's paid?

Unpaid Spotify sucks, full stop, no matter what part of you works or doesn't.

Cowbee ,
@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

They're lyrics, intentionally making the service worse for people with hearing disabilities is ableist.

Woht24 ,

Isn't the entire world ableist?

KillingTimeItself ,

but why does a disability entitle you to a service that’s paid?

why would you limit the ability to use lyrics though? It's the same shit that every big article tabloid is doing "pay us five dollar a month and we will show you our articles, that we think are good" after showing you like three, in four months for free.

Either give people access to the service, or don't, don't play the bullshit of "well actually, here's a free sample"

CaptPretentious ,

I would say, it because the lyrics aren't something Spotify made. No one's picking up Spotify because only Spotify has lyrics. Spotify isn't writing the songs. Regardless of what someone might think of Spotify or Spotify free, it's withholding something that they have that they didn't make from people that perhaps need it. It'd be like if broadcast TV or any on demand video service (YouTube, Disney, Netflix, etc.), said hey you didn't pay no more closed captions for you (where a free version is applicable, of course).

If Spotify wants to put stuff behind a paywall it can be features of the platform.

My personal opinion is Spotify sucks, full stop. The CEO is a real piece of work. This just goes on the pile of reason Spotify sucks.

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