buddascrayon ,

"labour shortage"

When adults are sick and tired of being paid peanuts to work a back breaking 40 to 50 hour job.

Corporations: So why not look to children who are too inexperienced to understand how much their labour is really worth...?

Bongo_Stryker ,

Should vulnerable members of our society be exploited?

Ransack ,

The vulnerable are already being exploited. Now they're thinking about the children.

Omega_Jimes ,

Is 13 to young to work? Is 65 too early to retire? Are you spending too much time on hobbies?

I want to leave this planet.

mister_newbie ,

Keep that US bullshit out of this country!

corsicanguppy ,

Keep that US bullshit out of this country!

You may need to understand the American influence that caused the backlash among the WestJet mechanics with their strike, this week.

mister_newbie ,

I'm fully aware of the backlash. It's DISGUSTING. Scabs should be run out of town and forced to live destitute.

buddascrayon ,

This seems too nuanced for a simple Google search. Can you please explain. Any links would be appreciated.

northmaple1984 ,

I was working summer jobs doing farm labour since before I was a teenager (and I'm not that old), so I'm gonna say that it's fine that 13 year olds are working.

Croquette ,

Kids already worked in the mines when they were 5 or 6. We should regress to these great time so that the GDP can continue to grow, and shitty employers can continue to pay poverty wages.

northmaple1984 ,

I mean, Minecraft is one of the most popular games in the world... Maybe the kids are trying to tell us something

Croquette ,

Yeah, they like to play games, not work at Tim Hortons.

dgilbert ,
@dgilbert@lemmy.ca avatar

I also had to do farm labour (picking fruit) before I was legally allowed to work at 14. I was taken advantage of (financially) that whole summer - underpaid, and occasionally worked an entire day and got stiffed outright. I've never stopped working since then (I'm in my early 50s), aside from a few months of unemployment between jobs that was more stressful than working. I'll likely have to work until I die.

Fuck that shit.

My kids are 18 and 20 and as long as they're in school, it can stay that way. Once you start, you don't stop. I'll let them enjoy it as long as they can.

corsicanguppy ,

few months of unemployment between jobs that was more stressful than working

So right.

corsicanguppy ,

I was working summer jobs doing farm labour since before I was a teenager (and I’m not that old), so I’m gonna say that it’s fine that 13 year olds are working.

So, based on your summertime work, it's okay for kids to work year-round?

northmaple1984 ,

I also worked for the Parks and Rec department of the city where I grew up throughout the school year, startinf when I was 14 or 15... So yes?

BCsven ,

I worked at a farm around 12-13 saved enough to quit and buy my first computer, it was awesome. Then 13-14 working at a convienence store. I don't see an issue working, you learn the actual value of time and money without ma and pa paying for everything. By very early 20s, I owned my own house, cars, motorcycles etc. Kids going from only school life to full time career have a terrible time adjusting to whar that life change is

orcrist ,

You say no issues while ignoring the exploitation angle, which is historical fact. But even if it weren’t, are we so pathetic that our society somehow needs these kids to work instead of being kids? Really? We can’t do any better?

girlfreddy ,
@girlfreddy@lemmy.ca avatar

50+ years ago when I was 12, I got my first job at an ice cream/burger stand making 0.75 cents per hour. The only downside was my creepy old boss who took great joy in pinching my non-existent breasts and child-sized ass.

2 yrs later I started working at the local pizza joint (legal age to work was 14 back then).

The real problem these days is owners who would abuse the privilege of having kids work for them. I mean you just know that's gonna happen, esp under Shmoe's 'leadership'.

Agent641 , (edited )

That is fucked, but I think workers of all ages can be exploited. In my case, working a few different jobs from age 13 to 15 alerted me early to the exploitative behaviour of employers, and I've been very diligent in asserting my federal, state, and contractual rights in employment ever since, and to help and insist that co-workers do too.

In fact, I think this lesson is best learned by child workers, because at that age, the value of the lesson is high, and the potential stakes of asserting ones rights are low, EG as a child, if the child is sacked for asserting their rights, they only lose their pocket money. As an adult out in the wild, this could mean risking their income which pays for rent, family, bills, and other critical expenses.

girlfreddy ,
@girlfreddy@lemmy.ca avatar

I think you forget that women and children still don't have enough power, at any age, to deny any man what he wants. They still die doing that, or are beaten within an inch of their lives, or are fired/written up for refusing sexual advances, or are put in situations where they've received no training but have to run a dangerous machine anyway.

That is not something any child should 'have' to learn.

How about instead we crack down on the businesses that do shit like that ... maybe 1st offense they lose their business ... 2nd offense they lose their life.

alienanimals ,

Billionaires don't work. Why should children?

Let kids focus on their studies. We need a better educated populated, not one where people are trained to work mindless jobs where corporations pay you the least amount possible.

northmaple1984 ,

Work is a practical teacher of the value of money, how to work together with people, and how to deal with an actual meaningful authority structure.

School has no way to teach the first, does not realistically teach the second, and makes any lessons with respect to the third meaningless between "no kid left behind", the countless second chance opportunities given for breaking rules, and the fact that there's no effective punishments offered for breaking rules.

I think many issues with young people (including my age and a little older) is that a lot of them don't work until after highschool and have massive struggles with the transition of both having to work and being treated as an adult at the same time.

Croquette ,

Maybe the issue is the fucking terrible toxic work culture and not the fact that young people are starting to work later in life?

northmaple1984 ,

Between all the progressive ideals that have been forced down our throats over the past few decades and it becoming socially unacceptable to do things like smoke and drink at work, I'd say we work in some of least toxic work cultures to date.

GrundlButter ,

Toxic work culture also means dishonest management expectations, wage theft, and generally anti-employee policies.

For example, around 2-3 years ago I heard a fun story about why my old employer lost 3/4 of their IT team(MSP, their product was IT folks). The straw that broke the camel's back was a management partner asking an employee "are you letting your family get in the way of your job?" This was because they couldn't get this person to work overtime on the spot because they weren't going to leave their kid's sports game.

At that same employer, about 7 years ago, I was told I would have to start my day at the customer's job site at or before 8AM, and I wouldn't be compensated for my travel time because "everyone has a commute, buddy". Problem was, my customers were often over an hour away, and they were going to bill the customer for my travel time anyway.

There's certainly still toxic work cultures, and while I am glad you seemingly haven't had to experience it as much recently, you shouldn't discount other's struggles just because you aren't experiencing the same thing.

Croquette ,

If you step on a small sack of shit or a slightly smaller sack of shit, your shoes still smell like shit.

In the US, wage theft is fucking big, the biggest part of the pie in its category.

In the current work culture, your employer will try to fuck you over if that means they get a cent more.

orcrist ,

Um … you want permanent punishments for 13 year olds? That is sick, my friend. Do jobs teach teamwork better than ice hockey or D&D? That is a claim you could make, but maybe we don’t believe you. Remember, life is long, and expecting kids to learn adult lessons is at odds with psychology and reality.

High schools get jobs and learn that the assistant manager is always an asshole. Useful to know. But there’s no rush to figure it out, is there?

Adderbox76 ,

We need a better educated populated

Conservative politics don't poll well with educated people. An educated population is the very last thing Shmoe needs

ininewcrow ,
@ininewcrow@lemmy.ca avatar

How about having a controversial debate about how much companies, corporations and business owners should pay employees in any job in order to make it so that everyone is capable of paying to keep themselves alive, fulfilled and happy.

StaySquared , (edited )

I was cutting grass at 12 years old on the weekends during school year and then summer time washed cars and cut grass. Only did it until I was 14, where I got a part-time job as a bagger and cart pusher at a grocery store. Don't see a problem with it.

Edit: I'm from the U.S. though.

theacharnian ,

Schooling is mandatory until 18. Any other activity has to not interfere with that. Beyond that, do what ye will.

ag_roberston_author ,
@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar

I agree with your point about teenagers work interfering with their schooling, but that's not quite correct about the mandatory age.

It's only mandatory to 18 in New Brunswick and 17 in Manitoba.

In the rest of Canada the age is 15 to 16. (16 in Saskatchewan.


theacharnian ,

I went with this page:

Canada’s provincial and territorial governments are responsible for education. They follow government standards to ensure high quality public education across the country. School is mandatory for children from about the age of six years old to 18 years old. Our study environments are safe and welcoming.

DerisionConsulting ,

In MB, it's either until you graduate or you turn 18.


PenguinTD ,

okay, let me ask the real question:

  • do they also get paid at the same standard(minimum wage, benefit, etc) like other worker?
  • do they also get CPP/EI contribution from employer? And can they take EI benefit when laid off?
  • do they also get to contribute to RRSP/TFSA? TFSA is after 18 currently, so they can't even save their wage compare to other adult workers.
  • when they do perform well, will they get evaluated and promoted the same way? ie, a 15 yo manager at fast food chain and paid the same wage as a manager.
rand_alpha19 ,

I started working at 14 (in Ontario). For my first job:

  • No, there is a "student wage" that is less than minimum wage
  • EI yes, CPP no
  • No
  • Only if there are promotions available at the part-time level (my "promotion" increased my pay by $0.50)

After 2 years of working there, I got a $0.05 raise. Yes, 5 cents. The biggest increase in my pay came when the minimum wage was increased in Ontario, which also increased the student wage.

PenguinTD ,

Exactly, without proper protection and equality for same performance/quality of work, it's just pure exploitation.

dankm ,

Since this post is about Saskatchewan, I'll add that Saskatchewan doesn't have a student wage, just one minimum wage.

It also happens to be about $1.20 less than Ontario's student wage. I like my province, but man does it have its issues.

rand_alpha19 ,

Yeah, I was hoping my comment might prompt someone from Saskatchewan to chime in with their experience, but that didn't happen. :b

sunzu ,

Look guys Canada is doing America again

Why would these little turds NOT make daddy some mother fucking money tho?

Track_Shovel ,

C'mon! Those are rookie numbers! Look at these kids living their best life and getting the best experiences; not a screen in sight!


chonglibloodsport ,

I delivered the newspaper when I was 13. Is that such an alien idea? I used the money to buy my first computer.

alyth , (edited )

If you got everything gifted your family that would be an alien idea.

Tbh though I think that times have changed, now it seems there is a massive surplus of workers for every position.

Kichae ,

"Are 13 year olds too young to exploit monetarily?"

"Are 13 year olds too young to take on the glorious privilege of earning their own money?"

Hey look, it's propaganda in action, right there on the CBC.

OttoVonNoob ,

left: Are they allowed to vote then?

Right: hell no!!!

Arkouda ,

“Are 13 year olds too young to exploit monetarily?”

Is 13 too young to work? A Saskatchewan proposal has reignited debate around kids and labour

Was it hard to quote the actual headline or is it a matter of making the narrative you are attempting to push stronger?

Reading the article helps as well.

Phil_in_here ,

Remember, it's only bad when "The Media" does it.

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