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carbon_based , (edited ) in How to spot autism in High Masking Autistic Women - What’s behind the mask? -- Autism from the Inside avatar

While I already knew the channel, I didn't see this particular one before.

What gets me most is actually the comments, and all the replies to the comments. I strongly suggest everyone to read at least the top ones and part of the hundreds of replies. Top one shown to me is this; may I cite respectfully, by @lisedenmark:

To me - autistic diagnosed 3 years ago at 54 - masking is not only about hiding my weaknesses; it's also about hiding my strengths because they are not always well received. Deep critical thinking, eternal curiosity and precision are skills often respected in theory - but in practice: not so much. This really complicates matters even more...

... And then, try to read the overall vibe in those conversations. What is apparent? -- Well first and obviously, they are almost all written by people who have been labeled or consider themselves "autistic" or ND. Second, a large part of it is (heartbreakingly) empathetic!

I have this hypothesis that masking their authenticity in order to fit in with ther respective social group is the normal way also in NT people. The difference being, that to them it comes naturally and effortlessly to wear a mask (read: self-protecting persona), while for NDs it is exhausting and may lead to a sense of self-denial. Consider also the difficulty with the perceived need of constant dishonesty/lying which is a part of camouflaging.
Any thoughts or questions?

BackOnMyBS , in How do you experience eye contact? avatar

Test message. Pls ignore.

frogfruit , in How to spot autism in High Masking Autistic Women - What’s behind the mask? -- Autism from the Inside

Sponsored by BetterHelp 🤮

FollyDolly , in How to spot autism in High Masking Autistic Women - What’s behind the mask? -- Autism from the Inside avatar

I'm not able to watch the video until I get home today, but I am a high functioning autistic women. I have been told SO MANY times I can't be autistic. Not that I don't act like I have autism, not that I don't seem autistic, that I can't be. It isn't until poeple see what work and socializing takes out of me that they truly understand I am autistic and how much WORK goes into appearing to be normal so I can keep my job.

FiniteBanjo , in How to spot autism in High Masking Autistic Women - What’s behind the mask? -- Autism from the Inside

We've really gotten to the point where everything and everyone is autism in our culture and media. Being accepting is one thing, but this is exactly the sort of muddying waters that I hoped we could avoid. This will make it harder for proper care and help to be made available to the ones who need it the most.

SharkEatingBreakfast , avatar

Damn, you're right. We wouldn't want to humanize people with autism, now would we?

FiniteBanjo ,

If it becomes undiagnosable because it's too vague to differentiate with or without, then treatment and accessibility options will become unobtainable. Leave the medical science to the doctors, kids. You don't need to be armchair diagnosing potential partners.

1984 , avatar

I think you misunderstood what he is saying. Maybe read it again. Not everyone who says they are autistic is actually autistic. It's a diagnosis made by a doctor.

I think today it's more and more common that young people just try to decide what they are themselves, and gets surprised when doctors don't agree with them. It's like if I would decide that im color blind despite being able to see all colors just fine.

HogsTooth , in How to spot autism in High Masking Autistic Women - What’s behind the mask? -- Autism from the Inside

I hate this. I haven't watched the video but the idea that someone will watch me to try and come to the same conclusion as a team of psychology graduates and doctorates is asinine. "But how are we supposed to give them allowances like being patient or kind?" Do that for everybody, don't try to diagnose someone that isn't open enough to tell you. I'm not a woman, but I am diagnosed and the premise of this video just makes me say no.

Infynis , avatar

Just like when straights talk about having gaydar

DaGeek247 , avatar

Except that the guy in the video has autism.

HogsTooth ,

Oh wow, the title of this video is really doing it a disservice. The title leads me to believe it's about how to spot autistic people who are trying to blend in. It's about masking. I agree with pretty much everything he says.

But damn, that title... Please do not try to unmask somebody.

Kolanaki , in AuDHD meme: why is it always thinking avatar

This is why I love weed. It shuts the electrical jello in my skull the fuck up.

RVGamer06 , avatar
variants , in AuDHD meme: why is it always thinking

Do people stop their thoughts?

Deestan OP ,

I think a lot of people can chill naturally instead or chilling briefly and through immense focus. Must be nice.

Coelacanth , avatar

I think so? I especially wish I could do it at night, it's so hard to fall asleep when your brain refuses to turn off. I am so envious of people who can just shut their eyes and have no thoughts and fall asleep in a couple of minutes.

Frog ,

What helps me is leaving on a show I've seen before. Something you enjoy but not something that surprises you. X-Files, Classic Twilight Zone, House works for me.

match , in AuDHD meme: why is it always thinking avatar

meditation really helped me actually

SubArcticTundra , avatar

Whenever I try to meditate I forget that I was meditating :-(

5ibelius9insterberg ,

Seems like you're just too good at it. Congrats, you won meditating!

lightnsfw ,

Reminds me of the scene in Parks and Rec where they take Ron to a meditation place and he's just like "what's the big deal? I just sat there and thought about nothing for 2 hours."

ABCDE , in Need noise cancelling headphones recommendations

So, just to ignore your budget, I have the Sony XM4 headphones (over ear), and... they are okay. In the heat, they get very sweaty, and there are annoying sounds you can't turn off (on/off beep, and a voice which tells you when it has connected). The noise cancellation is good for constant noises but not sudden ones. Overall, I wouldn't recommend/buy them again, as they are just fine.

I have tried some in ear ones from Xiaomi (not sure which exactly) which I bought for my partner, and they are, in my limited experience, just fine too, especially for the price (<$50). I don't know about any long-term idiosyncrasies though, so take that with a pinch of salt. These ones look a bit better: Redmi Buds 5 Pro.

sushibowl ,

The noise cancellation is good for constant noises but not sudden ones.

This is kinda the nature of active noise cancellation, unfortunately. Blocking out sudden noise is just technically very challenging. Works great for airplane noise, not so much for crying babies.

Sony's XM line is in my opinion just about the best ANC headphones money can buy, in terms of noise cancelling and sound quality combo. I can understand your point about them getting sweaty. Part one of blocking noise is good sound insulation, which tends to hold in heat as well. I live in a colder climate so that works out well for me. You could get in-ear ones, although obviously they don't block out noise as well.

r3df0x ,

Active hearing protection is better for sudden noises and some of them have connections for aux cables but the speakers are low quality and they're designed only to understand someone talking and that's it.

radicalautonomy , in How was this show made

Head canon: Dr. Shaun Murphy is a Thermian in disguise.

Aurenkin , in Is somebody ever completely demotivated with everything? How do you deal with it?

Just have to make it until after work and I can have a break

Just have to make it until the end of the week and I can rest for a couple of days

Just have to make it until the next holiday

Just have to make it

eo , avatar

@Aurenkin oof that's life, yep.
at some point I realized I'll "make it" but it doesn't get better, so …
so nothing, I guess.

I've been through every selective neurotransmitter reuptake inhibitor, and they pull off the amazing feat of being habit-forming drugs that do not actually help one feel better.

NationProtons OP ,

This was pretty much me in university and during the first years of my work.
It just feels like endless postponing of actually doing the things you want. But it never comes.

I'm starting to wonder if I just have much less capacity (in terms of energy) than other people.

RayOfSunlight , in How was this show made

Honestly, we do not have "powers".

Also, this show was made by neurotypicals, not a single Autistic soul.

weariedfae ,

This is partially correct. An actress with ASD joins in the last season.

They also have had ASD consultants (medical people, not people with ASD themselves) for their entire run and emphasize that ASD people are unique. They repeatedly reiterate that the main character is not representative of all people with ASD but they do have quite a few cringe-inducing scenes throughout most of the run.

It's a soap opera, man. It's not a great representation of anyone but I give them points for trying.

RayOfSunlight ,

Is that so? I don't watch the series, also, soap operas as far as i know are usually a latin american thing (Mostly on countries like Venezuela and México)

weariedfae ,

Technically I believe they call it a medical drama but it's quite "soapy" one could say based on the repetition and quality of plot lines. I think you're thinking of telenovelas for Spanish speaking countries. Soap operas are basically the same thing as telenovelas with some regional cultural variation.

CptEnder , in Just got done at the doctor, over explaining everything to the point of them tuning out. I feel like such a loser right now.

Oh yeah I've been there before, I want to disseminate as much details as possible in case it changes the dr's outcome. But in my experience they're probably tuning me out because they already got a diagnosis and treatment from the first few things I described to them. They're professionals and good Drs will also know every permutation of what you're describing and so it kinda comes off as not paying attention.

Although I do agree better bedside manners could help. But I also think there's probably a lot of Drs on the spectrum too and I know of I was a doctor I'd probably come off as tuning out people like all the time, despite actually listening intently. Dunno if any of this helped just my exp.

r3df0x , in It’s a work in progress

You're setting yourself up for an extremely sad life if you are content with being isolated and "weird." It might be fun right now for a few months where you take time for yourself and go home and take home fast food and watch Netflix, but that expires very fast. You don't want to be a creepy, aloof 80 year old man who everyone assumes is a virgin. My sister was diagnosed with autism and used to be a creepy male virgin and she can't stand people like that.

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