economics group

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bibliolater , avatar

The problem with long term investments

If, in 1970, you invested $100 in a fund tracking the S&P index, then by 2023 the investment would have grown to $22,000, far more than it would have in other assets such as real estate or government and corporate bonds. Case closed, right? Put your money into an index fund and simply leave it there.


Silversalty , avatar

@ehmatthes @bibliolater @economics
I'm far from an expert on stocks. Just based on something I read long ago.

But this seems classic Orwell Speak.

bibliolater OP , avatar

@Silversalty @ehmatthes @economics

I respect your humility regarding expertise.

bibliolater , avatar

How much of national income goes to the richest 1%?

You might expect these numbers to be strongly correlated to a country’s level of economic development. But this isn’t always the case. In the United States, for example, 1% of its population takes home 21% of national income. This is relatively high globally.


Sanderde , avatar

@the5thColumnist @bibliolater @economics

Red makes sense south of the border. In Canada it should turn blue when the rich get richer.

bibliolater OP , avatar

@alessandro @economics

According to the the comes in at 20.87% while comes in at 23.76% so there is a 2.89% difference.

bibliolater , avatar

How much of national income goes to the richest 1%?

You might expect these numbers to be strongly correlated to a country’s level of economic development. But this isn’t always the case. In the United States, for example, 1% of its population takes home 21% of national income. This is relatively high globally.


QueenValhalla , avatar
ConnorMoran , avatar

Kicking around an idea for "fixing" US complex/abuse-prone partnership tax regime:

  • one Trade or Business tax that applies to all businesses, in whatever form incl. self-employment
  • C corporation law applies EXCEPT dividends not taxable
  • Rate equal to highest individual income tax rate

Everybody gets one layer of tax. Self-employed can get benefit of lower individual rates by paying compensation (deemed in case of sole prop) No basis moving or other shenanigans.


ConnorMoran OP , avatar


Downsides, which are sort of the flip side of the "shenanigans":

  • no tax-free way to take appreciated property back out of a business once contributed. But maybe a provision allows distribution tax-free to the owner who contributed property. Let people mulligan but don't let them move stuff around.

  • no way to get losses out from, e.g. real estate businesses. But maybe let people flexibly group businesses. Can't offset your wages but can offset your other business.

bibliolater , avatar

🇯🇵 Why Japan’s Economy Is So Fiercely Inefficient | WSJ

WSJ’s Peter Landers explains how being fiercely traditional is weighing down Japan’s economy.

length: five minutes and fifty three seconds.


Smrki , avatar

@bibliolater @economics Thats hilarious, coming from a country which exported all its industry to China and is now unable to produce paper masks and rubber gloves during a pandemic.

bibliolater , avatar

Is a large and strong manufacturing sector essential for a nation's economy?


1dalm , avatar

@bibliolater @economics

AH! Thanks!

.... now can you further expand on what you mean by 'prosperity'?

Prosperity in what sense? Just financial prosperity? Prosperity ALL or for a select few? Is there a time limit on that, or is this intended to be "prosperity for said nation's future generations in perpetuity"?

I guess I'll stick with my answer of 'C'.

bibliolater OP , avatar

@1dalm @economics ‘C’ was an option for a reason.

bibliolater , avatar

Finance Theory I

Topics include functions of capital markets and financial intermediaries, asset valuation, fixed-income securities, common stocks, capital budgeting, diversification and portfolio selection, equilibrium pricing of risky assets, the theory of efficient markets, and an introduction to derivatives and options.


bibliolater , avatar

Finance Theory I

Topics include functions of capital markets and financial intermediaries, asset valuation, fixed-income securities, common stocks, capital budgeting, diversification and portfolio selection, equilibrium pricing of risky assets, the theory of efficient markets, and an introduction to derivatives and options.


raghuyadav50 , avatar

You may join this group (Researchers Across the World) on Discord.


  1. This group will be purely academic.
  2. Members can put relevant information regarding Reports & Publications, seminars & related, Admission & Recruitment and similar events.
  3. The group will engage with members’ research problems & solutions and they can interact with each other.
  4. Group's Members can collaborate their research work.
@researchdatamanagement @CEP_LSE

bibliolater , avatar

: when do you think humanity will see the first person to become a trillionaire?


attribution: kschneider2991, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons. Page URL:

bibliolater , avatar

: when do you think humanity will see the first person to become a trillionaire?


attribution: kschneider2991, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons. Page URL:

bibliolater , avatar

: when do you think humanity will see the first person to become a trillionaire?


sarahjelm , Swedish avatar

Liberaler … hur räknar de?

Ska ekonomer, fast i urtjänt paradigm, alls ha poster i fungerande regering? Finns ens pengar? Kan statistiska genomsnitt styra när resurserna till välfärd sipprar bort, ofta utomlands
Tänk om! Byt paradigm! Det är bråttom! Vi har snart ett världskrig & komplett klimatkollaps om inte
Läs den här boken om ni tvekar & prenumerera på
Umair Haque har rätt…

@economics @aftonbladet

bibliolater , avatar

Four tips to avoid being bamboozled by political statistics and data

With a plethora of elections around the world in 2024, voters considering their options can expect to be presented with all kinds of numbers and statistics aimed at giving credibility to various claims from various parties. But data, graphs, percentages and surveys can be misleading or manipulated.

So here are four things to remember if you’re trying to navigate what’s behind the numerical spin – or what Mark Twain (and others) referred to as “lies, damned lies and statistics”.


immibis ,

@economics Two were walking down the street. The first economist spotted a £20 note on the ground and stopped to pick it up. The second economist asked "why are you stopping?". The first economist said "to pick up this £20 note". The second economist replied "don't be stupid, if there was a £20 note on the ground somebody would already have taken it". The first economist considered this for a moment, then nodded, and they both walked on.

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