Do It Yourself

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plactagonic , in Weekly update: vaulted root cellar

What will be inside? I bet some wine.

morgunkorn OP , avatar

Ding Ding Ding! :) Wine racks, shelves with crates for flower bulbs, potatoes and other root vegetables... Which will mean we have to secure the entry, our (lovely) elderly neighbor has already mentioned coming over at night for a drink ^^

But it will probably serve as a tool shed for the coming year until we have the rest of the garden levelled and laid out, it's the first of many projects, we will come back to it for the aesthetics (lime render, floor tiling, door, outside cladding...).

plactagonic ,

I live in wine making region, so there are loads of these. Usually with house attached to it for wine making equipment.

When I want some wine I just go to the street with cellars, chose open one, ask and get some wine.

If it isn't obvious I work in brewery lol.

photonic_sorcerer , in Weekly update: vaulted root cellar avatar

Looks like a really fun project, now I want to build one! What's that structure you're laying the bricks on called?

morgunkorn OP , avatar

I don't know all the words in English, as a Frenchman living in Germany :') Apparently it's a "wooden formwork", according to this page:

We were lucky, as our neighbor who is also renovating offered the steps of his old staircase. I modelled the thing in SketchUp to be able to measure all the angles and dimensions. We then made templates out of plywood for the 2 kinds of segments and used a flush router bit to reproduce the shape.

Grayox , in Doing masonry for a root cellar vaulted ceiling avatar

That is epic!!! Mad props

Radiant_sir_radiant , in Doing masonry for a root cellar vaulted ceiling

Awesome work, and a fantastic idea in the first place.

Were you planning to bury a life-size skeleton wearing a construction worker's outfit nearby?

Either way, do post updates please!

morgunkorn OP , (edited ) avatar

It all began as a "quick and easy project to learn the ropes before making the bigger construction elements" (retaining wall, stair, maybe pool even), and then we started looking at hobbit houses, fancying nicer materials, adding an alcove... It now feels like it will be the most complicated thing in the whole garden ^^'

Were you planning to bury a life-size skeleton wearing a construction worker’s outfit nearby?

i wasn't... until i read your suggestion! :D

Radiant_sir_radiant ,

i wasn't... until i read your suggestion!

Glad to be of service. 😁

If the cellar as your first project looks that cool, I can't wait to see the rest of the house. This is going to bring you decades of joy for sure.

Scary_le_Poo , in Doing masonry for a root cellar vaulted ceiling avatar

It looks amazing!

loops , in Doing masonry for a root cellar vaulted ceiling
petrescatraian , in Doing masonry for a root cellar vaulted ceiling avatar

Wow, that looks fantastic. Congrats!

Out of curiosity, what are you planning to store there? Wine? Ice? 😁

morgunkorn OP , avatar

Thank you! Wine definitely, probably also plant bulbs in the winter, root vegetables... we have a passive house built on a concrete slab, every room is 19°-23°C all year round, it's too warm for those.

petrescatraian , avatar


apis , in Doing masonry for a root cellar vaulted ceiling


Some archaeologist is going to find this one day. Be fun to include a plaque with a message for them (and for anyone who uses it after you).

morgunkorn OP , avatar

Yes great idea, I'll go to the engraving company to have a stone inscribed with our names and the year, it will feel nice to leave something tangible behind, and maybe burry a time capsule too.

Bezier , in Doing masonry for a root cellar vaulted ceiling avatar

That's really cool.

morgunkorn OP , avatar

Thank you so much 😊

Atelopus-zeteki , in Doing masonry for a root cellar vaulted ceiling avatar

That looks awesome! Strong work! More details would be lovely. Thanks for your inspiring post!

morgunkorn OP , avatar

Oh thank you! I will make weekly progress updates on the project 👍

The cellar is at the furthest corner of the property and therefore must be completed first, so we can haul the building materials. The neighboring plots are 3m (10ft) higher so it's tucked cleanly in a corner that would have been useless otherwise.

It's 2.75m wide, 3.75m long and the middle is 2.35m high.

The vaulted ceiling will be completely buried, and the front entryway will be cladded with wood in the style a hobbit hole. The details aren't set in stone yet, we take a challenge at a time.

jafffacakelemmy ,

aren't set in stone yet? you must be a dad :-)

morgunkorn OP , avatar

A cat dad, if that counts >^^<

Atelopus-zeteki , avatar

I've been wanting to make a root cellar/ beer cave for years. This looks great!

witty_username , in How to clean your flat or house

I like this kind of video. I think he could've kept it even more basic though.
Imo, the isopropyl alcohol is unnecessary. Just clean your surfaces and keep them dry afterward. Any potential pathogen needs water to multiply. Take that away and their numbers will be limited to a safe level.
Disinfection is superfluous if you adhere to clean+dry, and it is useless if you clean but leave surfaces wet

BruceTwarzen ,

I used isopropyl for a bit and found it highly underwhelming. It wasn't great for cleaning and it evaporated way to quick. It has it's uses but not in the house cleaning department

mosiacmango ,

A 1:1 mix of White vinegar and water is an ancient and cheap cleaner. The smell doesn't linger long at the correct dilution and it kills a whole bunch of things.

tooclose104 , avatar

Add a little liquid soap for nonporous surfaces like counters and stove tops, great grease and stuck-on fighter especially if combined with a scrubber. Damp cloth to wipe up after and you're shiny.

chocoladisco ,

It can be convenient when cleaning stainless or glass since it can dissolve grease and dries up streakless. Otherwise window cleaner spray also works amazingly.

Otherwise no idea why one would use it on other surfaces.

sexy_peach OP ,

Yes I totally agree!

ApathyTree , in Older houses are fun to renovate avatar

I feel your pain. 140 year old house with 3 additions and several remodels over the years. Still had a coal cistern when I moved in!

The middle bedroom has a partial window where the addition was tied in but they couldn’t be bothered to seal up the hole fully.. it’s about 8 inches wide and made of a custom storm window and nothing else (currently sealed up well with insulation until I can re-do siding).

Fireplace hearth (way overbuilt thing for a pellet stove -previous owner was a mason) was installed over a layer of hardwood flooring, which they didn’t realize wasn’t subfloor because there were 2 layers of hardwood flooring, old kind that was thick - the house sighed with relief when I ripped it all out and I gained 4 inches to my ceiling height.

Had to drill through a 4-inch thick cement wall to install my dishwasher. Someone moved the entry from one side to the other at some point, probably when they added the driveway and garage, and the walkway is still under my lawn. And my cabinets are different internal heights for some reason?

Weird stuff. Every project becomes 5-15 projects to do right.

LallyLuckFarm OP , avatar

Every project becomes 5-15 projects to do right.

Ugh, this is it entirely. And then add to the 15 that the final product is going to require imperfections to make it look like it fits the rest of the space.

And my cabinets are different internal heights for some reason?

Our ceilings are made for someone shorter than six feet tall, but our cabinets have spots that my 6'8" friend has to go on his toes to reach. Cabinet logic in old houses is bizarre.

circularfish Mod , in 3d printing a tool wall at my desk. most of it is taken from printables but this hook I designed myself. avatar

Nice. Is that PETG or PLA?

Fisk400 OP ,

Orange parts are pla and black grid is PETG. I got a free roll of PETG filament, any filament will probably do. Its all addnorth that I really like.

infinitevalence , in 3d printing a tool wall at my desk. most of it is taken from printables but this hook I designed myself. avatar

Sweet, did you post this anywhere or are you hording your STL files :P

Fisk400 OP ,

It feels like a very specific print because it's literally for this wrench but guess I'm going to post them when I am done with all the tools. Follow me on printables I guess. I use the same username for printables and thingiverse that I use here.

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