ChrisMayLA6 , avatar

I sometimes thought my father thought he could't die while he still had books on his pending pile (a stab at immortality I seem to be replicating)... so, it was strangely touching to see Tom Gauld has had similar thoughts.


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  • DavidM_yeg , avatar

    @ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon

    Libraries must be the most haunted places on the planet… so much unfinished business!

    hudsoch , avatar

    @bookstodon @ChrisMayLA6 This would be me. If I live to be as old as my father, I have 35 years to read all my unread books. I am not sure I have enough time….This would be one of the four walls.

    olm_e , avatar
    iyashikei_kris , avatar

    @ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon

    My takeaway from this as someone who struggles with a huge backlog and lack of time: "Live! Go out and enjoy life! Those books can wait for the afterlife"

    Jennifer ,

    @iyashikei_kris @ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon but enjoying life includes reading! 😄

    iyashikei_kris , avatar

    @Jennifer @ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon

    Yes! I meant it more like "Don't beat yourself if you can't or don't want to finish this book tonight"

    Jennifer ,

    @iyashikei_kris @ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon oh i gotcha! Yes definitely! And if I don't like a book I move on the something else 😁

    ChrisMayLA6 OP , avatar

    @iyashikei_kris @bookstodon

    ha ha, good move

    glitzersachen ,

    Too negative. Reading is living. And one can go out and read there. :-p
    @ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon

    WhiteCatTamer , avatar

    @ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon 4th panel: Cut to the library circulation desk.
    Librarian: “No, the card doesn’t work, but they’ve been returning books in a timely manner and the deathly chill as they pass by is a nice break from the stuffy shelves in summer, so we’re fine with it.”

    fskornia , avatar

    @WhiteCatTamer @ChrisMayLA6 Circ stats are circ stats. We just like the numbers going up :-) @bookstodon

    jstatepost , avatar

    @ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon
    🥥 Eye superstitiously believe that Eye will continue to live as long as Eye continue to get junk mail. 🥥

    DeborahForPlus , avatar

    @jstatepost @ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon

    (Sometimes I think the requests for donations I get by mail from half the charities in the US are what's keeping the USPS afloat ....)

    Oops not the theme of the thread. But also true ..

    farewellwanderlust , avatar

    @ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon This. YES 🙌

    TeacherGriff , avatar

    @ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon I may not be immortal, but my TBR pile absolutely is.

    ajlewis2 , avatar

    @ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon

    Okay!! This is very good to know information.

    elronxenu , avatar

    @ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon Ghosts ... you can't get rid of them.

    amyedge , avatar
    elronxenu , avatar

    @amyedge @ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon And browse, apparently.

    amyedge , avatar

    @elronxenu @ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon All they have is time.

    SkipHuffman , avatar

    @ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon so there IS a heaven!

    ScottStarkey , avatar

    @ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon May I ask - what is the original source of the cartoon?

    ChrisMayLA6 OP , avatar

    @ScottStarkey @bookstodon

    It was printed in the Guardian this morning, but is also viewable at Tom Gauld's website:


    onetrueceyton , avatar

    @ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon sign me up, please! Where do I start tithing?

    angelastella , avatar

    @ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon

    Lento en mi sombra, la penumbra hueca
    exploro con el báculo indeciso,
    yo, que me figuraba el Paraíso
    bajo la especie de una biblioteca.

    ChrisMayLA6 OP , avatar

    @angelastella @bookstodon

    my library is my paradise.... you're so right

    angelastella , avatar

    @ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon

    Borges speaks for all of us. And not only about this.

    ChrisMayLA6 OP , avatar
    Seanochicago , avatar
    joostverweij , avatar

    @ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon I had exactly the same experience with my dad. I love Tom Gauld's cartoon.

    codebyjeff , avatar

    @ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon My life since I discovered Anna's Archive

    theappletree , avatar

    @ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon Lovely toot and wonderful conversation, thank you everybody for some nice morning thoughts!📚👓

    Thebratdragon , avatar

    @ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon

    whistles innocently while standing in front of book piles....

    jrbee , avatar

    @ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon I recently came across a really nice pov, that a book collection is like a carefully curated wine collection. You buy many books so you have the right one to read at the right time. Also, it supports authors

    ChrisMayLA6 OP , avatar

    @jrbee @bookstodon

    Yes, I like that simile - its exactly that, putting down books for future enjoyment

    jrbee , avatar

    @ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon That was phrased nicely :)

    christineburns , avatar

    @jrbee @ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon Just remember that some books you lay down for the future may ultimately turn out to be the literary equivalent of corked!

    ChrisMayLA6 OP , avatar

    @christineburns @jrbee @bookstodon

    Oh yes, not an infrequent occurrence - something rises to the top of the pending pile only to be revealed to have really had no place there at all....

    jrbee , avatar

    @christineburns @ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon Ah yes, the bitterest of books. Best served to a charity shop :D

    FiveSeventeen , avatar


    I recently admitted to a friend that I never finish a book before going to sleep, there is always a little bit left to be read, and the next one is there waiting. The reasoning being that I am simply too stubborn to leave something unread, and will then awaken the next morning.


    BashStKid , avatar

    @ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon
    You don’t have to be all Eco about libraries to sympathise.
    Not so long ago, if you were eager to fill up on Penguins, or recipes, or history, or a bunch of Haynes manuals, or what a friend was excited about, you bought it.
    Your reach always exceeds your grasp, so you end up with a buffer pile to get round to when you have time, or might just need one day.
    And who doesn’t want all those friends and connections and memories taking over the wall space?

    davidpnice , avatar

    @ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon Agreed. One of the few things that worries me about death is the books I've long wanted to read and never got round to. Every time I encounter a masterpiece or a writer new to me who bowls me over - John McGahern being the latest - I think how lucky I am to have lived long enough to read them.

    ChrisMayLA6 OP , avatar

    @davidpnice @bookstodon

    When my father dies his pending pile was a testament to exactly this frustration...

    davidpnice , avatar

    @ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon And yet the books are immortal, isn't that a wonderful thing? And we can read the ones those who passed on left unread.

    davidpnice , avatar

    @ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon On a related note, I read a couple of poems to my 93 year old mother each time I visit. She never was a reader, but startles me by quoting whole quatrains from her past. And yesterday's poems, one an absolute beauty by Louis MacNeice, were new to me, and she reacted vividly to them.

    ericatty , avatar

    @davidpnice @ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon When I was a kid, my grandma described heaven as pearly gates and streets of gold as if that would awesome. That didn't interest me, I hoped I'd have access to every book written and all the new ones moving forward. I was maybe 9 or 10.

    ChrisMayLA6 OP , avatar

    @ericatty @davidpnice @bookstodon

    Ha ha, well access is good, but what we/you really need is infinite time for reading to digest & enjoy them all... or the (large?) portion that you might actually want to read

    ericatty , avatar

    @ChrisMayLA6 @davidpnice @bookstodon well, grandma did say it would be an eternity. :)
    I figured the biggest problem would be dodging pesky relatives that grandma assured me would all be in heaven waiting.

    davidpnice , avatar

    @ericatty @ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon Surely the pesky ones would have gone to The Other Place?

    ericatty , avatar

    @davidpnice @ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon The pesky ones were the ones most convinced they were headed up.

    darwinwoodka , avatar

    @ericatty @ChrisMayLA6 @davidpnice @bookstodon

    It's like right? Why would you want to see those people again? To me heaven would be lots of new people to meet, and none of them Republican...

    davidpnice , avatar

    @darwinwoodka @ericatty @ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon Heaven would be a chance to chat with all my idols from the past...

    riggbeck , avatar

    @ChrisMayLA6 @ericatty @davidpnice @bookstodon

    That brings to mind the Twilight Zone episode about the man who welcomes the end of the world, of which he's the only survivor. Finally he's free from all the distractions, and can read for as long and as much as he likes. Then he breaks his glasses.

    davidpnice , avatar

    @riggbeck @ChrisMayLA6 @ericatty @bookstodon Worth a bit of eye strain by holding the text up close. But I guess it's a metaphor. And no serious reader would welcome the end of the world...

    Africano , avatar

    @ChrisMayLA6 @ericatty @davidpnice @bookstodon
    I think was Borges who said that books must be sell whith time enough to read them

    davidpnice , avatar

    @Africano @ChrisMayLA6 @ericatty @bookstodon Not sure I get that, and can't find a quotation from Borges that fits it. Could you try again, please?

    Africano , avatar

    @davidpnice @ChrisMayLA6 @ericatty @bookstodon

    Sorry my English is basic.
    The idea would be that when you buy a book it should come with the time needed to read it as a gift.

    strutsulf , avatar
    druid , avatar

    @Africano @davidpnice @ChrisMayLA6 @ericatty @bookstodon

    What a civilized idea. Thank you!

    yaqub , avatar
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