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insomniac_lemon , in Why does beehaw and Lemmy in general feel so dead? avatar

Probably because it is, and then add in federation issues (at least that's been my experience with Kbin). That and if I post about something niche people may have no reason to actually respond.

Nemo , in Why does beehaw and Lemmy in general feel so dead?

Sub more munis, cousin.

BennyHill , in Why does beehaw and Lemmy in general feel so dead? avatar

You guys are defederated from the two most active instances i see on my 'all' feed, and, and also a bunch of minor instances that still pop up pretty often like, and

Y'all live in a tiny bubble inside the already relatively small bubble that is lemmy.

sleepybisexual OP , avatar

Is any good? I made an alt there a while ago but don't use it much

BennyHill , avatar

It performs well and is connected with all of the instances with the most active users. migrating is pretty annoying on lemmy tho but was worth it for me.

fuckingkangaroos ,

performs well

It really does!

If you're trying to spread propaganda and silence people you don't want having a voice.

Fizz , avatar

I cant say it's "good" but it's not bad. It's got some interesting discussion and the people are generally friendly. They have strong moderation so there is no hate speech or bigotry.

The_Che_Banana , avatar

It's OK but really has a lot of rage bait and ban happy mods.

Blaze , avatar

You could consider if you want down votes disabled like on Beehaw

lvxferre , avatar

It's only an option if you're OK with the admins being as transparent as a chunk of charcoal, and enforcing a hidden rule that boils down to "don't disagree with us or our political views."

They're specially prone to distort what you say in order to fit the rules that they actually list in their instance.

Source: former lemmy ml user for 3 years, that used to moderate comms there. I got the fuck out after the notoriously poor way that they handled

Blaze , avatar

Nice description

lvxferre , avatar

Thanks. [Frankly, I had to re-re-reedit this a lot. Otherwise the tone would definitively not fit Beehaw.]

Dymonika ,

the notoriously poor way that they handled

What had happened?

lvxferre , avatar

Sorry beforehand for the long reply.

Initially, one of .ml's admins (who's also a Lemmy developer) manually excluded from the list of instances in the join-lemmy site, and defederated it from .ml. When requested to revert the change, he falsely claimed that the instance is "full of CSAM". Eventually, the other .ml admin + Lemmy dev reviewed the "evidence" brought by the first one, concluded "there's no CSAM" here, and reverted that change.

They kept defederated, but that's fine - .ml is strictly SFW, there's some NSFW content in, so it's consistent.

Some time goes by, and a user creates a thread about "Mahou Shoujo something" in the !anime .ml community. I don't like that series; but more importantly it is NSFW, so the discussion was removed by a third .ml admin (not a dev).

Then we (a few users, incl. me) started discussing the eventual migration of the comm to Because we knew that issues like this would keep happening, it was the best for both sides. With those first and third admins finding low-hanging fruits to wreck the discussion across multiple threads, such as "it lists to a pedo instance" or "doxxing" people. Claims that are blatantly knowingly false, because:

  • was linked in the sidebar of !anime ml for ages, and the local admins never bothered with it. But "suddenly" it becomes an issue, concomitantly with people discussing the migration of a comm to another instance?
  • one of the people discussing the migration brought the contradiction above to the admins' attention. And yet the link stayed there, even if the admins were in a position to change it. Showing that no, linking was not the real issue that prompted the removal of the discussion, but the discussion about emigrating from that instance.
  • In no moment, the people talking about the admin actions referred to personally identifiable information, like "you're John Smith"; we solely associated the administrative actions with the usernames. And that was done in a neutral tone, with zero harassment from my knowledge. (Relevant tidbit: both admins clearly use pseudonyms.)
  • To add injury, the third admin in question was grasping at straws to defend the necessity of an anime community in an instance about open source and privacy, in a way not too unlike spez' "I'm one of you! We snoos stand together!" babble.

From public PoV, the matter ends here: you have the .ml admin team enforcing hidden rules and taking users as cattle to be herded. From my PoV, it gets worse.

I used to moderate a large-ish comm there, called !snoocalypse, about Reddit's downfall. In that comm, users (including me, the mod) were consistently saying stuff like "Steve Huffman the greedy pigboy". And in no moment the .ml admins took action against it, or even contacted me to say "hey mod, don't let your users do that".

So, naming someone by their RL name to call him a "greedy pigboy" is not doxxing. But stating which admin took which action by their username, in a neutral way, is suddenly doxxing??? And there's no way that the admins never saw it, because they were often removing content there.

Of course, the content that they were removing was from another nature: posts criticising either the Russian Federation or the People's Republic of China, typically under the allegations that violated rules #1 and #2 (basically: bigotry and making people feel unwelcome, or something like this).

Don't get me wrong, my issue is not that they were removing that criticism. I probably wouldn't bat an eye if they had some written rule like "don't criticise the RF or the PRC here"; I do criticise both but I'd see it within their rights. My issue here is to distort what others users say to fit the rules being listed, in order to enforce some rule not being listed, that is literally Reddit admins tier behaviour.

LibertyLizard , avatar

No, stay away unless you subscribe to Marxist-Leninist ideology. Alternative viewpoints (so the vast majority of people) will be strongly criticized at best and banned at worst.

awwwyissss ,

They're not even really Marxists/communists, it's a facade for propaganda.

WamGams ,

If you are a member of the Iranian military who has been tasked with pretending to be a trans-communist in effort to convert lgbt kids into the Islamic extremist fold, .ml is the place for you.

If you aren't that, it's probably unsafe.

The_Che_Banana , in Why does beehaw and Lemmy in general feel so dead? avatar

I feel the opposite.

Now I have feeds from Malasia to SGerman speaking Swiss, and watched highlights of the Sydney Swans beating the Giants in Australia Rules Football and although I have no personal experience in Malay or Swiss worldviews, and have absolutely no clue on what is happening in the Aussie match, I really enjoyed seeing them as opposed to the procured algorithm commercials that the resto of social media presents today.

Alice , in how's your week going, Beehaw

Maybe I'm depressed, I don't know. I feel so disconnected when everyone else has a wife and a beautiful family and a passion they're chasing, and my only accomplishment ever was leaving my mom's house.

My new medication has been wonderful, I haven't had any embarrassing meltdowns in a couple of weeks. I hoped my friends would be happy for me, but they all hit real milestones the same week, so it got swept aside pretty fast.

LallyLuckFarm , avatar

Something I do when I'm depressed is discount the value of my own accomplishments. When I'm not in those moments, I know that I should be kinder to myself by being proud of what gets accomplished in spite of the depression, but when those times come around again it's incredibly difficult to follow that advice. I'm really happy that you're making such strides on the new meds, and hope that you find the space to be happy and proud of that accomplishment. Other people's milestones don't detract from the progress you're making 💕

godzilla_lives , avatar

For what it's worth, this Internet dude is very happy that you're making progress.

remington Mod , in Why does beehaw and Lemmy in general feel so dead? avatar

What do you want? Do you want to see more posts/comments?

Beehaw is, specifically, curated for those who want high quality rather than a dumpster fire of trolls and assholes.

So, quality vs quantity.

Track_Shovel , in Why does beehaw and Lemmy in general feel so dead?

Beehaw, perhaps.

I don't find the larger fediverse quiet at all. I think a lot for smaller communities have died. Following the mass migration, but that's not a bad thing either.

I follow a lot of shitpost communities, though. Not sure what you're interested in

belated_frog_pants , in Why does beehaw and Lemmy in general feel so dead?

Better than full of bad/racist/low quality stuff

sleepybisexual OP , avatar


darkphotonstudio , in Why does beehaw and Lemmy in general feel so dead?

It doesn't. Maybe you miss all the bots and trolls.

xilliah , in I've noticed a lot of chill religious people on Lemmy. avatar

I run into anti religious people sometimes and then I like to mention that I feel we can all make it our own. It's just a human thing.

Of course it is nice when you have a community too but you can still be religious without that. Take the Bible for example. You don't have to be into what your local community is saying. You can get into that stuff in your own way, just the way you think is right. Nobody owns that.

leetnewb , in Why does beehaw and Lemmy in general feel so dead?

While it might not explain everything, you can take a look at some stats here:

HobbitFoot , in I've noticed a lot of chill religious people on Lemmy.

I get the feeling is because the politics of the unchill religious people wouldn't be accepted on Lemmy.

lowdownfool ,

Likely, they only get pushy if there is a big enough crowd to show support for it. Just my opinion after having been an evangelical many years ago.

pixeltree , in Why does beehaw and Lemmy in general feel so dead? avatar

I've been commenting less because it feels like the amount of vitriol is going up. Why stress myself with people's responses when no one really cares what I have to say

awwwyissss ,

Yeah, theres a lot of propaganda and people fighting about it.

Wahots , avatar

This is why I skip so many threads. Mostly, I just wanna talk about aquariums, gardening and bikes/ebikes.

As soon as people bring up ________ and __________, I'm out.

pixeltree , (edited ) avatar

There's always someone who's looking to interpret what you say as badly as possible so they can feel good about confronting you about it. I'm not being like "oh people these days are too sensitive", just... some people take everything way too seriously and are looking for things to be upset over and I hate when that's me. Really pokes my anxiety tbh. I want to stress it's not like I'm out here making shitty edgy jokes and then getting upset when no one likes them, it's just day to day comments. I dunno. I overthink a lot about whether I'm the problem, had an extremely negative self image for a long time where I blamed myself for every negative interaction I had and it's hard to let that go.

Like, just happened

And like there's genuinely good positive replies and interactions, but they don't stick with me like the negative ones do.

I'm mentally fragile I guess, I just honestly do my best to be an understanding and accepting and positive person and it hurts to have somebody think the opposite, even though their opinion has absolutely no bearing on my life. I dunno, it's... I guess it's because I'm trying to be perfectly pleasing people generally and when I fall short of that impossible standard it hurts. I'm massively overthinking this, I know. Just something that's been weighing on my mind.

blindsight ,

Just FYI that Beehaw defederated with, so our experience is a bit different; being defederated from the biggest instance means we avoid most low-effort posting and vitriol, but it also means we miss most (?) of the content on Lemmy.

I'm not entirely sure how it works; I don't know if I can see if someone from replies to my comments in other communities. I don't think so, since I can't remember ever seeing a commenter, but I'm not totally clear on how defederation works. I think we just don't see those users at all, including posts/comments they make to other instances?

Blaze , avatar

I’m not entirely sure how it works; I don’t know if I can see if someone from replies to my comments in other communities. I don’t think so, since I can’t remember ever seeing a commenter, but I’m not totally clear on how defederation works. I think we just don’t see those users at all, including posts/comments they make to other instances?


millie ,

A lot of the people online who are doing that don't actually believe you're doing anything wrong. They're not interested in whether or not you're doing anything wrong, they're interested in attacking anyone they can and feeding on people's responses.

Nothing you could ever say would get them to stop. There is no right answer and they don't want there to be. Literally the only thing to do other than argue endlessly is disengage.

Wahots , avatar

Hmm, can't even see the comments. I get you though, I remember hurtful comments from way back. They do kinda stick with ya. People are a lot more confrontational on the internet than they are irl.

sanzky ,

terrariums and motorcycles. the worst

tunetardis , in I've noticed a lot of chill religious people on Lemmy.

Based on my personal observations, there are sort of like 3 rings to a religion. The outermost contains the vast majority of adherents who are pretty casual in their faith. If they are of some Christian denomination say, they'll show up for Christmas or Easter services and go their separate ways otherwise. The 2nd ring contains people who attend services regularly but are non-evangelical. They are devout in their faith but not pushy about it.

Then finally, there is this innermost ring of evangelicals who make it their mission to tell you how great it is to find God and can be pushy enough to make a priest cringe. People from the outer rings generally try to avoid this group, but they tend to be the most active online. I guess maybe lemmy has yet to be overrun by them?

StereoTypo , avatar

I think this is fairly accurate, most people in the 2nd ring take the teachings related to humility to heart.

tunetardis ,

Yeah that tracks. I don't see a lot of 3rd ring people running a soup kitchen. It's 2nd ring people who aren't out there to proselytize.

fuckingkangaroos ,

Nominally, passively, and actively religious.

HubertManne , in I've noticed a lot of chill religious people on Lemmy.

most religious people I know in real life are relatively chill. Most folks keep it by and large to themselves honestly. Im athiest now and used to be agnostic (technically still am but that is a whole huge debate topic itself). There is a lot of sorta anti religion now but I think that mostly is due to religion being injected into laws and causing non religious to see it as an evil. Which I get. When someone is trying to codify their religion into law its scary af. Even religious folks don't like it but then if non religious get to zelous it hampers them down in the conversation.

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