How many communities do you have blocked?

My preferred way to browse here is using All and blocking communities I don't want to see. That way I get exposed to new things I wouldn't seek out on my own (for example: British archaeology)

I accidentally blocked a community while trying to block a user and when I went to unblock it, I saw I had 1250 communities filtered. If I had to guess, 90% are either porn, sports, or anime.

What about you?

Default_Defect , avatar

None, the insanity I sometimes encounter can be entertaining. I'll just log off if its too much.

ryven , avatar

Zero. I typically browse All/Top 6 Hours. Nothing bothers me enough to want to block it.

Nycto ,

I do the same load but I have lots of blocks to keep down the static of things I am not interested in. Saves me some scrolling.

Iceblade02 ,

Yep, and if I wanted a filtered feed I'd view subscribed.

eyy ,

I mostly use All as well. I have the following blocked:

  • all the meme communities that pop up. It's just spammy posts

  • all beehaw communities. Mostly because they were defederated with the largest lemmy communities, and I didn't want to talk to only a small subset of users. Not sure if they've changed anything since

  • hexbear because... Hexbear

glimse OP ,

Meme communities are "content" in the worst sense of the word. No substance, just sludge

Thorny_Insight , (edited )

I just counted it yesterday. 500 communities (for a large part porn, anime and foreign ones) and 550 users.

Still waiting for someone to come up with uBlock filter to also block threads linking to specific websites.

toiletobserver ,

I have that feature in the app i use. Sync.

Thorny_Insight ,

Yeah many apps have features natively that I need to come up with workarounds for. I personally just don't want to use an app for something I can also do in browser. The less apps I have on my phone the better.

glimse OP ,

Wow that's a lot of users!

sag , avatar

hexbear, lemmygrad and all news communities. Also turn off the NSFW post.

Isoprenoid ,

About 65 communities. It's either due to them being too active so they flood my feed, or if most of the content is ragebait (e.g. politics based)

NaClKnight , avatar

Wait, you're blocking porn, sports, and anime?

Those are the fun parts...

intelisense ,

Nope, porn sport and anime bore me to tears... all blocked, plus a bunch of hyper-regional communities (sorry, Seattle, I'm in Europe, so the internal affairs of your city have little interest to me). I also had to block c/India because it kept getting pushed into my /all list.

glimse OP ,

I actually really like the regional communities lol

I know a lot about Bedfordshire now!

NaClKnight , avatar

Blocking regional communities is one thing, sure.

I was partially joking, but anime, cartoons, sports, and some tasteful/ethical NSFW are all topics I'm hella interested in but don't get much play here. There's basically no boxing/MMA/basketball/football here.

Each day i feel too normie for this place

I'm not into the skinny models that most porn features and a lot of irl porn comes with a host of ethical issues,

Ephera ,

Yeah, same about c/india. It kind of annoys me, because I would have been interested in some of their culture, food etc., but it was just a ton of posts and mostly about politics...

glimse OP ,

Porn: there's so much of it on here. If I didn't block most of it, it'd be half my feed

Sports: I simply do not give a shit about the stats of some cricket game I didn't know about

Anime: I'm frankly just sick of the art style that so much of it shares. I don't dislike anime as a rule but for a lot of shows, you could drop any character into another anime and they'd fit right in. And on top of that, I can't stand the hyper sexualization of immature female characters that is so prevalent in the genre. I don't think middle schoolers are hot so I don't like when "sexy" characters act like one

NaClKnight , avatar

Sure! Your reasons are valid and I'm not asking you to defend them.

I certainly don't like everything in any of those categories either. I've got slices I'm into, but yeah, the broad categories are def part of my interests.

Ephera ,

Interesting. Here on, none of the porn shows up, because I guess, it's blocked at the instance level. Unfortunately, I do still get horny anime posts every so often...

glimse OP ,

Lemmynsfw must not be federated with and that's where it's concentrated so that makes sense. Horny anime posts are an instant block for me and I think I've taken care of most of them. I usually just see the -moe communities pop up now.

Drusas ,

Don't know how to check, but I am on mbin, not Lemmy.

Gerudo ,

I have my main feed as no NSFW. I might have half a dozen blocked.

My NSFW feed, probably has 40+ blocked.

TexasDrunk ,

I browse all, but I've only blocked a couple of dozen. Every one is just a language I don't understand or American football (I'm just not a fan). But I have a "disable NSFW" button on my client so I use that if I'm in public.

I don't mind seeing things in my feed that aren't my thing as long as they don't take over.

tal , avatar

I don't blacklist.

I whitelist, view Subscribed rather than All.

What I want to go hunting for new communities to subscribe to, I use, which can see all of the communities on the Threadiverse, not just the ones that someone on my instance has subscribed to.

Hypx , avatar

I've basically blocked all meme communities.

Shady_Shiroe , avatar
Emperor , avatar

I don't block any but, as an Admin, I tend to check on all communities (theoretically) in case there's shenanigans. As I am on a smaller instance Local is manageable and then I use Subscribed. All is too much of a firehose of content to use much. So I am more opt-in than opt-out.

My preferred way to browse here is using All and blocking communities I don’t want to see. That way I get exposed to new things I wouldn’t seek out on my own (for example: British archaeology)

Glad you like it.

Sotuanduso , avatar

29 communities, mostly news. I'm here for memes, not links to articles.

Also a few atheism communities, because I'm not a fan of seeing posts bashing my religion from a community where the rules forbid me from saying anything in its defense.

Sotuanduso , avatar

To be clear, I'm not trying to say it's unfair for atheism communities to have those rules. Your community, your rules. But if I'm seeing those posts, I'm going to be bothered, and if I respond, I'm going to break the rules and bother everyone else. Better to not see it in the first place.

In the same way, I'd expect atheists to block a Christian community if it were trending - though I'd be willing to meet them in constructive debate in such a community if the rules permitted it.

Blocking is a community is how I control my personal feed, it's not a condemnation.

glimse OP ,

I'm "atheist" but I can't stand the atheism subs. There's just not much to talk about. You could replace them with one post titled "religion sure is stupid, right??" and nothing would be lost.

Sotuanduso , avatar

Makes sense. You don't exactly have atheist scriptures to study and discuss, and you're not going to have any atheological discussions on how nature reflects the lack of a god.

glimse OP ,

Yep. I don't like calling myself an atheist because I can't stand emphatic atheists. I'm not gonna define my identity by what I don't believe and I could not care less about what other people believe as long as what they practice isn't harmful. If religion brings you joy and you aren't oppressing someone in it's practice, why should I have an opinion on it? You do you!

Ephera ,

Well, there can be some things to talk about, like if you live in a country that's mostly religious, then how did you find a romantic partner, or how did you "come out" to your parents etc..

But the "Religion, am I right?"-posts are easy to make and will naturally get a lot more upvotes than a discussion post, so the latter get buried, unfortunately.

lvxferre , avatar

Zero - I browse by subscribed. I probably have 100~200 comms subscribed to through this account, plus a dozen in my account.

Nemo ,


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