

Federated cover

Comfortably #Black. Escaped the South, currently enduring the #PNW. Just out here chillin trying to be a little less dumb every day

follow @BlackMastodon & @blackmastodon

#BlackFriday cover

Welcome to Flipboard’s culture and entertainment picks. You'll find insightful interviews, revealing reviews and thought-provoking features. Posts are handpicked by Flipboard editors. Boosts do not imply endorsement, but are used to highlight posts we think the community might find interesting. #Culture #Entertainment #TheArts #Food

For more culture picks, follow Flipboard's federated Culture Desk (@theculturedesk)

Header photo: Group of people having fun at concert. Photo by Getty Images cover

A nonprofit news organization dedicated to sharing the knowledge of experts with the public, in accessible, trustworthy articles drawing on their research.

Pictured: just a few of our recent writers.

Free to read, without paywalls or ads (and free to republish, too, under Creative Commons license).

We combine academic rigor with journalistic flair. cover

Artist, author, and accidental activist with a different take on #equality. Opinions are my own. Founder, @ourhumanfam. 💛 Love one another.

Header: A field of sunflowers w/the words “Love one another” superimposed in white.

Avatar: pict of me w/a beard, stache, glasses, and a riding cap.

#Bichon #BlackFriday #BlackMastodon #Episcopalian #FSUfootball #GoodDrink #GoodFood #GoodMusic #GoodPeople #GoodTrouble #INFJ #LGBTQ #LoveIsLove #LoveOneAnother #Paris #RacialEquity cover

We’re a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that advocates for racial equity, allyship, and inclusion. 💛 Love one another. cover

Optimistic that American democracy will prevail. Unapologetically Black. NY-MA-MD. #Jazz enthusiast, #foodie, #film geek, passionate about #politics. #books #blackmastodon #blackfriday #blackjoy #blm #uspolitics #socialjustice #politics #SCOTUS cover

#writer—existing in an extraordinary world doing the extraordinary. Fuck them lanes. #WEOC #BotBEditor introvert #Illumination #TBIN TWHPoetryFellow #WildSeedsPoetryFellow #CenterforBlackLiterature #Poetry #Memoirs cover

Writer of non-fiction narrative | Fan of history, literature, design, art, politics, genealogy and hiking/walking | Former bond analyst | Recovering designer | NYC metro region | DC native #profiteroles #writing #design #genealogy #blacksinww2 #histodons #writerdons #blackmastodon #polymath #foodie #cats #gardening #books #interiors cover

regular guy;;; doing regular;; things.,... cover

Family Caregiver.
Eco/Social Justice Activist. Disability Advocate. Decolonizer. Accessibility Consultant. Eldercare Liason.
Teochew Chinese. War & Polio Survivor.
Neurodivergent. Nature lover. Cat lover. Photographer. Avid gardener. Water & forest protector. Moss toucher. Tree hugger. Bird watcher. GenX. Anti-capitalist.
Vancouver Island, BC.

#AsianMastodon #BIPOC #StopEcocide #BeTheChange cover

Author & space historian, specializing in the link between the founding of #NASA and #CivilRights. cover

I Write. I make films. Transmedia artist. My blog @dilman is about my works and life. I daydream a lot and want to be paid for it. Been creating #sff #scifi since 2001 but only recently got BSFA 2021 + Nommo Awards 2022 shortlist. PKD Awards 2024 finalist!

My films #DilmanShortFilms

#fedi22 #filmmaking #writing #writingcommunity

East Africa

Avatar: my selfie in a grey hood, in a misty freezing town, I look miserable. Header: comic page of a woman holding a baby cover

Disabled Masters student @ UC Davis. Speaker on Accessibility in Higher Ed/Cycling/Plant Science. Speaker on carob.

#Accessibility #Botany #Cycling #SciComm #NoBot #NoBridge

Most of my posts are not asking for advice so please don't offer it unsolicited. When I'm asking for advice, I usually ask quite explicitly.

Banner = 2 UC Access Now buttons, with a seal that's a parody of the University of California's. It says "Let There Be Access > ADA" Profile = HG Peters drawing of Wonder Woman cover

English teacher to adults adjusting to a slower pace in #YEG after life in HCMC, Việt Nam. Lots of interests & connections.
Sorry, I don't follow empty accounts or boosters. I hide most boosts.
#Hiking cover

Writer of #Fantasy / #RomanticFantasy
Reader of All Genres, Cat Mom, Mental Health Advocate, Lover of Tea

My Author Website:

I'm just off in my own imaginary worlds, creating magic and unrealistic expectations of romantic relationships.

Alt Text for:
Avatar: A black and white image of a smiling woman wearing a large floppy hat.
Header: A screenshot of the spine of my debut novel, titled: The Way of the Wielder.

Toots delete after 60 days cover

Retiree. Soto Zen nun, practices in a repurposed tool shed. Former forester, university library manager and permaculture-adjacent smallholder. Kalapuya lands. #Climate, #pandemics, #simplicity, disaster #resilience. Living with leukemia.

All human action or refraining from action has consequences; therefore all human communication is political. cover

Your Social Magazine.
Curating the world's stories to inform and inspire your day.

Get the app to explore your interests all in one place: cover

:shitpisscum: 🇷🇸 Serbia 1:0 France 🇫🇷 :ovh:
We're so fucking back

Primary backup account of @shitpisscum
Owner and operator of ShitPissCum Services South Eastern Europe. Visit to learn more about the services we provide.
One of many admins of and
Tech, electronic music and general purpose shitposting. Posts are often NSFW, this is not a family friendly instance.

Main account:

Secondary backup accounts:

@shitpisscum (RIP)
@shitpisscum (RIP)

Contact email:
[email protected]
[email protected]

nostr npub1jh700f6mznn4t7eeycprm4nsyv7yrd5ljpyhf99gc328hv296nps4f6am8

Gimme some fake internet money pls:


bitcoin:bc1q6dmxkzwgfunpcxsrkp2j3m5em3ksfrnq2a6xux cover

Polymath, #facilitator, #writer, geeky. Posts about #sciencefiction, #writing, #politics, #tech, #science, #neuroscience whatever. These days lots of #AI shitposting. #Black, #Trans. #Queer. He/him. Ph.D. Lives on a ranch in #SonomaCounty California, US.

#fedi22 cover

Life is a preposterous horror.

Money speaks for money, the devil for his own
Who comes to speak for the skin and the bone?

The law locks up the man or woman
Who steals the goose off the common
But leaves the greater villain loose
Who steals the common from the goose. cover

Long time Apple stuff dev. Grumpy, because I care. cover

Tree-hugging indie fantasy author
Currently located in the SoCal desert
#IndieAuthor #FantasyBooks #HopePunk cover

Hello! I'm eva. I'm Black, nonbinary, and some flavor of neurodivergent. Based in the imperial core known as the US.
Education and mental health M.A.
Solidarity with all oppressed peoples. Death to Amerika

Admin of

Janelle Monae fandroid

I know some folks have education trauma, so heads up I will CW all of my posts about education.

I mute vote shamers.

#BlackMastodon #BlackFediverse #BlackFedi #BlackQueer #QTPOC #WoT #BlackEducators #Education #BIPOC #BlackMaGes cover

Culture Special Circumstances, detached.

pp desc for vision impaired: The N7 (Systems Alliance Special Forces) Seal from the Mass Effect games.

Neuro-spicy. Aspie pretending (sometimes badly) to be human (at least, it often feels that way) while fighting depression and chronic insomnia. Aspiring mostly-SF writer, burned-out IT geek, humanist who wants to see us make at least a token effort to stop enshittifying our entire planet. Is there really anything so incredibly, soul-threateningly terrible about the idea of giving a shit about other people?

Something I said pissed you off? It may be a misunderstanding, I'm far from immune to foot-in-mouth disease. Please check with me before you assume it was malicious. It most likely wasn't. If I don't think you're someone worth talking to, I just won't talk to you in the first place, period.

Follow-backs: If you have something to say, sure. No posts? Nothing to say? What would be the point? In the words of @PatternChaser, "I don't follow back, I follow interesting." I'm trying to keep the signal-to-noise ratio in my feed high. Still, if you follow me and I see it, I will do my best to at least find time to look. I can't guarantee I won't miss it, I'm not awake 24/7.
(And sorry, but don't expect me to follow you if you're posting the same dozen posts, day in, day out, day after day after week after month. In fact I'll most likely mute you.)

Came here to put words into my mouth so you could attack me over something I didn't say? (Yeah, sadly, it's happened.) Just don't. I WILL block your ass. Nobody has time for that shit.

Geek Stuff: I run Gentoo Linux, and I maintain a personal overlay with packages for dev-perl/Tk-MListbox, sys-apps/procmeter3, net-misc/icbm, media-sound/perljammer, app-crypt/sherpa, and app-editors/xnedit. Of those, net-misc/icbm and media-sound/perljammer are my own projects.

#nobot #writer #geek #linux #mysql #Gentoo #nosystemd #science cover

I am doing it. cover

Patriotic tuna fish sandwich.

Liberalism is left. Populism is poison. All bigotry is wrong. cover

based in Honolulu, Hawaii

currently: web designer / photographer at University of Hawaii;
previously: UH Professor of Communication; Creative Director, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology; Art Director, A&M Records of Canada

into #politics, #journalism, #technology, #music, #photography, #web design, #cinema and #films, #travel, #cooking, and especially #pizza

still on Twitter @colinmacdonald cover

:golang: :neovim: :android: :bash: :bitcoin: :ethereum: :fosstodon: :git: :ruby: :python: :signal: :ubuntu:


There are 10 kinds of people in the world...

I follow easily but unfollow and mute just as easily. No offense

Progressive father and husband, software developer in his 50s

Avatar is the robot Bender from the animated show Futurama, on a background of ones and zeroes.

Profile splash graphic is the cover of the boardgame #ChicagoExpress, a favorite board game of mine. cover

Lead Security Researcher @ GreyNoise cover

recovering sysadmin
Certified Advanced Rolfer™ cover

#Palia, #SWTOR, #DreamLightValley, #Wildstar, #Faunasphere.

Marvel, Star Wars, dogs, Married to a LEGO builder.

Longtime Democrat (US politics). Retired engineer, nuclear safety assessor.

Pacific Northwest, USA, Native PNWer, #SnakeRiver, Seattle, New Mexico Tech grad.

She/her/hers. cover

J.A. Pipes is a self-proclaimed politics junkie, anarchist podcaster and blogger. He has traveled the world from Uluru to Istanbul. He has dug up dinosaurs in the badlands of Montana. He served in the United States Marine Corps during Desert Storm. He holds degrees in Computer Science and Mathematics from the University of Missouri. He is currently an engineer for the world’s largest aerospace company. Mr. Pipes resides in St. Louis with his wife and two children. #author #writer #selfpublished cover

Any Pronouns

Illustrator • Railroader • Anarchist • Wobbly
Land Back, Bash Back, Tiocfaidh lá na Phailistín

No NFT, no AI

🚋 🌎

Manager of web developers. Painter by numbers. Fan of speculative fiction. Love #dogs and miss my own. Enjoy #minecraft, #WorldOfWarcraft, and the occasional other video game. Defender of the #LastJedi

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