KingScoob , avatar

These comments add nothing to the discussion. I get that people want to show their support an argument/content, but that's what upvotes are for. If you want to show your support for something, then at least try to think of something worthwhile to add to the discussion while expressing your support.

GwiwerGoch ,

A tolerance for the propagation of disinformation.

Room for disagreements is necessary, but so is stopping people who never cared about agreeing in the first place. Giving the dishonest this freedom has only silenced the honest by burdening them with layers of crap to cut through before their speech is heard.

hotdogthud ,


rob_t_firefly , avatar

Sponsored posts, banner ads, algorithms, and other advertising-industry fuckery.

A reply that's just "r/(some subreddit name)."

A robot trying to sell stolen fan art printed onto t-shirts.

People childishly self-censoring non-sweary words. "Sex" isn't a bad word, but writing "s*x" suggests you probably shouldn't be allowed on social media at your stage of development.

meldroc ,

Safe spaces for fascism. Spez let The_Donald and its imitators fester for years, thus turning Reddit into a de facto Nazi Bar. Thus years of harassing non-fascists & minorities, brigading, spouting bigotry, disinformation and toxicity while the admins yawned.

lemming007 ,

Umm, you're aware that anyone can stand up a Lemmy instance? Communists and fascists alike, you can just defederate from any instance you don't like.

mindrover ,

Unfortunately fascist spaces will exist and cannot be prevented because of the core nature of Lemmy/fediverse architecture. Anyone can start their own instance and post whatever they want.

However, if the main popular instances defederate with them, then most users won't have to see those posts.

meldroc ,

Yep. Defederation's the best weapon here. Keep the fascists ostracized!

MisterD ,

AFAIK the following have been defederated or blocked otherwise:
-exploding heads
-meta (on going)

DrSleepless ,


Veltoss ,

All the mindless circlejerking and echochambers. I hope the federation helps split up communities about the same topic which should help prevent echochambers from being as strong, and keep people seeing more information and opinions about the same topic.

I was so tired of seeing blatant lies and misinformation being spread just because it fit people's narratives. Like those "dawn project" tesla videos, people hate musk so much (which I'm sure all the much worse billionaires love), so they feel they must hate teslas too, so they keep spreading those videos that have been debunked and proven incredibly questionable that were made by a competitor that's been failing to compete. That's just one tiny example. Don't even get me started on the outright lights and misinformation people spread about crypto.

And of course if anyone ever tried to correct anyone, share actual facts, real articles from trusted sources, anything that went against a particular thread's circlejerk, you would just be harassed, personally insulted, and downvoted immediately. It was so hilarious and sad spending time responding to someone's bullshit with real information and a real argument just for them to do a one-liner personal insult based on nothing, because they knew they didn't actually have anything but the circlejerk is all that really ever mattered.

I'm ranting, but this attitude people have of just not caring about reality when the lies fit what the circlejerking hivemind wants is one of my biggest gripes about modern internet and it's incredibly dangerous. It's exactly the mindset that trump supporters have that allows them to believe whatever the fuck they want and that led to people dying at the capitol, and it's the type of mindset that will eventually lead to far worse things if social media companies don't do more to combat misinformation and echochambers.

Crampon ,

Reddit and hating people is really strange. They hate Musk, which is fine. But the arguments are always how bad the cars are. (They're not), hiwbhis rocket blew up (it was predicted it would) without admitting he owns the most successful car brands right now, and is big in space programs.

Also with Trump. Disliking him is great. But reddit focuses on his hair and skin colour instead of exposing his shitty politics or disregard for national security.

Reddit sucks at informative chooses because every challenge to an established echo chamber gets glassed in an instant.

off_apparition ,

Thanks for the gold kind stranger

throbbing_banjo , avatar

Karma-whoring. It's already started with the stupid "upote my can of beans" posts... Dude nobody cares about your internet points, either activity participate or fuck off to Instagram.

Skyrkazm ,

This. It's why I hope we don't have any sort of Karma system on Lemmy.

throbbing_banjo , avatar

There's just no need for it.
I like the ability to upvote/downvote posts for visibility, but a karma or point system just encourages whoring, which leads to a dirth of lazy and low quality content

Anticorp ,

On that note, Lemmy should hide the score and just sort based on it. Having a visible score drives people to say things they think are popular instead of what they actually think.

A_Random_Idiot , avatar

Up/Down vote systems also suck, and are inherently problematic, and encourage unhealthy behaviors. I say get rid of them.

Skyrkazm ,

The one benefit of Lemmy is that you can see the total upvotes and down votes. So if a comment has 5k up votes, you'll also see that it has 4k down votes.

Rather than 1k up votes like on reddit. This makes it far easier to see if bullshit is being spewed rather than just bot spammed up votes as often. It makes bots less effective imo. But what do I know, I'm no social media developer lmao

A_Random_Idiot , avatar

the upvote/downvote system is still problematic, because its roots are in exploiting addiction mechanisms via giving people that dopamine rush when they get high upvotes, and making them chase that high again.

I really miss the pre-social media days when we had forums instead of...whatever reddit/lemmy are, when there was no upvotes, no karma, no nothing. You just made a post, and people replied to it. interaction without gamification.

MiddleWeigh , avatar

Links to Twitter. Never had an acct, the site is horrid, and I will not go.

Realistically, everything we dislike on reddit is pretty much unavoidable once there is a certain number of people, outside of being ran by some capitalist shills, hopefully

tylenol3 ,

“Women of Reddit: what’s the sexiest sex you ever sexed (and why)?”

WolfhoundRO ,

Links pointing to Reddit content

meisme ,

"Sir, you have just won the internet"
"Thanks for the gold kind stranger"
"I too choose this guy's [placeholder]"
And the other corny overused reddit lines

13esq ,

Take my upvote / angry upvote / upvoted

Smooth ,

Can we stop talking about Reddit? Let it go.

negativeyoda ,


(I'm so sorry. I couldn't resist)

strawberrysocial ,

You maybe should have tried harder to resist.

Ddhuud ,

Hey people grieve at different speeds. Some people got to acceptance on the same day, others are still in denial.

Fiivemacs ,

...there is nothing to is a website...

Ddhuud ,

You are allowed to grieve whatever you feel you lost, even a website.

Psythik , avatar

I was a daily reddit user since 2008. I don't know anything else. The withdrawal symptoms were absolutely brutal until I figured out how Lemmy works.

Leaving reddit was harder than quitting nicotine. Let me grieve.

Frostwolf , avatar

This! We all mourn at our own pace. Some people may still be at the anger stage.

Kyrgizion ,

Yes, Lettit!

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