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xamirozar , in I think my cat is broken

Lord Beerus enjoys a good snack

CheesyGordita OP ,

Lmfao, that’s spot on

Jiggle_Physics , in Whose cat are you?

My experience has been more like

"As a cat I am no one's... Hey, where are you going with the food? Hey, hey! HEY! I AM YOUR CAT! I AM YOUR CAT!"

haui_lemmy , in A sabo-tabby in her natural environment avatar

This picture led me to read about antifa in germany.

The german government warns of the intense violent potential and is actively investigates against multiple groups.

Shocking amount of cited violent crimes of „radical left extremists“ in their article: 3, in 2020

I went and checked what the number of fascist crimes is. 20967 in 2022.

Here‘s the source if anyone is interested:

Flax_vert , in A sabo-tabby in her natural environment

Average lemmy user

KpntAutismus ,

10 bucks says they blame literally everything on capitalism

HulkSmashBurgers , in Snowy day with Murphy


cheesymoonshadow OP , avatar
sramder , in Went to the vet yesterday since my boy was acting weird. Turns out he was showing very mild signs of paralysis. avatar

Good luck, hopefully he responds well to the shots. I'm glad you noticed something was wrong early.

jacktherippah OP ,

Thank you ❤️. Honestly, it was really really weird. He was his usual playful self, running and jumping all over the place. And then suddenly out of nowhere he screeched really loud from the other room. When I checked up on him he was just on the ground meowing out. And then he started walking weird, didn't come out for food (had to pick him up and bring him to the bowl), his tail got all weird so I brought him to the vet. It was literally like a switch flipped. Looking back now, I'm feeling really guilty. Maybe there were warning signs and I missed them, idk.

Rocketpoweredgorilla , in Petty thief avatar

My first cat used to sneak into my cupboard and sleep in there. I had no idea until one day I got home from work and was making supper. I reached into the cupboard to grab a plate and felt something big and furry instead.

I (must of) must have sounded like a 10 year old school girl. Nearly ended up being an unscheduled laundry day.

Edited to keep the grammar police happy.

M137 ,

Must have*

"Must of" isn't a thing, and you should understand that without someone pointing it out. Same as "could/should/would of" isn't correct.
Learn basic grammar.

fiat_lux , in The shame!

I love how completely cool and casual the cat is about the entire situation. Like it's just up to date with the latest lizard-tongue-piercing trend, and it's a little thing called fashion, you wouldn't understand.

ericisshort ,

You joke, but as a kid in Texas, we would catch anoles like this little guy and hold them up to our ear lobe until they bit down so they’d become little earrings. They’d hang on for what seemed like ages, and we thought it was hilarious.

cley_faye , in A+ cat

We could just have that. A contest where you bring your cat, they get to play around for an afternoon, and the only outcome from the judge is "yep, that's a cat".

Magnetar , in A+ cat

The whole "purebred" thing always seems weird to me, "purebred" royal families aren't pretty but full of genetic defects, why should it be an better with cats or dogs.

Rolder ,

Hmm two possible reasons come to mind. First, purebred in terms of cats and dogs not necessarily meaning genetic defects. Second, having a defined breed gives the judges something to rate against.

SharkEatingBreakfast , avatar

I once was looking to get a cat and found the goofiest looking idiot on Craigslist. Turns out, it was a purebred Exotic Shorthair that was surrendered to a shelter because it didn't look fucked-up enough (it could still kind of breathe through its nose). New owners wanted to recoup costs because they adopted another cat that was "more playful" and the exotic was getting eye-goop on their white carpets. A wonderful standard for purebreeds!

I changed his name from "Luigi" to "Waluigi", and he was best best buddy for many many years.

Rakonat ,

Nearly every cat I ever had was once a stray and I wouldn't trade that for the world.

EvolvedTurtle ,

You don't to have a pet cat

The cat chooses you as their pet

teuast ,

I was at cat lounge/rescue/adoption place in my area recently (not to adopt, just to pet the cats) and one of the cats, a maybe ~7mo female tabby with a slightly fucked up ear named Maggie, after spending most of the time I was there hiding in a corner, decided she liked me, came up to me, sat down on my lap, and refused to budge. One of the staff members came up to say "hey man you're at your time limit, but I can see you're in a situation here so just... whenever is chill"

morrowind , in A+ cat avatar

People know about cat breeds?

oolio ,

Orange and non-orange

Selmafudd , in A+ cat

Wait, so I can take my cat somewhere and have them scratch someone else besides me?

Omgarm , in A+ cat

Random breeds are better than pedigree stuff.

SwampYankee , in Cats understand 'naughty'

To be fair, raccoons give (and take) gifts. I think they consider anything shiny or colorful you leave out accessible to them a gift. My wife was attempting to feed neighborhood cats and we did get some, but we also got raccoons. They took a bright red bowl we were feeding them out of. In return, we've received several shiny rocks and a spoon.

SomeoneElse , in Get well soon, kitty!

My girl did this! Years ago my cat came in hopping, completely unable to put weight on her foreleg. I was so worried I took her to the emergency vet, fearing she’d been hit by a car or something. I got there and placed her carrier on the counter and explained the problem almost through tears… only to open the door and for her to trot out on all four legs and jump down with no hesitation! That little idiot cost me £85 for absolutely nothing. The vet said she might have got in a fight too and was feeling a bit sorry for herself, but there was no evidence of a fight and she had no injury at all. I think she was just bored and messing with me.

EDIT: I found the photo I took at the time! April 2018, I’m still not sure I’ve forgiven her 😅

echodot ,

My cat did that for five times before we stopped taking it to the vets. I think she thought that if she did that would give a tuna fish because we'd feel sorry for her.

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