How many communities do you have blocked?

My preferred way to browse here is using All and blocking communities I don't want to see. That way I get exposed to new things I wouldn't seek out on my own (for example: British archaeology)

I accidentally blocked a community while trying to block a user and when I went to unblock it, I saw I had 1250 communities filtered. If I had to guess, 90% are either porn, sports, or anime.

What about you?

AFKBRBChocolate ,

A crap ton of them - too many to count quickly. My intent was to sort by subscribed, but we're still getting a lot of new communities, so I mostly sort by new, and block communities I have no interest in or that spam a lot. The most common categories are gay porn, bot-generated content, and overly prolific meme communities.

glimse OP ,

bot-generated content, and overly prolific meme communities.

What, do you want to relive Reddit's Greatest Hits 20 different communities??

AFKBRBChocolate ,

Yeah, kind of dumb. I didn't mind it as much if it's a community for posting pics or videos, as long as the bot isn't dumping huge numbers of posts. What really annoys me is when they do it for communities that are more discussion based. They were doing it in AITA and other question-oriented ones. It makes no sense: someone asks a question on Reddit and people here are going to answer it?

glimse OP ,

Hooollyy shit I totally forgot about those and had the exact same complaint! If I'm remembering correctly, at least some of those communities were from bots not flagged as bots. So you had people replying because they didn't know...

They were some of my early blocklist entries for sure

AFKBRBChocolate ,

Yep, mine too. If I could take care of the problem by blocking the account, I did that, but a lot of times I ended up blocking the community.

LostWanderer ,

I've got hundreds of straight porn related communities blocked which were a lot of repeating themes which could be combined in one! Sprinkled in are some about sports, furries, and anime porn. I like exploring All and blocking the communities that don't speak to me. My block list is going to be huge before long, at the rate duplicates are made.

glimse OP ,

Oh man I totally agree about the repeating themes. That's true even on the non-porn communities...especially during the gold rush to copy every single subreddit but none of the rules that made them unique

I don't really use Lemmy for porn but I don't mind seeing it since I have NSFW posts blurred. Aside from sexuality/kinks I'm not into, I block a lot of communities with users that post like 20 things at once.

LostWanderer ,

Yeah, it's truly wild that the rules didn't transfer over (those were clearly written on each subreddit). The gold rush was poorly done, if it were better managed we'd have had a better default experience! Lemmy is one of several sources for unique erotic content (as gay NSFW is more scattered online). Often the only ones posting are the mods of said community so often I don't need to block them as it's all unique. I've almost fully curated my Lemmy experience now; since I've invested more time in this fediverse social platform.

KillingTimeItself ,

i wasn't even aware that was a thing you could do, but i suppose it makes sense.

Oh and it's none just for the record.

Ephera ,

492, apparently. Mostly bot communities, (US) politics, anime and tons of communities for specific sports teams, TV shows, games, technologies etc..

glimse OP ,

Well another commenter just told me that blocking sports and anime is equivalent to an echo chamber so we both better unblock them to have a healthier worldview /s

I forgot about the game subs in my estimate...I've got a lot of those blocked. I just don't care about patch notes for games I don't play.

getseclectic , (edited )

I exclusively browse All and have blocked 615 communities and 2 instances.

Is there a way to block non English content? The last time I looked into this, you could choose to only see English content, but that would also filter out all content which didn't have a language specified. This made the filtering unviable because most content doesn't specify the language and most content is in English.

glimse OP ,

I set my language and don't see a lot of non-English communities but I'm not sure if those two things are related. I don't mind filtering them out, it's no more than a couple per week

AFKBRBChocolate ,

You can choose both English and "unspecified." You'll still see some non-English stuff when people don't set the language, but it will filter out all of the posts where the language is set to something else.

getseclectic ,

Thanks, will try that!

lil , avatar

3, i don't remember why i blocked them

  1. !Risa
  2. !Entomology
  3. !Science_Memes
glimse OP ,

You probably blocked Risa for the same reason I did....wayyyyyy too many posts. It was half my feed before I blocked it.

Science_memes is basically just a generic meme sub and is very close to hitting my blocklist for the same reason

Entomology...I don't even have a guess. Are you grossed out by bugs, maybe?

lil , avatar

You are very good at guessing

Adderbox76 ,

It's hard to say. I use a keyword block that auto-blocks any community with "meme" in its title. So it could be dozens, or even hundreds. I've never counted. I have similar keywords for things I'm not interested in like "waifu", "anime", and most stuff adjacent to those topics.

Thorny_Insight , (edited )

I just counted it yesterday. 500 communities (for a large part porn, anime and foreign ones) and 550 users.

Still waiting for someone to come up with uBlock filter to also block threads linking to specific websites.

toiletobserver ,

I have that feature in the app i use. Sync.

Thorny_Insight ,

Yeah many apps have features natively that I need to come up with workarounds for. I personally just don't want to use an app for something I can also do in browser. The less apps I have on my phone the better.

glimse OP ,

Wow that's a lot of users!

Isoprenoid ,

About 65 communities. It's either due to them being too active so they flood my feed, or if most of the content is ragebait (e.g. politics based)

NaClKnight , avatar

Wait, you're blocking porn, sports, and anime?

Those are the fun parts...

intelisense ,

Nope, porn sport and anime bore me to tears... all blocked, plus a bunch of hyper-regional communities (sorry, Seattle, I'm in Europe, so the internal affairs of your city have little interest to me). I also had to block c/India because it kept getting pushed into my /all list.

glimse OP ,

I actually really like the regional communities lol

I know a lot about Bedfordshire now!

NaClKnight , avatar

Blocking regional communities is one thing, sure.

I was partially joking, but anime, cartoons, sports, and some tasteful/ethical NSFW are all topics I'm hella interested in but don't get much play here. There's basically no boxing/MMA/basketball/football here.

Each day i feel too normie for this place

I'm not into the skinny models that most porn features and a lot of irl porn comes with a host of ethical issues,

Ephera ,

Yeah, same about c/india. It kind of annoys me, because I would have been interested in some of their culture, food etc., but it was just a ton of posts and mostly about politics...

glimse OP ,

Porn: there's so much of it on here. If I didn't block most of it, it'd be half my feed

Sports: I simply do not give a shit about the stats of some cricket game I didn't know about

Anime: I'm frankly just sick of the art style that so much of it shares. I don't dislike anime as a rule but for a lot of shows, you could drop any character into another anime and they'd fit right in. And on top of that, I can't stand the hyper sexualization of immature female characters that is so prevalent in the genre. I don't think middle schoolers are hot so I don't like when "sexy" characters act like one

NaClKnight , avatar

Sure! Your reasons are valid and I'm not asking you to defend them.

I certainly don't like everything in any of those categories either. I've got slices I'm into, but yeah, the broad categories are def part of my interests.

Ephera ,

Interesting. Here on, none of the porn shows up, because I guess, it's blocked at the instance level. Unfortunately, I do still get horny anime posts every so often...

glimse OP ,

Lemmynsfw must not be federated with and that's where it's concentrated so that makes sense. Horny anime posts are an instant block for me and I think I've taken care of most of them. I usually just see the -moe communities pop up now.

dhtseany ,

I've blocked 15 instances for overall spam/trash comments and 210 individuals subs so far.

Furrys, anime, spam, porn, alt-right, etc.

glimse OP ,

I don't think I've seen any far right stuff but I'm on .world which probably defederated already

Sunny , avatar

Got 20 communities blocked and coincidentally 20 users blocked 🙃

Asidonhopo , avatar


glimse OP ,

Whatcha got on there?

Asidonhopo , avatar

Porn, anime, sports, a bunch of video games I don't play, and some spammy or obnoxious communities too. Oh, and foreign languages I don't speak (until we get built-in translation)

SquiffSquiff ,

700 at last count

I block all communities based around a single sports team and most sports, also any based around a geographic location smaller than national-level. Anything based around a state, city, town etc is always negative.

glimse OP ,

I kinda like those regional communities for some reason!

Legend , (edited )

I too browse like you and have blocked too much communities to keep track of .

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